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Clinton News-Record, 1966-05-26, Page 7
i TThWfff# 26/ 1966-^CIintyn News-Rec^rd^—Ng^ T HAVE YOU AN AUTO INSURANCE PROBLEM? V Regardless of age or driving record, as long as you have a driver's licence, we cap provide insurance for your auto IMMEDIATELY! * Public Liability .• Comprehensive . MONTHLY CarryAUTO INSURANCE • Property Damage • Collision • Medical Payments Coverage PAYMENTS AVAILABLE . ' Call Us For Fast Service —• JOHN J. PAYNE INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN STREET GRAND BEND, ONT. PHONES 238-2354 and 238-2111 LAWN-BOY offers a TWO-YEAR WARRANTY plus 18 advantages that make it the . most convenient power mower money can buy. Come in and see all 18 features. Few other makes have half of them. No other mower made has them all. Your LAWN-BOY Dealer King St. — CLINTON — Phone 482-3851 - ■ -■........... . • ■ -........ - -J I z MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent—Phone, 526-7595 Sunday guests with Miss Margaret R, Jackson 'were. Mr, A. and Miss B, BtewMlt and. Mr. and Mrs, Hearn all of South hampton, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Hannah, London, 1 A meeting was»held at th© home of Air. and Mrs. Fordyce Clark last week to diS'Cuss' a daily Vacation Bible School for the community this year. Only a few,. leaderfe had volunteered to lead, sp it was decided to drop it for this year, ' Charles Johnston, Clinton, visited last week with Mrs. Ed- gar Lawson, Mr, and1 Mrs. Oli ver Anderson and family. Mi\ and Mrs. Harold Asquith, Streetsville; Mr- and Mrs, Reg Asquith, George and Anne, Is-- linigton, spent tJhe weekend in the village. Mr,' and Mrs. John Neville and her son Wellington McNgll, Mrs, McNall and son Tommy visited relatives and Mends, in the village last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred dewon and1 family, and Minnie Wagner visited on day with Mr. and Mbs. Youngblut and faimily in Wood-, stock, Mrs, Wes Bradnpck and1 Mrs. Toynbee Lamb, Goderich, at tended thie WI South t Huron District 'annual at Dashwood last Thursday, Eight Boy. Scouts from this district attended the regional camp at Fanshawe Dam laisit weekend. William Seers chap eroned the local scouts. Mr, and Mrs. George, Rueger and family, Lucan, visited on Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs. Don ald Cartwright and’family, ■ San- Miss Sun- Fred Friends are pleased to see Miss Jean Houston, Miss; • Jean Jamieson and Miss Bella Rich” , ards at the Houston home after their week’s stay in Clinton ■ Public Hospital recuperating from their car accident, Congratulations are extended to Miss Margaret Haines ho has completed her year at the Stratford Teachers’ College. The Auburn CGIT members canvassed for the .Goderich Bal” vation Army last Tuesday even ing and received over $40 from the residents oif the village. Mrs. Oliver Anderson enter tained friends and neighbours who- called last Tuesday to wish her’ mother, Mrs. Edgar Lawson congratulations .on the' occasion of' her birthday. Harvey McGee, Galt, called on Mends in the village this past week and attended the funeral of the late Miss Mary Houston. . ' Mr. .'and Mrs. Ronald Rath- well, Michael and Janice, Brantfomd, spent the weekend with her parents, Mi*, and Mrs. Gordon R, Taylor, Mrs. Robert Arthur returned home on the weekend after sev eral weeks 'in Victoria Hospital, London, and with her sister, Mrs. Wilda Clatwforty and heir mother, Mrs. Fred Taylor at Granton.The 'Auburn Librarian re quests all County Library books to be in by May 28. ■Carl Whitcroft,. LucknoW, has leased the Fina station in the village and will open at the end of the month. Mr. Whitcroft is a licensed mech anic and has worked at Tees- • i CERTIFIED NO. 1 $12.50 per hundredweight All popular varieties grown from foundation seed l Quality and germination excellent Fertilizer and Eptam at competitive prices AUBURN — Sit. .Andrew’s Pr’esbyterian. Church, Kitchen er, was the scene, of a pretty wedding When Dr. Findlay ■Stewart united in. marriage, Patricia Youngblut and Alan David Rush of Kitchener. The bride is the eldest daugh ter of Mr, and Mrs. Major Youngblut, RR 1, AuJburn .