HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-06-02, Page 21 Page 2—Clinton News-Record---Thursday, June 2, 1966 Area Students Graduate UWO GraduateVeterinarian i. MRS. NORMAN LONG Phone 262*5180 'MK apd Mrs- Orville Work­ man, London, and Tornrny, flew to New York for the holiday weekend, if being their 17th wedding anniversary. A. Binnendyk of RR 3, Kip- i DON C. HEMINGWAY Graduate of Seaforth High School, received the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Guelph on May 20. Dr, Hemingway is the son of MT- and Mrs. J. Carl Hemingway, Brussels and will- be practic­ ing at Charring Cross, Ont­ ario. Wedding Pictures JERVIS STUDIO Cadet’ Officeir Richard W, .Johnston, 20, has just com­ pleted .with honours, three years of academic “and. mili­ tary training at ie College mhitaire royal de SainLJean. He will proceed, to the Royal Military College, Kingston, in September, to continue his education towards a univer­ sity degree and-a commission .. in the Royal Canadian Air ' Force. He is the son of. War­ rant Officer II and Mrs; Robert J. Johnston, CFB Clinton, and is a graduate of' ' St,.(Laurent High School, St. Laurent,. P.Q. w. WAYNE L. McGEE Son of Mr. and Mrs, G, McGee, 216 High St,, Clinton, graduated Saturday, May 28 from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree- (E- lectrical) with first class honours. Wayne has a pos- th!e Sales Dept, with Fisher Gov­ ernors of Woodstock. ition as engineer, in Doctor Graduate iz"""""...t .......... HURON CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Phone 482-7006 FAIR DR. GEORGE FRASER FELLOWS PARADE AtP,m‘ trom Clinton Legion Hall. Prizes for best floats, decorated bicycles. Canadian / Forces Base Trumpet Band. OPENING At 2 P-m- by Mr. Gerry Montgomery, former Huron Agricultural Representative. Judging all afternoon,. . ) BABY SHOW .Registration and judging at 2:30 p.m. CROWNING HURON COUNTY DAIRY PRINCESS Displays of FARM MACHINERY, CARS and TRUCKS Afternoon Admission 75c; Cars 25c; Grandstand Free •10 Lbs. Cheese Prize For 7 p.m. —- Evening HORSE SHOW Judging Teams in Harness, Ponies and Single Roadsters, Four Horse Tandem Hitches. CLINTON LEGION PIPE BAND in attendance. Largest Family At Fair DANCE COMPETITION Son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Fellows, Riverside, and grandson of Mr: and Mrs. Fred Fraser, Bayfield/ re­ ceived his doctor’s degree at Queen’s University convoca­ tion on May 28. Pie was a- wardeid the. Medal in Surgery and the Neil Currie Polson Memorial. Prize which goes, to the student to be the best to adapt his training in prac­ tice. Huron Bean Producers Elect New Directors (Continued from page one) two, growers chose Raju. Nominations for four direct ciys on the bean tooahd, result­ ed in 13 names being placed. Of these Verne Alderdi'ce and Har­ old Elder withdrew, leaving 11 men to run for the four seats available. These are: Robert McGregor, Robert Allan, 'Fergus Turnbull, Philip Durand, Alec McBeath; Leonard Greb, Mark Dalton, William Rowoliffe, Ross Love, Gordon Hill and Malcolm Dav­ idson. Voting far the board mem­ bers is to be done by mail. Bal­ lots will be sent out from the agriculture office on June 1'0 to all growers. These must be marked, and mailed back to the office, postmarked on or be­ fore June 20. Then on June 21 the vote will be counted, Harvey Coleman was appointed -scrutineer, to sit in on this count. ' Besides Huron’s four mem­ bers on the board, there will be three from Kent; one each from Elgin, Middlesex, Lambton and Perth. In closing the meeting, Doug­ las Miles noted that, "Your problems will not be solved with the election of this board, but we’re hoping things will run smoothly.” He congratu­ lated all present on their con­ duct du'ing the lengthy and complicated proceedings. In Perth County just 21 of the potential 330 growers at­ tended. In fact when the meet­ ing began there were nine growers, and eight members of the agricultural representative office staff to "conduct it. Ed Dearing, R Rl, Staffa, secretary of Perth Federation