HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-05-05, Page 7ANNOUNCEMENT OPEN HOUSE will :be held In honour of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blake, on the occasion of their 25tli wedding anniversary, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Bowes, Blyth, on Sun­ day, May 8, 1966 from 2-5 pan, Everybody welcome. 18b CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank aU those who were so good to me while I was a patient in Clin­ ton Hospital. Special thanks to the muses of first floor1 .and to Dr. Addison, Dr. Newland and Dr. Street. ~- DOUGLAS SWAN- 18b BIRTHS NORMAN ™ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norman are happy to announce the arrival of their baby girl, Margo Elizabeth, in Vancouver General Hos­ pital on Thursday, April 28, 1966, REED — In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, April 30, 1966 to Mr. and Mi'S'. David Reid1, Clinton, a Son. SMITH — In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, April 29, 1966 to LAC and Mrs. Dar­ rel Smith, Clinton, a son. TURNER — On May 2, 1966 to Flying Officer and' Mrs. Grant F. (Ted) Turner, CFB Greenwood, N.S., a daughter, sister for Mary Kate. We woud like to express ow? sincere, thanks to relatives, friends arid neighbours for cards, gifts and visits while wo were patients in the hospi­ tal. Your kindnejss was great­ ly appreciated. —MARY AND JOHN McCOWAN. 18p ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Uilke Dyk­ stra, RR 2, Clinton, wish to announce the engagement ■of tHeir daughter, Margaret to Murray ■ Klaas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Klaas, Auburn. The wedding will take place on Saturday, May 21, 1966 .art 2 p.m. in Christian Reformed Church, Clinton. IN MEMORIAM HAYTER —In loving mem­ ory of William Hay ter who passed away seven years, ago on May 8, 1959. ‘'Loving memories never’ die, As 'on land days CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who sent flowers, gifts, or congratu­ lation cards, both at the baby shower and the hospital. Spe­ cial thanks to Dr. R. W. Flow­ ers and nursing staff. — MRS. JILLES POIRE. 18b I wish to thank everyone who helped myself and my family, while I was a paltient in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Newland, the nurses, our fam­ ily, friends and neighbours. — EUNICE AIKENHEAD. 18p years roll pass by. our hearts kept, the one we never forget.1 —Always remembered Sadly missed by wife family. MANN of a dear father and mother who passed away 22 years ago April 28 and May 6, 1944; dear sister Mrs. Lulu (MGann)’ Crit­ tenden, who passed away Aug. 14, 1948. “The golden gate stood, open, God saw they needed rest. His garden must 'be beautiful, He only takes the best.” —Lovingly remembered by the family. 18p In Of a m'emory is loved and» .....will and and 18b In loving memory DEATHS MELLEN -*■” At St. Joseph’s Hospital, Landon, on Sunday, Miay 1, 1966, Steven Patrick Mellen, three months, gon of Mi', and Mrs. Larry Mellen, 126 Victoria St., Londbn. Mr. and .Mrs. J, S. Scruton of Clinton are grandparents, MOHAN—At Sunnybrook Hos­ pital, Toronto, on Thursday, April 28, 1966, Flight Lieu­ tenant Garnet Lewis Mohan, husband of Joyice Dack, fa­ ther of Kelvin and Steven, san of Mrs. Annie Mohan, Midland and the late Jaimes Mohan, brother of Dora Lilith, Dennis, William Vai and Faye, all of Midland and son-in-law of 'Mi', and Mrs. Joseph Dack, Ottawa. Ser­ vice from the CFB Toronto Chapel, Downsview, May 2, and interment in Midland Anglican Cemetery- We wish to express our sin­ cere thanks to the Brucelfieid iFire Department for their prompt and efficient action at ■the time of our recent chimney fire and also to all others who ■assisted in any way at that time. — BRUCE and ANNA ‘KEYS. . 18p Notice To Creditors ' All' persons having claims •against the Estate ‘of JOHN THOMAS GIBSON, retired farmer, late of the Town of Clinton, ‘in the County of Hur- on, who died on or about the 19th day of Miarch, 1966, are required to file the same with full particulars with the under- ■ signed by the 7th day of May, 1966, as after that date the assets of the estate will be -distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario -this 6th day of April, 1966. HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, GODERICH, Ontario. 