HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-06-02, Page 7ANNOUNCEMENT
Open House for Mri arid, Mrs.
William Campbell (Eva Canter)
on the occasion of their 25th
anniversary on Saturday, June
4, from 2-5 p.m. at tslae home
of Mr, Mrs. Lloyd Batkin,
;205 Rattenbupy St., E, 22p
HAMM —- In Clinton Public
Hospital on Saturday, May
28, 1966 'to Mr. and Mrs. W.
M. Hamm, Blyth, a daughter.
JOHNSTON — In Clinton Pub-
lie Hospital on Thursday,
May 26, 1966 to Mr, and Mrs.
Ervin Johnston, LondesborO,
a daughter.
(SAGER — fn • Clinton Public
Hospital on Sunday, May 29,
1966 to Mir, and, Mrs. L.
■Sager, Seaforth, a daughter.,
WILLERT —- In South Huipp
Hospital, Exeter, on Monday,
■ May 23, 1966 to Mr. and Mrs,
Edgar Willett, RR 1, Zurich,
a daughter,,,, a sister for
Robert, ' •' “■■'I .
(Continued from page one)
Mrs. L. B. Melanson, Seaforth,
$15 each;
*’ Carl Phplber, Brussels an,d
Mrs. Alex McMichael, Clinton,
$15 each;
Bert Horton, Heinsall and
Mrs. K. W, Colquhoun, Clinton,
$15 each;
Mrsf Jack Hart, Clinton;
Mrs. Hodgson, Clinton; Carl
Vanderzon, ' Seaforth; Dave
Ovprboe, Clmton, shared,
One of the $30 bingos was
shared by eight persons.: Mrs.
Grant, CFB Clinton; Helen
Haley, Exeter; Mrs, Torn Shapp,
Clinton; Mrs- R, Brindley, Au
burn; MpTS. Osbaldeston, Gpdh-r
rich; Mrs. Frank Riehl, Wing
ham; Ray Armstrong, Gode
rich and Gene Baynham, Sea
Clinton Church Host To
170 Calvinist Cadets
I would like to' express my
sincere thanks flor ■ flowers,
cards and visits‘ while I was a
patient in Clinton hospital.
Special thanks to Dr. Addison,
Dr. Thompson, nurses and staff
•of first floor. — MRS. ELLA
MASON. 22b
r Sincere -thanks to ail my
friends, relatives, and -neigh
bours for cards, flowers, visits
• and treats. Special thanks to
the Varna UCW, Mr. Morrison,
Dr. McMaster, nurses and staff
•on first floor far their kindness.
' 22p
I wish to thank my
friends for thleir visits,
flowers and cards while
a patient in hospital,
many acts of kindness were
truly appreciated. Special
thanks to Dr. Streets, Rev. R.
J. Tschanz and the nurses of
the'second floor. — MRS. LELY
I was
The family of toe late Mrs.
Charles Lane wish, to extend
their sincere -thanks to neigh
bours, friends and relatives for
theffir many acts 'of sympathy,
cards, baking and flowers'.
Special thanks to the staff of
Clinton Public Hospital, Dr.
Oakes, Father Laragh, Father
Saligeon arid Whitney Funeral
Home. 22b
I wish tp "thank friends and
relatives 1 from Georgetown-,
Toronto and Clinton for visits
cards and letters, and kind en
quiries, also the nurses for their
kindness to me, and a very
special thanks to Dr..Flowers,
while I was a patient in Clin
ton Hospital, it was all much
appreciated and Will be remem
bered sincerely. — MRS. JEAN
MUIR, Georgetown, Ont......22p
1.......... ■
JAMES — Ait Kitchener on
Wednesday, June 1, .1966,
Albert John .James of Clin
ton, beloved husband of Ger
trude Busch, in his 70th year.
Funeral service on Saturday,
June 4, from Ball and Mutch
Funeral Home, Clinton, to St.
Paul’s Anglican Church at 2
o’clock with interment in
Clinton Cemetery.
JOHNSTON — At Victoria
Hospital, London, on.Thurs
day, May 26, 1966, Frederick
Anderson Johnston of 7 Cyn
thia St., London in1 his 66th
year. Funeral service from A.
Millard George Funeral
Homie, London, with inter
ment in Mount Pleasant
Cemetery. Survived by dau
ghters, Mrs. Louis (Helen)
Idzmore; Mrs. .Donald (Mil
lie) Morgan; and Mrs. Ronald
(Thelma) Sherritt, all of
London and one son, Fred Jr.
of London; sisters, Mrs. Chris
Dale, Seaforth; Mrs. Charles
Hallam, Lucknow and broth
ers, George, Clinton and Bob
of Hullett Township.
