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Clinton News-Record, 1966-06-02, Page 12
Fog© 12—Clinton News-Record-r-Tkursday, June 2, 1966 London Lords Football Coach Guest Speaker At CHSS Banquet Bobby Fiveash, who just couldn’t stick with. any of. Can ada's 'top professional football teams, and is now poach of London . Lords, senior ORFU team, was gugst speaker at CHSS awards night banquet last Friday. He came to Canada in 1954 for a tryout' with Toronto Aj> gonauts, but was beaten out by Dick Shatto, who went on to be one of Canada's best players. He has played for Argos, San Francisco 49’eirs and tried out with Ottawa in 1957 but was beaten out by Canadian Ron Stewart. He has been coach of London Lords since 1961. Bom in Fort Lauderdale, Fla,, he attended Florida State University and Little Georgia Junior College. IVEr. Fiveash was quite sur prised when he first came to Canada that our universities do not offer athletic. scholarships to top high school athletes, He was a little surprised at Canadian football when he first came up here; as a player, he prefers American rules but as a spectator prefers Canadian football. 6 . He thinks Canada has the best educational system, in the World and requested the high school students to be aware of this and think of the future. "Don’t stop your conditioning when you sitop school or sports”, he warned, “you can think and work better when in good condition,” he siaid. The- speaker was introduced by CHSS football coach Aubrey Langdon and thanked by stu dent Jim Livermore. -t LEATHER WALLETS Buffalo Hide Wallets in black ................. brown or $3.00 Cowhide & Morocco Wallet in tan, brown, black, mahogany .... $3.95 Morocco & Calf Wallet with secret pocket, zipper, change purse, 'etc. . a................ $4.95 to $6.95 Pig, Calf, Super Morocco Wallets in brown, black, butter $7.50 to $10.00 Ladies Clutch Purse in mottled coloring ..... $7.95 to $9.95 Sale of Pastel Leather French Purse v Reg. >...’....$4.95 & $6.95 Special ^.. . ........ $3.95 & $4.95 McEwan’s t Phys. Ed. Teachers Meet /Football Player T/he female members of. CHSS physical education department listening to Bob Fiveash, coach of the London Lords senior football team, at the annual awards banquet at CHSS last Friday are, left to right, Mrs., Mary Jean Beattie, Mrs.. Averil Durrell and Miss Sherry Cochrane. Mr. Fiveash was guest speak er. (News-Record Photo) CHSS First Awards Banquet COMING EVENTS RATE: Foyr cents a word; Minimum 75 cents Thursday, June £ — BINGO at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg ular games for $5.00. 2 share- the-wealth games, 1 ^.special gamp for $25.00, the first letter '‘L” and first letter “T’’ applies on this game for $2.00 each, 3 share-the-wealth games, jack pot applies on those 3 games $58.00 in 58 numbers', 2 door prizes for $2,00 each. Admission 50c; extra cards 25c or \6 for £1.00. tfb Friday,, June 3 r- Cash Bingo in Legion Hall, Seaforth, 8:15 p.m. 15 regular gapies for $10, 3-$25 specials, l-$50 Jackpot to go, .Sponsors, Branch 156, Can adian Legion. 22b Saturday, June 4 — Members of LOL No, 710 are requested to be at the Legion liall at 12:45 to be on our float in Clin ton Fair parade. 22p Saturday, June 4 Rum mage and home baiting sale, Council Chambers, Town Hall, dinton, 2:30 p.m. Sponsors, Clinton WI. 22b Saturday, June 4—Reception and Dance for Mr. and Mrs. Barry Taylor (nee Pat Evans) Zurich Comirnunity Centre, Lunch provided, Desjardines’ orchestra. 22p Tuesday, June 7 — BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $55.00 in 55 numbers. Six door orizes. 