HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-04-21, Page 6I z CLASSIFIED ADV, RATES (REVISED |V|9y 1, 1966) CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minimum 75c 25c Extra Will be added* to each insertion if not paid within 10 days, of the last insertion. REPEAT ADVS. 2c Per Word Minimum 50c DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $ 1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display, 90c per inch Birth, Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE 6:00 p.m. Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 "•----- —. ......... ’S I O5T and FQUNte BETTER JOBS Wa^SELL rage 6—-Clinton News-Record—-Thurs., April 21, 1966 HELP WANTED PIANO TUNING ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ARTICLES FOR SALE WOOD FOR STOVE on- fire- place. Cedar kindling. Phone 482-3221. lOtfb COMPLETE tot Of Golf Clubs, includes 5 clubs aind golf bag. Phone 482-9413. 16p BOY’S Bicycle, smallest size. Phone 482-6675. 16b HEINTZMAN PIANO in ex­ cellent condition^ Phone 482- 9944._________________ 16b ANTIQUE, smiall settee, beauti­ fully finished, foam rubber seat,1 padded aims, gold bropade cover. Phone 482-7227. 16b LADY’S COM BICYCLE, with rear carrier, well cared for; price $25. Denise Smith, East Street, dinton, 482-9793. I 16b BABY CARRIAGE for sale, al- so play pen and baby reclining chair. Phone 482-9228. 16b WRINGER WASHER, 5 years’ old, in good ' condition, Phone Bayfield 69R4,____________16b SET GOLF CLUBS', 3 woods, 5 irons and golf cant and bag. $30.00. Phone 482-9592. 16b SEED POTATOES, Early Irtish Cobbler, grown' from certified seed. Phone 482-7578. 16tfb AUTO FOR SALE 1961 VAUXHALL, Victor de-, luxe, radio, Best, offer. Phone 482-7606. 16-17-p 1965 CHEVELLE Malibu,. V8 automatic, good. tires, Phone. 482-9774. 16-17p 1957 CHEV BeLAlr^ in excel- lent condition. Phone 482-9520. 16P 1955 CHEVROLET 6, coach, rebuilt motor, good tires, Phone Hayfield 11 aifitier 6 p.m. 16b 1956 METEOR, 4 door, excel­ lent motor, good tires best of­ fer. Phone 482-6616 or 220 Townsend Street. >( 16p SEAFORTH SUPERMARKET o REQUIRES Active Young Man for grocery work Female Cashier Experience preferred, but not essential. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Apply to Box 141, Clin+on News-Record 14-16b ONE BEDROOM Apartment, unfurnished;’: also furnished apartment. Ceriel VanDamme, phone 482-6685. ltfib TRAILER flor sale, tips up to drive snow machines on, boats etc. or dumps load. Ph One 482- 3866. 16-7b LARGE TRAILER for rent, ful­ ly furnished. Apply at Becker’s Trailer Court. , 20tfb GROUND FLOOR, 2 bedroom apartment, heated, available now. Phone 482-9527. 48tfb SMALL APARTMENT, furnish- ed or unfurnished, heated.' L. G.' Winter, 200 High Street, Clinton. Phone 482-6692. 2tfb 2 BEDROOM uptown apart­ ment, furnished; 2 bedroom house in'Village of Holmesville. Phone 482-6694. 32tfb 2 BEDROOM upper apartment, heated, private bath, available April 15, Phtae 482-3258 after 6 p.m._____________10-llp-tfb 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX in ex­ cellent condition; gas. furnace, available now.- H. C. Lawson. Phone 482-9644. 47tfb 2 BEDROOM unfurnished heat­ ed apartment. Apply Ceriel VanDamme, Phone 482-6685. 9tfb ATTRACTIVE country home, located a few miles south of Varna on highway and a few minutes from Bayfield. Phone 262-5282. 14, 15, 16b APARTMENT for rent. 2 bed- roioms, living room, dining room, kitchenette and bath. Newly decorated. Phone 482- 6675. 16tfb 2 and 3 BEDROOM HOUSES in Town of Clinton. Available May 1 and June 1. For partic­ ulars, phone 482-9678. 