HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-05-05, Page 3Letter To The Editor..................... Head Of Huron Medical Co-op Urges Caution In Buying Coverage The Editor, Clinton News*Record, Clinton, Ontario. Pe^r Sir; The recent talk and corre­ spondence ooneerning insurance has undoubtedly caused .much confusion of thought for you and probably most of your sub­ scribers'. The tremendous 'ad* vertising campaign -carried out by the Ontario Government, to self their new OMSJP Elan, has caused most residents of Ont­ ario to take a closer look at • their own medical coverage, Private medical insurance suppliers have been burdened with calls and tatters by,policy­ holders who’, “want to know What they are coveted for.’’ At least ope large Ontario com­ pany has announced that it will discontinue providing medical insurance as of July 1, 1966, and has advised its policy hold- prs to Seek coverage elsewhere. Through advertising gim­ mick? and ±Wex gossip many persons have been led to be­ lieve that, starting July 1, 1966, the government will have fuij control over Ontario's med­ ical insurance, and coverage will be available only through OMSIP, This is definitely not true, ‘as Huron County’s1 own Huron Co-operative Medical .'Services will continue to pro­ vide medical' coverage on an Actual cost basis to the county 'residents, as it has done for the 'past 18 years. , ' ■’ When buying medical 'insur­ ance, one-should keep in mind that it is the coverage, not the price, that • ready . makes the difference, It is a safe. guess that almost all comprehensive medical insurance plans. cover doctor’s home and office calls1, surgical operations, anaesihet- f "S V r nanv theatreJrnKlL GODER|CH * MM Ml »■ ON THE SQUARE 1 — Entertainment Is Our Business | ■ ■ ' -----------.............- -■—> FRI. - SAT. — MAY 5-6-7 FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT s.................... THURS. "OPERATION CROSSBOW" Starring Sophia Loren and TrevoK Howard A Fantastic Espionage Plot In Panavision and Metro Color 7:30 and 9:30 P.M. MON. and TUES. ONLY MAY 9-10 "B AMBO LI" — In Color — Starring Gina Lolabrigida, Elke Sommer Virna Lisa ADMITTANCE □nona: . YOraaoN* U V*M?5 Of AQC « ovtt ios, and probably maternity care. But What most people don’t' realize is- that by ^cover”, some companies (including OMSIP) mean only 90% of the dadtor1^ bills, Tire individual policy-holder is. responsible to the doctor for payment of the remaining 10% of each and every' claim he. may have, no matter how large or small it may be, Huron Co-operative Medical Services proudly boasts its settlement of doctor’s: bills at' 100% of the most recent Ontario Medicai Association's Schedule of Fees book, general practice section. Persons who feel that they do not need a completely com* prelhensive insurance plan, but would still like first dollar coverage for surgical opera­ tions, anaesthetics., maternity, etc,, are able to purchase a plan from Hurion^Co-operative Medi­ cal Services which is designed especially for their1 needs, Jh' addition to- doctor's bills, a. person must remember the possibility of extensive expense resulting from ambulance charges, ~ prescription drug costs, appliances', home nurs­ ing, and many other causes. While many companies have ne­ glected coverage along these lines’, Huron Co-operative Ser­ vices have included -a Major Medical section in each policy issued, which provided guaran­ teed coverage of the above- mentioned marginal benefits- I would like to m|ake mention of the availability of the Huron Co-operative Medical Services’ office at 82 Albert §t., Clinton, Ontario, and advise any inter­ ested persons to contact the Office sitaiff or one of the: direc­ tors to obtain free, sound ad­ vice concerning their choice of medical protection. Yours respectfully, Gordon