HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-05-26, Page 8Page B-^CImfoh HWI-R^ord-^Tii'ufSQ May Wh 1966 z* zs Slimmer Toys PAIL and SHOVEL in plastic or metal . . . 25$ to 79c SAND SETS in truck sets, sifter, etc.98c each BASEBALL and GLOVE'..... BALL, GLOVE, BAT & HAT...........$1.98 98c Vi BATTING PRACTICE SET GOLF SET 98c $1.98 BADMINTON RACQUET ................$1.98 TENNIS RACQUET and BALL.......$2.49 LAWN CROQUET SET 4 player set $6.49 6 player set $9.50 TROLL GOBLIN DOLLS . . . 98c and $1.98 I KINSMEN MINOR SPORTS BANQUET TUESDAY, JUNE 7 at 6:30 p.m. CLINTON LEGION HALL * Guest Speakers: PIT MARTIN and PAUL HENDERSON CRESTS TO BE AWARDED TO: 1965 1965 1966 1966 1966 Yankee Pee Wee Town League Ball Champs All-Star Pee Wee Baseball Team Ranger Pee Wee Town League -Hockey Champs Bruin Squirt Town League Hockey Champs All-Star Pee Wee Hockey Team Open to all boys who participated in this year's hockey program and the Yankee and All-Star ball clubs COST: $1.25 PER BOY Tickets can be purchased from n RON JEWITT, Clinton Public. School CAM ADDISON, Holmesville Public School LARRY JONES or BERT CLIFFORD Note To Parents: Please have your boys purchase their tickets as soon as possible in order to establish number of meals to prepare. 20-lb Junior Boys League Champs Last Saturday morning at Bill German’s bowling alley the T-Birds won the championship of the Junior Boys Bowling finals three /games to none, over the B.G. Lions. Above ai-e the champs, front row, left to right, Rick Bjur- - strom; Don Freeman, captain, with the Mel Crich trophy, which has been up for competition for the past six years; and Jim Collins; back row, left to right, Greg Jervis, Larry Pickett, Dave Graham and Gary Black. Absent, Mike Graham. The T-Birds .placed second in the four-team league, then put out Falcons in two straight semi-final games; -the B.C. Lions had to go .four games to put out Indians in semi-finals. I 5$ I Junior Bowling Winners ' Individual trophy winners in the junior boys league were, left to right, Gary Black, high double of 603; Clare Magee, high single, 350, and Bob Pearson, high average of 209. Graham Yeats was pinboy for all the junior boys league and playoff games. (News-Record Photos) Bayfield Man's Grandson Is Track Star The following excerpts Hamilton Spectator, Tuesday, May 10, are of interest to many in this district. Bob Watson is a grandson of Fred Watson, Bayfield. "Two of Hamilton’s most promising track stars, Mike McCann and'Bob Watson, will spend the next four years per­ forming for. the Irish Notre Damp, With all expenses, paid. Ken Hall,- president of the Spartan Track Club announced yesterday boys have full track University The scholarships which com­ mence in September, include tuition, books, room and board, and even laundry services. They are valued at $10,000 apiece. Alex Wilson, a former Can­ adian sprint champion and a native Hamiltonian is head track coach at the South Bend, Ind., school and was instru­ mental in arranging the 'Schol­ arships. Both runnebs turned down similar offers from Michigan, Nebraska, Kansas, Eastern Michigan and the Uni­ versity of California at Los Angeles. , Both Watson' and McCann have climbed to prominence in a short time. Both are only 18 years,, of age. He runs both the half mile and the mile, and is the reign* ing SOSSA Zone One half mile champion and record holder. His best-time for the 880 is 1:55.4, good enough to rank him .second only to “ ~ the Canadian list. He panics time of 1:56.9 list. They are adians to receive scholarships at Notre Dam|e in almost a decade. Both have passed their bear’d examinations. Watson in­ tends to take a business admin­ istration course. McCann will major in fine arts. Bob Watson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Watson, Dun­ das, and grandson of Fred Wat­ son, Bayfield. ----.---;--O----------- PUC Employees Honor Employee Jerry Zondervan, who -has been employed with Clinton Public Utilities for the past 13 ■years was,feted at a dinner in Hotel Clinton recently. The popular employee is leaving to take a position with the Ontario Hospital, at Cedar Springs., He was presented with a transistor mlantel radio by 'his fellow employees, and Mrs. Zondervan received a bouquet of roses. from that the Hamilton both been awarded scholarships by the pf Notre Dame, At Bannockburn On Saturday, May 28, Wolf Cubs of Huron District are holding their annual Cuboree near the Bannockburn Bridge at Varna. Activities get under Way at 1 p.m. and continue until 5 p.m. Barents and scout* ing enthusiasts are invited to come opt and watch the cubs in action. BROWNIE’S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Come as Late as 11 p.m« and See a Complete Show. Box Office Opens at 8 o'clock First show starts at Dusk THURSDAY & FRIDAY May 26-27 ! "STRANGE BEDFELLOWS" (.Adult Entertainment)'' ROCK HUDSON GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA'> GIG YOUNG Color Cartoon' SATURDAY & MONDAY May 28-30 "BEACH BLANKET BINGO" FRANKIE AVALON ANNETTE FUNICELLO DEBORAH WALLEY Color .Cartoon n COMING EVENTS RATE: Four cents a word; Minimum 75 cents Thursday, Maj' 26 — BINGO at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg* ular games for. $5.00. 