16tfb 4 BEDROOM Brick house for rent, 2% miles south of CFB Clinton, Call 482-9250.' 16p 5 ROOM HOUSE at 128 North Street, suitable for couple, rea­ sonable rent. Available May 8. Phone 482-9556. - 16b SMALL HOUSE for rent, 2 bedrooms, gas. Apply 157 Mary St., Clinton. 16p ONE BEDROOM, furnished a- partment in stately old1 home in quiet surroundings. PniVate entrance. 73 East Street, phone 482-9868. 16tflb ONE BEDROOM apartment, newly decorated, heated and furnished, with private bath and washing faculties. Phone 482-3329 at noon or after 5. 14tfb 5 ROOM APARTMENT, self contained, unfurnished, avail­ able now, reasonable rent, parking. 110 King St. Phone 482-9477. Lltfb NEWLY DECORATED 2 bed­ room apartment with 3 piece bath, modern kitchen, gas heat, large living room, unfurnished, very reasonable rent. Phone 482-9649. 12ptfb AVAILABLE APRIL 1—mod- ei’n heated apartment, first floor, 'sunporch, garage, lawn, built-in ldtohen with Stove and frig.; drapes, broadloom, $75. month. Available July 1—sec­ ond floor furnished’ apartment, bedroom, living room, kitchen, bath, private entrance, $60.00 month. Apply Miss W. Raid­ ford, Phone 524-7270. lltfb TO RENT BY LEASE, brick house, large lot, 3 bedrooms, living room, dinling room, 3 piece bath, oil furnace, close to stores. Adam Flowers, Lauckner Real Estate, Box 41, Phone 83 J3ayfiield. 15tflb IN CLINTON, best central residential location;' upper and lower duplex or large house, brick, gas heated; near schools, downtown. Pleasant place to live. Phone London 455-2298. 15tfb best central 4 .ROOM, furnished, heated a- partment with private entrance and bath. Phone 482-3837. 12tfb 3 ROOM apartment, furbished, heated, centrally located. Ap­ ply 46 princess Street, West, Phone 482-9005._________Utfb ONE GROUND FLOOR 2 bed­ room, heated, unfurnished a- partmeht. One upstair 2 bed­ room, furnished, heated apart­ ment Both Self contained* Phene Roy Tyndall at 482-9928. 47tfb articles for sale BEEF by the quartet. Contact Richard Erb, Bayfield -160R32. MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CAR RENTAL, rea­ sonable rates, McGEE’S, Gode­ rich. Phone 524-8391. 3tfb NOTICE YOUR NEW Representative for Fuller Brush Products for Clinton — Ray Hoggarth. For Service Phone 524-7624 Gode- ricih. 16-19p PERSONAL “WORMS a ' problem? Use Pamovin the ONE-DOSE treat­ ment for pinworms 'available at your local Drug Store.” 15-22p PET STOCK WELDING and' REPAIR Shop with all equipment, situated on a small property in the village of Blake. Well established bus­ iness in a prosperous farming community. Priced to sell. For particulars call 236-4678. 15-16b HELP WANTED FEMALE CUSTOM WORK J CARDS OF THANKS We would like to thank pur neighbours and friends' of Tip­ perary and Middleton for the lovely gifts given us at the sur­ prise parity at Holmesville on Friday n'ight. Many, many thanks. — FLORENCE and ARNOLD MiLUER. • 16p ANNOUNCEMENT MR. and MRS. Thomas West­ lake of RR .3 Bayfield will be at home to their fiends on Sunday, April 24, from 2 to 5 p.m. on the occasion of their 50 th Wedding Anniversary. Gifts gratefully declined. 16b YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and otheir defects, regularly. ‘ I appreciate the continued priv­ ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox. phone 482-3870. The nieces and nephews of the late Miss Bertha Cantelon wish "to express their thanks to friends: and neighbours for their many acts of kindness during her lengthy illness. Special thanks to Rev. Wenham, Beattie Funeral Home, and Huropyiew, 16p REAL ESTATE REMINDER — OUTBOARD MOTORS' — Bicycles- and Re-T, pairs —■ Fishing Tackle. Smelt seine licenses now on hand at ELLWOOD EPPS Spoirtts Shop, King St., Clinton, 482-9622, TV SPECIAL. Wliy .rent when you can own a Singer Portable oi' Console for $1,95 per week? FM Sound, Sharp reception in problem areas, plus d-i-pole an- ; tenna. Singer Co. of Canada, Phone 482-9103 Clinton or 524-8431 Goderich. 