Mr. and Mrs. Willem
Kolkman of Burlington,
wish to 'announce the en
gagement of their daughter
Jane, to Mr. Ralph Poistma,
son of Mr, and’ Mrs. George
Postma, Clinton, The wed
ding to take place on Fri
day, June 17, 1966 at 7 p.m,
Christian Reformed Cliurch,
•Clinton. - 22p
* Us sit
Mrs, Lillian M. Leather
land, RR 1,’ Auburn, wishes’
to announce the engage
ment of her daughter, Rose
Marte, to 'Chart es Wayne
Millian, eldest son of . Mrs.
- Evelyn Millian and' the late
Charles MiMjan, RR 5,
Goderich. The bride is toe
daughter of the late Alvin1
Leatherland. The wedding
wlill take place July’ 2,, 1966
at 2:30 p.m. in Knox Pres-
• byterian Church, Auburn.
sis * s(:
Mr. and Mrs. Lance W,
' Saddler, RR 2, 'Clinton are
pleased to announce the en
gagement of their- only
daughter, Karen Winnifred,
to Mr. Paul Joseph Golds
worthy, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Goldsworthy, .
RR 1, Clinton. The wedding ,
will take place at St.
Joseph’s Chiurch, Clinton on
Saturday, June 25, 1966 at
4 pm. 22x
* . >i: Hs
Mr. and Mrs. Orville G.
Storey, RR 1, Seaforth, an
nounce toe engagement of
their daughter, Gail Mar
lene, to Mr. Alex H. J.
Glanville, son of Mr .and
Mrs. John Glanville, RR 2,
Walton. The marriage, to
take place at Cavan United
Church, Winthrop, oh Sat
urday, June 25, 1966 at 3
pm. 22x
Patrol LeaderRickey
Burdge of IBrucefliield Boy
Scout Trotop receives con
gratulations from District
..Scout Commissioner Jack
Gallant; Clinton, at the Hur
on District Boy Scout Camp-
oree at Fanshawe Lake, Lon
don, last weekend, Rickey
won one of toe sports events.
------ -----O'—---------
Clintonian Club
To Meet* June 8
The Clintonian Club
meet at, the home of
George Mann, RR 4, Clinton,
Wednesday, June' 8 at 2 p.m.
Cars1 will leave the town hall
at 1:30 p.m. Members are ask
ed to have their money ready
for the bus trip to Kitchener.
x Over 170 cadets of toe Huron
and Erie Council of the Calvin
ist Cadet Corps, assembled at
the Christian Reformed .Church
jn Cl'bTton on Saturday for their
annual cadetorama. Cadets
from six areas — London, St.
Thoapas, Sarnia, Kitchener,
Woodstock and Clinton — dis
played their craft handiwork
and attended religious and bus
iness' sessions during the after
noon and evening.
The prize winners were an
nounced! at the evening session.
The Sarnia cadets won both
toe club display and individual
project'trophies. The Kitchener
cadets won the cadre project
prize and a Londlon cadet, A.
Devries, ten years old. won a
merit badge flor his craft,
' Henry Kuiper, Clinton, one of'
toe original councillors of the
Clinton cadets, wasi presented
with \a blue star badge for his
efforts over (the years- He is "a
former vice-president of the
Huron and Erie Council.
The Clinton cadets had sold
Chocolate bars to raise funds
for their cadet work and Her
man Gerrits of RR 2 Clinton
was top salesman, selling 220
of the 1,500 Chocolate bars sold
by the cadets. He was. present
ed with a $7-50 cheque as -his
prize. ’. .
The various 'club craft dis
plays were judged on creaJtive-
Sunday June 5—2 p.m.
Guest Speaker — Henry Binnendyk, Kippen
A well established Real Estate Company
requires a salesman to sell real estate in this
area, An experienced man would be preferred,
however training will be given if necessary.
Applications will be strictly confidential and
applicants may apply to
Box 201, Clinton News-Record
Thursday, June 2, 1966—Clinton New$-Record—Page 7
Leaders Interested In Sarnia Display
' ness, originality and neatness.
'These were on display in six
separate Sunday School rooms
upstairs in the church.
The Clinton cadets' had - an
attractiye display of early
camping methods x on the
grounds behind the church.
Tiie Clinton Club, No. 340,
composed of 24 cadets, are in
structed by Councillors Jack
Roorda, Albert Valkenburg,
Leen Vanderban and Peter
The sessions in the church
auditorium were- in charge of
Herman Louter, Huron and
Erie Council president.
