HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-05-26, Page 5ANNIVERSARY ANNOUNCEMENT , HOWER — Mr. and Mrs. Albert Horner, Seaforth will ..hold Qpen House to their W tiy<3st friends and neighbours, on Sunday, lune 5.th, 1966 from > 24 in afternoon, 7r-9 in. evening on the occasion pf their fiftieth wedding anniversary. ‘ Gifts graciously declined. 21p BIRTHS .'BOS —- In Clinton'Public Hos­ pital on Sunday, May 22,1966 to Mr. and Mbs, Kees Bos, RR 3, Walton, a son. HAAK In Qinton Public Hospital on Sunday, May 22, 1966 to Mr, and Mrs-. G, Haalc, Holmesville, a son. KEHOE — In Richmond Hill, on Saturday, May 21, 1966 to Mr. (and Mrs. Patrick Kehoe (nee Corrie Brand) a Son, Dennis Patrick. RICHMOND — .In Clinton .Public Hospital on Sunday, May 22, 1966 to' Mr. 'and Mrs, Bruce Richmond, RR 2, "Blyth, a son. SMITH — In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday,- May 21, 1966 to Mr. and' l$rs. Wib liam Smith, 'Clinton, a daugh­ ter. TREBLE — In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, May 21, 1966 to Mr. and Mrs, Don Treble, RR 4, Goderich, a son. WISE — In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, May 22, 1966 to' Mr, and Mrs, John Wise, Clinton, a son (died May 24, 1966). ----------—----------------- ------- -—t—~— ------------- CARDS OF THANKS ' HOUSTON — The family of . -the late Mary I. Houston wish •to extend their sincere thanks and appreciation for the many .acts of kindness by friends, relatives and neighbours dur- ■ ing', their recent bereavemlent.. 21b ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr., and Mrs. Gerald Van den HengeX. Seaforth, wish to announce engage­ ment pf their ' daughter Anne, to John Middpgaal, spin pf ifrs> ApnnMiddegaai ,and the late' Mr. Bert Middegaal, • RR 1, Blyth. The wedding to take place Saturday, June 18, 1966, at 10 a.m,, St. James’ Rontan Catholic Church, Seaforth. \ ’ ^lb s v* * Mr, and Mrs, William F, Aikenhead!, Trenton, Qnt-» formerly of RR 3? Kippen,, wish to announce the ' en* gagement of their eldest daughter, Carolyn Maiy, to Mr, Martin Bos, Treinton. The wedding will take place July 9, 1966, at 4 P-m, in Ebenezer Christian Reformed Church, Trenton. 21P $ * >j? Mr. and Mrs. Whliam R. Walsh, Kincardine, are pleased to 'announce the en­ gagement of thelir youngest daughter, Frances Ann, to Murray Lloyd Adams, eld­ est son of Mr.-, and Mrs. Clifford Adams’,1 Londes- boro. » The. marriage will take place ait Knox Pres­ byterian Church, Kincar­ dine, at 4 p.m., Saturday, June 11, 1966. 21p Use Classified Ads. For Quick Results Executive Director B Association To Speak at Huron TB Annual An. interesting visitor in Blyth nn Monday, May 30, 1966. will be E, J, O’Rrien, Exceptive Director, Ontario Tuberculosis Association, who -wlli be-guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Huron County TB Asso­ ciation. His subject will ba UA Canadian’s Viewpoint on the Tuberculosis Problem and Its S'olutiop in an Emerging Coun­ try”. ■ Mr- O’Brien .returned recenR MARRIAGES ANNOUNCED LUDVIGSEN r ELLIOTT — Florence May Elliott and Ove Ludvigsen exchanged marriage yows on May 21st, at londhle Heights United Chunch, Sear- borough, Ontario, with Rev, L. C, King officiating and' will /re­ side at - 174 Crocus Avenue, Ottawa 8, 21x * . $ S." HAMILTON - WARREN The wedding of Dorothy Marion Warren, -daughter of Mr. and Mrs, L. Asquith, of RR 2, Clin­ ton, to Evefett, Richard Hamil­ ton, son pf Mr.. S,' Hamilton and the late Mrs, Hamilton, Bale Verte, New Brunswick, took place in .the Protesitant Chapel at Canadian. Forces Base Clinton on Saturday, May 21. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton will make their, home m Stoathroy, Ontario. •s •I wish to thank my many : friends ■ for their -visits, gifts, flowers and cards while I was .a patient in hospital. Their many acts , of kindness' were' •truly '' appreciated; Special ' thanks to Doctor Newland and •the nurses of the Second floor. — EVELYN HALL, . 21b I wish to thank (friends and relatives for visits, cards, flow- , ers and kind 'inquiries. Also ••special thanks to Rev. Maines, Rev.- Harrison, Rev. MacLean and Dr. Newland and nurses on first floor for kindness while a patient in Clinton hospital. — CHARLIE SCOTCHMER. 21p The family of the late Mrs. 'Mary Layton wish to express their sincere thanks and appre­ ciation to their ..friends and •relatives for the lovely floral tributes, donations to the heart fund, ■ messages of sympathy ..and -acts of kindness shown during their recent -bereave- . ment. Special thanks to Rev. G. L. Mills for his many visits, to the nurses at the“"hospital and Ball and Mutch Funeral Home. ' Your kindness will always be •remembered. 21b Mere Words are inadequate to express our gratitude to each .and every one who helped us ' through these days of sorrow ■with beautiful 'flowers, word's of sympathy and deeds of in­ finite kindness. Our dear hus­ band >and father would have 'been so proud and honoured to know he had so many sincere friends. Special th alts to the. Revs. R. W. Wenham and Peter Diamond (London), Base Com­ mander, Officers and Staff of OFB Clinton, Sergeant's Messes ■ tof OFB 'Clinton and Centralia, Masonic Lodge, ' (Canadian ’Legion Branch, Bell Telephone ‘ staff of Goderich and Beattie Funeral Home. Your kindness •will always be remembered. — MRS. REG. STEVENS -and FAMILY. 21b MUNRO —- We wish to ex­ press our grateful appreciation ■to neighbours, friends and rela­ tives for the lovely floral .trib­ utes, donations to the heart and cancer funds, the messages of sympathy and acts of kind­ ness shown during Our recent ’bereavement in’ the loss of a dear husband 'and father. Spec­ ial thanks to the, Masonic Lodges fortheir beautiful ser­ vices, the Goderich District Col­ legiate Institute Board and staff, the pallbearers and hon- ■orary pallbearers, Rev. Harold Snell, Rev. J. Wheeler, Ed. Stiles and Keith Arthur of the .Arthur Funeral Home and all who helped in any way. Your thoughtfulness and kindness will always be remembered by. Myrtle Munro and family. 21b DEATHS LANE — Ih Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, May 23, 1&66, Mrs. Charles ‘ Lane, Tuckersmith Township in 'her 72nd year. The- ’former Janet Mae Aikenhead, she is sur­ vived by daughters, Mrs'. Gordon (Mary) De .Jong, Tuckersmith Twp.; Mrs. Neil (Frances) Roy, CoCfcsville: Sister Michelle (Patricia) London; brother, Jack, Bruce- Held; sisters, Mrs. Gregor (Elizabeth) MacGregor, Brucefiield and Mi’s. '-tyfaX Tully, Peterborough. Reqtuem mass from St. James . Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth on Wednesday, May 25 with lu- termont in St. James Ceme­ tery, Seaforth* G. A. Whith'ey Funeral Home in charge. 7th Anniversary lea Crafts made by the residents will be on display and for sale in the Assembly Room. Wednesday, June 1 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Arts and Crafts Room TOURS OF THE HOME ALL AFTERNOON > DRAW ON APPLIQUED QUILT All Services on Daylight Saving.Time Attend Your Church | . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ]; (Baptist'Convention of Ontario and Quebec) ]; Pastor:, Paul Coon, B.A. ![ , Sunday, May 29 J* 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School !; 11:15 a.m.