16, 17b GLASS Panel office partition, . 9’x9’ including door complete • With hardware, $10.00. Phone 482-9227. 15tfb : NO. 2 TABLE Potatoes for • sale, $1.50 — 75 lb. bag. Phone 262-5330. Hank Soudant, RR 1, Varna. 14-21p ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair. Our Clinton De­ pot is at 55 Albert Street at Amsings Store. Henk’s Shoe Repair, 71 Hamilton St., Gode- ,rich. 38tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE RR 2, Brussels Phone 442 W 6, Brussels 12-35p EAVESTROUGHING — new, and also repairs. Free esti­ mates. Phone J. L. Coughtrey at 482-7729. 14-17p MATURE WOMAN to be com­ panion far elderly lady, live in. All conveniences, small cottage. From 2 to 5 days a week; or full time. Box 152 Clinton News-Record. 15tfb MIDDLE AGED or elderly widow as wife-companion for middle aged widower in poor health, but not an invalid. Box- 130, Clinton News-Record. 14-18p REGISTERED Male German Shepherd available for breed'- ing. Phone 482-9944. 16b PART GERMAN Shepherd and Collie pups, 3 weeks old. Phone 482-9238, Margaret, Clrich, RR 1, Clinton. • 1Gb DEL RON KENNELS Reg’dl— 2 female Daschund puppies, 8 weeks old, $60, with papers. One Siberian Husky female, 4 months. Ron Geddes, Goderich Phone 524-7263, 14-16b FOR SALE or RENT —- 86 acre farm with buildings and 1350 ft. lake frontage on High­ way 21, South of Goderich, Contact John Bosveld, Box 353, Meaford, Ontario,______16, 17b WANTED — lot suitable for small cottage — Bayfield area. Reg. K. Brown, 38 Larabee Cresc. Don Mills, Ontario'. ___________16-7-8b THREE Bedrooms, kitchen-, living room, sun room, furnish­ ed summer cottage. Bayfield area. Cash or terms. Apply to Box 150, Clinton News-Record. 15-20b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE v* House, insul brick, shed on lot, village of Kiniburn. Reasonable price. Mrs, W. R. Jewiitt, RR 1, Clinton. Phone 527-1638,_________ 16b FOR SALE — 3 BEDROOM house, stucco on brick, sound construction, New oil furnace. Corner lot. A good buy. Phone 482-9788. 52b-2tfb PLAN ON BUILDING in the Spring? Choice lots on High and Kirk streets for sale. Se­ cure your now. W. N. Counter, phone 482-9649. ’ 9tfb BIRTHS DUCHARME —- In Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, April 14, 1966 to Mi’, and Mrs. Euigene Ducharme, Clin­ ton, a ton, HUMMEL In Clinton Public Hospital oh Tuesday, April 19, 1966 to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hummel, RR 5, Clin­ ton, a son. McGREGOR — In Clinton Pub­ lic Hospital on Tuesday, April 19, 1966 to Mr, and Mrs. John McGregor, RR 5, Clin­ ton, a son". MUNROE — In Clinton Public- Hospital on Thursday, April 14, 1966 to Mr. and Mrs". Tom Munroe, Kippen, a son. POIRE — In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, April 20, 1966 to Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Poire, Clinton, a daughter. PRESZCATOR — In Victoria Hospital, London; on Thurs­ day, April 1’4, 1966 to Mr, iand Mrs. James Preszcator (nee Janice Jewitt) RR 1, Clinton, a son, William Laurence. ROOFING — If you have roofs that need coating, repaired or re-done, contact Harvey Dale. Phone 527-1406. 12-15p,. 