HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-06-02, Page 9Living In Port Credit CONTRACT YOUR BEAN ACREAGE The Age Of Fear I FERTILIZER SPRING SEED , * ii. J HEN SALL, ONTARIO hn 'll Q f ‘S TREFLAN or was 'ahead young m!an hiis leisure eight years Chapman, had do with theiiir attitude toward Wait is a including: • Finger-tip start • Clog-proof grasscatcher • The industry's largest muffler • Two-speed operation PHONE 262-2714 tfb .....—............... We have Bagged or Bulk HARRISTON FERTILIZER Available at Competitive Price » E L MICKLE & SON LID. QUALITY MICHIGAN AND ONTARIO SANILAC AND SEAWAY SEED FERTILIZER SUPPLIED EPTAM AVAILABLE Seedbed preparation. Thursday, News-Record—Page 9 ,f * l . Wltoh. 'ft number of my friends learned that J had been within several shont miles of the ■famous area on Daytona Beach, Florida, where • the annual •’Splash Party’ takes place, they asked me what I thought of the youth of today,” especially those who become involved in ’this escapacie every spring, Frankly I do, not blame the ‘kids, They came into a world of fear and battle. They were raised within the sound of can­ non and guns booming from Korea through their radios and TV sets. Now they are being constantly subjected to lurid death scenes from Vietnam op almost every news broadcast, The boys face'either the draft ■•o,r voluntary enlistment. They ’ know there is little hope of escaping military service unless they have puli’, Knowing this, their attitude is one of ‘eat, drink and be merry for tomor­ row we may die’. They have al­ ways. lived with fear and this is_ the only way they can rebel, oir show a brash bravado, • . , Ministers Take Action . We were told that few, ex-(Photo by Robt. Patchett, Port Credit) MR, AND MRS. GRANT A. KEYES ' "Married in Kenmiur Baptist Church, Port Credit, -on Saturday, April 23, Mr. and Mrs. Grant A. Keyes are now residing in Port Credit. The bride . is Joan Long/ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Long, Port Credit and -the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmore A. Keyes, Exeter, formerly . of Varna. The Christian Reformed Church, Clinton, was the scene of the early summer wedding • of Margaret Dykstra and Mur­ ray Klaas on Saturday, May 21 at 2 o’clock p.m. The bride is the ^daughter: of ■ Mir. and Mrs, Vilke Dykstra, Clinton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit offers a TWO-YEAR WARRANTY t plus 13 convenient, advantages, Klaas, Auburn. The ceremony was performed by ■ ReV G. J. Heersink, and the church\or­ ganist was J. Roorda. Given suf marriage by her father, the bride' wore a floor­ length gown of white peau ,de soie with lace bodice, featuring bell-shaped sleeves, empire waistline and tong train. Her veil of silk illusion was, he-ld in place by a small crown. She carried a bouquet of yellow roses, The maid of honour, Miss Lois Dykstra, Clinton, sister of the bride and' Miss Jayne Vos, Varna, wore floor-length gowns of aqua peau de soie styled sim­ ilar to the bride and carried bouquets of shasta daisies. Little Miss Joan Dykstra was the flower girl, dressed similar to- the bride in white with an aqua sash and bow and carried Shasta daisies. The ringbearer was Bert Siertsema, Bly th. The best man was Keith de Footer of Port Lampton and the solotot was Mrs. Zondervan of Clinton. Following the ceremony a re­ ception took place in the chur­ ch parlour w!here the bride’s mother received the guests wearing a pink brocaded coat dress,, white accessories and a. pink rose corsage. She was as-, sisted by the groom’s mother, wearing a green chiiffon-A-line. dress, -beige accessories and a’ yellow rose corsage, Dinner was served to this- guests at the Maitland Golf Club. For a wedding trip to Mon­ treal, the bride donned a crepe ■ 'dress 'of navy blue, white acces-- series and a white rose corsage. On their return they will reside at 190 Allan St,, Waterloo, Guests Michigan,- Hamilton, Holland, r Explorer Girls Give Program, Three Graduate On Wednesday evening, May 25 the Explorers girls of. Ont­ ario Street United Church held their annual Mother and Dau­ ghter party with the leaders, Miss Olive Johnson and Mrs, Grant Irwin in Charge. Follow­ ing the display of their year’s work, the girls presented a pro­ gram fot" the guests,’ Ann Crittenden, Chief Ex­ plorer, welcomed the mothers and Esther Merrill announced .the .various number’s. Three songs were sung by the girls arid recitations were given by Karen Tyndall, Holly Deline, Sharon Williams and Debra Welsh. A vocal duet was sung by Karen Tyndall and Janet East. Piano-’ solo's were played by Ann .Crittenden, Heather McAdam, Barbara Elliott, Cathy Aiken, Lome Symons, Nancy Colson, and Cathy Pat­ erson. A skit entitled “Explorers on Parade” was presented by the red1 star girls, Andrea Overboe, Sylvia Langille, Cathy Pater­ son, Patsy Proctor,- Lorrie Sy­ mons-, Bonnie Gates, and Nancy Colson. The senior girls pre­ sented a play “The Anti-Gossip Club’.’