8:30 pm ' Wed., June 8 •—■ Membership meeting cxf Huron Perth Dis trict Farmer’s Union, Agricul ture Board Rooms, Clinton, 8:30 p.m. Lunch, served. Bring a neighbour. 22b WESTERN ONTARIO’S LARGEST CASH BINGO. $3200.00 in Cash Prizes) in DUR HAM ARENA, starting Friday June 17th and every. second Friday Night. LARGE MAS TER CARD that everyone can see. 1 game at $1,000.00, 1 novelty game $1,000.00, 1 game at $500.00, 15 games at $40.00, 1 game at $100.00, 1 share the wealth game. Conducted and run by the Kinsmen Club of Durham with entire proceeds going towards Community Work. For the best run Bingo in Ontario, be on hand at the Durham Arena Friday, June 17ith at 8:30 p.m. 22-24b U”11 Scouts Awarded Certificate For M.D. Collections The First Clinton Lions Boy Scout tro'op has been awarded a certificate of • merit by the Muscular Dystrophy Associa tion of Canada for theijr efforts jn collecting over $50.00 in the annual MD campaign. In Clinton, as in mfoslt parts off Canada, fine. Ifiicfll firemen are m charge, of the funds cam paign', Volunteer fireman. GoiT- d'on Daigliesli is the local chair man mid was .assisted this year by the Scouts. Lew Ludlow who is retiring as Scout Master, and who will soon, -retire from the RCAF, officially precepted the centifi- caite to the Boy Scout Troop at Monday evenmig’s meeting, Paul Maissicotte is talcing over as Scout Master. The certificate reads; “The Muscular Dystrophy Associa tion of Canada awards this Certificate of Merit to the Boy Scouts Association of Clinton, in recognition of distinguished service in , the fight against muscular dystrophy.” The certificate is signed by Gus Ryder (of swimming coach fame) . honorary campaign cfliairman, and Dr. David1 Green, president of the -MD Associa tion of Canada. Bantam Ball Banquet The Huron Fislh land' Game- Club, which sponsored bantam baseball last summer, gave- members of the team wlrich won the WOAA championship and their fathers, a turkey cein- ner last Sunday. The dinner was catered to by the Ladies Conservation Club and held at the clubhouse in Alma Grove. BROWNIE’S DRIVE-IN THEATRE — CLINTON Come as Late as 11 p.m. and See a Complete Show. Box Office Opens at 8 .o'clock First show starts at Dusk THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 2-3 DEAR BRIGITTE" • JAMES STEWART GLYNIS JOHNS —, FABIAN Color Cartoon 111 ■ff .1 SATURDAY and MONDAY June 4-6 HOURS" (Adult 'Entertainment) JAMES GARNER ROD' TAYLOR EVA MARIE SAINT An Excellent War Drama Cartoon “Greg Crowe, Maurice Nelischer and Brian Cassie. Brock Olde officiated at the presentation of trophies to the boys volleyball and badminton teams. z finals in H-P boys’ single's, as did Clare Magee and Elwin Kingswell in H-P 'boys’ doubles; Junior Badminton In the junior section, Mike Graham ancl Karen Kerr were H-P champs in mixed doubles; and Linda Nip and Valerie Hol land1 were doubles champs. Brian Cox reached the finals'. Murray Draper, who , coached many of the CHSS badminton enthusiasts, presented the Sher-' locj<-4Mianriing Piano Co. trophy champions. Coaches of teams were Mr. Clynick John Wilson. II-P Champions While making the 'track apd field presentations, vice-princi pal John Penner remarked that CHSS had ,won four champion ships of. the eight areas of com petition in Huron-Perth confer ence sports in track and field. He added that this year’s sports awards were On a par with other years and “this with no track ‘at our school, but hope to have one next year”. Individual track and' field winners, . besides Cam Colqu- houn, were Bonnie Boyes, sen ior girls, and dare Magee, senior boys. The CHSS 'boys were overall H-P champs and the girls were runners-up. Other champions in