HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-06-02, Page 11Huron District Cubs Enjoy Outing
At Bannockburn
certificates were
and Mrs. Olive
Cubmaster, Bruce-
Bayfield Cubs Wait for Bus to Weekend Cuboree
Ready with their lunch and gear, these. .11 Cubs
of the ,1st Bayfield Pack await transportation to the
Cuboree at Bannockburn bridge, east of Varna, on
Saturday afternoon. ■ They competed with six other
packs in the annual sports day of Huron District
Cubs. (Photo by Audrey Bedchamber)
Wolf Cubs from six commun-
Bayfield Cubs Ready For Reef Knot* Tests
Crediton Cub_Pack lined up the Bayfield
Mrs. Thorne, cubmaster of.the
Cubs for their reef knot tests at the
last Saturday. ■
at Bannockburn bridge camp
(News-Record Photo)
ities in Huron District held
their annual Cuboree at-Ban
nockburn Bridge Camp, near
Varna on Saturday aftennoon,
May 28-. The 150 cubs were
from: 1st CFB Clinton Pack,
Brucefield, Bayfield, ; Crediton,
Ailsa Craig and 4th ’ Goderich
and 5th Goderich.
Pack leaders and assistants
for - each of the Packs' put the
cubs through a series of tests.
The eVents were, reciting Cub
Promise and Law; broad jump,
high jump, knot race, ball
throwing, head stand and skip
ping. ■
Athletic activity award was
won by Crediton; 5th Goderich,
second and Ailsa Craig, third.
The jungle dance awards
were won by 3^00011611^, Cred
itor! and 1st CFB Clinton packs',
• This was judged by the visit
ing district commissioner from
Perth County.
. The overall planning and su
pervision of the Cuboree was
looked after by Jack Gallant,
Clinton, the district commis
sioner Huron District, and as
sistant commissioner Stewart
presented, by the dictrict com
missioner to pack Scouters Gary
Tweddle and Don McAlpine,
Ailsa Craig;' Mrs. Betty Mc
Leod1 and Mrs. Melvina Erick
son, Bayfield; Mrs. Olive
Broadfoot and Fred Me-'
Gregor, Brucefield; Tom Jagger
and Bill, Thomson, CFB Clinton.
* Rev. D. Stuart from Bruce
field' led the closing prayer.
The film “The Coffeehouse”
Ws shown ait a meeting of
Kairos Young People in 'SeaT
forth pq Friday night, and a
group discussion was held,'
•It was. pnanimqmdy decided
that this type pf “hpuse’’ was
of importance and, value,
A lively sing-song and. lunch
Were enjoyed. ‘
• .The next regular ■ meeting
will be ^cancelled .owing to the
cliurch service in Norite Street
United*. Chyrcb, Goderich, on
Sunday evening, June 29 at 7:39
p,m. oh the theme “Hiow Many
Roads ?” AU the ppbiic; in. th'e
arga is. (invited and welcome. •
' Also on Ryerson Beach, a
work weekend is being held oh
June 11, and on the same weekr
end there is a leadership fram
ing. course at Bark Lake.
Walkerburn Club
Regular Session
AUBURN — The. May meet
ing of the Walkerburn Club
was held at the home of Mirs.
Roy Daer with 14 members
present.. The (first vice-presi
dent, Mrs. Henry Hunking was
in Charge of the meeting which
'opened with “O, Canada”.
Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey led in
prayer. Roll call was answered
by each member naming a fa?
vorite bird or flower. Minutes
Were read by secretary, Mrs.
Elliott Lapp.
Several thank-you notes were
read and a'donation was thank
fully received from Mrs. George
Schneider for a quilt.
Plans were made for the next
meeting to' be held ait the home
of Mrs. John Hallam- There
will be the election of officers
and the paying of fees. Lunch
committee, will be' Mrs, Roy.
Daer, -Mrs. Arie DJ.izer, Mrs.
Leonard Archambault and Mrs..