‘and the groom is the younger son of Mr’. and Mrs. Eckart Rush of kitchener. Given in marriage by her father, the, bride wore a white floor-length gown of nylon chiffon trimmed with Chantilly lace down front and on the bot tom. It featured a fitted bodice, long lily-point sleeves with scalloped neckline. Her should er-length veil of French illusion was held by a tiny crown of pearls and floWers. She carried a bouquet of red roses and white asters. Her two sisters, MiSs Helen Youngblut, Li'stowel, and Miss Betty Youngblut, London, were her bridesmaids. They wore floor-length1 powder blue dress es featuring 'empire waistlines, with matching headbands and veils and blue slippers. They carried nosegays of pink sweet heart roses. ' , The best man was Howard Rush, brother of the groom and the ushers ' were Ross Youngblut, brother of the bride, and Dennis Kemper. Following the wedding a re ception took place at the Donna Vista ■ Restaurant where the bride’s, mother received the guests wearing a dreiss of Car ibbean -blue lace, white acces sories and a white gardenia cor sage. She was assisted by the groom’s mother who wore a dress of pink brocade, match ing accessories and a white gar denia corsage. ' Following a wedding trip to Montreal the couple will reside in Kitchener. water and Lucknpw, t Donald Haines and^ Kennefh McDougall attended the 25th annual convention of Associ ation of Assessing Officers qf Ontario at Windsor last week, Mrs, Elizabeth Hill and Miss Sadie Garter, Goderich, visited latt Tuesday with Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and family. Mr. 'and Mrs, Donald Young - blut and family, London, spent the weekend with his mother Mrs, Ralph D. Munro, Mr, 'and Mrs. Thomas John ston and Miss Laura Phillips visited on Sunday in MitchfeU with My. .and Mirs, Roy Farrow. Lynn Youngblut, Toronto, spent the holiday with Ms parents, Mr, and Mirs. Major Youngblut and family. ■ *0- . Scouts at Church The Third Goderich Scout troop of Knox Presbyterian Church, attended1 in a body, the afternoon service at Knox Pres byterian Church, Auburn. Rev, R. U. MaoLean spoke on the text, “Blessed is the Nation’’ and his mjessage was in keeping with the commonwealth holi day. ; The Scouts were attending the weekend camp at the- Pres byterian Camp op. the Maitland Block with their assistant ]. scoutmaster, Stan Eenner- was assisted by two assistant scout leaders, Allen Schade and John Walters^ Dies In Winnipeg Relatives in this community received the sad news last week of the death of William Mur doch Hoge of Winnipeg, who passed away as the result of an accident, at the age of 33 years. He was the son of Mrs. Laura Hoge of Saskatchewan, former ly of the Auburn district and had visited here several times with Ms aunt, Mrs. Charles Straiughan and his cousin, Mrs. W. Bradnock. A former Saskatchewan ten nis champion, he served for a time with the ROMP and at the time oif his death Was man ager of the Niagara Finance company at Winnipeg. Besides Ms .sorrowing Moth er, he is survived by one bro ther, Allan E. Hoge, CFB Chat ham, N.B., and one sister, Mrs. Douglas .(Marilyn) Hales, Sas katoon, and eight young nephews. MRS, BEST ALLEN (Phone 523-4570 •Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dunn, Mankota, and. Alex Gar diner, Crohiiarty, .spept ‘1|^ Thursday with Mrs and Mrs, Wilmer Howatt. Miss Dorothy Little and her friend, Miss Bcld, Toronto, xSpept the 'holiday with-- Mrs. Ida Townsend. Mrs, Myrtle *iynjdall, Clinton, is spending a few weeks with her son Weldon and Mrs. Tyn dall, " ■ Mr* and Mrs. John Howatt and family, Stratford, visited With Mr. and Mrs. Wflipler Howatt on Sunday, Mr, and , Mrs; Percy West and family, Chesley, visited on Saturday with Mrs, Robert Fairservice. Mrs, Lily Webster who was- under the doctor's, care in Clin ton Public Hospital retqrned home on feeling much better, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. took in the bus trip to "New York last week whidh was ar ranged by ths; WI and Mary Hastings groups; . Mrs. Harry Dumin spent the holiday weekend with her sister near Chatham, , Mr. and Mrs, Victor