—Family Worship J ALL ARE WELCOME HERE Ontario Street United Church “THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” ' Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday, May 29 10:30 a.m,—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School Anniversary Guest Minister : Rev. Robert 1 Tschanz, B.A., B.D., Londesboro) TURNER’S • 2:00 p.m.-^-Church Service. Rev. Robert Tschanz,- guest minister. 3:00 p.m.:—Sunday School tilts—Mnitrb (filntrcltes REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, M;A., Minister Sunday, May 29 ' WESLEY-WILLIS CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Giiest Preacher: Rev. Graham Tipple, B.A., B.D., of Sault Ste. Marie, Pres, of London Conference . 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m'.—Rev. Graham Tipple 7:30 ’p.m.-Lftev. Graham Tipple » CHSS Choir led by George. Cull . . HOLMESVILLE , 9:45 a.m.—Church Service 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School , . * si?paulTanglican church ' Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector 1 Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRCO, ARCM, Organist Sunday, May 29 -U Whitsunday 8:00 . a.m.—Holy Communion B.A.C. Servers Breakfast. 9:45 a.m.—Church School ■ 11:00 a.tn.—Holy Communion, Men’s Choir ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director Sunday, May 29 . 9:45 a.m.—Church School 10:45 a.m.—Public Worship EVERYONE WELCOME J Clinton News-Record 1 offers a complete selection of Werftlirtg annOiincciribiitS styled for the: dis mniing Zis/c i MAPLE STREET GOSPEL HALL * CLINTON Sunday, May 29 9:45 a.m.-—Worship Service' 11:00 a.m.-—Sunday Schodl 8:00 p.m.-—Evening Service Speaker: Fred Munnings. Tuesday—8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Subject: “How To Serve God” ALL WELCOME ly fcom -South East Asia where he visited India, Ceylon, Mal­ aysia and Thailand as a. mem­ ber of ithe International Semin­ ar to advise on development of an ahfi-tuiberc.uipsis program* He has been director of the Ontario Assoctaitlon since its inception in 1945 and with Which Huron County Associa­ tion is affjiliatod-. This is the third occasion on which Mr. O’Brien’s services have been1 loaned to the Inter­ national Association .and he is conversant with the tubercu­ losis problem on a global scale, The relative control of the dis- ease which Ontario enjoys to­ day could be short lived in this jet age unless we not only keep up our defences here, but also recognize that we 'must assist' ■the struggling voluntary asso­ ciations in developing .countries, ,Mr. O’Brien will discuss the ap­ palling problem with which they are confronted. —-------,--------Q.--------------r-— . TWINS TO CELEBRATE 84th BIRTHDAYS Wilson Armstrong, a resident at Huronyiew and his twin sis­ ter, Mrs. Ida Boyce,- Goderich, will celebrate their 84th birth­ days on Saturday, May 28. -----------------— Nursing Graduate I I f $);•■ CAROL PLUMSTEEL Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. , Harry Plumsteel, RR 5, Clin­ ton, received hex- diploma Saturday, May 21, from the Stratford General Hospital School of Nursing, The grad­ uation exercises were held at the S t r a it f o V d Festival Theatre, followed by a recep­ tion held at the home of her parents. Carol is planning on working at St. Boniface Hos? pital, Winnipeg, Manitoba, in ..the..fall- . ' ' , .... Ontario Adventure Vacations B3EKBHSSM ■E&Xi^ 1 , CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH ; RfeW G. Jr HEERSINK, Minister ;! Sunday, May 29 f ;! 10:00 a.m.—Service in English • ’ 2 11:00 a.m.—-Sunday School ; > 2:30 p.m.