HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-06-02, Page 317'7 • •!1 ■ t®gK ■■r r > ■ v J O' • ■ ■Jk||■ FH "l Ry' ' i. . Z. r. « Officers of Clinton LOBA on 45th Anniversary .« I Pictured, here are the officers of Clinton LOBA No. 377 at the 45th anni­ versary meeting in the Lodge Hall, Gej>rge Street, on May 24. Front row,' left to right, Mrs. William -McIlwain, deputy mistress; Mrs. Clayton Hodgins, worthy mistress; Mrs, Ninian Heard, junior deputy mistress..Second row, left to right, Mrs. Harold Lobb, acting third committee; Mrs. Tom Deeves, deputy lecturer; Mrs. Melinda Nivins, acting fourth committee; Mrs. Emmerson Heard, immediate past mistress; Mrs. Wilfred Glazier, .treasurer; Mrs. Bob Cook, acting finance secretary; Mrs. Jan Koene, director of ceremonies. Third row, Jeft to right, Tom Deeves, second committee; Mrs. Tom O’Connell, chaplain; Mrs. Don Pickard, senior lecturer; Clayton Hodgins, inner guard; Mrs. Peter Harrison, recording secretary; Mrs. George Falconer, pianist; Wilfred Glazier, guardian. (News-Record Photo) A Couple Of Golfisms Golf — A game where the ball lies rather poorly and the player quite well. A golfer has an advantage over a fisherman — he doesn't have to show anything to prove it. GODERICH Grand Mistress Present Thursday, June 2, 1966—-Clinton News-Record—-Page 3 Clinton LOBA Celebrates 45th Anniversary MAYBE EMPLOYERS SHOULD DO THIS! Manager: “This is the end, you're fired I ” Employee: *‘But boss, I al­ ways thought slaves were sold?’ PARK THEATRE I Him GODERICH Another milestone was reach­ ed on Tuesday evening, May 24, when the Clinton LOBA No, 377 celebrated their 45th birth­ day. It was on May 24, 1921, that the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association was instituted in Clinton. There are two charter members still living, Mrs. Mar­ tha McClinchey and' Mrs. Wes. Shobbrppk. Both have been pa­ tients in Clinton Public Hos­ pital for some time and they were remembered with corsages from,1 the lodge in the ’ after­ noon, as was Miss Clara Harri­ son, a member of the lodge for over 35 years and a patient in a Goderich nursing home. The proceeding started with a banquet in Ontario Street United Church with eight lodges as guests, also members of Murphy Lodge No. 710 Of Clinton. Special guest was Miss Vio'la Forth, Grand Mistress of Ontario West, from Parry Sound. Head table guests along with the Grand Mistress, included the Worthy Mistresses of the visiting -lodges'; Bro. Oliver Jaques of Heinsall, Preceptor of the Grand Black Knights of Ontario West and Mrs, Jaques; Bro. Harold Crittenden, Master of ' Clinton LOL and Mrs. Crit­ tenden; 'Rev and. Mrs. Grant Mills; Mrs. Clayton Hodgins, Mistress of Clinton LOBA and Mr. Hodgins, and Deputy Mistress Mrs. William Mc­ Ilwain. Mrs. Hodgins was mistress of ceremonies and' pinned a lovely or'chid corsage on the Grand Mistress, after which Rev. Mills asked the blessing and proposed the toast to the. Queen. After* partaking of a very lovely meal, the head table -guests were introduced. The Mistress of Mitchell lodge proposed a toast to the 45 year old lodge which was replied to by the immediate past Mistress Mrsv Emmerson Heard. The Grand Mistress spoke briefly and all .journeyed to the Orange Hall for a regular meeting with some 80 Members attending. The LOBA and Murphy Lodge have been using their own hall on George Street East, off Albert Street fop the past six years. Before that they met in the rooms above the Clinton Public Library. Mrs. Hodgins