HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-06-02, Page 6f CLASSIFIED ADV, RATES (REVISED May 1, 196G) CASH RATE’ 3c Per Word Minimum 75c Page 6—Clinton Nevs Kccotd—Thursday, June 2, 1?66 d FOUND BETTER JOBS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE CUSTOM WORK ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE W? IfBEAL ES TAT E 25c Extra will be added to each insertion’'' if not paid Within 10 days of the last insertion. SPRINGTIME baby carriage, $25.00. Phone 482-3482, 22p RANGETTE for sale, good con­ dition. Phone 482-7114, 22, 3p REPEAT ADVS. Per Word Minimum 50c DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $ 1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display. 90c per inch Birth, Marriage and Death ;Notices FREE, DEADLINE 6:00 p.m. Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 SEED and TABLE Potatoes for sale. Phone 482-7509. 22p 22' TANDEM Travel Trailer, fully equipped, Will sell rea­ sonable. Phone 482-9497. 22p WINE CHESTERFIELD and two chairs, (one green), in good cpndijtio'n. Phone 482-7297. 21, 2p FIREPLACE WOOD, beech and maple. Phone 482-9161, k . ’ ' 18tfb SEED POTATOES, Early Irish Cobbler, grown from certified seed. Phone 482-7578. 16tfb ............................. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 5 ROOM APARTMENT, avail­ able now. Close to CFB Clin­ ton. Phone 523-4468. 22, 3p ONE BEDROO^M Apartment, unfurnished. Ceriel VanDamme, Phone 482-6685. ltfb LARGE TRAILER for rent, ful­ ly furnished. Apply at Becker’s Trailer Court. 20tfb VIKING Cream Separators'. Viking . Milkers, 2 • units and pump, 'installed $498, Basil O’- . Rourke, Brucefield. _22-25b 24” FRIGID AIRE electric stove, $65,00. T. M. Phillip, Apt. C3, Can. Forces Base. Phone 482-6600._________________22p ONE UPRIGHT dry pop cooler, 10 case capacity, walnut buffet and ch'ifna cabinet. Phone 565- 2474. 22p A BENCH POWER SAW. Just like new, used a short tirnie. Mrs. Frank Lobb, 45 Orange St., Phone 482-9008. 22p ONE BEDROOM' unfurnished apartment, newly decorated. Phone, 482-7702.' 21tfb 3 BEDROOM HOUSE ail mod- ern conveniences, 3 miles north \ of Clinton. Possession July 1. Phone Clinton 482-9910. 21;tfb SMALL APARTMENT, furnish- ed or unfurnished, heated. L. G. Winter, 200 High Street, Clinton, Phone 482-6692. 2tfb 2 BEDROOM uptown apart­ ment, furnished2 bedroom house in village of Holmesville. Phone 482-6694. . 32tfb COMPLETE boat and trailer, 25 h.p. motor, refinlished, like new condition, 5 years old. Can be seen at 208 Ontario Street, Clinton. ' 22b UNITSTEP, pre-cast concrete steps. Call Frank Kling Ltd. Seaforth, phone 527-1320. t 21-28b STOVE — black and white Empire coal and wood range with shelf and reservoir, in good condition. Mrs. Muriel Grigg. Phone 482-7384. 22p HEATED APARTMENT, large living room, kitchen and bath, one bedroom, available June 15. Phone Lloyd Batkin, 482-7057. 20tfb SILVERLINER Travel Trailer (new). Hard top can be low­ ered for travelling, will sleep up to six. 182 St. David St:, Goderich, phone ’ 524-9618. ' 19-22p GROUND FLO.OR, 4 room a-’ ' partment, uhfuimished, self ■ contained, private entrance and parking, lawn ,and shade trees, Townsend St., Clinton. Phone 262-2324. . - - 22, 3b 'AVAILABLE V NOW — Mod- em heated apartment, first floor, sunporch, gardge; lawn,’ built-in kitchen with stove and frig.; drapes, broadloom, $75. month. Apply Miss W. Rad- tfard. Phone 524-7270. lltflb ONE GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- room, heated, unfurnished a- partment. One upstair 2 bed­ room, furnished, heated apart­ ment. Both self 'contained. Phone Roy Tyndall at 482-9928. 47tfb NEW AND USED Pianos by Sherlock - Manning, Heintzman, Lesage & Bell, Newand used, organs -all at money saving prices. Contact Garnet E. Far­ rier Piano and Organ Sales, Wlhitechurch. Phone 357-2068. Wingham. 