HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-06-09, Page 10Pflge 10—-Clinton News-Record—Thursday, Jijne 9,1966 Shopping Begins In, The Pages Of This Newspaper T i 1 ■? I/1 Annual * Auburn West Huron Institutes Hear Reports; AGRICULTURAL SALESMAN., . Required by Progressive Aviation Company Must have, car, Excellent earnings in Clinton area for hard worker. ‘ PROVOST AVIATION CHEMICALS LAMBETH ONTARIO Phone 652-5152 j* Coming To Clinton For '67 Meeting AUBURN The 52nd an­ nual meeting Of West Huron District Women’s Institute was hold in Auburn Community Memorial • Hall ’with 108 dele­gates reporting ’’ from $t., Helens; Dungannon, Gpdericht Tiger ■ Dunlop; Bly to: Clinton; Londesboro; Belgrave; Wing­ ham, and Auburn. • ’Mes> Toynbee Lamb, RR, 4, Godetich, president of the dis­ trict presided for toe. day-long sessions. Miss Margaret Haines, RR 5, Goderich, was pianist. The minutes were read by ;seg- retary Mrs, Gprdon R. Taylor, Auburn. In t'he business: period! the adopting of a foster child was Jeflt’ over until next year, it was decided to send a delegate I to f toe officers conference next year, Mrs. Wes ,J3radnock, FWIO board .director, presided for the ratification ,.pf' district ditectors frpm the ten hi’anchcs. q^e 41“ rectors were’ Mrs.' Bert Craig, Auburn; Mrs.,. Clifford Lagan, Belgrave; Mbs... Violet Tasker for Mrs. Dan Hallahan of Blyth; Mrs. Charles -Nelson, Clinton; Mrs. Clifford Crozier, RR 1, Dungannon; .Mrs, K...F. Wilkinson,' 64 Wellesley St.,, Goderich; Mrs. Glen Carter; RR 1, Londesboro; Mrs. RoSs Garnmie, RR 1, Lucknow; Tjg^r Dunlop, Mrs,, Richard Buchan­ an, RR 6 Goderich; Wingham, Mrs. Robert Powell, The auditors, report was- giv­ en by Mirs; Ed. Davies land Mrs. Gordon Taylor presented the financial statements, showing ■H, . ........ TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH AUDITOR’S REPORTf / tliact the ten branches had total receipts of $7,573.45 with e. bal­ ance 'Qf $1,987.23 .after suppoi't- jnig the WI "prioij^cts-ani<i corn-’ munlty ■activities,' ' u MRS, TOYNBEE LAMB BR 4, • Goderich Retui-iied as President West Huron WI (Mrs« Bradnock Photo); The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers, Township of Goderich,Goderich, Ontario. ' 28th March, 1966. Dear Sirs; ' ’ In accordance with your instructions we have completed an audit of the -books and accounts of /the Township of Goderich and its related school board for the ’year ended December 31st, 1965. ’ ‘ Operations for the year resulted in a deficit of $148.09 decreasing the accumulated surplus as at December 31st,', ■. 1965 to $35,457.86. ", Additional assessment under Section .53 resulted in in- 1 creased taxes of $969.37. As at December 31st, 1965, -the high school boards had not been paid their share of these addi- -tional taxes as required by the Department of Municipal Affairs. Subject to the qualification concerning failure to pay local /boards their share of taxes raised under Section 53, we hereby report that in our opinion: 1) ~ 'The financial -transactions which have come under our notice have been within the powers of the municipality. ’ The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31st, 1965, and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. . . In conclusion, we wish to-express our appreciation for the co-operation which we received from the treasurer and other officials of your Township with whom we were in con­ tact during sthe course of our audit. *’ x ' -Respectfully submitted, MONTEITH, MONTEITH & CO., Chartered Accountants. - '■ License Number 2776. Date of Filing, April 2nd, 1966, 2) 3) CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31. 