of Agriculture was' elected director for the co-operative, and. also to the -committee. Other. committee members elected were William Baxter, RR 2, Mitchell; Robert Marriott, RR 6, -St. Marys; Earl • Dick, Cromarty and . Lloyd Siemon, Bornholm. Nominated ■ for the one seat available to Perth growers on the Ontario board were Hany Greenvyood, RR -1, Mitchell; Charles Walkom, Fullarton; Oliver McIntosh, Science Hill ’ and William Hill, RR 5, Mit­ chell. Voting to select,one from these will take place by mail . ballot. "pen, met with a tractor acci­ dent last Wednesday afternoon .at his farm. Dr. J, Goddard of Hensall was called anti had him removed t<y St- Joseph's Hos­ pital, London, X-rays revealed his jaw bone broken in three places, his cheek bone broken, also cracked rilbs,. He ts report­ ed to 'be in satisfactory con­ dition. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wren and Laurie, Windsor-, were recent visiters with the former’s par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. Goi'idon Wren, • Mr. and Mrs. Art Ashworth and Carol, Penfield and Mr. and Mrs, Ed, FinkbeJner, Creditor:, were recent visitors With Mr, and ’Mrs, Harpld Jones and boys, Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Kyle and’ Al .included Mr. and ‘Mrs, J, D. .Bozzato and Dana, of Foy-' mount; Mrs. Max Johnson and Susie of Dearborn, Mich.; Mrs. Bozzato and baby remaining' With her parents' for a .few holidays. Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kyle 'and family, Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Caldwell and family, Hensall, Mr§. George Willis and baby of Goderich visited Sunday with her grandfather, Mr. Robert Thomson. By D. S. Pullen, associate agricultural •representative for Huron Ooiunity- ‘'Most of the corn acreage has been planted in . Huron County. S’oane farmers have sown white beans. "A number of 1965 corn fields remain to be ploughed. Generally, spring plowing on clay loam soils hais been diffi­ cult to cultivate into a fine seed bed tliis year. . , "Growth tin pastures and hay fields is improving.” . Honour Graduate JR. FARMERS SQUARE Evening Admission: 50c; Children Free; Cars 25c; Grandstand Free Joyes Midwoy in operation Friday Night, and All Day Saturday, .-22b You Get Sparkling- Clean Sanitized Dishes. . With All These Added Features NO INSTALLATION - NEEDED . . . Just Snap hose to faucet! TURBO-JET ACTION. ELEVATOR Lifts Up and — . for easy loading. No special loading pattern needed. 5 CYCLE SELECTORS For every dishwashing job, from pots and pahs tb fide china. > WATER RACK out of the Way Clinton Electric Shop D. W. CORNISH, Your Westinghouse Dealer CUNTON 482-6646 Local Girls Judg$ Hog Carcasses These three Clinton area girls took part in the Huron 4-H livestock judg­ ing competitions at Seaforth on Saturday. The swine judging included judg­ ing of hog carcasses, The above girls are, left to right, Marie Trewartha, RR 4 Clinton; Mary Leeming, RR 2 Clinton and Margaret Stewart, RR 2 Clinton. Some Cute Ope of our suppliers, Na­ tional Papei’ Goods Limited, -puts out a monthly blotter, ■ which carries a cute little def- ■ will John ■ M. D’Angelo is now national sales manager of 'the ;j3aumf older division of 'thg Bell - & Howell Business Equipment group. John is married , to Lois Fowler, daughter of Harry and the. late Emma Fowler, Clinton. Mr. D’Angelo served in the U.S. 'Navy from 1943 to 1946. He and his family (he ’and. Lois have two children) will live in the Chicago area. ------------ —O—--------r '' Back To Clinton (Photo by Frank Phillips) ...........■■ 1 ’’ ...................................... ... 1 inition or saying. We pass on the last four;* * , * "A lawn without a •lisn’t fit far a dog’1, :!