. The closing number on the program w;as a ballet dance by Bonnie Gates. The graduation ceremony was held in the chapel. Three members, Ann Crittenden, Bar­ bara Elliott', and Heather Mc­ Adam graduated into- CGIT and received their graduation cer­ tificates1 and pins. Four CGIT girls were present to take part in the ceremony They were Marilyn Aiken, Becky Howse, Janice Herman and Joan Ag­ gerholm. • Z- . Following- the. graduation service, lunah and’a social hour was enjoyed by the girls and their mothers. icept the' police, have ever taken any acfcjon to try and prevent this apnual mob celebration at Ehstertime. That 1? until this ybar/'wflien the ministers pf the community - banded together, rented -a huge tent and provid­ ed soft drinks' 'and coffee and music -for the young people to use up their energy in the* con-. . tortious of .today's so-retailed dances. What amount of sue-, cess this effort had in control­ ling the unhappy situation I never did learn, but jit did sug­ gest to me that possibly they should' start their missionary work at an earlier age. Is Sportsmanship The Answer? I was reminded of a trip J> took north from Edm-opton to Peace River with a champion baseball team, These lads, were all under 14 and had' the dis­ tinction of having been. Alberta Bantam champs ,in 1964. They . were defending their title again in 1965. Under the circumstan­ ces you could expect them to be in -a rowdy mood, Undoubtedly their coach and trainer, Pete something • to sportsmanlike the challenge of 'them, Pete who- has devoted hours for the past to training boys, not only in baseball but, in other competi­ tive sports. He reminded them to demon­ strate' control even when a huge box of sandwiches and cakes (my‘ contribution to the outing, prepared for them by Henri Bachman, chef of CN’s Macdonald Hotel in Edimonton) was opened. The usual pushing, shoving and grabbling one would expect from. 17 hungry lads did not happen: Their dis­ ciplined ’training was evident, then -as it was the next day when they won the deciding double-header 6-5 add 11-3. I cannot imagine these boys, trained to have pride in them­ selves and pride in their a- chievement becoming ‘beach boys’ even under the duress, or threat of war service,............ * .......WIW—I ■!!■■■ I. .... .11. ‘.■I.WI..I Varna Boy Married At Cranbrook Mr. and Mrs, Robert Barry Taylor wore mar­ ried at Cranbrook Presbyterian Church on Satur­ day, May 14. The bride (Patsy Grace) is > the daughter of 'Mrs, Stuart Evans, and the groom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs, Robert Taylor, ‘ Varna. The young couple are living in Listowel. (Photo by Ken Ducharme, Wingham ' The May meeting cf‘ Clinton Women’s Institute was held in the Agriculture office on May 26, with president Mrs. W, Co-1- ctoiugh in phar'ge. Delegates were appointed to- attend the District Annual at Auburn May 31, Memlbers were reminded of a rummage sale and bake sale being held on June 4 in the town hall. The WI are to be responsible for -the hospital cart during June, Mrs. C. Lockhart gave an interesting and helpful talk on health, stressing the part diet plays in man’s health, and how important it is for mental health to keep doing things un­ less maimed, and added that health is wealth. r Mirs, C, Nelson gave a report on the Guelph convention. Mrs. W. Oolclough gave a humorous recitation.. Mrs. "J. Ryan of .Goderich, who makes the artificial flower arrangements in a Goderich store, showed several and dem­ onstrated the making of one. Tickets were sold .with Mrs. T. Leppington being the lucky winner. Synod President At WMS Meeting Mrs.' J, S. Burnham, Sarnia, will be guesit speaker at the spring meeting of the Huron Preslbyterial Woman’s Mission­ ary Society at BJyth St’ And­ rew’s Church on Friday even­ ing, June 3 at 8 p.m. 'Mrs. Burnham is 'president of the London-Hamilton Synodical Co- ciety of the WiMS. Everyone is welcome, (Bean Weed Control) , MAY BE OBTAINED LOCALLY Phone or pick up at GEORGE WRAITH—No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone Goderich 524-7002 " ILIL ULEHTILLS. — C^mariy Phone Hensail 262-5203 SHAMROCK CHEMICALS No. 135 Highway, London, Ontario Phone Collect 438-5652 21-2-3b --------- -- - ■ ; ..z REGISTERED, CERTIFIED and COMMERCIAL SPRING SEED AVAILABLE SPECIAL SEED MIXTURES AVAILABLE SEE OR CALL You'll work; every field in every season more efficiently and at lower cost with the Triple K Cultivator. Use it for sum­ mer fallow and pasture renovation. Use it for seedbed preparation and row-crop cultivation. This is the world's most popular all-purpose cultivator. Built of stretched Swedish Steel and with every tine tested to stand the heaviest work­ load you can give it. See your Korig- skilde Dealer. Or write us for a folder. Fir'l . " MLWhPlw wBSSD'BwB ■■■JfBS * ■ ■■ I mmf R PLE K H. LOBB & SONS EQUIPMENT Bayfield Rd — CLINTON — Phone 482-9431 Row crop cultivation \ WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC CLINTON King St. — 482-3851 J were present from Toronto, Clarkson, Brampton,- London. Auburn, Westfield, Varna and Holmesville. ' • --------—o----------• BABIES ARE HARDY The Canadian Medical Asso­ ciation suggests that if mothers would realize that ’babies are usually very hardy, and learn to relax with the Child, the in­ fant is more apt to be content­ ed and Well adjusted, ’S OIL BURNER SERVICE AND /O' SUMMER • DAY OR NIGHT WORK • APPROXIMATE WORK PERIOD • MINIMUM RATES CLEANOUTS Make Your Arrancferfienfs Now Before The Fall Rush at: • CANADIAN CANNERS LTD., EXETER A. G. GRIGG & SON Rune 482-9411 Clinton Confacf Us For All Your Fuel Oil Needs / 20tfb IN PERSON OR PHONE 235.2445 • NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE • OR MAIL THIS COUPON « - - * JUNE 25-NOVEMBER 15 MALES . — $1.25 per hour FEMALES — $1.00 per hour I I I I I I I. 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