was in the chair and1 Mrs. J. Koene was the Director of ceremonies. Sis. Forth was given the' seat of honour on the dias and also Bro. Jaques, Grand Preceptor of the Black Knights. During lodge the Grand Mis­ tress addressed the group. Bro. Jaques spoke as did members of the Clinton LOL. Greetings and best wishes were brought by the Mistressies of the visiting lodges. These lodges were from Seaforth, Mitchell, Lakeside, St. Marys, Lucan, Woodham, Forest apd Gorrie. The mornbws had been sell­ ing tickets on a draw and dur­ ing intermission the draw was made: first prize, electric clock, Larry Pearson, Clinton; second, a tea set, Margaret Caldwell, Brucefield; third, a water glass selt, Mrs. Ron Pennington, Goderich. Gifts were also won by Mrs. Smith, Lakeside; Mrs. Forth, Parry Sound; Miss Jamieson. Woodham; Mrs. Pearson, Lake­ side; Mrs. Wade, Gorrie, and Mrs. Smith, Seaforth. Birthday cake, ice cream and coffee brought a momentous anniver­ sary to a close. WEDNESDAY to TUESDAY June 1-7 — SIX NIGHTS ’’The Ten Commandments” Still the greatest of them all! Starring Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter, Edward G. Robinson A Mighty Color Spectacle Shown Evenings at 8:00 p.m. Advanced Prices WED. - THURS, - FRI. June 8-9-10 SPY WHO CAME IN OUT OF THE COLD In Color Starring Richard Burton and Claire Bloom - Showing at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. At Regular Prices eODKRICH , ONT. Saturday, June 4 — 2 Bands Dancing 9-?? DAVID LEE LING AND THE APOSTLES and THE VISCOUNTS Admission: $1.25 per person Summer Dress Casual Coming, June 11 — “THE NOVELLES" LIONS BINGO NEXT WEDNESDAY Complete Catering Service — Weddings, Luncheons, Banquets, etc. Phone 524-9371 or 524-9264 ONTARIO STREET UCW CHANGE OF DATE Unit I of Ontario Street UCW will not meet on its regu­ lar day, but will meet Tuesday, June 14, with Unit H at the home of Mrs. Cale Doucette. Members will meet ait the church at 2:15 pan. for trans­ portation. -----------o----------- z SPRING FAIR SPECIALSTHURSDAY — June 2 NO GREATER SIN BIRTH OF TRIPLETS In Color Also Rory Calhoun in BLACK SPUR (Adult Entertainment) Use Classified Ads. $1.93 Phone 482-9491 by Clairol Reg. $2.25 SPECIAL Open every Saturday morning 10 a.m. - 12 noon for your convenience PRESCRIPTIONS/ Phone 482-6626 — CLINTON, ONT. — 9 Albert St. | POLAROID SUNGLASSES,........ $1.29 to $6.98 |HURON LAUNDRY 154 BEECH STREET CLINTON (Near Drive-In Theatre) NICE & EASY COLOR SHAMPOO LOBA Grand Mistress Welcomed to Clinton YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR "FREE" FRI. and SAT. — June 3-4 Frankie Avalon and Deborah Walley in SGT. DEADHEAD — Also Operation Uranium MON. - TUES. - WED? Two Color Comedy Hits Starring Jack Lemmon UNDER THE YUM YUM TREE Plus at 11:30 p.m. GOOD NEIGHBOUR SAM (Adult Entertainment) LAUNDRY SERVICE LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY QUICK TAN Q.T. by Cappertone, Reg. $1.85 Special $1.59 SLIM MINT GUM, Reg. $1.98 ...................... Special $1.59 SYLVANIA FLASH BULBS, AG1 or AG1 Blue • Reg. $1.80 .............'