—Service in Dutch .; i Every Sunday, 12:30 noon,. dial 680 CHLO, St Thomas, ;: lfeteh to “Back to Gbd Hotir”, ;; , EVERYONE WELCOME l! I I I I ■ti MB The Wilderness Way Of The Voyageurs Enj'oy a spectacular Wilderness Way Adventure Vacation, around the north shore of Lake Superior and westward past Kenora. This vast territory is an endless unfolding of limpid lakes and virgin forests and the oldest rocks in the world. It is Voyageur country. For hundreds of years, travelling here demanded a strong back and a good canoe. Today the wilderness remains unspoiled, but highways are modern, accommodations frequent and well-appointed, and the fishing is superb^ Swift floatplanes provide, fly-in service to comfortable camps and cottages, miles from the nearest road. In the fresh, pine-fragrant air, you sleep deeply, awake refreshed. Under the wide open skies, life tastes good again. And when you need Urban amenities, there are bright and busy towns and cities. A Wilderness Way Adventure Vacation will help you—and all your family—to grow a little, inside. Start your planning now, by mailing this Coupbn today. ‘ ’ Ontario Department of Tourism & Information Province 6f Ontario, Department bf Tourism & Infbrmation, Parliament Buildings, Rbbtn ' Toronto 2. 2061 Please send me full information about a Wilderness Way Advshturo Vacation. .................... .............. II * - IKwMa Rug Prize Comes To Clinton x Linda Finley, left, daughter of Mrs, Effie Fin­ ley, Maple Street, is presenting Mrs, Bruce Bart- liff with a ruse and white wool rug she won in a draw at the open house of Queen Elizabeth School for Retarded Children in Goderich last week. Linda is one of five Clinton pupils attending the school and was very proud that the rug was won by her neighbour. Linda did most of the work on the 21”x3O” poodle design rug whiph was one of two rug prizes raffled off by the pupils. (News-Record Photo) LeBeau-Cluff Wedding Ceremony In Clinton Church Last Saturday ' Yellow and white ’mums graced St, Joseph’s Church, Clinton, for the marriage of Mrs. Helen C. Cluff and Alfred George LeBeau on Saturday, May 21 at 12:00 o’clock. • Rev. Father Kelly officiated at the double-ring ceremony, assisted by the Rev.- E. J. B. Harrison, Bayfield. Mrs. Robert LeBeau presided at <tihe organ and played traditional wedding music. The bride was charming in a CLINTON PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. David Dales, 208 Townsend St., left Sunday, May 15, by plane from Toronto to visit their daughter, Sharon, ■•^frs. Robert McKean and Mr. McKean and family in France. They will also visit their son, James Dales and his wife in Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Dales expect to be away about four weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cox and Brian, Bruce Lamb, Mrs. Fred Thompson, Mrs. J. Hull er spent the weekend holiday in Ottawa visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dres .Beck. Miss Irene Snider, London, and Miss Kay Snider, Strath- lome, N.S., visited last Wed* nesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Makins, Albert Street. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carter, and Mrs. Douglas Carter Mrs. Jack Spencer, L'on- visited1 recently with Mr. Mrs. Thomas Leppington Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lep- Mr. and dbn, and and pington and family. They also made a call on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fulford this past Thurs­ day; Douglas Carter and Earl Fulford being school chums some years ago; -----------o----------- ' 4-H Swine Club Discusses Rations The second meeting of the Huron-County 4-H Swine Club was held' in the Agriculture office in Clinton on Tuesday, May 17. A short quiz followed the discussion of swine rations. Methods of tattooing little pigs were illustrated -by Bob Hickey. The next meeting Will be held in the same place on June 21 with veterinary, Dr; Turnbull of Seaforth as guest speaker. ;■■■■■■ I..