HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-05-05, Page 12IPago U—Clinton News-Reeord—-Thursday,May 5, 1966 The individual trophy winners in the Ciinton-Blyth Ladies Bowling League, are, left to right, Miss Kay Sharp, high triple, 745; Mrs. Joyce Cpok, president of the league; Mrs..Beth Thompson, high single, 316 and Mrs, Pauline Gordner, high average of 183. THE REO and BLUE REVUE VARIETY HIGHT CHSS-TV will be presented MAY14ATCHSS ADMISSION $1.00 Proceeds to Clinton and District Community Centre Fund TICKETS Available from CHSS Students or from Downtown Merchants and at News-Record DID YOU KNOW? That the security of Free Life Insurance is added to the security of Saving . .,. x and of Borrowing . .,. Clinton Community Credit $2.50 & $2.95 $1.25 to $10.95 VASES in glass or pottery $1.00 to $9.95 Choose a "COUTTS Current Dividend 5% Veteran Clinton Bowler Wins Ma ra thon Match Jim Armstrong, a retired businessman, turned munici­ pal official and. sportsman, recently won the annual marathon five-pin bowling tournament at CFB Clinton lanes. His score was 2326. He wias competing against bowlers from Zurich, Gode­ rich, Seaforth, Wingham, CFB Clinton and other town bowlers. Runner-up was Murray Colban of CFB with. 2267, Winning-team of the first series included three Clinton and three RCAF men.-They were Dave Reid, Joe Daer and Harold Black, Clinton; Hank Gallon, Don Hurst and George Chisholm, CFB Clin­ ton; I, Oolclough, Wingham and J. Hinton, Goderich. Mr. Colban second Other Hotchkiss, and D. Riley, Goderich; and Paul Leger, Charlie > Meyers and R. Macklin, CFB. Flight Lieutenant D. Dris­ coll made presentations at the conclusion of the tourney. -----------o---------- - THE FIRST COLUMN 1 Armstrong and Mr. were members of the series winning team, members were B. George Warner or "RUST CRAFT CARD 10c to $2.00 For MOTHER GRANDMOTHER WIFE Or FRIEND 10c to $2.00 CUP and SAUCER in bone china..................., $1.19 to $5.00 ea. SPICE CABINET in wood, spices included.....$6.00 & $10.75 FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS ALUMINUM SERVING DISHES LEATHER WALLETS and CLUTCH PURSES..........$3.95 to $10.00 McEwan's Series one winners and league champions, from the left, Mrs. Ada Schellen- berger, Mrs. Medie Elliott, Miss Kay Sharp, Mrs. Carole Fraser, Mrs. Doris Burke and Mrs. Shirley Hargreaves. "W Series two winners, from the left, Mrs. Labelle Webb, Mrs. Gwen Corriveau, Mrs. Isabel MacDonald, Mrs. Joyce Cook, Mrs. Narnia Ball, Mrs. Lois Gibbings. Series three winners and playoff champions, from the left, Mrs. Carmen Tien- kamp, Mrs. Tudy Wilson, Mrs. Beulah Wonch, Mrs.'Loy May, Mrs. Helen Cole and Mrs. Bessie Black. (News-Record Photos) Lady Bowlers Have Awards Night 4The Clinton-Bly.th Ladies Bowling League held .their an­ nual banquet at Hotel Clinton on Saturday evening,' April 30 with 60 present. Following a delicious smor- gaisbard! dinner, trophies were presented. High average trophy donated by Groves Electric was presented to Polly Gotrdner with 183. High triple trophy donated by. Joe Daer was- pre­ Remember Mother With a . . . GIFT Anstett Jewellers Phone 482-9525Albert Street Tickets for Clinton Service Clubs DRIVE-IN BINGO and MOVIE—May 17 Available at ANSTETT JEWELLERS senited to Kay Sharp with 745. High single trophy donated by Frank Cook was presented to Beith Thompson with 316. The high team standing- for the year went to the Wiz- Bangs,’ captain, Doris Burke and team, Shirley Hargreaves, Carole Fraser, Kay Sharp, Ada Schelleinberger and Medie Elliott. The play-off trophies donated by Tom Darling were awarded to the Whiirley-B’irds with team captain Beulah Wonch and team, Loy May, Carmen Tien- kamp, Tudy Wilson, Helen Cole and Bessie Black. Three series were played during the season and trophies were awarded