Carmen Gros's. The program
will be planned by Mrs.- William
Hunking and Mbs. Elliott Lapp.
A successful penny sale of
plants, slips1 and bulbs’ was
held by Mrs. Henry Hunking,
Mrs, Garth McClinchey show
ed moving pictures of the com- '
miun'ilty and her children., Lunch
Was served by Mrs’. -'Walter
Cunningham, Mrs. Tom Cun
ningham, Mrs. Guy Cunning
ham and Mrs. Stanley Ball.
Juniors Go
Brucefield Cubs Rest1 Before Skip Test
At the Cuboree at Bannockburn last Saturday, Huron District Cubs had
to skip at least eight times to count points for their pack. Shown here are
the Brucefield Pack awaiting the word from Goderich cubmaster Maurice Wilk
inson to begin the tests. ’• ■ (News-Record Photo)
Phone 482-31214
Broad Jump Competition
Oub Richard Lapensee of the 1st CFB Clinton
Pack, passes his broad jump test before Sheilagh
Siemin, assistant cubmaster, left, and Cubmaster
Tom Rompf tit thd- Goderich
L-,/, .....CM^^TtOOprcl Photo)
special missionary service
be held in the United Ch
urch next; Sunday morning
with the pastor, Rev, M, Mor
rison in charge.
Mrs. Percy Johnston is at
present a patient 'in. Clinton
Public Hospital.
Thb June meeting ...of the
United Church Women will be
held in the Church on Thurs
day evening of this week;
Several local Orangemen at
tended the County LOL meet
ing in Lucan last Wednesday
South Huron County LOL
met in Lucan Orange Hall last
Wednesday evening with Coun
ty Master William McIlwain of
Bayfield in chargd/Flans wore
made to, celebrate the 12th in
Hdtristafi with, the lodges .1ft
North Huron, Perth and Bruce
Couhtie& The celebration Will
be held on Saturday, July 9.,
Dave Inglis, Walkerton,
new extension assistant for
county of Huron was introduc
ed by Don Pullen to the meet
ing of the Huron County Junior
Farmers and Junior Institute
here in the Agriculture Board
Rooms on May 25.
Mr. Pullen gave the financial
report, and reminded the young
people that “slow moving
vehicle” signs are available.
Robert Fothleringhiaim, Sea
forth, president, was in charge,
and Shirley Jaques acted as
Field Day , will be in Sea
forth on June 18, and Don Mc-
Kercher reported plans for thus.
It will be. hdld at the High
School .and in the park.
Maurice Lovp reported on the
Initematiohai Plowing Match,
and need for tractor drivers,.
Volunteers require a drivers
license, and a miamlbership in.
the Junior Farmers. Anyone
interested should contact
Maurice at RR 3, E'xeter.
Secretary Grace Campbell
Was detained, but when she ar
rived, roll call was heard and
minutes were read.
Century farm signs are avail
able at $1.00 each, and the
Juniors will eTebt them as; a
dentehhia’l and . Community
Betterment Project.
Nominees for Eastern Ont
ario bus trip,. United Nations
trips, and the Junior Farmer
Camp -arp to be sent in ‘im
mediately. MisS .Elsie Doig re
ported on a reunion held ta
Lambton County by the over
seas delegates from Canada and
Great Britain,
The club Avith the highest
score at Field Day Wilt receive
a ten-pound ham. JOanne Alton
is press reporter tor the juniors.
Mrs. William Glover and son'
Willows, Detroit, spent the
weekend with Mr, and Mrs.
Willows Mountain and- Mrs. R.
Mrs. Jack Hamilton, London,
spent Sunday with Mr. Will
Govier and- Mrs. Webster.
Mrs. Harold Sprung, Atwood,
was renewing old acquaintances
in , the village Saturday and
The Cheerio- Club, spent a
pleasant afternoon at the home
of Mrs. John Armstrong.
• Miss Edith Beacom and Mrs.