2 share* the-wealth games, 1 special game for $25.00, the first letter “L” and first letter “T” applies on this game for $2,00 each. 3 share-the-wealth games, jack­ pot applies on those 3 games $57.00 in 57 numbers. 2 door prizes for $2.00 each. Admission 50c; extra cards 25c, or 6 for $1.00, tfb Friday, May 27 — Home baking and rummage sale, for­ mer Red and) White Store, aus­ pices Legion Ladies Auxiliary, 1p.m.—? 20,,lib Monday, May 30 — BINGO, $1,050 in prizes, Clinton Lions Arena, 9 p.m. sharp. Sponsors: Clinton Legion Branch 140. One game $500; special game $100; two share-the-wealth; 15 regu* lar games for $30. Admission $1.00 (extra and special cards 25c each, 5 for $1). Proceeds for Community Spirit. 17, 8, 9-b-20-lx_ Tuesday, May 31 — BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $56.00 in .56 numbers. Six door nrizes. 8:30 pm Thursday, June 9 — Chicken Barbecue, Constance, sponsors, C.O.F., supper 5:30-8:00 p.m. adults $1.50, Children 6-12, 75c. 21x Wednesday, June 15 — Smor­ gasbord Supper at Holmesville United Church, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Adults $1.25; child­ ren under 12, 50c. 21, 23b PRICES SLASHED! TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY May 31-June 1 "THE AMOROUS ADVENTURES OF MOLL FLANDERSRay Tucker on junior 1 record second with a on the juvenile fe WOAA Announces Four Clinics For Ball Umpires In an all-out effort to up­ grade the quality o-f baseball and softball, the Western On­ tario Athletic Association ex­ ecutive is going to- concentrate- on better umpiring. To -begin with, four umpiring clinics have been announced by the executive. This is the sec­ ond year that such clinics have been held. In future -all officials at WOAA minor and senior games must hold an official umpire’s certificate signed by the WOAA umpire registrar, Umpires are also reminded that they must attend one of these clinics if they wish to be registered in the WOAA. The clines are free and open to anyone 16 years 'and over. . Coaches, managers and -play­ ers may also attend. A baseball -umpire’s school is scheduled for * the Listowel arena on Sunday, June 12 .with classes and instruction from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Three softball umpire’s sch­ ools are scheduled as follows: At Hanover Goliseuu-- ?n Sun­ day, June 19 from 1:00 to 5:30 p.m.; At Listowel arena on Sunday, June 26 from 1:00 to 5:30 p.m.; And at Clinton Legion Hall on Sunday, July 10, also- from 1:00 to 5:30 p.m. It is hoped to have films at all four clinics from the- Mo­ tion Picture Division of the Major Baseball Leagues. Further,, information about these clinics may be obtairied from Hugh H. Hodges, at Ad- astral Park, Canadian .Forces Base Clinton, phone 482-9896. .......... . the first Can- (Adult Entertainment) KIM NOVAK RICHARD JOHNSON ANGELA LANSBURY Color Cartoon Starting Thurs., June 2 "DEAR BRIGITTE" TREMENDOUS VALUES FOR OUR SALE. We're loaded with Extra Good Used Cars. All go on sale from May 27 to June 11. Never before have we had such a wide selection. Seeing is believing. Come in early while the selection is at its best! ONLY AT LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED AT CLINTON CAN YOU GET SUCH GOOD BUYS! '64 METEOR SEDAN WAS Automatic. One owner. Cl OKA ' Lie. E5f>86 a................................ v ■ '64 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Automatic. 'Whitewalls. One owner., CITfKALie. E7019 .................................. >I/3U '63 PONTIAC SEDAN Std. Shift. Radio. . 6 cyl. economy. Cl TEA Lie. A96837 ................................ *■ '63 CHEVROLET SEDAN Automatic. Wheel Discs. ClftEALie. E70.16 .................................. >IO3U '62 PONTIAC SEDAN Radio. Wheel Discs. $1350 Lie, E5196 ........................ '63 MERCURY SEDAN 8 cyl. Automatic. Radio. One owner. CIfiKASpotless ............... iploaU '61 FORD GALAXY SEDAN 390 Motor. Power Steering & Brakes. Automatic, Radio, ClAEfiWhitewalls, etc........................... * * STATION WAGONS '62 PEUGOT 4 cyl. economy. Different! Lie. X22659 .............................. '61 PLYMOUTH Slant 6 motor. Good transportation. Lie. 91420X ............................... TRUCKS '64 CHEVY VAN 230 Engine. Heavy duty equip­ ment. Has never drawn a heavy load. One owner. Lio. C73223 ................................ ON SALE $1750 LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND. SATURDAY. MAY 28 "THE SHAN-DE-LEERS" $1550(Continued from page one) 83; SS 9, 82. Girl’s Solo, 11 and under, “Garden in the Snow”, Mary MacGregor, SS 6, 87 'marks; Helen' Anderson, SS 11, ,86; Karen Tyndall, USS 2, 85.' Boy’s Solo, 14 and under, "Shenandoah”, Ian Hulley, SS 8, 84 mlarks; Harris Snell, SS 5, 83; Donald Jewitt, SS 3, 82. STANLEY COMMUNITY CLUB TO MEET JUNE 6 The- Stanley Community Club is holding its June meeting on Monday, June 6, instead of the regular day, Wednesday, June 1, at the home of Mrs. Fred Gibson. Roll call to be an ex­ change of plants and slips. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Twit- chell and Kimberley Ann, Lon­ don, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mc­ Gregor, Acton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor on the holiday weekend.V r Proceeds For Clinton Communit y Spirit! —S CLINTON LEGION CASH BINGO $1,050 IN PRIZES i Girl’s Solo, seven -and Under, "Balloon Song”, Maureen Long- hurslt, SS 9, 85 marks; Cather­ ine Peel, SS 8, 84; Donna Redd, SS 6, 83. Boy’s Solo, nine and 'under, “My Shadb-w”, Michael Doran, USS 10, 84 marks; Douglas Ohamney, SS 9/83; Greg Ar­ thur, SS 9 and David Rapson, USJS 2, .tied with 82. Girl’s Solo, 12 and undler, "Greeting”, Shirley Watkins, USS 12, 86 marks; Kathleen. McEwing, SS 8, 85; Loma Mc­ Dougall, SS 8, and Cheryl Dale, SS 3, tied with 84. Girl’s Solo, nine and undbr, “The Song of the Easter Hare”, Debbie Wallace, SS 11, 87 marks; Jo Ann Scott, SS 7, 86; Anne Bylsma, SS 7, and Sharon Oolclough, SS 5, tied .with 84. Duet, schools over 25, "The Wandering Miller”, Don Jewitt and Cheryl Dale, SS 3, 84- marks; Kath.le.en McEwing and Murray Hunking, SS 8, 83; Grace Longman and Ian Hulley, SS 8, 83. ■ ............ Boy’s Solo, 11 and under, "Sailings”, Ricky Snell, USS 10, 87 marks; Kevin Jewitt, SS 3, 86; Murray Hunking, SS 8, 85. Girl’s Solo, 14 and under, "Bcdls of Aberdovey”, Betty Snell, USS 10, 87 marks; Grace Longman, SS 8, 84; Glenyce Anderson, SS 11, 83. *r---------—O—-------------- Cam Colquhoun Wins Jr. WOSSA t $1550 with "GO GO" Girl Another top young group in a sequence of new,'"out­ standing musicians this season. $1675 $1175 TWO SHARE-THE-WEALTH GAMES $500.00 Special Game ONE SPECIAL GAME FOR $100.00 ......I, 'i i' ,| r——------—--------------— .......... ;.T Admission: $1.00 per person; Extra & Special Cards 25c or 5 for $1.00 f -r.irai.T7.-7- Lots of Parkinci Lots of Room in Arena for Players ;... .... .........................,u....■.............................................. ' (Continued from page one) record (was 5’5%”, set in 1965 by John McConnell of CHSS. At CHSS To start his triple champion­ ship win's,' Cam took first at the CHSS ’ field meet in four events, high jump, triple jump, long jump and shot put. At Huron-Perth At the Huron-Perth track nieet at Mitchell he took firsts in the three jumps. In other WOSS'A competi­ tion, Clare Magee, in senior ^vision, placed -fourth in high jump; sixth tri long jump arid fourth in the triple jump. In intermediate competition Jeff Shaddick placed sixth in the triple jump. The only Clinton girl fo place iri girls senior competition was Janet Roo-rda -with fourth place in high jump. In junior girls competition, Denise Radford tied for sixth place in the high j um p, and CHSS placed sixth in junior girls relay. Any girls or ladiep in the area interested in trying out for the BRUCEFIEU) LADIES SOFTBALL CLUB are urged to attend practise FRIDAY, MAY 27 at 7:00 p.m. For further particulars contact the manager VICTOR HARGREAVES Phone 482-7511 This free rock'n roll record and instructions on how to do The Tic-Toc dance are yours free af Anstett's. Haye you monkeyed yet to '/Music To Make Time By"? It's time you did *. .. . Come to Anstett's for a FREE RECORD. . . , AT . . . ANSTETT JEWELLERS LIMITED ALBERT STREET PHONE 482-9525 At ANSTETT’S i Brakes. Automatic, Radio, $ 850 $1695 $1350 $650 $950 $1150 $1550 '62 CHEV. % TON PICKUP 4 speed trans. Heavy duty equipment A good one. ClOIZA Lie. 92006B .............. ................. Other good bargains too numerous to list in detail. For all your travelling needs try: Lome Brown Motors Ltd. Your Friendly Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Dealer 402-9321 CLINTON Open each evening Until 9 for your convenience.