HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-06-09, Page 12Page 12—Clinton News-Record-—Thursday, June 9,1966 X ✓ Crowd Larger/ Exhibits Down At Spring Fair (Continued from page one), est family prize, a ten pound piece off cheese from the Blyth cheese factory. Goderich Township Fedei'a- ’tion of Agriculture special of 83.50 to the exhibitor-‘’from the, township with mqst points was WQ-n by Leonard I-obb, ,RR 2, plinton; -and’ $3.50 went to. Carol Angus, also- of RR 2. Oinfon^aS- the firstitime exhib-, liitor from the. township with the most points, b ■ , ( • A silver ' platter valged at $30. given by. Eatons of Canada: tor the’livestock, exhibitor win" ping the most;points, went to, W. E. Crawford of Mlinjesing Who- had 13 firsts, nine seconds and five third, prizes in sheep classes,-' ■ . Donald Pickard,-,RR 2, Clin­ ton, won fair secretary W. G, Riehl’s prize of a-farm entrance sign. This prize was for the new exhibitor from Stanley, } Gode­ rich, Hjullett 'dr’ Tuckefsmith townships with the md'st points in dairy and beef cattle 'Classes, The exhibitor coming the ion-gest distance Was. Fped Hal­ loway, Smithville, 132. miles from Clinton. When 'this was announced, William ' Decker, Zurich, informed master of ceremonies "Tory” Gregg, that 30 years' ago,’he (Mr. Decker) had won the same, prize tor' three years in a row. Mr, Deck­ er lived 17- -miles from ^Clinton. Mr. Gregg also introduced Dr. Foster from Galt, who, for many years was a -light horse exhibitor at Clinton fairs. . After the judging at the evening program, Reg Black, Brampton, heavy horse judge, requested the master of cere­ monies to pUbliaiy thank heavy horse exhibitors for thelir co­ operation during the day,- ■ Also during the evening -pro­ gram, Dr. Foster made the draw*’ for the Kinette Club of Clinton on a six-piece set- of summer furniture. , This was won by Jimmie Becker, Dash­ wood. There were only two-entries in the Clinton Junior _ Farmer square dance competition. The Seaforth juniors won < out over their Clintqn opponents. “ --------—o----------- Pro Hockey Players Approve New Arena Model Pro Hockey Players At Kin Sports Banquet (Continued from page one) hockey player is to "learn, to skate”. The speakers were .introduc­ ed by Maiit Edgar and thanked by Bpb Mann. Peter Walden won a .draw on a prize donated by Herman’s Men’s Wear. Trophies, crests and sports bars for last summer’s peewee baseball teams 'and last winter’s peewee .and squirt hockey play­ ers were presented by Kinsmen, trophy donors and guest speak­ ers. ’ . ■ . The Clinton Ponies, the all­ star team from the four-team Kinsmen peewee hockey league, who played in WOAA compet­ ition and in. Goderich Lions Young Canada Hockey tourna­ ment were ’ presented OMHA CFB Auxiliary "Windup" Dinner After ‘ a year of hard work the Women's Auxiliary at CFB Clinton, treated- themselves to a "windup” banquet held in the Social Centre. Membership in the WA is limited to the wives of service personnel living in the area and meetings are held on the first. Monday of each month, Mrs. Doris McConnell, presi­ dent of the WA states-: "No organization can be truly suc­ cessful if it just meets for. so­ cial gatherings and so we have many projects. At the beginn­ ing of each meeting night we hold a business session . to discuss our many commitments. We -are the sponsoring body for the Guides and Brownies of Ad- astral Park; we - sponsor a free immunization clinic each month; we.-sponsor a Hong Kpng child through, the Canadian save the Children Fund; we publish a monthly Newsletter which con­ tains announcements of current projects of all three women’s organizations' and also features a classified ad section and a list of .available baby-sitters. We co-operate with tiie town of- Clinton, and with the kind per- mission of our Blase Command-, and Kinsmen. crests by Pit Martin, These crests will be put on jackets which are on order. Last summer’s peewee base­ ball .team which eliminated three teams before losing out to Walkerton were presented With Kin crests by Paul Hen­ derson. Paul Bartliff was cap­ tain of this team1. The Kiln peewee hockey league champs were presented with, -crests and captain David Fawcett accepted the Pickett <& Campbell Ltd. trophy. Malt Edgar and Cam Addison were the coaches.' •A*new trophy .from the Kins­ men Club, was presented to Doug Osborn-,, the leading scorer in last winter’s peewee hockey league, Frank Cook presented his Hotel Clinton trophy fo captain Don MacDonald of the "Bruins” who- won the local squirtiage hockey league. Play­ ers also received Kin crests, The Clinton News-Record trophy to -the winners of the Kinsmen peewee baseball • league was officially presented, by publisher A. Laurie