Rev. Raymond 'Sikkema, min
ister of Blyto Christian Re
formed Church, was guest
speaker, and spoke on “Cadets
in Uniform Out of Uniform".
Clinton minister, Rev. Heersink
and Clinton councillors assisted
in the business sessions and
craft displays.
The ladies of the church
served lunch to the 170 cadets,
in two shifts, at 5; 00 and 5:45
OS®' *' A
»' - ih 1 a/.^’•‘- ■■ ■- --r- _ I
Registered Moore Acres
Jersey Herd
At the Farm, Lot 8, Con. 3,
Colborne Twp., Huron County,
8 miles east of Goderich (first
con. east of Benmiller, then 1
block north and east — third
farm) on
Thursday* June 9, 1966
At 1 p.m.
35 Caws and 11 Open Heifers,
calfhood vaccinated. . ,
27-Can Milk Cooler and 3-
Unit Surge Milking Machine.
Terms — Cash
Catalogues on request
Thomas Moore,. Prop.,
RR 4, Goderich, Ont.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer
Seaforth, Ont.
George Powell, Clerk
Auction Sale of Household
Effects of the Estate of Mrs.
Mary Layton from 178 James
Street, Clinton on
Saturday, June 11
at 1:30 p.m. *
Chesterfield bed' and chair
(like new); upholstered arm
chair; upholstered platform
rocker; china cabinet;'' Philco
21" TV; rotar and antenna;
TV lamp; itri-light; bridge
lamp; table lamp; 2 end tables';
fernery; mantel radio; hall
tree; hassock; walnut bed and
dresser (waterfall design) inner
spring mattress; 5 piece chrome
dinette suite (like new); Sun
shine electric range; electric
clock; electric kettle; electric
frying pan; toaster; Hoover
vacuum cleaner; washing ma
chine; drop head sewing ma
chine; carpet sweeper;. cedar
chest; day bed; window table;
small table; metal utility table;
2 folding chairs (like new);
Wall mirror; 2 kitchen chairs;
2 camp chairs; full set of Eng
lish dishes; odd dishes; cooking
utensils; pillows; numerous
other articles.
Terms Cash
Executor of the Estate
- Auctioneer ,
22, 3b
CLEGG — In York County
Hospital, Newmarket, on Sat
urday, May 28, 1966, Miss'
Irene Clegg, formerly of Mor
ris Township, in her 75th
year. Survived by one broth
er, Joseph of Clinton. Funeral
from Ball and Mutch Funeral
Home, Clinton, on Monday,
May 30 with interment in
Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave.COWLES — Sudderily, as toe
result of a plane crash in
Yellowknife, N.W.T., Wed
nesday, May 25, 1966, How
ard Luman Cowles, dear hus
band of Betty Pearson, for
merly of Clinton, in His-42nd
year. Mr. Cowles' was a bush
pilot, leaving this area in
1953 where he had been sta
tioned with the RCAF at
•Clinton and had worked for
one and a half years at Clin
ton News-Record. Surviving
(besides his wife, are "three
sons, Larry 19, Clair 17,
Randy 6; and one daughter
Kathy Lee, 9 months;- and
his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clair Cowles of Sask. Fun
eral services were held on
Monday, May 30 -with inter
ment in Prince Albert, Sask.
KENNARD — At Huronview,
•Clinton, on Thursday, May
26, 1966, 'Mrs. George Ken
nard formerly of Exeter, in
■her 90th year. The former Isabella Arin McBeath, she is
survived by sisters, Mrs.
Cleve (Jessie) Cochrane, Sea
forth; Mrs. John (Mabel)
Jarrott, Hensail and Mrs. Al
vin (Rena) •McBride, Exeter.
Funeral service from Bon-
thron Funeral Home, HensaM
on Saturday, May 28 with in
terment in Baird’s Cemetery,
LOVELL — At Huronview,
Clinton, on Tuesday, May 24,
1966, Mrs. Thomas Lovell,
formerly of Howick Town
ship, in her 91st. year. Sur
vived sons, Stewart of
Brucefield ‘ and Lawrence,
Gravenhurst. Funeral service
front iMoir Funeral Honie,
Gorrie, on Thursday, May 26,
with> interment in Wroxeter
McCANN - In South Huron
Hospital, Exeter on Tuesday,
May 24, 1966,' Mrs. Benjamin
Joseph McCann, formerly of
Zurich, in her 70th* year.
Funeral from St. Boniface
Roman Catholic Church, Zur
ich, on Thursday, May 26
With interment in the Church
Qetobtery. Westlake Funeral
Home in 'charge. A son, Jos
eph is of Clinton.