21tfb VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs, hoses and bags for all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned ,mach- :nes of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, Varna, ’’hone Hensull 262-5850 DRAPERY PULLa RODS — Track, curtain rods, Venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win­ dow blinds. Free estimates given. Irwin’s Dry Goods./ tfb j NEWLY DECORATED 2 bed- ; room apartment with 3 piece - bath, modern kitchen, gas heat, •large living room, unfurnished, 1 very reasonable rent. Phone 482-9649._________, , 12ptfb ■ 2. BEDROOM DUPLEX, living room newly re-decorated, gas furnace, nice ’ basement with laundry tubs, garage, in A-l condition, good location, not far from Post Office. Available June 15. Phone 524-9158. 19tfib / 5 RdOM APARTMENT, self contained, unfurnished, avail­ able now, reasonable rent, parking. 110 King Sit. Phone 482-9477. ... 14tfb 16 FT. ROUGH WATER run-, about boat, %” plywood with fibreglass hull; all oak framing and double keel; Ideal for lake use, 25 h.p. electric start motor, also new Canadian Explorer heavy duty trailer with extra whedl, Life jackets, bumpers^ anchor etc. Complete priced at $695 cash.. Call Reg. Smith, 482-9793 any evening after 6. 22b ONE BEDROOM apartment, newly decorated, heated and furnished, with private bath and washing faculties. Phone 482-3329 at noon or after 5. __________•____________14tfb THREE BEDROOM house, goad location, in A-l condition, new garage with stere room, gas furnace, nice basement with laundry and recreation room. All conveniences. Avail­ able now. 149 Victoria Terrace. Phone 482-9940 after 6:30 p.m. 22p DINING ROOM SUITE, elec- triic ironer, encyclopedia Ameri­ cana, bookcase, buffet, ward­ robe, bird cage and stand, play­ pen, new water heater. Anyone interested pleaise phone 524- 8011 at noon or, after' 9 pom. 22b r TIMEX WATCHES. . . Sold and Serlvced at ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 _________________13tfb CAREFREE HEATING — For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. tfb """■ii— . ....... . ‘ \ 0 I I ■ SANDWICHES TASTE BETTER MADE WITH BARTLIFFS ENRICHED BREAD / H Bartliffs Bakery Limited Bakery and Restaurant 482-9727 CLINTON z- SIMPLICITY Washers, now a- vallable at T. A, Dutton Appli­ ances, Brucefield. Open even­ ings. . 38tfb RENTALS; See us for all your camping needs. COM BI­ CYCLES —. From 39.95 to 48.95; Bicycle . Accessories: lighting sets 7-95; chain guards, 1.35; wire baskets, 1.65; handle bar streamers, 19c pair; etc. SPECIAL — 1 FREE Casting' (Fishing) Rad and Reel, with the purchase of a new COM Bicycle. Store hours: 8:30 to 6;00 daily; open to 9:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday. ELL- WOOD EPPS Sports Shop, King St. Phone 482-9622. 22b BAYFIELD WOOLLEN SHOP Father's Day Specials WARREN knit SWEATERS LYONS WOOL or NYLON SOCKS MEN’S SLIPPERS Phone 565-2813 —• BAYFIELD 18tfb ARTICLES FOR RENT FOR RENT — tent trailers by day or week. Apply Gordon Steepe, RR 2, Clinton. Phone 482-3364. 22-3b WHEEL CHAIRS —- The C. P. & T. Fund of Clinton Odd­ fellows Lodge have wheel chairs available for loan free. Contact Harold Tyndall, 482-7409, after 6:00 p.m. or James Cox, 482- 7093. 22b Articles wanted LARGE TRUNK wanted, Phone 482-7012. ’ 22b USED GYM swing set, in good condition. Phone 482-6654. 22p WANTED — Evenrude or Johnson 3 hjp. ar 5 h.p; out­ board motor. Any condition, newer than 1960. Cash or as trade on TV. Phone 482-3841. 22b AUTOS FOR SALE 1959 VOLVO “544”, good con­ dition, new tires. Phone 482- 9108. ,22p 1957 FORD ranch wagon, 2 door. Phone-482-7046 after 6 or weekends. 21, 22p 1963 FORD Fairlane “500”, 4 dr., V-8, radio and other ex­ tras, lin excellent ' condition. Would accept trade. Phone 482- 7880. ' 22p WHAT IS A Self-Propelled trailer? A Volks bus that’s What. Campers must. 57, Volks bus, excellent mechanical con­ dition, $250. or best Offer. Phone 482-7704. 22b 383 CU. IN. CHRYSLER engine with automatic transmission. Foxcroft floor shift; also set of cruiser fender skirts, Apply Box 192 Clinton News-Record. 19x 1964 PLYMOUTH sedan, 6 cyl­ inder engine, automatic trans­ mission, radio, power train warranty. In very good condi­ tion inside and oult. Very rea­ sonable price. Phone 482-9763. 