Colqu- houn to captain Dennis Deline; he also handed out Kin crests to team mieanbers. , This was a regular Kinsmen meeting, but was. attended1 by many with teams-, these and receiving ’ crests Jim Engel, Ken. Jerry Haaksman Astel.es for their peewee hockey; TQ COOK RHUBARB ■Cook, rihribwlb' to ‘serve 'cstor says home economists at Macdonald Institute, Guelph. One pound of 8 to io stalky; yields two cups when cooked and serves persons, who Kimsponsored Included sports-minded helped minor among persons, or gifts were; nick;, Peter with Heyes, Daye Brazeau and Vic ■Daras ch for coaching squirt age boys; Bill Craig 'and Bill Stirl­ ing for helping with baseball, and Lawrie Slade and Bill Jen­ kins; two fathers who supplied players with treats1 after hoc­ key games. In a well-worded speech, pee­ wee athlete David Fawcett thanked the Kinsmen, fathers and other helpers for sponsor­ ing and promoting minor sports. Chairman Bert Clifford, Kin president Andy Peterson' and community centre ' finance chairman Malt Edgar all took Pit” Martin, left, of Boston Bruins, and Paul Henderson, right, of De­ troit Red Wings, who were guest speakers, at Clinton .Kinsmen ‘ Club minor sports banquet, Tuesday evening-, were quite enthused over Clinton’s plans to build a new community centre. They are shown here with Maiit Edgar, centre, finance chairman of the Clinton and District Community Centre Cen­ tennial Fund. ' . ‘ ‘ (News-Record Photo) ' proposed new arena and com­ munity centre. The model built by local sports: enthusiasts, was on display ’behind the head table at the banquet.' Minor Sports Captains With Their Trophies READ £ USE the 'S Ar W r — jr. - ;•fB COMING EVENTS RATE: Four cents a word; Minimum 75 cents ’ Thursday, June 9 r-r~ BINGO at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg­ ular games, for 85.00. 2 Share- the-wealth games, 1 special game for $25,00, the first letter ’’L” and first letter ”T” applies on this game for $2.00 each. 3 (share-the-wealth games, jack*' ‘ pot applies on those 3 games. $59.00 in 59 numbers, 2 dopr prizes fop $2.0Q each. Admission 50c; extra cards-25c or 6 for- H.00. tfb ' Tuesday, June 14 — BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $56.00 in 56 numbers. Six dppr orizes’ 8:30 pin Wednesday, June 15 ,— Smor­ gasbord supper, Londesboro United Church, 5-7 p.m„ Adults’ $1:00/ 'children' up to 12, 50c, pre-school children free. 23b - Wednesday,. June 15 — Smbt- gasbord supper .at Holmesville United Chiurdh, 5:30 p,m, fo 7:30 pm/Adults, $1,25/child­ ren under 12, 50c. 21, 23b WESTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST CASH BINGO. $3200.00 in Cash Prizes in DUR­ HAM ARENA, starting Friday June 17th and every second Friday Night. LARGE' MAS­ TER CARD that everyone can see, 1 game at $1,000.00, 1 novelty game $1,000.00, 1 game at $500.00, 15 games at $40.00, 1 game at $100.00, 1 share the wealth game. 'Conducted and run by .the Kinsmen Club of Durham with entire proceeds going' towards Community Work. For the best run Bingo in Ontario, be bn hand at the- Durham Arena Friday, June 17th at 8:30 p.m. 22-24b Sunday, June 19—Dedication of new Cenotaph, and Decora­ tion Day at.Clinton Cemetery,, parade at 2:30 p.m., dedication in Library Park at 3 pm. fol- ' lowed’ by -a short service at' Clinton Cemetery. 23b, 24x Tuesday, June 21 — Clinton Lions Ohiciken Barbecue, Clin­ ton Lions Arena, starting at 5 p.m. Reserve this date to- eat- out — Adults $1.50, children $1.00. ' 20b-23b-4x-5^ Reserve Wed., June .Brucefield United ^Strawberry arid Ham ICE CREAM AND FRUIT Parfaits, are ideal in June Dairy Month. Simply alternate layers of ice cream,' crushed fruit, rich coloiful sauces' in tall, slender glasses. Garnish With whipped, cream and top With a cherry for an elegant dessert, T/ese tips come from the Foods Department at Mac> donald Institute, Guelph. , M,,TT..„....tr.,.^„Q^Tn,„.g ......... Use Classified Ads. THEATRE — CLINTON Come as Late as 11 p.m. and See a Complete , Show. Box Office Opens at 8 o’clock First shpw, starts at Dusk THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 9-10 "MARRIAGE ON THE ROCKS" FRANK SINATRA DEBORAH KERR DEAN MARTIN Color Cartoon SATURDAY and MONDAY June 11-13 "OPERATION CROSSBOW" (The Great Spy Mission) SOPHIA LOREN GEORGE PEPPARD TREVOR HOWARD > Color Cartoon 29 for. Church Supper. \23b TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY June 14-15 "DIE, DIE MY .DARUNG" (Adult Entertainment) TALLULAH BANKHEAD STEFANIE POWERS Coming Next: "The Art of Love" - er, in canvassing for organized) the opportunity to promote the .'charity drives, assist at blood , dbnor and other' health clinics and aid their own colleagues .in whatever capacity ’ the occasion