ton, Dungannon, spent with Mrs. Bert Allen. Mr. "and Mrs. Glen and family spent last weekend in Detroit. WI Meets June 1 Thie regular meeting of Lon-, desboro Women’s Institute will be held in Londesboro Hall on Wednesday, June 1 at 8 p.m, Mrs. Richard Snell of Blyth will explain some of the facts about wool manufacturing and sale from Bainton Limited, Blyth. A tour of industries had been planned and members asked to bring box lunches; however, this was cancelled and lunch will be provided. -----------Q~-- ----- --- last week, Saturday, Younghluit Erring- Sunday Carter Community Club To Meet June 1 The SS 4 Goderich Township Community Club met at Mrs. Robin Thompson’s on May 3 with 13 members present. Min uses of April meeting were ap proved, and the treasurer's re port showed a balance oif $73.61. The June meeting is to be held at Mrs. Lome Tyndall’s on June 1 (note ■ change in'date). A bale was packed during the afternoon and sent to Round Lake. r COOK BROS. MILLING CO. LTD. Phone 262-2605 Hensail _____________’ , ■ ._____________-________15to22b i 0 / Austin L. Parnail, award-winning corn grower of Drumbo, says "the best thing that has happened to the corn business/1" "Atrazine is a good product to work with because it is so safe," according to Austin Parnail, who plants 600 acres Of com. "We've never had any damage with it. In '66, we used Atrazine With oil and Sprayed around the middle of June when the Weeds were up about an inch. It burned off the weeds pretty fast and gave good Control through to harvest With no culti vations." Stressing the safety of Atrazine, Mr. Parnail reports: "We ve never had any problem'from residues when following treated com with soybeans oh my farm," ' Mr. Parnali goes on to say "in the future we will not Use oil with the Atrazine because for the best results I believe Atrazine ‘should be used as soon after planting as possible' (early May) for more moisture." Start using.Atrazine this year—discovor how profitable com production can be, Ask your dealer for an instructional leaflet oh Atrazine 65W ahd‘ place your order hdW. Gesaprim® brand of Atrazine 65W is available ih 6 lb, bags and 6o lb. cartons from farm supply dealers, Pisons (Canada) Limited, 234 Eglihtdh Avenue East,Toronto12/Ontarid AUBURN — Women’s Insti tute Members from Goderich and Dungannon were guests at the May meeting of Auburn WI held in the Community Memorial Hall. The president, Mrs., Don'ald Haines opened thte meeting with the Ode', the Mary Stewart Collect .and O, Canada. Mrs. William Craig was pianist. After .Mrs. Haines welcomed the guests and members, min utes were read by the secre tary, Mirs'. Thomas Lawlor. An invitation to attend the Tea at the Ontario Hospital on June 7 was accepted, and plans made to cater to the lunch for Achievement Day on June 25. Plans were completed for the cooking school and committees were set up. In charge of tick ets will be Mrs; Thomas Law lor, Mrs. Gordon Chamney and Mrs. Roy Easom; bake table will be in Charge of Mrs. Robert Turner) Mrs. Fordyce Clark, Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Arn old Craig and Mrs; Wes Brad hook. ' t ‘ The West Huron iNstriCt an nual will ibe held in Auburn, uh May 31 add in charge of regis tration Will ibe Mrs. Ed1 Davies, Mrs. George Millian.and Mbs. William Straughan. The dinner committee will be Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. Ed Davies, Mrs. Andrew Kirkconhell and Mrs. Nbrman McDoWeH; 'and Mrs, Bert Craig ahd -MrS. William J. Craig Will set up tables. Mrs. Thomas LaWlor add Mrs. Roy Easorh will look after the hub by table. Mf^. Andrew Kirkconnell re- ported for the Card cbmhdiftee and read the thiank-you notes received* It was announced that Mrs. (Dr.) FloW&tfs, therapist at the Clinton Public Hospital, will be the guest speaker at the June meeting. An hddofdton solo was play ed by Sandra EiTihgton. Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor led ih a Sihg- song and also sang a solo. Mrs. Deft Mills, GodOfibh, gave two readings, Long Ago at SS Nd. 9< which she composed herself and also one fiariiCd, The Good Old Days. Mte. Wes Bradnock spoke on the motto, No one’s heart will ever harden, planting seeds in friendship’s garden. ' Mrs. Donald HMhes introduc ed the speaker. Mrs. Bd Davies who spoke On Hdrtiietiltufe. She gave many gardening liints and spoke on the tni'lLUice w'Ot* Clinton Memorial Shop , T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON EXETER — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon Local Representative A. W, STEEP — 482-6642 Hotel Clinton Featuring "CLOUD V Room . Friday and Saturday Evenings Only zChicken In a Basket4 Friday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight SMORGASBORD DINNERS Every Sunday Evening from 5 to 7 Phone 482-3421 for Reservations We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wedding Receptions How to make money make money Take a sum you can comfortably afford to invest ,. ,,say $500., Put it in Investors Mutual of Canada Ltd., or Investors Growth Fund of Canada Ltd. Add to your account every month and reinvest all dividends. Your modest investment will have wide diversification and professional management — ad vantages which only a millionaire could once afford. Wondering about results? An investment in Inves tors Mutual has more than tripled since 1950. Yes, this is the way to make money make money. Just write or call: A ' NOTICE W.G. "Bill" Campbell . No wire fence, old concrete or car bodies permitted, P.O. Box 659 SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 527-0452 . James I. McIntosh, Clerk •s KONGSKILDE LTD J. WXWW;.; Ontcuria Department of Energy and Resources M*na<ement Hon J. R. Staonett, Minister To apply, consult your County Agricultural Representative OR Agricultural Engineer tor information, application forms, and advice. Ontario Department Of Agricultare Hon. Wm. 4* dtewtxt, Miniate* • CONSTRUCTING A NEW POND ‘ • IMPROVING AN EXISTING POND Mrs. Frank Raithby had a flower contest and the winner was Mrs. ’ Fordyce Clark. The holder of the lucky ddor ticket Was Mrs. Robert Chamney. The roll call Was answered by a gardening Mnt. A successful auction sale of plants and bulbs was held with Mi's. Ed Davies as auctioneer. The holder of .the lucky 'serv iette was Mrs; J. Ryan of Dun gannon. Lunch was served1 by Mrs. George Millian, Mrs. Rob ert Chamney, Mrs; -Frank Raithby, Mrs. Harry Watson assisted by Mrs. Gordon Cham ney. -----------Q----------- Many Attend Auburn Funeral For Miss Houston AUBURN — A large number of friends and relatives attend ed the large funeral service for the late Miss Mary I. Hou ston last Tuesday at the Arthur Funeral Home. Rev. R. U. Mac- Lean and Rev. Glenn Campbell, minister of McNabb Presbyter ian Church, Hamilton, eonducit- ed. the services. Burial took place in Coilborne cemetery.. Pallbearers were Arthur Youngblut, Willidm Wagner, Kenneth Scoitt, John Weir, Thomas Johnston and Joe Hickey. The ‘flower-bearers were Ed Davfes 'and Thomas Haggitt. The many beautiful floral trib utes were a silent reminder of a kind and helpful teacher and friend.’' Among the friends, attending were het school principal and wife and teachers, and! inspect ors from the Hamilton schools. TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5, p.m. and Saturday morning from 10 to 12 a.m.SYNDICATE-LIMITED —Or mail this coupon----------------— . Without obligation, please send me more information. NAME ADDRESS... CITY/T0WN-*. REAL PR°fiT ■ Financial Assistance 1 t Available for a FARM POND To encourage the construction of Farm Ponds, the Government of Ontario Will pay 50% of the cost of art approved pond, up te a maxhnum of $500. This finaftfcial assistance is available to ” farmers for : ' . . KONGSKILDE CROP DRYER Maintain protein values/ eliminate storage losses. The Kongskilde Crop Dryer is proved as the money-making way to store dry crops 08 higlvmoisture feed grains* No condensation problems, complete aeration through full-length aluminum Ventilators. Available in 2^ sizes and dan be enlarged after installation. Get the facts and then decide. Find out how the Kongskilde Crop Dryer can make all your stored crops worth more when you use Or sell them* Call your Dealer or Write for folder* , , H. LOBB 4 SONS EQUIPMENT W/fett M — CUNTON — Phone 482-9431