• s|! "Most . men need women in theiir lives - •secretary to- take everything down, and a wife to pick „ everything up’.” >|< * Ms "Sign in window of a va­ cant store: ‘We undersold • everyone’.” sis "Taxpayer! One n’t have to join the civil ser­ vice to work for the govern­ ment”. - BE SURE TO VISIT THE HYDRO INFORMATION CENTRE WHEN AT CLINTON SPRING FAIR JUNE 4, 1966 CLINTON PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONtree V with radioV8 Sedan* who does- 1965 1964 1964 HENSALL 1964 ALAN H. COCHRANE Son of Mr. and Mrs. Hahry ■Cochrane, 122 Mary Street, Clinton,, graduated .May 26 from the University of West­ ern Ontario, London, with a Bachelor of Science Degree ' in Honors. -Biology. He has been • named to the Dean’s Honor List ’for the successful completion of -.his four year program achieving an “A” average fob three successive years. At present Alan is employed by the Fisheries Research Branch of the De­ partment of -Lands and. For­ ests, and is stationed at Glenora, near Pic ton, Opt* >ario. Tn September he plans to- attend Althousie College of Education in London. OLDS. 98 PONTIAC PONTSACg 6, automatic, power steering and brakes. FORD FAIRLANE 500 V8 with automatic. 1962 FORD SUNLINER CONVERTIBLE, with radio. 1961 FORD SEDAN. V8. standard shift. 1961 CHEV. IMPALA 2 DR. HARDTOP. V8tl floor shift and radio. 1958 PONTIAC SEDAN. 6 cyl. with radio. PLYMOUTH SEDAN, with radio, power steering and brakes. FORD 2 DR. HARDTOP, with radio and new tires. FORD TRUCK. ’/2 ton, Al condi­ tion. ROY MANN SERVICE STATION 20 HURON STREET CLINTON PHONE 482-9079 MRS. MAUDE HEDDEN Phone 262-2002 Allan Reid is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London; he is the son of Mr. and Mrs., ' Clarence Reid. Mrs. George MacDonald, Ed­ monton, Alta.; Mrs. Jack Bon- •thron, Moose Jaiw, Sask., are vacationing for two month's with their sister, Mrs. R. J. Paterson. Mrs. Nellie Beal, Oal- •'gary, who accompanied them is visiting her "sister, Mrs. Jamies Downs, London. Mrs. Eric Kennedy is a pa­ tient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Londbn, where* she underwent •eye surgery on Tuesday, May 31. Mrs. Fred Beer, 'South Huron District president and Mrs. W'il- bert Dilling, Sbuth Huron Dis­ trict secretary of the Women’s Institute were guest at South Perth - District annual' held at Avonton on Tuesday,*'May 24 1958 ANNOUNCEMENTS INFORMALS ACCESSORIES . Clinton News-Hecord 56 Albert Street Clinton 1964 AND USES A iFcddingdrutowUxincAiibf» • TRAbmONAt BEAUTY • CLA&SIC DISTINCTION • SOCIAL CdKRECfNESS Yoh hi Ay s dice t your Veiling : invitations, announcements •! and accessories with corn- plctc confidence as to quality find correctness of form. Thursday, June 9 The Wo-He-Lo Unit will hold a short business meeting at the church at 1:45 p.m., followed by a tour of the "Canadian Forces Base”. Oars will leave the church at 2:15 p.m. Anyone outside of 'the unit wishing to go will be very welcome. Please contact Mrs. Cliff Steiwart. The School of Food .Services will be. of particular interest to the ladies. Bus service will be provided at the base. Mrs. Ken Wood will be in. charge of program. Wednesday, June 15 2:30 pan.' PleaSie kedp this: d'ate ‘ in mind. The UCW will be holding a special Summer Rally of all the women of ithe church. There will be a special program, and social time. Special envelopes will be provided. FOR THE DISCRIMINATINGWilliam Trick Is McMaster Graduate William T, Thick, sdn of Mr! and Mrs. Elmer Trick, RR 3, Olin ton, 'graduated oh Monday, May SO, from MkuMastef Uni­ versity, Hamilton, with his Master of Engineering Science Degree, He Will be employed for the aumi'nSr' months at De­ fused Steel irt Hamilton and plans to further his edhcatloh by enrolling at University of Western Ontario in September to work fdr his PM. in Engin- oeHng. Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results Flying Officer1 Luther E. Borden of New Glasgow,. N.S; has. just recently com­ pleted; the Officers ’ Basie Indoctrination Course ait Canadian Fordes Base1 Cen­ tralia. The Ind'ootrihiation Course is the1 inaugural course for newly commission­ ed officers of the R,CAF who have received theiir promotion to Flying Officer from the non-coimmissionad rdnks. F.O. Borden will be assigned new duties at 704 Comm. Sqri., Rockcliffe, Ottawa, reporting from CFB Clinton, where he was Stationed as an NCO. 1 4 ■