requires.” . Trophies, crests and bars were handed out at Clinton Kinsmen Club’s an­ nual minor sports banquet-in Clinton Legion Hall, Tuesday evening. Shown here, left .to -right, are captains of the various peewee arid squirt age Kin-spon­ sored teams: Dennis Deline, of the winning 'team in the Kin peewee baseball league, with the News-Record trophy; Paul Bartliff, captain of the peewee all- star baseball team; Don MacDonald, of the squirt-age hockey league champ­ ions with the Hotel Clinton trophy; Brian Edgar, captain of Clinton Ponies, the all-star hockey team from the Kin peewee hockey league; David JFawcett; cap­ tain of the Rangers, who won the peewee hockey league championship and the Pickett & Campbell Ltd. Tip Top trophy; and Doug Osborn, high scorer in the Kin peewee hockey league last winter. - (News-Record Photo) Spring Fair Worth Million Dollars ■ (Continued from page one) Group Captain K. R. Green­ away, base commander at CFB Clinton; Mayor Don Symons; Ken Stewant, warden of 'Huron County and * reeve of. McKillop Township; and" George Watt. Blyth. president of- District 8 of the'Ontario Society of Agri­ cultural 'Societies. z Mr. Watt said’there was agitation'at pre­ sent to cut out small fairs1 and have one ;br, two larger fairs; "We need these. Class: "c” fairs,” Mr. Watt warned, ----:----------o--------------' . Legion Ladies To Meet June 13 The final meeting of .the sea­ son of the Ladies’ Auxiliary- Royal Canadian Legion.will held on Monday, June 13 8:15 in the Legion Hall. to be at f FOR ... FATHER’S DAYf' .............JUNE 19th A 'COUTTS' or 'RUST-CRAfF CARD For FATHER, HUSBAND, GRANDFATHER 10c to $100 BEER STEINS — Old Car Designs ................... $2.50 each ASH TRAYS — in Metal, Glass or China ........................ $1.00&up BAR SET -— in Chrome $4.95 OLD FASHIONED GLASSES — in Duck Designs ................... $6*50 set LEATHER WALLETS and . SECRETARY..........$3.95 to $12.50 PENS and SETS ...... 50c & up DESK PENS — with Barometer, Calendar or Plain................... $6.98 to $23.95 McEwan’s V .. ......................................... . . w ■b V ?? HOLIDAYS?? Hospital Auxiliary Penny Sale Tickets On Sale ..The Ladies Auxiliary to Clin­ ton- Public Hospital . met on. June, 7, and reported . that tick-- ets for,-their annual .penny sale, to be held in the council charm ber on Saturday, October 1, are now ready and-can . be obtained- from any auxiliary member'. Six pictures, donated by MrS'.- Frank Fingland and framed by the auxiliary are to be placed in hospital rooms. The "'guest speaker,’Mrs. K. R. Hillier a past president of the Dearness Home for the Ag­ ed in London, was introduced by’ Mrs., Ken Wood. Mr!s. Hil­ lier-stated than 12 percent of the people in Ontario are 65 years old and over and listed several ways to keep' senior citizens' happy and content. She said to bring the outside world into the home; .smile, be happy dnd cheerful at all times; make the home an active part of the community; ehcourage service groups, ministers, relatives, etc. to visit. If it is impossible to make personal visits, then cards and . letters are appreciated by the Senior citizens. In June, resi­ dents can be taken out to visit someone’s home for tea. Birth­ day parties can. bo organized with gam.Cs and contests. A hat show for the ladies and a tie show for' the men is enjoyed by residents. Mrs. Hillier reported that there arc 320 residents in the Dearness Home, and each resi­ dent receives a card and gift at Christmas time. Mrs. Frank Fihglahd thanked the guest sp-, oaker for her interesting talk* Mrs. Haddy adjourned the meeting and a delicious lunch was served. ■---- ------------------ Most visitors to Expo 67 Will come from an area within 600 males of ’Montreal.V s * FOR SALE OR RENT THEY’RE TINY, but a want ad is the befit way to sell, at- low cost. After all, you’re reading- this one, aren’t you? f ’■ I Clinton News-Record I "The Home Paper With The News" Phones — 482-3443 or 482-3444 Classified Adv* Deadline — 6:60 p*m. Tuesday, PJease Buy your New Cor NOW get on a few miles before that holiday trip. Go in comfort. Go in,safety.. NEW CARS DISCOUNT PRICES We have a large stock. You'll get the best possible, ideal. For*.immediate delivery: OLDSMOBILE F85 OLDSMOBILE "88" Sedan CHEVY II Hardtop ENVOY EPIC Various models in. 6 and 8 cyl., standard or automatic transmission. Some have added comfort extras. BUY FROM STOCK & REALLY SAVE! USED CARS — *65 to '59 Models in various makes and models, and in a price range to suit you personally. GIVE US A TRY FOR A BUY! Lome Brown Motors Ltd. I You! Friendly Chevrolet, Oldsmobile heeler 482-9321 CLINTON Open each evening until 9 for your conventehce. - . • . ...................... .................... i