H-P com petition were: Senior 'boys 'basketball team coached by Aubrey Langdon; and the girls’, curling team of. ..Laureen Driscoll, Cathy Eng lish, Rose. Broch/u and Gloria Pre-sit. Two teams reached H-P fin als, boys’ volleyball, coached by Bruce Faulds and7the junior boys basketball team, also coached by Mr. Fhulds. The boys volleyball team went to WOSSA and were finalists there also. Members of the senior boys' basketball team were: dare McGee, Brad Dutot, Brian Lavis, Rolfe Cooke, Fred Jew- son, John Irwin, Bob Collins, David Graham, Bob Shaddick, Larry Pickett, Cam McAlpine, Bill McKay, Gary' Black and Doug Currie.' Members of the boys volley ball team were: dare Magee, Garry Wildish,. Harry Cum mings, Rolfe Cooke, 'Larry Pickett, Brad1 Dutot, Ed1 Pre-sz- cator, Gary Black, Jim ‘Liver more, Robert Shaddick, Cam McAlpine and Rick Russel.- Members of the junior boys basketbail team were: Jeff Shaddick, Nick Poppenk, Jim McConnell, Lewis Lomas, Scott Macaulay, Paul Lavis, John Hoy, Jerry Lobb, Bob Cooper, Brian Potter, Rick Dupler, (Continued from page one) Doreen Riley, Lynn Rjees, Bruce McBride, Murray Blacltie, Don na Peck, Frances Blacker, Jim Livermore, Doug Currie, Gloria Brest, Rolfe Coo-ke. Carol Thompson, Grace Mc Adam, Betty Livermore, Janet Roorda, Nick Po-ppenk, Fred Eckel, Penny Mateman, Martin Montgomery, Pat Brodie, Cam COlquhoiun, Gary Black and Bruce Lamb. Trophy Winners CHSS had a remarkable year in .Huron-Perth conference and WOAA sports. The highest win was Cam Colquhoun Winning the WOSSA Junior boys track and field championship. He al so won the Huron-Perth and the. local school titles. Senior Badminton Next best showing was in WOSSA badminton, Where Brian Lavis and Barbara Pegg went to. the finals in mixed doubles'; and1 Ann McKibbon also Was a finalist in girls’ singles. Both had1 been Huron- Perth champions. Other champs' in Huron-Perth badminton were Gloria' Prest and Carol Thomson in girls’ doubles. Gary Black reached 1111 1111.... . to the junior team as H-P the and Over 80 Club Principal Homuth introduced the students who averaged' over 80% for this' year, two years in a row and presented leather music' portfolios to those who have been over 80% for three years; He also said two stu dents, Murray McBride and Joan Irwin have been over 80% for four consecutive years. All the individual and- team with theii'r v r----------------tv---------------—------------- ■ - People who demand... STAMINA, QUALITY, STYLE, ECONOMY CARAVELLE *J All the individual and me-mbers were presented School bars 'along with trophies and prizes. liars Presented Mr. Langdon ■presented bars 'to the football ' and soccer teams; Mrs. Mary Jean Beattie, to the girls volleyball teams, and Miss Sherry Cochrane to ■the girls basketball teams’. Rqbert'Mann presented bars to the senior, intermediate and junior cross country race teams. William MacArthur, director of the commercial department at the school, introduced some of his academic winners. In provincial competitions one of his pupils placed .third in typ ing accuracy and another was third in (typing speed1. Mr. Mac- Arthur ■presented school bars to these pupils, and also to the school's cheerleaders. Funeral service was held at the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, Clinton,, on Monday, May 30 for Miss Jeanette Irene Clegg who passed away alt' Newmarket on Saturday, May 28, in her 75th year. Rev. C. G. Park of Wesley-Wlillis United Church officiated and inter ment was'lin Brandon Cemetery’ Belgrave. , Pallbearers were James Michie, George Michie and Oran Russell, Belgrave; Nor man Shepherd and' James Turn er, Clinton and Jack Clegg, Goderich. Flower-bearers were Randall and Brian Clegg. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Clegg, she was born in Morris Township and was a retired school 'teacher. She had resided' -in Toronto. She was identified with 'the United TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY June 7-8 KING RAT" (Adult Entertainment) GEORGE SEGAL TOM COURTENAY Color, ' Cartoon 111 Starting Thursday, June 9 "MARRIAGE ON THE ROCKS" ■X Church. Miss Clegg was a sister Joseph Clegg, Clinton. ----------_o----------- Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results of 45,4.03 Credit Unions in the world serve 27,344,870 members. Total Shares - - - $12,168,736,310 Total Assets - - - $13,719,474,667 ARE YOU A CREDIT UNION MEMBER? />!• i /I • i /> Clinton Enters Team In WOAA Softball V r Ji THE FIRST LOW-COST QUALITY WATCH! ONLY $5.00 DOWN Branches AtALBERT ST. NITA-Behind this beautiful face Is the brains of a 17 jewel shock’ resistant movement. Lasting sat isfaction for just $13.95 CHARLENE—So tiny and so prac tical too! Shock-resistant. Pre cision jeweled movement. J7 Jewels SKIFF —Pay so little, get so much! Precision jcv/eled move ment, shock-resistant, water proof*, sweep second hand. 17 Jewels $12.95 Men, women, young people in every walk of life proudly wear CARAVELLE watches because they are QUALITY time-pieces despite their almost unbelievable low price. Precision-jeweled movement, 50 rigid inspections, electronic timing assure accu racy, assure pride of wearing. Choose yours today from our large selection. CARAVEI4.E A division of BULOVA Watch Company. MAINSAIL—Hindsome, depend. jh able watch with 17 jewel preci- slon movement, Waterproof*, shock-resistant, sweep second hand. $17.15 CLINTON 482-9525 PRINCESS—Classic design plus the stamina of shock-resistant construction, Precision jeweled movement. 17 Jewels $16.95 ANSTETT WALKERTON JEWELLERS LTD. SALE STILL ON! Peewee Ball Schedule Starts June 13 Howard Tait, Jr., Clinton, convener of .the WOAA peewee age baseball series has released the schedule. for the southern grouping. All games will begin at 6:45 unless otherwise stated. Juno 13—Exeter at Lucan Mitchell at St. Marys 15— Seaforth at Clinton 16— Clinton at Seaforth 17— 'Lucan at Exeter St,,-Marys -alt Mitchell 24— Clinton at Exelter Seaforth at Mitchell Lucan at St. Marys 25— Exeter at Clinton Mitchell at Seaforth 2pm St. Marys at Lucan 27—Exeter alt Seaforth Mitchell ..at Lucan • 29— Clinton at St. Marys Seaforth. at Exeter Lucan at Mitchell ■ A sports-minded .group of Clinton men have entered a team in the Western Ontario Athletic Association intermedi ate “A” softball series. They are playing in group two with Ripley, Belgrave, Wingham, Lucknow and Wliitechurch. Over a dozen players have been out to practice — but -there is a shortage of pitchers. In fact, all positions on the team 'are still very much open. Manager of the team is Len Fawcett, with Bob Cook and R-uss Hoffmeyer helping to or ganize the team. These . men are all with Ontario Hydro. Al Welsh, at the Red and White Store, will' help coach the team. Any men or teenagers who have had softball experience are invited to contact any of the above for more information. Fawcett’s phone is 482-7031; •fCook, 482-7834; Hoffmeyer, 482-9319. As well .as the above men, players who have been out to practice include: Don Freeman, Ken Woods', Paul Draper, Bob, Livermore, Ron McKay, Bob Mann, Clare Magee, Bob Bat kin, Ray Garon. All Clinton bomb games are , on Monday, and away games i on Wednesday. I Clinton will play their home 1 games at the sports field at 1 CFB Clinton' under the lights. ■ All league games are scheduled for 8:30.' The Belgrave team plays home games in Brussels. The home team will supply competent umpires. Ivan Gardner, Wingham, is convener of the 42-game sche dule Which is as follows:’ You can still save $200 or more. Until June 11 every cor on the Lot is marked down. As a result of last week's sales, we' have some new arrivals. '62 CADILLAC 4 Door Hardtop Fleetwood. Fully Equipped. Extra Nice. Lie. E15536 ........... ............ $2250 '64 PLYMOUTH Sedan Automatic. Whitewalls. A Terrific Buy. Lie. E7019 ...... '63 PONTIAC Sedan Stick Shift. 6 Cyl. Radio. Lie. A96837 ............ ■■■ .......■«' i' '63 CHEVROLET Sedan Automatic. 6 Cyl. One Owner. Lie. E7016 $1550 $1550 $1675 1 5—Exeter at Mitchell/ Seaforth at Lucan St. Marys at Clinton 8—Mitchell at Exeter Seaforth at St. Marys Clinton at Lucan 11—Exeter at St. Marys Lucan, at Clinton 13— St. Marys at Seaforth 14— Clinton at Mitchell 16—-Lucan at Seaforth 18—St. Marys at Exeter May 30— Ripley at Lucknow ■Belgrave at Clinton (■■'postponed) , 31— Wingham at Whitachurch Juno 1— Clinton at Belgrave 2— Whitechurch at Wingham 4—Lucknow at Ripley 6—Wingham at Clinton Belgrave at Lucknow 8— Ripley at Whitechurch-* Lucknow at Belgrave 9— Clinton at Whigham 11—Whitchurch at Ripley 13—Belgrave at Wliitechurch Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results Lucknow at Clinton 15—-Ripley at Wingham Whitechurch at Belgrave Clinton at Lucknow 18—Wingham at Ripley 20—Wingham at Lucknow Clinton at Whitechurch 22—Ripley at Belgrave Lucknow at Wingham Whitechurch at Clinton 25—Belgrave at Riipiey 27—Ripley at Clinton Whitechurch at Lucknow Belgrave at Wingham 29—Clinton at Ripley Lucknow at Whiteehiurch Wingham at Belgrlave July 4 Ripley at Lucknow Belgrave at Clinton 6—-Clinton at Wingham Lucknow at Whitechurch 8— Wingham at Belgrave 9— White-church at Ripley 11—Wingham at Clinton Ripley ait Whitechjurch 13—Whitechurch at Lucknow Clinton at Belgrave 15— Belgrave at Wingham 16— 'Lucknow at Riipiey -----------ch—1----- Ontario BMB To $900,000 Fund The present (government- appointed) Ontario Bean Mar keting Board has announced that it intends to return the $900,000 in the stabilization fund to the growers by July 1. This money is the 77 cents per hundred deduction paid by all growers on the 1965 crop. Decision to return it follows a report by legal opinion that the money was deducted illegally because the former board fail ed to sign an order authorizing it. The six 'cents per hundred licence fee will continue to be deducted. Normally the 1965 crop levy would be held until February of 1967. Then if lit were not heed ed for Stabilization of the mar ket, subsidization' of export SaleiS, etc0 then it would' be re turned in full to the growers from whidli it Was received. By that time more mioney would be available from the 1966 levy. “If the 77 bent a hundred levy is tetiimed now, it would appear that there trriilglht be a lack of funds this fall, should it be needed,” stated bhd ob server. '63 MERCURY Sedan 8 Cyl. Automatic. Radio. Spotless Condition. Lie. E5004 $1695 1 FORD GALAXY 390 Motor. Power Steering and Brakes. , Cl OCA Automatic. Radio. Whitewalls. 1^^111 Lie. E5826 ...................................................... Many Others Equally Low In Price. We Have Them From $200 Up! TRUCK SPECIAL '63 FORD ECONOLINE VAN Sparkling new paint Job. ClftEA Motor and tires excellent. 2nl|jnU Licence C73100 ......... ONLY T Try us today for the best buy anywhere! Lome Brown Motors Ltd. Your Friendly Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Dealer 482-9321 CLINTON Open each evening until 9 for your convenience.