to the winners of each. The first series was won' by the Wiz-Bangs. The second series by the Ups and Downs and the third by the Whirley- Birds. President Joyce Cook took charge of the' business meeting and officers were elected for 1966-67! Anne Buchanan, Bly th, president; Bev. Elliott, Bly th, secretary; Mary Ann Hewson, Blyth, treasurer. LOveiy gifts were presented to the president Joyce Cook; secretary Loy May; treasurer, Edith Falconer. Court Whist Was enjoyed with Helen Cole winning top prize and Loy May winning low prize and Gwen Corriveau winning the travelling prize. Clinton Public Hospital is holding open house next Wed­ nesday, May 11 in1 observance of National Hospital Day. Our hospitals provide leund-the- clbck service and. care in times of need. Join us in saluting these - vital community institu­ tions. COMING EVENTS RATE: Four cents a word; Minimum 75 cents Thursday, May 5 — BINGO at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg­ ular games for $5.00. 2 share- the-wealth games. 1 special game for $25.00, the first letter "L” and first letter “T” applies on this game for $2.00 each. 3 share-the-wealth games, jack­ pot applies on those 3 games $57.00 in 57 numbers. 2 door prizes for $2.00 each. Admission 50c; extra cards 25c or 6 for 51.00. ■ tfb Friday, May 6 — Clinton Public Hospital Annual Spring Dance, Clinton Legion Hall. Chris Black Combo. $3.50 per couple includes smorgasbord. Tickets available at hospital. 18b. Friday, May 6 — Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Larry O’Con­ nell, (nee June Govier) Lon- desboro Hall, Jim Scott’s Or­ chestra. , 17b-8x Saturday, May 7 ’— Annual Daffodil Tea 'in Ontario St. Church Hall, 3 to 5 p.m. 18x Saturday, May 7 — Rum­ mage Sale, St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 10 a.m. good used clothing and miscellaneous art­ icles, auspices Go-Getters Club. 18b Sunday, May 8 — 8 p.m., col­ ored slides on the Holy Land, Sit.'James' Church Middleton by Mr. Torrance Tabb, Auburn. Sponsors, Middleton Choir. Sil­ ver collection. Lunch. 18p Tuesday, May 10 — BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $56.00 in 56 numbers. Six door prizes/ 8:30 p.m. May 11, 1966—CONSTANCE United. Church Ham Supper. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Adults $1.25, children 12 and under 50c, pre-, school, free. 16-17-18b Wednesday, May 11 — Fash­ ion Show of Dinnerware by Doulton, Legion Hall, 8:15 p.m., sponsored' by Clinton Chapter, Order of Easter Star. Admis­ sion 50c, draw and door prizes. 9b, 18b Saturday, May 14 — Giant rummage sale, Clinton Council Chambers 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. RCAF WA. 18b-19x Monday, May 16 — Variety. Night, Varna Township Hall, film, plus local .talent, 8:15 p.m. Admission 50c. 18-19b Tuesday, May 17 — Drive-in Bingo and Movie, Brownie’s Drive-in • Theatre “McLintock” starring John Wayne and Mau­ reen O’Hara. Bingo — 8 games for $10 — 3 share-the-wealth. Sponsored by Clinton Service Clubs, all proceeds to Clinton and District Community Centre Fund. Gates open at 7 p.m. Binigo at 7:30 and movie at dusk. . 18x Monday, May 30 — BINGO, $1,050 in prizes, Clinton Lions Arena, 9 p.m. sharp. Sponsors: Clinton Legion Branch 140. One game $500; special game $100; two share-ithe-wealtii; 15 regu­ lar games for $30. Admission $1.00 (extra and special cards 25c each, 5 for $1). Proceeds for Community Spirit. 