Laura' Lyon spent jthe weekend
in London; Mbs. Lyon visiting
with her daughter Mrs. and
Mir. Ron Neale. • ' '
Several ladies from the vil
lage attended the UCW meet
ing held in Bum’s Church last
•Wednesday. Guests from Bly th,
Walton, Winthrop, Seaforth and
Constance' had the privilege of
listening to an address by Dr.
Bessie Mewhort of Weston, -who
is home on furlough, from
India, The Bums ladies have
been in touch With Miss: Mew-
hort for the past 15 years.
Mrs. F. Snow of Milton is
Visiting with Mrs. Myrtle Fair-'
Service this week, having at
tended the golden wedding of
•her coiusinS, Mr. and Mrs. John
Fairservice of Bly th. Congratu
lations are extended to Mr. and
LOL To Enter
Spring Show
Gala Parade
"Members of the Murphy Loy
al Orange' Lodge No. 710 will
enter a float in the parade
opening Clinton Spring Fair .oh
Saturday, June 4. Preparation
for the float will be done, at the
HarOld Lobb and Sons Shop,
•Bayfield Read; on. Friday even
ing, June 3 ait 8 p.in.
Harold Crittendeil conducted
the meeting of the Lodge on
May 26. Two carloads of mem
bers from Clinton attended a
meeting of South Huron LOL
in' Lucah on May 25. Plans
are well away for Canada’s
'Centennial ‘year With a large
celebration in Bayfield on Wed
nesday, July 1'2', 1967.
This year South Huron will
Celebrate ■ in North. Perth on
Saturday, Jlily 9 alt. Harriston.
One of ithe best exercises „
help remedy an ■■estepssivP' cal
orie ihtd.be is pushing one’s
chair firmly . away from the
table, the Canadian Medical
Association suggests.
Thursday, June 2t 1966—Clinton News-Record—Page II
Auburn and District
MRS. WES BRAPNOC!K-^-Corr0*pondant-T-rRhone $26-7595
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Davies wept
with Mr. and Mirs. James Hem-
bly of Atwood to visit Ottawa
and .see -the tulips which were
blobming so abundantly in ouy
Capital City. '
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sprung,
Atwood, yisifed last week With
Miss Margaret R,‘ Jackson. '
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dodds,
.Florida arrived' 'back a couple
of weeks ago to their summer
AUBURN — Mis's Elizabeth
Youngblut, only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Youngblut,
RR 1, Auburn, was1 the winner
of Stratford General Hospital
medical staff scholarship award
for general proficiency in theory
and practice, when she was one
of 18 who graduated recently
from the hospital,
Following the ceremony, a
reception took place in the Sun
day school room of Knox United
Church, Auburn, with., dinner
being served by the members
of Unit Three.
Those attending were Mr.
and- Mrs. Percy Youngblut, Miss
Betty Younigblu/t; Douglas
Youngblut, Brampton; Mr. and
Mirs. Barry Youngblut, George
town; Mrs. Russel King, Miss
Clara Shultz, Miss Bernice- Mc
Dougall, all of Auburn; 'Mr. and
Mrs. Wellington Good, BJyth;
Misses Mary and Shirley
Machan, Auburn; Mrs. Art
Lawlor, Wingham;; Mr. and
Mils. Lloyd McLarty and Cathy,
Goderich; Miss Cathy Porter,
Summerhill; Mrs. ‘ Carmen
Moon, Londesboro, and Mis's
Barbara Harrison, Stratford.
Miss Youngblut received
many gifts and messages of
congratulations on her gradu
ation. She has accepted a pos
ition onzthe staff of the” Bramp
ton Reel Hospital “staff.
The Canadian Medical A-sSo-
elation reports that, contrary
to common ’heiliief, sunburn is
the only important and com
mon harmful effect of over-
exposure to the sun.
Phone 523-4570
Mrs. Fairservice from their
friends in Londesboro.
Best wishes go out to Mr.
and Mrs. Erwin Johnston on
the arrival of a baby girl on
May 26.
Miss Edith Beacom and Mrs.