1965 • ’ t: ASSETS General Fixed (as per Schedule 18) Due. from School Ratepayers (for De­ bentures) Public and. Continuation Collegiate and High ..... Accounts Receivable (Schedule 17) ’ Future Tile Drainage Debenture- Levies ..................................... .......... Deficits or Extraordinary Expenses Capitalized ....$356,759.26, f .L December 31, 1965 I. . ’ LIABILITIES $ 45,714.05 .$199,415.16' . .95,501.80 ----:--------- 294,916.96 4 16;128.25 Debenture Debt issued and Urimatured ‘ .General x. ...................................... Schools-—Public and Continuation.... • Total Debentures Assumed from Other Municipalities (Schedule 2) ............. . Investment in Capital Assets ............ $ 16,128.25 199,415.16 / $215,543.41 95,501,80 45,714.05, $356,759.26^ ASSETS Accounts (Receivable Sundry ............. Province of Ontario .... Dominion of Canada ., Other Municipalities .. Other Funds—Municipal Drains Taxes Receivable ........................... Deferred Charges ........................... - % ■ / Total Assets I 1 lW, REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET «. ■ December 31, 1965 7 A y j /LIABILITIES 40.00 27,704.98 ' 1,824.00 4,561^22. • 7,837.93 47,849.61 3,052.91 '1- .$ 92,870.65 Bank Overdraft ................................................ Temporary Loans (Schedule 6) .................... Accounts Payable ............... ............ Debentures and Coupons Due—Interest .... Other Municipalities ..................................... School -Boards ........ ............................................. . Other Funds—Holmesville Street Lights Surplus (Form C) ................ 2 « ■ ’ ■ V; . ■ - Total Liabilities and Surplus . 433.70 53,600.00 1,289.76 651.65 289.47 1,086.02 62.19 .35,457.86 $ 92,870.65 < REVENUE FUND SURPLUS OR DEFICIT ACCOUNT December 31, 1965 V V; Debit Credit4<, Salaries 1 Balance at January 1, 1965 Surplus or deficit included in Current Budget Surplus or Deficit for the year (Form D) ....148.09 $ 35,605.95 • ’ 35,605.95 4 I ' ■ ’ ■ ■ Total of Debit and Credit Columns ....... Balance of Surplus 'or Deficit at ■ 1 December 31, 1965 (Form <B) ...,m.... • • • r' 148.09 $ 35,605.95 ) .$ 35,457.86 t . ■, • • __ ,/ 3 ■ - - r , STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the year ended December 31, 1965 REVENUE 1 Actual Budget EXPENDITURE Actual Total Revenue from Taxation - (Schedule 3) .......................................;$152,333.25 $149,657.00 Contributions, Grants and Subsidies Governments: Canada .............................................. Ontario— Welfare Assistance .....$ 2,134.30 Highway Improvement 35,376.97 Payments in lieu of municipal taxes ....... 3,559.57 Unconditional Per Capita Grants ...........“ 5,964.00 Centennial Project 1,824.00 Warble Fly 410.05 1,824.00 A" Other Municipalities, Relief ......... Government Enterprises: Ontario—* HEPC in lieu of taxes ............... Licenses and Permits (include dog tax) ............................. Interest,- Tax Penalties, etc. Other Revenues— Fines Service Charges .$ 40.43 . 887.50 '49,268.89 38,682.00 12,12 11.84 .’820.75 2,727.21 700.00 2,800.00 927.934 460.00 Miscellaneous (specify) Warble Fly Receipts ........I Leafy Spurge Receipts .... 1964 Sales Tax Refund .... Provision for Deferred ■RAwnue .. .......... Sale Of Equipfttent ............ Adjustmentof 1964Payable to Village Of Bayfield .... 194.09 624.06 . 74.39 100.17 2,632.39 272.07 £ 3,897.17 760.00 W,823.16 $193,059.00 . 148.09 'liOt Gross Total (Revenue Deficit for the Year Total RevOmici Section $21i,971.2& $193,059.00 tii. ;• ; _ y General Government ‘4 . , Executive and Legislative $1,175.00 Administrative .................. 5,681.24 Other ....X.z,...................... Protection to Persons sind Property •Fire ........................... Warble Fly .?........... Leafy Spurge .......... •Street Lighting ........ Protective Inspection Reforestation ........... -?Flo6d Control............ Livestock Claims...... Public Works. Roads, Highways, Streets, etc. ...-, • Conservation of Health .................... " Social Welfare (Schedule 10) Child Assistance .................$ 25.00 Welfare Assistance............ 2,961.08 Education, including debt charges . (Schedule. 9) ........................... Rec. and Community Services ......... Debt Charges Long-term debt charges (Schedule 11) ...........$39,807.26 Less own share of school debt charges ............ 38,192.06 $ 1,615.20 Short-term interest and other charges ................ 1,194.87 Taxes Written off and Rebated Capital Expenditures out of Revenue (Schedule 13) .... Joint or Special Expenditures County Rates ......................... Gfoss Total Expenditure .......... ■ Stirplus for the Year Tbtal Expenditure SeeHoh ’ 606.22 —---------- r • $1,275.00 , 1,306.45 / 172.68 90.00 ' 4.00 . 191.80 426.57 . 292.75 Budget 7,462.46 $ 7,900.00. 3,759.25 64,028.11 1.96 3,854.00 50,000.00 2,986.08 81,454.81’ 252.00 2,900.00 81,100.00 2,810.07 334.49 2,900.00 140.00 5,832.25 43,049.77 43,000.00 ,.....$211,971.25 $191,794.00 1,265.00 $211,971.25 $193,059.00 "iii/iMiiliiiniJiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I'i'i d iii1 ’.y; In her presidential address, Mrs, Lamb thanked '■ everyone for .their cooperation during the past year, She introduced the special guests: Mrs. J. A. Gettler, Fullarton, area chair­ man for the London area; Mrs. Gerald Holder, Mono Road, rep­ resentative sent from ’the de­ partment of Agriculture, Tor­ onto; Miss Diane Lod'diard, Hui’- on-County, home economist, and Mrs.. John E. MacLean, Sea­ forth, past board director for- Sub 22. Miss Liddiand gave the report of the Home Economics Branch on senior and . junior work throughout the county. £>he stated .that the new project, “Hats for You”, is in great de­ mand arid also the food for­ ums, <(Tricks with a Mix” and “Freezer Forums”. In 4-H .work Miss Liddiard complimented the girls on their spring pro­ ject “Accent on Accesisiorieis” in Which they made hats and ac­ cessories. ' ■ - ’ Committee Reports Mrs. Ed. Davies, convener., of Agriculture and Canadian In­ dustries, reported that ten in­ teresting reports had been re­ ceived .and many 'branches had planted centennial crab trees. Among the, mottos were the slogans which papers had been given. on “'Be Proud of Your Farm Heritage" and “Keep pint-sized children off ‘ man’s size machinery”. Mrs. Charles Nelson, con­ vener of citizenship and educa­ tion,, displayed a chart showing the' chain of branches 'in the district to the Door of Oppor­ tunity opening into, the Door for Successful Living. ‘ The report of 'historical re­ search and current events, pre- 1 pared' by Mrs. /Bent Alton, RR 6, Lucknow, was s read by Mrs. Tait Clark, RR 5, Goderich. • The convener of home econ­ omics and health, Mrs. Charles [McDonald, St. Helens, prepared, her report and this was read by Mrs. Barbour. Mrs. Norman Keating, Wing­ ham, convener of resolutions, gave her report but stated -that* no resolutions' had been receiv­ ed but much discussion had taken place on former ones at •the branch meeting. Mrs. Norman Clairmont, Goderich, public relations of­ ficer far the district, gave a detailed report showing much activity in all branches. Centennial Work Mrs. j. A. Gelttler, Fu'Harton, brought greeting from the Lon­ don convention area, and spoke of the Tweedsmuir competitions in ■ drawn thread work stoay writing and poetry for Centen­ nial year. These must be in this summer \for competition. Shfe invited all ’ to attend the area meeting in Goderich on .Nb^ vember 1 and 2.