McTAGGART — Suddenly, at
his residence in Watford; on
Sunday May 29, 1966, George
Ernest McTaggart, beloved
husband of the late Violetta
Thompson, in his ' 81st year.
Dear father of Mark, Lon
don; Dorothy, at home; dear
grandfather of Dennis, Lon
don arid Lany, TaimpS, Fla.;
dear, brother, of Miss Nettie
McTaggart, Exeter, Mrs. Ma
bel Glenn, Exeter, Mrs. . Ver
din, Manitoba. Funeral on
Wednesday, June 1, ' at Wat
ford, with interment in Clin
ton Centetery.
f *
Attend Your Church
All Services on Daylight Saving Time.
;; JBaptist Convention Of Ontario and Quebec)
]• Pastor: Paul Coon, B.A.
;» Sunday, June 5
1! 10:00 ajm.—Sunday School
!;■ 11:15 a.m.—Family Worship »
Ontario Street United Church
Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. .
Sunday, June 5
10:30 a.m.—Sunday School
•/ 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship
Confirmation Service’
2:00 p.m.—Sunday School Anniversarjr^^
^olnteebiUe ■JMtttieb Qllfurcfyee
REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister,
Sunday, June 5
Communion Theme: “What We Mean to Jesus Christ"
9:45 ajn.L-Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—-Holy Communion
9:45 a.m.—Holy Communion
10:45 ana.-—Sunday School
i ' ■ *
- Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector
Mr?W. H. Bishop, FRCO, ARCM, Organist
Sunday,'June 5 — Trinity Sunday
8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion
9:45 am.—Church School
11:00 am.—Holy Communion
Tuesday,’ June 7 — Ladies Guild will meet in Parish Hall
at 2:45 pm.
I „
(Continued from page one)
Tait Clarke, RR 6, Goderich;
constitution and by-law chair
man, Magistrate H. Glenn
Hays, Goderich; Historian, Mrs.
Otto Popp, Goderich.
Mrs. Mack in hex' president's
report, spoke of the aims of the
Society, told what had been ac
complished and' asked for con
tinued support and co-operatiOn
for toe objectives in view. Mag
istrate Hays paid tribute, on
behalf of toe society, to Mi's.
Mack for her leadership during
the first two hesitant and ar
duous years.
. Ralph Jewell introduced the
guest speaker, J. W. MacLaren,
now a resident of Benmiller.
Mr. MacLaren is a graduate
of Edinburgh College • of Art
and a -member of the Ontario
Society of Artists. As a soldier,
artist (theatrical and graphic),
writer and research historian
he has- made an enviable con
tribution -to Canada.
■ His ‘book, “Our Great Ones"
with its intriguing linoleum
cuts will have a permanent
place in Canadiana. Mr. Mac-
•Dairen explained -the various
steps in publishing a book,
from the first rough copy to
the eye-catching dust-cover. In
addition he 'gave much valuable
advice on research in general,
illustrating from his own' wide
experience. Mrs. Ben Homan
thanked toe guest speaker.
Two old-time accordion 'se
lections were played1 by Mrs.
Tom Allen, and Mrs. Lloyd
Pipe prepared and read a his
tory of Londeslboro and Hullett
Township. A replica of their
Tweedsmuir Book- and’ various
relics were on display.
Mrs. Clarke thanked all for
the grants and reported toe
walls and ceiling of the Ar
chives Room had been decor
ated1. She expressed apprecia
tion to all those who had help
ed1 prepare Volume II of Huron
Notes with special mention of
Mrs. zSavage of the EMO staff.
It is hoped that a larger book
can be printed next year.
. Mrs. Poth reported a -mem
bership of 126 and welcomed
the 20 members who joined at
this meeting. Mr. Jewedl told of
the letters sent to the munici
palities and the gratifying re
It was encouraging to hear a
Centennial Historical Research
History Club had been formed
at Central Huron Secondary
School, Clinton.
A resolution concerning pos
sible use of certain rural sch
ools was proposed by E. Far-
rish, Gorrie. It is being sent to
toe Department of Tourism and
Highways and' the annual meet
ing of the Ontario Historical
The Rev. R. U. NlacLean, B.A., Minister
Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director
Sunday, June 5
9:45 a.m.—Church School
10:45 a.m.—Public Worship
MILLS •— Ait Victoria Hosjital,
Landon, on Sunday, May 29,
1966, David Frederick Mails,
650 Oxford Sit.,1 London, in
his 67th year. Funeral service
from Needham Memorial
Chapel on Wednesday, June
1, with interment in Forest
Lawn Memorial Gardens,
London. A sister, Mrs. Wil
liam (Doris) Wheeler resides
in Bayfield.
j"" ............ '
Showing -their crafts for the first time, Sarnia cadets of the Huron and
Erie Council of the Calvinist Cadet Corps,' won the club display at the cadet- .
orama in Clinton Christian Reformed Church on Saturday. Shown here admir- •
ing the oil city’s display are, left to right, Clinton Cadet Bob Baker, Rev. G.