^1-it. i—.« Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results z J 24/ 'J?$4-r-r$(infon NeW'KefiPtd^pagQ 5 ga’der ip streamline pur impoa-t- ant pule linyentory system/’ he said, ”and we’ve contracted tlie wvte. of Technical. Overload, a division of Office Overload, to dp 'the tagging for Each pole will be tagged with the date of its. iinstoWion, some pf which date back to 1924, The spokesman also said that in the last three yeai-s, nearly 50,000. poles have been replaced with underground fa* eiljties.. All Bell Poles To Be Tagged Oyer 5,000 pounds of mim- bered aluminum nails' Will be used by the Beil . Telephone Company of Canada in tagging the 2S5>00Q 'telephone ptdes it maintains, in this part of fhe country. According to a Bell Canada spokesman, this work has !al- ready begun and will continue into December. “We're •tagging our poles in • Rememlbpr the good o! days *■-when charity was a virtue, pot an industry. CHICKEN BARBEQUE Thursday, June 9 CONSTANCE Supper 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Adults $1,50' Children 6-12 75c, under 6 Free Sponsored by COF ' 21-22b........ ................—... / pale blue lace dress with a navy hat and. accessories; she wore a corsage of pink sweetheart roses. The4 bride's attendants were her .sister, Mrs. F. P. Arkel], who wore a salmion pink linen suit, with beige accessaries and a White carnation corsage, and the'groom’s sister-in-law, Mrs. Mac LeBeau, who was gowned in beige lace With aq.ua' acces­ sories and .an aqua carnation corsage. Attending the groom were his brother, Miac LeBeau, Clin­ ton and F. P. Arfcell, Bayfield, A reception held at the resi­ dence of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Arkell featured spring flowers, tulips and daffodils, ‘also in yellow iand White. A threie- tilered wedding cake was flank­ ed by yellow and white tapers. For a wedding trip to1 Wind-" sor :aind Detroit, the bride wore a navy blue walking suit with matching -accessories. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. LeBeau will reside in Bayfield. ■o- Ryerson Grad. <- Annual Meeting HURON COUNTY TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION Town Hall, Blyth Guest Speaker: MR, ,E. J, O'BRIEN, Executive Director, Ontario Tuberculosis Association GEORGE A. WATTZ Blyth — President PRESCRIPTIONS Phone 482-9511 Clinton, Ontario IT'S NEW IN CANADA AND WE HAVE IT CLAIROL COSMETICS Liquid and Cake Make Up Naij Polishes Lipsticks and Blush Rouge NEW GILLETTE AFTER SHAVE LOTION $1.25 NEW AQUA VELVA DEODORANT Aerosol Spray $1.29 Stick $1.25 NEW, NIVEA MILK ...... $1.69 Skin Conditioner, Non Greasy WIN A BIKE CONTEST STILL ON Pick Up Your Coupons Now 2 GIVEN AWAY EACH WEEK PRETTY FEET — Removes rough dry skin from feet, * hands & elbows $1.25 and $1.98 NOXZEMA DEODORANT Roll-On, reg. 89c Spec. 2 for .90 Spray, reg. 1.25 Spec. 2 for 1.26 COIFFURE HAIR BRUSHES Only 59c LAWRENCE MIDDLETON POWELL Son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. ■ Powell, RR 3, Clinton, who graduated from Ryerson Polytechnical Institute at convocation exercises on Fri- • day, May 6. He is presently employed as an .‘Architectural Technologist with the firm of Kraschen and Dailey, Water­ loo. f PRE-FINISHED LUAN MAHOGANY PLYWOOD TREFLAN (Bean Weed Control) MAY BE OBTAINED LOCALLY Phone or pick up at GEORGEWRAITH..................J—No, 8 Highway; Goderich Phone Goderich 524-7002 CHARLIE GLENVILLE Phone Hensoil 24^5203 SHAMROCK CHEMICALS Nd. 135 Highway, London, Ontario Phone Collect 436-5^51 MMMNh 2144t> 4’ x 8’ SHEETS $4.64 TOP QUALITY EXTERIOR OUTSIDE UlUITE DAIMT Will IE. rAlnl $4.95 GAL. BALL-MACAULAY LIMITED SEAFORTH CLINTON 527-0910 482-9514