16-19b GLENDALE Mobile Home, completely furnished, top con­ dition, sleeps 7. Apply John Blair at Becker’s Trailer Court, A 3,' Phone 482-7703 after 6 or weekends. 15-17p NEW Merchandise just arrived —Glen-Cree mohair throws and stoles; Men’s Warren knit sweaters, Bayfield Woollen Shop. ___________<L5tfb TIMEX WATCHES. . . Sold and Serivced at ANSTETT, JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 13tfb SIMPLICITY Washers now a- vailable at T. A. Dutton Appli­ ances, Brucefield. Open even­ ings. 38tfb CAREFREE HEATING — For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. tfb IT NOW SINGER TUNE-UP SPECIAL on any model or make of ' sewing machine. Reg. Value $9.50 SPECIAL $4.44 with one year supply of needles and oil. Singer Co. of Canada PHONE 482-9103 CLINTON or 524-8431 GODERICH 16-17b VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs, "hose? and bags for all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconaiitioned mach- -nes of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, Varna, ’’hone Hensall 262-5350 DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, Venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win­ dow blinds. Free estimates given. Irwin’s Dry Goods. tfb £ Golf Green 12-6-6 d Evergreen 6-9-6 d Super-Flo 10-6-4 d Milogranite ' Sheep Manure # Weed-n-Feed (Spreader available to all our customers.) BONE MEAL and PEAT MOSS also available H. F. WETTLAUFER FEED MILL Mary Street, Clinton Phone 482-9792 , ' ; 16b AUTOS FOR SALE 15-18p . >1961 FALCON 4 door sedan, low mileage, Apply to W: West­ lake, Bayfield, Phohe 1S4R3. ’ ’ ' 16 , 17p $1,000. DOWN — 1 year old Winterized cottage on Clinton road, large wooded lot, 2 bed­ rooms, bathroom, living room, kitchen, owner anxious to sell, Adam Flowers, Bayfield, phone 83. Lauckner Real Estate. lOtfb SERVICES ATTENTION POPULAR AVON COSMET­ ICS has openings in McKillop and Hullett townships. Fine earnings, convenient hours. Write or phone collect, even­ ings. Mrs. M. . Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London, 451- 0541. 16b Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich. ' 18tfb AUCTIONEER RICHARD H. LOBB 113 Ontario St., Phone 482-7898 Graduate of World's Largest Reisch American School of Auctioneering 43-65 to 43-66p STORE FOR RENT FOR SALE STORE and office on main street. Phone 482-6694. 32tfb HELP WANTED MALE MAN for laundry work (and de­ livery, steady employment. Ap­ ply in person, Hurori Laundry, 154 Beech St. Clinton. 16b SEED CORN BACKED BY REPLANTING agreement. Pio­ neer gives you free seed corn- if you must disc up and replant for any reason. Order strong germinating Pioneer now. See or call Malcolm Davidson, RR 1, Brucefield, Phone 262-5291. 15, 16, 17b 1200 BALES of good hay, 400 bales straw. Phone 527-1738. 15-16b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Gardens Ploughed OR CULTIVATED Call George McGee at Clinton Cab Phone 482-7011 14-19b WANTED reliable man zas Dealer in part Huron county. Experience not necessary. Fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Raw- leigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Raw- leigh, Dept. D-169-163, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Montreal. 16b ONE I.H.C. W6 Tractor in per­ fect condition. Phone 482-7637. 14tfb CIRCULAR and handsaws, also edgetools sharpened. Art Lev- ett, 139 Erie ’ St. S. Clinton. 13 tfb JACK’S FURNITURE REPAIR SHOP. Furniture and other wooden articles repaired; At rear of No. 84 Albert Sto Phone 482-9695—John Plumtree. 