Harry'Lear attended the school
for women Of the UCW which
was held in Westminster Col
lege over the weekend.
At Session In
Londesboro Hall
Historical Meeting
On Friday evening, the Huron
Historical Society met in the
Londesboro Community . Hall
with the president, Mrs, Mack
presiding,' ’
The objective bf the Society
’is to stimulate interest in the
history of Huron County. Meet
ings will be held in different
parts of the county so that
more people will became in
terested and learn, more,
Next meeting will be in Ethel
on June 20. Mr. Jewel introduc
ed the guest speaker, J. W. Mc
Laren, Bonmiller, who gave an
interesting discourse - on the
various research work he has
undertaken’ during the past
Mm. Tam Allen contributed
two fine accordion instrumen
tals and Mira. Lloyd Pipe gave
a paper on the Tweedsmuir
Book she has been compiling.
Luhch was served to about
60 guests by the Women's In
Witnesses To CNE
For 3-Day Event
Harl MPNaliy, presiding min
ister of the Clinton congrega
tion of Jehovah's Witnesses, re
ports ' thdt. teh families from
here are planning ito attend the
five-day Christian assembly in
Tobohto,, the Canadian Na
tional Exhibition grandstand
from June 22 (through 26,
Mr. McNally Stated that the
convention is bale of 13 being
hold in the United States and
Canada "Within a (tw’o-month
period. Upwards bf 50,000 from
six provinces of Canada and 28
Of the United S bates, as Well as
England, Central Africa and
Xndiia a:re exixjcted' to attend
the Toronto meet.
conventions Will also
be held in <3entral and South
America later hi the year,
home on the Baseline road.
Miss ‘ Laura Wqgner, Syra
cuse, :N.¥., spent a few days
last week with, relatives' here.
Recent guests, with ML and
Mrs. Maitlapd Allen Were Mr,
and Mrs. Charles Koch ap'd,
George Timm and Miss Erma
Bethka, ah of Gorsrie,
William H, Coates, Flint,
Mich,, is visiting fthfe week with
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen.
Nurse Graduates
Mr. Ralph D. Munro and, her
sister, Mrs. Ethel McDougall,
Seaforth, visited relatives in
Mount Forest on Sunday. -
Members from this district
attended the -.Blyth Dairy 4rH
Olub meeting at the home of
Maurice Hallahan, RR 1, Bel
grave. Tom Riley ins feme ted the
junior members how to judge ’
dairy beef, sheep and swine
classes. Candice Bell was' in
charge of the meeting and one
of the leaders; Simon Halldhan
led in., the discussion period.
Lunch wias served at the close
of the .meeting.
Mirs. Russel King attended
the Wedding, ,of her nephew/
Gary Youngblut at Hamilton
recently, The bride was Miss
Shirley Randle, daughter of
Mrs. S. Randle and ‘the groom
is' the son of Mrs, Earl Young
blut and the late Mr, Young
blut, a former Aufodm resident.
Congratulations are extended
to John Thomas Hamilton on
his graduation frqm .the Uni
versity of Waterloo with his
Bachelor, of Applied Science in
Electrical Engineering last Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. Bep Ham
ilton, his' .parents, attended the
ceremony at Seagram’s stad
ium, John will be on the staff
of Ontario hydro at Toronto.
P.“Tlin riTpi
• (Photo by Ray Kumano)
A recent graduate of the
Stratford Hospital S’cho'oL pf
Nursing; Miss Youngblut .is,
the daughter of Mr: and Mrs.
Percy Youngblutt, RR 1, Au-
. burn. She received the Strat
ford General Hospital Medi-
> cal Staff Scholarship Awards
for general proficiency in the -
theory and practice of nuns-.
ing. She graduated from Clin
ton Collegiate Institute in
1963, and will ■ commence her '
duties at the Peel Memorial.
Hospital, Brampton, -in.Sept-•’
ember.N‘ ‘ »
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Thi3„new oil has been approved by the Ontario
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