17, 8, 9-b-20-lx CLINTON DUMP WILL BE OPEN SAT., MAY 7 and WED., MAY 11 ONLY From 1 to 3 p.m. Si (Continued from Page One) some emergency be-fell the area .... A reporter, might we say, would be more interested in the story which would evolve, if he called the EMO office in Goderich, announced an emer­ gency and asked foi- guidance . . , Just what would the Gode­ rich office of EMO do then? We tried it once just gently and got the word1 from a quiet- voiced efficient lady thaii Mr, Forbes was put of town and wouldn’t be back' till the next day , , . We were interested to have in Mr, Forbes letter an explana­ tion of the term we quoted l’asit week: “decisions of magnitude” , . . Mir. Forbes explains that he meant that *‘a great many directives had to be issued, by th? elected officials concerning thjs emergency which has no parallel and with the informa­ tion collated by the specialist who conducted the exercise, many decisions Were made of a very reasonable and common­ sense nature, pointing particul­ arly to the .safety of the people in the county, and' this would include yourself ...” Tha)t’s, a great help to us all, And Mr. Forbes goes on to say, “I am sure you will agree that a reporter for a Town newspaper can wield a great deal of influence in many direc­ tions and it would seem that there are a great many good points in any subject which could be utilized to better ad­ vantage than continually pok­ ing fun and also* distorting facts to such an extent that those who believe thoroughly in newspapers receive an incorrect picture and consequently, a wrong impression.” “In conclusion, I have no quarrel with you, Wilma, but only with your method of re­ portage.” At the risk of being facetious, a trait for which Mir. Forbes also berates us in another para­ graph, might we note that we rather resent this last criticism ... A ladiy reporter could well be criticized for almost any- Hospitals- are community pro­ jects. From th® workmen who build them to the trustees who govern them, hospitals involve nearly every member of the community in sarnie way. On National Hospital Day, your hospital requests- your con­ tinued interest and support. Visit Clinton Public Hospital next Wednesday, May 11 . 1 ■■ ■ Mil II ill,........I.. ................ thing (though we’d like to point out that last week it was as a columnist rather than a re­ porter that we commented on the EMO Exercise) . *. .as we Said, a lady reporter might be criticised for almost anytliing, hut when you quarrel with our reportage . . . Weil! Mr. For­ bes, how could you , . . BROWNIE’S DRIVE-IN THEATRE — CLINTON With Double Features, Each Feature Shown Once. ' The Main Feature Is Shown Last* Box Office Opens at 8 o'clock First show starts at Dusk THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 5-6 DOUBLE FEATURE — CIRCUS WORLD" JOHN WAYNE RITA HAYWORTH CLAUDA CARDINALE Color "LIVING IT UP" DEAN MARTIN JERRY LEWIS Color Cartoon It, SATURDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY May 7-9-10 'YON RYAN'S EXPRESS" FRANK SINATRA TREVOR HOWARD Color Cartoon WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 11-12-13 , — DOUBLE FEATURE — HIHELP" THE BEATLES Color "A HARD DAY'S , NIGHT" THE BEATLES Cartoon STARTING SATURDAY AND MONDAY — May 14-16 "McHALE'S NAVY JOINS THE AIR FORCE" and "TAGGART" Drive A Safe Car From LORNE BROWN MOTORS LTD. We are required by law to issue a certifi­ cate with each Used Car or Truck sold. We must state whether or not it is in a safe condition to be operated on a Highway. ASK FOR YOUR CERTIFICATE OF MECHANICAL FITNESS. SAFETY CHECKS BY PROVINCIAL POLICE ARE USUALLY MADE IN MAY. Our Used Cars and Trucks are fully inspected and reconditioned by Licensed Mechanics. Some really special buys this month from our large stock. We have most everything! From z65 to '59— in most* every make and model. USED TRUCKS STATION WAGONS '61 Plymouth Station Wagon Ideal for large family* '62 Peugot Station Wagon A stranger on our Lot. Different! CONSIDERING A NEW CAR? For immediate delivery: Oldsmobile. F85. Chevelle. Chevrolet. CheVy II Corvair. Envoy. Lome Brown Motors Ltd. Your Friendly Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Dealer 482-9321 CLINTON 'S i