15-18b THOMPSON — In loving memory of a dear husband, Thomas Robert Thompson who passed away one year ago, May 3rd, 1965. Beyond the Sunset “Oh glad' reunion with our dear loved ones who’ve gone before, In that fair homeland we’ll know ho panting Beyond the Sunset forevermore.” —Lovingly rem'embered by his wife. THOMPSON — In memory of Thomas Thompson. “Sometimes its hard to | stand, why some have to be, Clinton Personal / Mr. and Mrs. Albert Liebold, Doug and Donnie, RR 2, Clin­ ton and Mrs, Thomas Lepping- ton, 177 Spencer Street, Clin­ ton spent last Sunday in Sarnia with Mirs. Rena Roberts, Mr- and Mrs. Morley Willis and fa­ mily and Mir. and Mrs. Gordon Smith, and family. -----------o--------— Vietnamese Fashions “You can’t tell the men from the women in Vietnam — every correspondent has 'to wear army fatigues,” says CBC director Beryl Fox, and these before and after photos seem to fear her out. Her hour-long film on the Vietnamese war, entitled The Mills of 'the Gods, recently won the George Polk Memorial Award as the world’s best television docu­ mentary of 1965. 18p loving Robert under­ things But in .His wisdom God has planned beyond our powers to see. He gave us strength to hear . the blow, But what it meant to lose you dad, no one will ever know.”, —Always remembered by dau­ ghters Yvonne, Joan, Patricia and Sharon. 18p II III F Attend Your Church Note — All Services on Daylight Saving Time (FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) <! Pastor: Paul Coon, B.A. ;! Sunday, May 8 ]; 10:00 am.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Family Worship <! ALL ARE WELCOME HERE ;! Ontario Street United Church ;; “THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” ![ Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. .][ Sunday, May 8 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 am.—Morning Worship ;• Service of Baptism e TURNER’S x ]• 2:00 pm.—Church Service e Service of Baptism <! 3:00 pm.—Sunday School ■ I;REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister Sunday, May 8 MOTHER’S DAY SERVICE Subject: “How God Mothers Us” WESLEY-WILLIS 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 am.—Christian Family Day Service. A Family Conducts Worship. Infant Baptism. HOLMESVILLE 1:00 pm.—Joint Christian Family Service of Church and Sunday School. Lay Participation. Infant Baptism. ST. PAUL’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRCO, ARCM, Organist Sunday, May 8 — Easter 4 I 8:00 am.—Holy Communion 9:45 am.—Church School 11:00 a.m.—'Morning Prayer Rev. Peter Rackenham, Blytth. ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH; The Rev. R. U. MaoLean, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director Sunday, May 8 9:45 am.—Church School 10:45 am.—Christian Family Sunday Sacraments of Baptism. EVERYONE WELCOME MAPLE STREET GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, May 8 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service 11:00 am.—Sunday School 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service Speaker: Dan Stuckey Tuesday—8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Subject: “How To Deal With Temptation” ALL WELCOME bi] UmUhiting Hockey fans who twirled 'the dial' from the Canadian station to NBC and back again during the Detroit-Chicago games can appreciate that experience pays. And how! We watched both CBC and NBC simultaneously. It’s tricky but can be done by carefully adjusting the sound on both sets. NBC was running approxi-. mately four minutes behind regular play, due to the fact that they were inserting one- minute commercials. .While a commercial was being played, action on the ice was being video-taped. After each com­ mercial the videotapes were put into action and in this way those watching NBC didn’t miss any of the plays, but were about four minutes behind. CBC also inserts commercial messages during the change of players, between face-offs, or during fights. I added more confusion by having OBL Radio on as well,' with Foster Hewitt cailling the play. Foster on radio and Bill on TV called excellent games. They didn’t seem to care who won and did superb- jobs, along with Brian McFarlane who as­ sisted Bill on television. Com­ mentating far N'BC was atroc­ ious, mainly because the nouncer didn’t understand game. Believe me, the joint really rocking with two sets and a radio going all on different stations. Try it sorne:- time. You’ll appreciate who is superior in telecasting hockey. <■ IT * NBC International . Enter­ prises reports that “Get Smart” and “I Spy” are joining the panics of “Bonanza” and “Dr. Kildare” as successful film pro­ ducts for world-wide distribu­ tion. Countries now these shows include Salvador,' Germany, Malaysia, Sweden, Japan, Liberia, Nigeria, Argen­ tina and many others. ft * Program; notes in brief: Art Carney will appear on 10 Jackie Gleason shows next sea­ son and Audrey Meadows will do half as many . . . . . Jack Paar will do a special on May 9 . . . . Ronald Howard, son of the late Leslie Howard, will be on a Court Martial segment called “When There Was No Echo”................Johnny Carson has a new contract with NBC for the “Tonight” show with more money and more days off...........Roy Ward Dickson’s “Take a’ Chance” will be drop­ ped from the CTV Network fall schedule. . * * # Speaking before a YMCA audience in the State of New York, a congressman cited the heroic - - Robin. was a young gaged p an- the was TV watching Chile, El Holland, Thailand, :: ii CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. G. J. HEERSINK, Minister I Sunday, May 8 !; 10:00 am.—Service in English 11:00 am.—Sunday Schoo] 6 2:30 pm.—Service in Dutch 6 Every Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas, I; listen to “Back to God Hour”. EVERYONE WELCOME ]; power of Batman and He said the program possible inspiration for people to become en- in the “need to assure that good conquers evil0. * » * From the CTV Network comes news . that “People in Conflict” will be shown Mon­ day evenings at 10:30 starting May 9. It will continue to ap­ pear five afternoons a week as well. It’s rated as the most popular daytime program in Canada. The May meeting of the' CWL was held on May 2 with Mrs. C. A. Trott presiding and 40 members present. Mrs. Art Rasimuson read ithe minutes and Mrs. Dave Middleton the fin- anci'al report. Conveners ap­ pointed were membership, Mrs. Michael Semeniuk;' spiritual, Mirs. Pat McMahon; social act-, ion, Mrs. Clem Reynolds; edu­ cation, Mrs. George Cairbert and Mirs. Michael Hallahian; cards, Miss Lucy Levy; citizenship, Mrs. Arnold Dale. Mrs. Dave Kay will be parish council representative to the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary with 'the visiting committee attending the auxiliary meetings. The an­ nual Diocesan Convention will be held in Hotel London on May 25 and 26 with Mirs. C. A. Trott, Mrs. Dave Middleton, Mirs. Mac LeBeau and Mrs. Alvin Sharp attending. Mrs. George Carbeint report­ ed! on visiting the sick in April. The new visiting committee for May wll be Mrs. Lawrence Denomme, Mrs. Jack Scruton and Mrs. Bert Glidden. Gifts' were presented to the past executive, Mrs. William Watson, Mrs. Joe Feeney, Mrs. The at on Miss 4-H Girls Club Study Meetings The fifth meeting of the Clinton Go Go Accents' 4-H Club was held at Lois and Bar­ bara St. .Clair’s home on Tues­ day, April 26. The nine mem­ bers learned about carded pip- ‘ing, rolled1 bias, pom poms and covered cord. The sixth meet­ ing- was held at Hazel and Dordthy Collins’ home on Tues­ day, May 3. Eight members learned about the Chinese knot and diagonal braiding, next meeting Will be • held Mrs. Keith Tyndall’s home Tuesday, May 10 at 7 p.m. LONDESBORO MRS. BERT ALLEN Phone 523-4570 Congratulations to Vicki Garrow, -who was crown­ ed May Queen of 1966 for Lillooet, B.C. Vlilcki is a grand­ daughter of Mr. and Mi’s. Bert Shobbrook. -----------------0-------;........... Contract For CHSS (Continued from page 1) been made by vocational stu­ dents to the open house at the Ontario Vocational Centre in London, to Sit. Joseph’s Hos­ pital and to Simpson’s mer­ chandising department. Orie more is scheduled' on May 5, to ChrtsCraft in Stratford. Mr. Counter reported that a representative dtf Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. Ltd., London had said that stu­ dents from CHSS rank with the best from London schools and are superior to those he had interviewed from schools outside London. Initiated by chairman Walter Newcombe, the board spent ten miinuteis deciding that their meetings were too iong. Some meetings this past winter have lasted until three o’clock the next morning. They passed a motion setting closing time at 12:30 midnight, unless a ma-, jority vote of members at that time authorized ati extension of timfe._______________ _____ Michael Semeniuk. Presenta­ tions were made by Mrs. Eldbn O’Brien, Mrs. Arnold Dale, and Mrs. Frank Van Altena, allMrs. Frank Van Altena, past presidents. Spiritual director, Rev. J. Kelly spoke to the members “The Mather of God” and “Mother’s- Day". Mrs. McMahon, spiritual con­ vener, reported 30 member's be­ ing present at the mass in hon­ our of Our Lady of Good Coun­ cil with Rt. Rev. V. G. Grespan as special speaker. . Mrs.. C. A. Trott