-’She stated that Bob Corbett, CBC com­ mentator,- formerly of " this area', will be guest speaker. Dinner was served' by mem­ bers of Auburn WI. William J. Craig, chairman of the Auburn Village trustee board, welcomed the delegates -to Aubum and Mrs. A. B. Straughan, Gode­ rich, replied. Afternoon Session '.The afternoon session open­ ed with each president giving highlights of the past year. An impressive memorial ser­ vice was given'by Mis. Clifford Crozier and Mrs. Lome Ivers of, Dungannon. Yellow tulips were placed' in memory of de­ ceased WI members of West Huron District. They wefe: Au­ burn, Mrs. George Beadle; Bel­ grave, Mirs. James Michie; Clinton, Mrs. Charles Elliott, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes, Mrs. Earl Blake, Mrs. James Liver­ more; Dungarihoh, Mrs. Durnin Phillips; Goderich, Mto. G. Samis; St. Helens, Mrs. David Todd; Wingham, Mrs. James Henry and Mrs. Leslie Fortune. Afternoon Speaker The guest speaker was Mrs'. Gerald Holder, Mono Road. She spoke on ptbogram planning and Stressed that We* make our pro- - grains attractive to 'both, bld and, young metobetbs.' Mrs. Holder spoke bn the Study of ' the provinces aS a Centenn'ial . project -and then We Wbuld know mbre about bur visitors When they home through our province to-attend. Expb 67. Mrs. Tbit Clark, district cur­ ator, reported 100% reporting and stressed the importance of malting farm histories' arid fam­ ily trees. She asked the branch curator to also start a centen­ nial scrapbook and this would bb extra front the Tweedsmuir histories of the comintinities.,, ( 'More1- itbpbrts . ... The reports of thb Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario hock, board director for Sub ■22. ' i Mrs. L(. Forest, <^nf!qn, gave the report .pn Huronview mid . asked that all branches,, con tinue to j.giye birthdpy- parties, to bi’igliten-4he • lives’ of " the resi­ dents there, ; Mr§.„ Ralph Jewel;! reported on the international ploughing match project when the County Institutes'’Will eater'at the of­ ficial, booth- • and?'■’’also servo meals. She outlined the part : Which'' tiPhfs’ district will Work under .the committee of ltrs. Donald Riehl > Mrs^ Ralph dew-1 ell, Mrs. • Donald Haines and Mrs. Dave Anderson, A sing-song of Old time songs was fed by Mis. Gleri Carter, accompanied on tfih accordion by-Mfs. Thomas'Ailhn,.bpth of LondeSboro. . . Mrs.. Wibner Hardy, conven­ er-Of the crafts' from the dis­ trict for 'the ploughing -match, gave her report and showed place mats made for souvenirs for the week at Seaforth. Miss Diane Liddiard presided for the election of officers and Mrs. Donald Haines, chairman of the nominating committee, brought in the new slate .of of- Past president, Mbs.. Donald Riehl, Goderich; president, Mrs. Toynbee. Lamb, RR 4, Gode­ rich; first vice-president, Mrs. Wilfred Colclough, - Clinton; second vice-president, Mrs. A. B. S'traughan, Goderich; secre­ tary-treasurer, 'Mrs. James Hor- ■ ton, RR 4, Goderich; assistant secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Mer- vyn Batkin, Clinton; Federation representative, Mrs. Wes Brad­ nock, Auburn; Alternate Fed. rep., Mrs. Otto Popp, Goderich; Conveners of standing ’ com­ mittees: agriculture and Can­ adian industries, Mrs. Tom Allen, Londesboro; ' citizenship and education, Mrs. Clifford Crozier, RR 1, Dungannon; his­ torical research and current events, Mrs. Earl Anderson, RR 4, Brussels; home economics and health, Mrs, Charles John­ ston,- Blyth; resolutions, Mirs. Charles Nelson, Clinton; public relations officer, Mrs. Norman OlairmOnt, Goderich; Junior convener, Mrs. Ken Johnston, RR 2, Bluevale; district cur­ ator, Mrs. Tait Clark,. RR 6, Goderich; rep. to safety council, Mrs. Donald Riehl, Goderich; auditors, Mrs. E. Davies, Au­ burn and Mrs. Terrence Hun­ ter,. RR 4, Goderich. Tweedsmuir Prizes "The highlight of the meeting was the presentation of first prize to the Auburn