J. Heersink, minister of the Clinton Church; Leen Vanderban and Jack Roorda,
counsellors of the Clinton cadets. (News-Record Photo)
Clinton Calvinist * Cadets Display Crafts
Clinton Cadets of Club No. 340 of the Huron and Erie Council of Calvinist
Cadet Corps display some of theiT handiwork on display at Clinton Christian
Reformed Church last Saturday. Six . Western Ontario clubs participated in the
annual cadetorama. The local cadets are, left .to right, John Vos; Douglas
Vanderhaar, Bert Vandendool and Tim Bylsma. (News-Record Photo)
■ Maurice Radford and son
Gregg, of Elmira, N.Y., visilted
over the memorial Day week
end with their (immediate rela
tives in Clinton anld district.
Mrs. Frank Mallen (nee
Routledge), Toronto, wias in
Clinton on Monday attending to
the business of having a new
monument erected in Clinton
Cemetery in memory of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Mr. and Mrs; Harry Coch
rane, Miss- Sherry Cochrane,
Mrs. Harald Hartley and Miss
Christine Hartley attended the
convocation exercises on May
26, at the University of West
ern Ontario,, when Alan Coch
rane , received hds Bachelor of
Science Degree. Alan and his
guests were invited to be pre
sent at the awards ceremony
and then attended the dean’s
luncheon at the new College Of
Science Building.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baxter,
Mr. and Mi's. Lloyd Johnston
and son Robert, London, were
Sunday visitors at the home Of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lepping-
ton, 177 Spencer St., Clinton.
Mrs. A. Weatheral, Edmon
ton, and Mrs. Sam Scott, Sea
forth, visited recently with
Mrs. Ada Adams, Albert Street.
Mrs. Murray Quaffe, Dufferin
Ave., London, was a recent vis
itor at the homie of Mrs. Laura
Perdue, Huron Street.
Use Classified Ads.
For Quick Results
Sudden Beauty Hair Spray
Reg. $1.49 ............... for $1.19
Noxzema Skin Cream
Reg. 99c .............. 2 for $1.35
Noxzema Deodorant
Spray, reg. $1.25 ....2 for $1.26
Roll-on, reg. $1.25 2 for $1.26
Rubinstein Shampoo
— ~ Special $2.00
...... Only 44c
Reg. $3.00 .......
Rouge and Liquid
Reg. $3.00 .......
Giant Super Soft
Sponge ................
Golden Glen Rubber Gloves *
• 2 pair, reg. $2.98 .... for $1.39
Ear KbSsf
Now On Display
5c to $1.00
• ■Choose early for best selection
Sun Tan Preparations.
Tropic Tan ........75c, $1.25, $2.00
Tanning Lotion .... $1.85 & $3.50
Sea & Ski ..... $1.00,&$1.75
There is stiil time to pick up
your entry blanks to win a
Your last chance is June 12
Sunday, June 5
9:45 a.m.—Worship Service
11:00 a.m.—Sunday School
8:00 p.m.—Evening Service
Speaker: John Aitken, Shelburne, Oxvt.
Tuesday—8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
Speaker: John -Aitken
REV. G. J. HEERSINK, Minister
Sunday, June 5
10:00 a.m.—Service in English
11:00 a.m.—Sunday Schoo]
2:30 pan.—-Service in English
Every Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St Thomas,
listen to “Back to God Hour".
What's Wrong With Today's Christianity?
Why Are Christians Persecuted?.
How Can You Tell False Doctrine?
How Has Christianity Changed Since Christ?
What About The Future Of The Church?
2nd Annual Bible and Phophecy Conference
June 8th - 12th — 8:00 p.m.
CalVary Baptist Church Goderich
(See Other Adv. On Page 3 For Time and Subjects)
Phone 482-9511
and BOYS'
Clinton, Ontario
MEN'S LOW STYLES ... . .. from $1.95 to $6.50
MEN'S HIGH STYLES ........ from $1.45 to $7.95
BOYS' ...................................... from $2.19 to $4.39
CLINTON 482-9352