22p LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED offers. convertible top < reconditioning;' brighten faded tops to new car condi­ tion; waterproofs too; Wihite- Black-Red-Blue. $10.00 com­ plete. ,Phone “Butch” at 482- 9321- for your appointment. 22b HONDA 1965 Honda, licensed Phone 482-3803 22p BOARD AND ROOM ACCOMMODATION for one alone or two sharing, phone' 482-7093. 20-2bz BOARD and ROOM. Would pack lunches. Phone 482-9540 after 5 p.m. 22p CUSTOM WORK “THE PIXIE” Beauty Salon cuts and perms your hair. the way you like it. Tinting a spec­ ialty. Phone 482-7792 for ap­ pointments, open evenings. 20tfb CIRCULAR and HAND SAWS, woodworking equipment, house­ hold and garden tools — any­ thing with an edge, sharpened with Belsaw Sharpall Equip­ ment. Levctt’s, 139 Erie St. S., Clinton. 18tfb Gardens Ploughed OR‘CULTIVATED Call George McGee at Clinton Cab Phone 482-7011 / tfb ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair. Our Clinton De­ pot is at 55 Albert Street at Amsings Store. Henk’s Shoe Repair, 71 Hamilton St., Gode­ rich. 38tfb WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter’s Jewellery. Huron County’s Oldest Esta­ blished Jewellery Store. tfb REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expert­ ly done. All odd jobs around the home- Kitcheri cupboards a specialty, Phone 482-7676, Ken McNairn. 52tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment Used, All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE RR 2, Brussels Phone 442 W 6, Brussels ________ 12-35p CUSTOM SPRAYING and combining of grain, beans and porn, call Frank Hill, Varna, phone 482-7596. 20tfb EAVESTROUGHING Expert Workmanship Special attention to farm barns No job too small Free estimates JAMES L. COUGHTREY PHONE 482-7729 21-7b * ■K * Ut MOTORS REWOUND and' re- paired; small electric appli­ ances. H. J. S. Repair Service, 123 Erie Street, South, Clinton. 7ptfb MASONRY. SERVICE —Chim­ neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; base­ ments repaired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guar­ anteed. Ray Squire, phone 527- 13,32, Box 335, Seaforth. 2tfb We Specialize In . . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Ea vestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE King Street Phone 482-7652 DO IT YOURSELF SAVE MONEY RENT THESE MACHINES FLOOR SANDER FLOOR EDGER HAND SANDERS . Belt Finishing Duo Type LARGE POLISHER-SCRUBBER JIG SAW SKIL SAW RUG SHAMPOO MITH WET-DRY VACUUM CREST HARDWARE BALL & MUTCH Ltd. 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 tfb 46 EMPLOYMENT WANTED WANTED — lawns to cut. $1.50 per hour. Phone 482-9390 after 5 p.m. 21, 22b CAPABLE high school ‘ girl wants summer babysitting job. Call 482-9433 after 4:30 p.m. 22b HELP WANTED FEMALE MATURE WOMAN to be com­ panion far elderly lady, live in. All conveniences, small cottage. From 2 to 5 days a week; ar full time. Box 152 Clinton News-Record. 15tfb HOUSEWORK by capable woman. State ability, wage ex­ pected. Write Box 220, Clinton News-Record. 22p Reliable Middle Age Woman Good health, willihg to work and capable of some plain cook­ ing for retired gentleman in comfortable home, Chatham^ Ontario. Live in, non-smoker. Wages 845.00 weekly. Box 221 Clinton News-Record 22-3b HELP WANTED MALE PART-TIME man to work odd night and all day Saturdays. Apply in person to Roy Mann Service Station, 20 Huron Street. 22, 3b HELP WANTED MALE PIANO TUNING for Receiving and Shipping Department of Egg Plant at UNITED DAIRY & POULTRY CO-OPERATIVE Seaforth - Phone 527-1590 22-3b ARE YOU DISSATISFIED WITH FARMING? LOOKING FOR A GREATER CHALLENGE? Large International Company in agricultural field has opening in surrounding -townships for map with recent agricultural back­ ground who is interested in high earnings. We are interested in a self-con­ fident and ambitious man who believes he can sell. Previous sales experience is not neces­ sary; successful applicant will receive complete field training. Successful applicant can expect earnings of $6,000 a year or more. Company’s - expansion program guarantees excellent opportunity for early advance­ ment in this area. Write to P. J. Harrington Vice-President Box No. 222 Clinton News-Record 22-3b MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CAR RENTAL, rea­ sonable rates. McGEE’S, Gode­ rich. Phone 524-8391. 3tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your/rings .and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don’t take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch' repairs and pearl re­ stringing. W. N. Counter. JACK’S FURNITURE REPAIR SHOP. Furniture and other wooden articles repaired; At rear of No. 84 Albert St. Phone 482-9695—-John Plumtree. 21tfb BE A RAWLEIGH DEALER dn part Huron County. Good' year around earnings. No capital necessary. Write Rawleigh, Dept. F-169-870, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Montreal. 22b Sell WORLD-FAMOUS GOOD- YEAR Industrial Maintenance Products for 62 year old firm, Travel limited, blit earnings are not. Experience riot necessary. Write Consolidated Paint and Varnish, Attention: J. H. BYAS, East Ohio Building, Cleveland, Obit). 22b YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects, regularly, I appreciate the continued priv­ ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area, George W.' Cox, phone 482-3870. PERSONAL "WORMS a problem? Use Pamovin the ONE-DOSE treat­ ment for pinworms available at your local Drug Store," 15-22p GENTLEMAN 53 wishes' to correspond with Protestant lady or widow 38 to 48 years old. Object: Matrimony. Ed­ mond Beaudry, RR 4, Killaloe, Ont._____ ___'___________22p PET STOCK ONE HACKNEY brood mare; one Welsh pony; one Shetland pony. All. broke to ride or drive. Adam Flo-vvers,. Box 41, phone 565-2813 Bayfield. 22b FOR SALE: Doberman Pin­ scher puppies, champion sired, may be seen weekends' at Gra- hamshaven Cottage, Bayfield, Ontario or call London 433- 0845. . 22, 23b REAL ESTATE 22b % DUPLEX, lived 'in one year. Apply 80 Osborne Street. Phone 482-3271. 22p FOR RENT 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE insu­ lated, large lot, dose to lake, $1,500 down. Will carry' mort­ gage. Lauckner. Real Es+a+e ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield Phone 565-2813 FARMERS! ATTENTION FOR RENT SERVICES PASTURE for rent for 25 bead of cattle. Phone 524-6488. 22b FOR SALE 23 GOSLINGS, 7 weeks old, T. Westerhout, phone 482-9915. , ' 22b CEDAR POSTS far sale, peel­ ed with 6-7 inch and 5-6 inch tops. 12 foot braces, anchor posts, steel posts, 6 and 7 ft. lengths. Barb wire, all weights. Apply Borden Brown, Kinbum Store ar phone 527-1387. 21-26p BEATTY . FARM SERVICE CENTRE 17 Rattenbury Street East Clinton i Sanitary Steel Stabling Gutter Cleaners Silo Unloaders , Pressure Systems, etc. Inquire about our new Universal Wagon and Chain Harrows Phone 482- 9561 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 116 ACRE. FARM, good soil, ph highway 21, 2% toiles north of Goderich, 3 room house With bath; barn 50 x 54, garage 20 x- 30, hydro toroughout, new drill­ ed well, priced reasonable. Call A. H. Boyle at 524-6312. 22, 3b FOR SALE' OR RENT: 16 acres, 2 miles west of Londcs- boro; modern 6-room house, full bathroom, oil furnace; barn, Ideal for working man with young family; dose to central public school and chur­ ch. Mrs. Paul Watson, RR 1, Chesley, Ont., phone 363-2320. 21tfb SITUATED on corner lot 130’ 80’ ip good residential neigh­ bourhood, just two blocks from public and secondary schools, 2-storoy home with sun-pprch, living room, dining room, den, Icitehen, bedroom and wash­ room down; three bedrooms, 4r pc, bath up. Modern'oil furn­ ace; well insulated; immediate possession, Phone 482-7042, 20tfb SERVICES INCOME PEOPERTY—Con­ sisting qf 2 2-beclroom apart-- monts, living .room, modern kit­ chen, 3-pc. bath, oil heating, full basement. Corner lot 82’x 132'. Monthly income $100 per month. Early possession, price $9,500, 1 Storey Ranch Type, 3 bed­ rooms with C.C.jv large living room; dining room; modern kitchen; 4 pc. bath; full baser mient; hot water heating with oil; water softener; fully insu­ lated; well landscaped, ideal lo­ cation. Lot 82’xil5', Early pos­ session. ( 1% Storey 4 bedroom dwell­ ing with living room, dining room, den, kitchen, 3-pc. bath, gas furnace, Immediate pos­ session. Lot 83’ x 132’. Price $6,000.. Dofwn payment $2,500,. balance on mortgage. 