invited all members to be present at the June meeting when Mrs. Stew­ art Middleton will show slides on Holland and Ireland. . Following the business por­ tion of the meeting, special speaker, Mrs. Mervyn Batkin demonstrated the making of hats, after which a delightful lunch was served by Mrs. Frank Van Altena, Mirs. Robert Cor­ bett and the new executive. Quality & Service E. on on Bayfield Couple Celebrate 50th Anniversary BAYFIELD - Mr. and Mri. Thomas Westlalce, RR 3, Bay- field, cejelbraited their golden anniversary on Saturday, April 23 by entertaining their fe rnily and clooe r&l'atlves at a dinner party at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich. Mr, and Mrs. Westlake (nee Isabelle Dolgaty) were rnairied af the home of the bride’s1 par­ ents on the farm now owned by Oliver Stedkle on tlie Bron­ son Line, on April 22, 1916,’ by the Rev. A. MacFarlane. They haye two sons, -Keith of Zurich and Gordon on the farm; also three grandsons and four granddlaughrters. They still reside on the farm Where they took up residence 50 years ago. On April 24 “open house” was arranged by the daughters-in- law and the granddaughters and many friends and neigh­ bours attended. A three-tiered anniversary cake made by Mi’s. Robert Westlaike, a granddaughter, graced the. tea table. Mrs. A. Scatchmer, Sr., Bayfield, sis­ ter of Mr. Westlake, and Mirs. William Talbot, Sr., Bayfield, presided over the tea table and refreshments were served by Mrs. Robert Westlake, Rosalie, Elaine Westlake ' and Diane Cleave. Miss Barbara Westlake took charge of the guest book. As­ sisting in the kitehen were Mrs. Logan Cleave and Mrs. Harvey Hohner. Many lovely gifts and nu­ merous cards were received by the couple as well as a personal message .from Robert McKin­ ley, MP, iand Rt. Hon. John Ddefenbaker. Elgin Fassel, Mil­ waukee, telephoned to extend •his congratulations to his cou­ sins. -o- Thursday, May 5, 1966—Clinton News-Record—-Page 7 For news, for views, for wide and varied entertain­ ment, nothing can beat your weekly newspaper' And all for just 12c per week, when purchased a newsstand; WHAT ELSE gives you so much for so little? OR Subscribe By The Year Only $5.00 I at Bean Producers Receive Word From New Board (Continued from page one) .count; using these funds to sub­ sidize the company and pay its’ losses overxthe years; pur­ chase -of a $30,000 bond from the company by the board, without actually receiving the bond;«purchase ‘by .the board of company stock without receiv­ ing stock certificates; _ owner­ ship of real estate by the board', and payment of too high a per­ centage of overhead by the board; failure to hold shiarei- 'holders meetings for the com­ pany since January, 1964; hold­ ing elections of'the board in December rather than in March as prescribed by the plan. I T NEXT SUNDAY IS MOTHER'S DAY Remember Her With A MOTHER'S DAY CARD 5c to 2.00 JENNY LIND CHOCOLATES FOR MOTHER, Especially Gift Wrapped For Mother 75c to 4.50 Phone 482-9511 Clinton News-Record “The Home Paper With The News” The Clinton News-Record may be Purchased at the following Clinton and District Stores: In CUNTON' X BARTLIFFS BAKERY LIMITED CLINTON IGA STORE NEWCOMBE'S Rexall DRUG STORE McEWAN'S BOOK STORE GORD LAWSON BILIARDS BILL GERMAN'S BOWLING ALLEY MILT & MABEL'S RESTAURANT CLINTON NEWS-RECORD OFFICE In BAYFIELD— CLIFF UTTER'S STORE In LONDESBORO— THOMPSON'S STORE LONDESBORO LOCKER SERYSCE GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR MOTHER COLOGNES By Chanel, Rubinstein, Yardley .... Priced from 1.25 to 4.50 SOAP—Gift Boxed ......................1.35 IMPORTED WINDSOR LAVENDER Talc, Soap & Bath Tablets .... 1.98 Boxes Bath Soap ........ 2.00 HAIR DRYERS ...........................12.99 COSMETIC BAGS ...................... 1.98 HAIR BRUSHES ............ 1.25 to 3.98 ELECTRIC RAZORS - CAMERAS PHOTO ALBUMS Kt^eKiPUONS I In BRUCEFIELD— PATERSON'S STORE In HOLMESVILLE— D. E. GLIDDON'S GENERAL STORE In VARNA— W. T. McASH GENERAL STORE At RCAF STATION— C. & W. GROCETERIA In Clinton, Ontario, In In HENSALL— WILSON'S DRUG STORE SEAFORTH— KEATING'S DRUG STORE TAPESTRY TOTE and SHOE BAGS TAPESTRY LUGGAGE Assorted sizes...............From 1 Ladies TRAIN CASES $4.95 ■ $9.95 and up Ladies LUGGAGE By McBrine Samsonite Carson Ladies BILLFOLDS and FRENCH PURSES (GOLD INITIALLED FREE) A IlfPM’Q FOOTWEAR — WORK CLOTHING 482-9352 V, In GODERICH- blue'S SUPERMARKET FINCHER'S SMOKE SHOP CRAIGIE'S POOL ROOM KIPPEN— KIPPEN STOKE fi AUBURN— G. R. 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