curator, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor for the TWeedsmuir History Book. Sec­ ond prize went to Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, curator of the -Londes- boro History Book. Honorable mention was made of the Tiger .Dunlop and Clinton books. The judges were. Mrs. J. A. Gettler, Mrs. Gerald Holder, Miss Diane .Liddiard and Mrs. John1 Max> Lean of Seaforth. At Clinton In 1967 An (invitation to hold 1967 district annual at Clinton was accepted from Mrs! W. Col- dough, president; Mrs. Donald Haines extended .an invitation to hold the Huron County Rally in Auburn on October 3. < A letter of thanks was read from Miss Clare McGowan, CAS director, for the $553.50 Bur­ sary Which the members had supported throughout the coun­ ty. It was decided to again sup­ port this project to help a ward of the CAS to continue their education. .Courtesies’ were expressed by the president of the’Wingham Branch. She thankeds the Au­ burn Branch for- their hospi­ tality and the dinner served, under toe convenership of 'Mrs. Thomas Haggitt; the floral ar­ rangements convened by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. The regis­ tration was in" charge of Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs. . William Sitraughan and Mrs. George Millian. 41 ,-----------o_--------- SAFE STUDENTS 'Ontario’s Hunter Safety Train- tog Program has graduated 102,611 students since 1957, toe Department of Lands and For­ ests reports. , ( ------!-----o------------ FATAL FUNGUS Dutch Elm Disease is caused by a fungus which gets into the tree’s sap stream and clogs toe Water-conducting tubes, cutting off the flow of sap, according to toe Department of Lands and Forests. EVERYONE READS AND USES WANT ADS f...... ... / Clinton News-Record • offers a complete selection of Wedding announcements stylcd'for the disefim- inatirig. ' j ask for.•• A IV lOillfWll V THURSDAYS Lovely Barbara Eden, one of Hollywood's bus­ iest actresses, stars as a mischievous genie in the situation-comedy series, I Dream of' Jeannie, seen Thursdays on CBC television. Co-starring in the series is Larry Hagman as a serious young astro­ naut Tony Nelson who is continually embarrassed by Jeannie’s antics and magic tricks. PRE-FINISHED LUAN MAHOGANY PLYWOOD %■ 4'x 8’ SHEETS . $4.64 EA. TOP QUALITY EXTERIOR OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT $4.95 GAL. ANNOUNCEMENT r \ r BALL-MACAULAYS LIMITED; “ Wish to, "announce that Mr. Robert Wilson has joined the firm, effective June 1, 1966, and will be located at the Seaforth Branch. Mr. Wilson has been actively associated with the lumber business since 1959, and most recently manager of the Beaver Lumber’Ya rd, in St. Marys. t? \ BALL-MACAULAY \ CLINTON 482-9514 , ROOFING tiipl SEAFORTH 527-0910 PRESTON TITE-LAP METAL LOCKS OUT ALL WEATHER! The perfect fit of Preston galvanized steel or Aluminum “TITE- LAP”- rdofing and sidihg keeps out drivings wind and rain <— guarantees weathertightness for your building. Available in both standard and heavy gauge highest quality galvanized steel as well as stucco embossed and 'diamond embossed ALCAN alUmihUm. Each 5-rlb sheet covers a full 32” width and is available In any length up to 30 feet.' Preston Tlte-Lap metal roofing is also available in 5 gleaming coloUr/s With a weather-resistant finish that will keep its fresh appearance for years just like your car— will not peel or blister. SEE YOUft DEALER LISTED BELOW or write for oUr free ROOElNG BULLETIN M____ * ng • rz TiTj iV'i'iiir'u- r-^'ir-rr-T ^-1 PRESTON FACTORY 113^ Industrial Rd, Preston, Ontario 7 brANCH iSl Bentworth Ave., (Toronto, Ontario i I...mi : i ■ ’ - ■ 1 Authoirixtidl Dealer in Clinton for PRESTON TUTE-LAP METAL ROOFING FRED J. HUDIE SAW MILL-. Z17. haac. St., | Clinton — 482-MS5 X