1 Storey Ranch Type, 3 bed­ room, living room with dining area, kitchen, 3-pc. bath, part basement. Cement block work­ shop, 24’x28’. Lot 100’xl37’. Early possession. Price $6,500. 1% Storey, 3 bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, 3- pc, bath, gas hot air furnace, close to business section. Price $5,500. ’ 2 Storey, solid brick, 4 bed- , rooms, 4-pc. bath up, living *room 28x14 with fire place, dining room; sun porch; mod­ ern kitchen, hardWood’ floors down stairs, 2-pc. bath,- hot water oil heating, Garage, large lot approx. 82’xl60’. Property in excellent condition. H. C. LAWSON I AUCTIONEER and Appraiser Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sales. Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield. Phone 482-3384. - 7tfb HURON COUNTY’S LEADING farm equipment depot. Over 1,000 belts and hundreds of pul­ leys, . bearings, bolts, spark plugs, plow shares, etc. an stock at all times. John Bach, I.H. Dealer, Phone 527-0120, Sea­ forth? 8tfb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL X For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton 482-7269 Licence 25-C-66 7tfb DEAD STOCK MARLATT BROS. $5.00 and up for weight over 1,000 lbs. Highest Cash prices paid for dead or disabled cows and horses. Please phone promptly phone Collect 133 Brussels 24-HOUR SERVICE Licence 390C65 3tfb ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, Alvin Riley, 524-6514, 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich, 18tfb AUCTIONEER RICHARD H. LOBB 113 Ontario St., Phone 482-7898 Graduate of World’s Largest Reisch American School of Auctioneering -. 43-65 to 43-66p STORE FOR RENT' ’ ‘ L. ' _____ STORE and office an main, Street. Phone 482-6694. 32tfb TRAVEL SERVICE STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Ser­ vice, 32 Wellington St., Strat­ ford. For all airlines, steam­ ships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaids arranged for relatives visiting from over­ seas. Call 271-5710. Classified Ads Bring' Quick Results Clinton News-Record offers a complete selection of wedding announcements styled for the discrim’ mating. ask for REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE Phone 482-9614 22b HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MALE MALE1 4th CLASS ENGINEER REQUIRED FOR CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL Duties to commence June 27ith, 1966. Excellent fringe benefits. Salary range $3,600 to $4,200 per annum. Applications in writing to be in by June 11th, 1966, addressed to: THOMAS A. STEEP, ADMINISTRATOR, CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL. 21-23b MALE HELP WANTED required by a Goderich firm / • No previous experience required • Permanent employment Apply at your National Employment Service, GODERICH or PHONE 524-834211 PIGS for sale,’7-8 weeks old. Phone 482-7622. 22b shipping cattle V Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 7:30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager We are every Monday for' United Co-operatives of Ont. We will pick up at your farm. Phone collect not later than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE 527-0770 FRANCIS HUNT 527-1946 ,30eow For golf try the Hootenanny Shirt all shades, all sizes $4.00 Sml. - Med - Lg. ww li PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR ANHYDROUS AMMONIA AGRICO FERTILIZER ATTENTION BEAN GROWERS DI-SYSTON now available in Agrico Fertilizer BRUCEFIELD SERVICE DEPOT J. Mustard, RR 1, Varna — Phone 482-7435 CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DEALER OR ROBERT TAYLOR, Sales Representative RR 3, Clinton A. z s. SPORT SHIRTS TEE SHIRTS SWIM SUITS WASH SLACKS SHORTS, Etc. TIP TOP ANNIVERSARY SUIT SALE $95*00 ................... NOW $77.90 ales Representative Phone 482-9144 Anhydrous Ammonia Representative Haugn Bros., Brucefield —• Pnone 527-0927 eow*................ .......... 1 Main Corner, Clinton, Ontario, Phone 482-9732 Vi