Kirkland, President, Huron Co-operative Medical Services, Clinton, Ontario. April 29, 1966. -----------o----------- ’ “Can you describe your as­ sailant?” asked the policeman ais he picked the bruised and battered man from the pave- TYl’GXUt/ Came the reply: “That’s wfhat I was doing, when he hit me.” Auburn UCW Unit Hears S.A. Speaker AUBURN **— Members of Unit Ope of the Vmted Church Women of Knox Church held their monthly meeting in the Sunday School room rif the church. Opening music was played by Mrs., James Jackson. Mrs. Norman McClinchey gave the cadi to worship and scrip­ ture lesson was read by Mrs. ‘.Jack Armstrong, Meditation on the Bible reading, and prayer was taken by Mrs. Norman McClinchey, The guest speaker was Cap* taiin Roy Wombold of the Gode­ rich Salvation Army. He show­ ed a film of the work of the Army and showed that no mat­ ter how hard the task/the Sal­ vation Army rose to the occas­ ion. Mrs, Emmlenson Rodgers sang a solo’and offering was received by Mrs. Robert Turner and Mrs, Arthur Grange and dedi­ cated with prayer by Mrs. Mc­ Clinchey. The meeting was cicr­ ed with prayer by Rev. John Wheeler and lunch was served by the members /of Unit One, -----------o----------- VARNA FRED McCLYMONT Phone 482-3214 Variety Night The Hi-C group of the United Church are holding a variety night on Monday evening, May 16 in the township hall. A film will be shown, also local talent. Red Cross Canvass The annual meeting of the Varna Red Cross was held on Monday evening and re-elected J. H. F. Broeze as president. Ernest Pollock was appointed secretary-treasurer. The execu­ tive committee was left the same as last year. Canvassers were appointed for the different areas and will he calling on everyone in the next few weeks. A special Mother’s Day Ser­ vice will be held in the Uni ted Church next Sunday at 10:15 am. A large number of local Orangemen and their wives.1 at­ tended the banquet in the Sea­ forth District High School last Saturday evening. r Clinton and Londesboro Pair Married In St Joseph's Church Ceremony (Photo by McDowell) MR. AND MRS. DONALD EDWARD SCRUTON Baskets' Of pink gladioli and pale blue carnations formed the setting in St. Joseph’s Church, Clinton, for the marriage of Karen Joyce Allen, younger daughter* of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Allen, Londesboro, and Donald Edward Scruton, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Scrluton, Clinton, on Saturday, April 16, at Father Kelly ed by Rev. Londesboro. Mrs. Carol presided at the organ and ac­ companied the soloist, Miss Barbara Snell, Londesboro, in “Today, Oh Lord, We At Thine Altar Kneel” and “Ave Maria”. The bride given in marriage by her father, chose a floor- .............— ■ 1 ■ —s 4 o’clock,. Rev. officiated, assisit- Robert Tsichanz, LeBeau, Clinton, ThMr$dpy# May 5< News-Recordh-HPoge 3 Classified Ads .Bring Quick Results r WED. - THURS. - FRI. — MAY 11-12-13 "Yellow Rolls Royce" — In Color — Starring Shirley Maclaine - Ingrid Bergman Rex Harrison - 7:30 and 9:30 P.M. z V. r - --------O-------------- “I went‘ dult with Siamese twins last night.” . “Have a good time?” “Well, yes and no.” Wedding Pictures JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 ■X DRIVE-IN BINGO and MOVIE Sponsored by Service Clubs of Clinton TUESDAY, MAY 17-7:30 p.m. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE — Clinton A "kJj»| lklTA/*lf,f Starring John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara MOVie: MCLINI UUl In Colour — Plus Cartoon 8 GAMES for $ 1.00 — 3 Share-The-Weal+hs EXTRA BINGO CARDS AND SHARE-THE-WEALTH CARDS: 25c Ea. or 5 for $1.00 ALL PROCEEDS FOR CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE FUND MOVIE COURTESY BROWNIE’S DRIVE-IN THEATRE 18-9b s SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE — GODERICH Admission 75o — Children in cars under 12 - FREE THURSDAY and FRIDAY — MAY 5-6 FOR THE SURFERS AND THE SWINGERS "BEACH BLANKET BINGO11 ' . In Color Stars FRANKIE AVALON and DEBORAH WALLEY PLUS ACTION AT ITS BEST "WAR GODS OF THE DEEP" SATURDAY ONLY — MAY 7 FOR THE ACTION A GO-GO CROWD "THE LIVELY SET" In Color—Starring JAMES DARRIN, PAMELA TIFFIN Also In Zooming Color "JOHNNY DARK" With TONY CURTIS length gown of white peau de sole, featuring scoop neckline, empire waistline and long lily­ paint sleeves. White lace was used as inserts on the skirt and to edge the detachable chapel train which fell from the back neckline. A petaled headdress held her tiered shoulder-length veil and she carried a cascade of American Beauty roses, Mrs. Wayne Jackson, Ridge­ town, sister of .the1 bride, as matron of honour, and Mrs. Keith Allen, Clinton, ■' sister of the groom, the bridesmaid, were gowned alike in ftoor- length gowns o£ soft blue sum­ mer ottoman, trimmed with matching blue peau de sole and white alencion lace. They wore blue bow and net headdresses and carried pink roses'. Donald Lockhart, Temagami, was best man and George Sills, North Bay, brother-in-law of the groom and Keith Allen, Clinton, brother of the bride, ushered the guests. At a reception held in Lon­ desboro United' Church parlors; the bride’s1 mother received the guests, wearing a dress of beige brocade with matching three- quarter length coat, a turban of moss' green tulle, and cor­ sage of talisman roses. She was assisted by the mother of the groom who had chosen a pink dbuble-knit ensemble with petal hat of matching pink tulle a corsage of white doses. For a wedding trip to central United States, bride donned' a navy and white lace dress with matching jack­ et, navy and white accessories and a corsage of pink carna­ tions1. On their return they will reside in Clinton. arid the the •j, SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY — MAY 8 2 NIGHT OWL ACTION HITS "RACING FEVER" In Color — A speed boat racing thriller PLUS "GUN HAWK" (Adult Entertainment) MON., TUES., WED. — MAY 9-10-11 A ROMANTIC HIP-SWINGING COMEDY! "MADE IN PARIS" In Color—Starring ANN MARGRET and LOUIS JORDAN ' .(Adult Entertainment) Plus ROCK HUDSON In "BATTLE HYMN" In Color MOTHER’S DAY GIFTS FOR MAY 8 Colognes, Perfumes and Toiletries Coty's, Faberge, Mak Factor, Chanel, Dana's Tabu and Ambush? Yardley, Lenthqric from $1,25 to $12,50 •s ROWNTREE’S BLACK MAGIC CHOCOLATES ...... $1.00 JNSTAMATIC CAMERA OUTFIT Nq, 104 with flashqufces and film .............. Reg. $22.95—Special $19.95 ELECTRIC HAIR DRYERS ........... Special $7,77 & $15.95 DESERT FLOWER DUSTING POWP.ER, 4-oz. ANO. SPARKLING COLOGNE ............ Special $1,49 KODACOLOUR FILMS CX127 and CX620 ....Special $1,39 SUpp-HOSE (Seamless or Seamed) ................ pair $4.95 y A 4 of the invites the citizens of Clinton and District to visit the from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at which time tours will be conducted and refreshments served by the. Staff ... and Women's Auxiliary. This event is being held in conjunction with National Hospital Day. J. H. MURPHY, President, Board of Governors. z TRAIN TO TORONTO ;?70T Ask about convenient departure and return times ' r— /k. iFor Information, phone the local ■ ■ ■ CN Passenger Sales Office '___________ ________CANADIAN NATIONAL BEATTIE FURNITURE - CLINTON ARE CELEBRATING THEIR 32nd Sale Started Thursday, April 28 and continues to Saturday, May 21 KROEHLER, BRAEMORE and SKLAR LIVING ROOM SUITES, DAVENPORTS, SPACESAVERS BEDROOM SUITES—DINING ROOM SUITES - DINETTE and CHROME SUITES OUTDOOR FURNITURE—SWIVEL and PLATFORM ROCKERS - HOSTESS and RECLINING CHAIRS Armstrong and Dominion Vinyl Sheet Flooring ; Armstrong Corlon and Vinyl Asbestos Flooring | Continentals - Bunk Beds * Baby Furniture ACRILAN NYLON WOOL