...................................... Special $1.49 SYLVANIA FLASH BULBS, M2 or M2 Blue Reg. $1,92 ............... Special $1.59 EDWARDS PHARMACY ■Miss'Viola Forth, Parry Sound, left, grand mistress of Ontario West of the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association is welcomed to Clinton LOBA’s 45th anniversary meeting by Mrs. Clayton Hodgins, Worthy Mistress of the Clinton lodge. In the rear are Mrs. Thomas Deeves, an honorary member of the Clin­ ton lodge, and Oliver Jaques, Hensail, Preceptor of the Grand Black Knights of Ontario. ’ * (News-Record Photo) OPEN HOUSE” 1st Anniversary Appreciation Celebration Letter To The Editor Dear Sir:Dear Sir: paper, and I especially enjoy When we visit Bayfield we reading “Sugar and Spice” by always buy a Clinton news- Mr. Smiley. Z 2nd ANNUAL BIBLE and PROPHECY CONFERENCE RETURNING BY POPULAR DEMAND . . . DR. G. DOLLAR, Ph.D. DALLAS THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY HEAR ONE OF THE DAY'S LEADING CHURCH HISTORIANS ON . The Seven Churches of Revelation Great Prophetic Themes Clear-Cut Bible Teaching PLUS SPECIAL MUSICAL TALENT WEDNESDAY, JUNE Sth 8:0b p.m*-*-Eph6sus—The Drifting Church 1 THURSDAY, JUNE 9th 8:00 p.m.—Symrha—The Desperate Church FRIDAY, JUNE 10th 8:00 p.m.—Pergamus—The Declining Church SATURDAY, JUNE 11th 8:00 p.m.—Thyatira—The Deceived Church SUNDAY, JUNE 12th 10:00 a.m.—Sardis—The Dying Church 11:00 a.m.—Philadelphia—•The Departing Church 7i30 p.m.—Laodicea—The Deemed Church CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Bayfield Road’ at Blake St. ^((Sod.Otifciv Ont. 22-3-b However, *1 disagree very strongly With his suggestion in the Thursday, May 26 column, of discontinuing the saying of the Lord’s Prayer at the be­ ginning of the school day. Somehow I cannot believe that he is really serious When he says this. Would he have a beautiful poem scrapped be­ cause- the pupils didn’t under­ stand1 it? I suggest that for a week or two, the teachers take the time Spent in meaningless repetition of the Lord’s Prayer, to discuss it, part by pant, for besides be­ ing very beautiful, it is written in such a simple way that even a littje child can say it with Meaning. ' ' Why Is it so important for yicung people of high school age to pray? A man of Min Smiley’s maturity knows, that some day in the noit-too-disfani future, they will have to go out into the world and; struggle with all kinds of trials and problems, They will all be faced at some time in their lives 'with hearts aches and sorrow, and if they have not learned, to pray to their Father in Heaven, who can they turn to? (I wonder if.Mr, Smiley has ever discussed With these young people, how our forefathers fought and even died that we ’ might have the privilege of Standing an a classroom and rtk citing this very prayer; also, that there are hOw fit the world, Communist- dominated Countries, such as Poland and Russia,' where Lbis privilege is hdt granted. . Also Mr. Sntiley I do not thiiik that in a Christian cotm- try such as ours, we should be (Continued on Page FiveD "FREE" DOOR PRIZES To Be Held 20 BAGS OF GROCERIES Entry Blanks May Be Obtained During the Smorgasbord Wednesday at 4 o'clock No Sales Will Be Accepted During Our “OPEN HOUSE" for $1.00...,4 2 for 85c ! SUGAR CORRIE’S FOODMASTER Cordially Invites You To Join Them Wednesday Evening, June 8, 1966, Between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. For This Delicious Smorgasbord (Children Welcome When Accompanied By Parents) (■■I— II . ■■Il.l I !i !!■!■ N.I I. ■ I ' HURON STREET CLINTON 16-OZ. CARNATION MILK ........ HEINZ — 11-oz. TOMATO CATSUP.......... LIBBYS DEEP BROWNED —20-OZ BEANS WITH PORK...... DUNCAN HINES DELUXE CAKE MIXES . 5 lbs. 41c MARTINS 2 for 33c APPLE JUICE .... HEINZ 2 for 45c STRAINED BABY FOOD ........... SLENDERLINE KOTEX SANITARY NAPKINS SPORK — 12-oz. LUNCHEON MEAT.................... CORRIE’S 2 for 65c 39c FOODMASTER HURON STREET — CLINTON