21tfb WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter’s Jewellery. Huron County’s Oldest Esta­ blished Jewellery Store. tfb MOTORS REWOUND and) re­ paired; small electric appli­ ances. H. J. S. Repair Service, 123 Erie Street, South, Clinton. 7ptfb WANTED ■— Experienced Line­ man (Utility). Applicants apply in writing only to P.O. Box 640, Petrolia, Ontario, stating age, marital status, experience, char­ acter references, telephone No. Successful applicant must live in the Town of Petrolia. Pen­ sion and benefits apply and may be transferred1. Interviews will be "arranged. The Petrolia Public Utilities Commliislsion. 16, 17b FARROWING crates save baby pigs—ail steel, easy adjust­ ment, mounted troughs for easy feeding or trough and bowl. For information — George Troyer, RR 2, Hensall, Phone 262-5282 or 236-4072.____________9-18b CEDAR POSTS for sale, peel- ed with 6-7 inch and 5-6 inch tops. 12 foot braces, anchor posts, steel posits, 6 and 7 ft. lengths. Barb wire, all weights. Apply Borden Brown, Kinburn Store or phone 527-1387. 13-20p SEED FOR SALE York seed .Barley, cleaned and treat­ ed; also Timothy seed. Apply Grant Stirling, Phone 482-9954. 16 b NUMBER of Hereford-Short- hom yearling steers for grass. Apply to .Fred Buchanan, Sea- forth, Phone 527-1517. 16b 5 YOUNG SIRE BOARS for ;sale. Jan Koene, phone 482- 9987. . iGh .17 PIGS, 8 weeks old. Robert Lawson, Phone 482-9947. 16b 10 SOWS — "First litter, due soon. G. Dulizer, RR 5, Clinton, phone 482-7732, 16b NOTICE ATTENTION FARMERS: Con­ tracts to grow cucumbers for H. J. Helinz, Leamington, avail­ able from Robert Johnston, .RR I, Clinton. Phone' 482-9135. 14-17b SERVICES OFFICE — '2 rooms; newly decorated, new floor, new washroom. Heat and other utilities paid. Apply 84 Albert St. Phone 482-9695. lltfb Notice To Creditors AH persons having claims against the Estate of JOHN ' THOMAS GIBSON, retired farmer, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Hur­ on, who died on or -about the 19th day of March, 1966, -are required to file the same with full particulars with the under­ signed by the 7th day of May, ' 1966, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario this 6 th day of April, 1966. - HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., 33 ^Montreal Street, GODERICH, Ontario. 15-18b~ DEATHS FERMGNO — In Port Read- ing, New Jersey, on Friday, April 8, 1966, Frank Ferrigno in his 54th year. He is surviv- 1 ed by his wife, the former Helen Margaret Munn, for­ merly of Hensall area; a son Robert and daughter Deb- iohah. Resting at the Failla Memorial Home, ' Hoboken, . New Jersey. Service on Tues­ day, April 12, 1966. KNECHTEL — In Clinton on Monday, April 18, 1966, Edna Russel Ferhis, Clinton, belov­ ed wife of the late Eimanuel S. Knechtel. Funeral service from Beattie Funeral Home on Wednesday April 20, with interment in Rostock Ceme­ tery. SHEARING — At Tillsonburg on Wednesday, April 13, 1966 William' J. Shearing in his 91st year. Survived by daugh­ ters, Mildred of Tillsonburg, Mrs, B. Bolster of Toronto, ■and Mbs. Harold Poyntz of London; sons, C. Mitchell of Clinton and Harry of Tillson­ burg. Funeral service was held on, Saturday, April 16 from the Ostrander Funeral Home, Tillsonburg. f, REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expert­ ly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676, Ken McNaim. 52tfb MASONRY SERVICE —Chim- neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; base­ ments repaired, waterproofed and white,, coated. Work guar­ anteed. Ray Squire, phone 527- 1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 2tfb We Specialize In . . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 46 King Street Phone 482-7652 THE CLINTON District Col­ legiate Institute Board re­ quires, as soon as possible, the services of a part-time DEPUTY ATTENDANCE OF­ FICER to investigate student non-attendance at OHS-S. The encumbent will work in close liaison with the principal and should have a good knowledge of the High school district. Re­ muneration is calculated on a per call basis plus .mileage ex­ penses. Any application . not necessarily accepted. Written applications to be addressed to Mr. L. R. Maloney, business administrator, Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board, Box 550, Clinton, on or before 9 May. 1966. ____________16b SEED FOR SALE — Timothy and Bird’s Foot Trefoil grass .seed. Frank Fowler 3% miles west of Seaforth. 16-19p SURGE Milking Machine com­ plete with pipeline for 16 cows, -also baled hay. T. Sjaardia, • Highway 8, 7 miles east of Clinton, phone 482-9882. 16p 8 Ft. GEORGE White culti- vator, nearly new. Phone 57R3 Bayfield, Bert Dunn. 16b A PILE OF STABLE MAN- URE. Ralph Stryker phone 482- •3310. 16b QUANTITY of alfalfa seed, $18 per bushel. Andy Paisa, RR 2, Hensall. 16-17p AUCTIONEER and Appraiser Licensed 'and capable in selling all types of auction sales. Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield. Phone 482-3384. 7tfb HURON COUNTY’S LEADING farm equipment depot. Over .1,000 belts and hundreds of pul­ leys, bearings, bolts, spark plugs, plow shares, etc. in stock at all times.' John Bach, I.H. Dealer, Phone 527-0120, Sea­ forth. 8tfb ‘CUSTOM Ploughing. Howard Cartwright. Phone Blyi'th 523- 4409. - 16b AUCTION SALE Auction Safe of Household Ef­ fects at 41 Victoria St. North, in the Town of Goderich, for the estate of the late Mrs. Maud Horton, .on SATURDAY, APRIL 30 At 1:30 p.m. Full Itemized Listing Next Week. Also selling, subject to re­ serve ibid (if not previously sold) the five room brick cot­ tage, with nearly new hot water oil furnace, 3-piece bath, and heavy wiring. Terms on Chattels, Cash Terms on Property: 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days. Auctioneer, Emile McLennan Executors, Mrs. Frank Horton, Fred Horton r 16b ^AUTOMATIC) DELIVERY ON THE FLY ) /] JAN-FEB- JUNE OR JULY T 5T1 0 if 27 WZ * DO IT YOURSELF SAVE MONEY RENT THESE MACHINES FLOOR SANDER FLOOR EDGER HAND SANDERS Belt Finishing i Duo Type LARGE POLISHER-SCRUBBER JIG SAW SKIL SAW RUG SHAMPOO MITH WET-DRY VACUUM CREST HARDWARE BALL & MUTCH Ltd. 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 tfb EMPLOYMENT WANTED i------■ ...................... -■■■■ ■ 7.- .. ................... WANTED —' Full time employ­ ment for female Grade 12 grad­ uate with 3 years of typing. Primarily sitting work neces- sary. Phone 482-9108, 16, 17p LOST AND FOUND WOULD the person who took a brown albwoather lady’s coat from the Legion Hall on Sat­ urday night April 16, please re­ turn. iit and j>i<5k wtite. 16b Town of Clin+on Applications will be received by the undersigned, until April 27, 1966, for Public Works Foreman and Public Works Helper All applications to be in writing and marked “Applications”. JOHN LIVERMORE, Z*| FRIZ TOWN OF CLINTON. 16b FARM FENCING SUPPLIES Fencing, Gates, Barb Wire, Steel Posts, Staples. Also Lawn Fence H. F. WETTLAUFER FEED MILL Mary Street, Clinton Phone 482-9792 DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL / For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton 482-7269 Licence 25-C-66 7tfb PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR ANHYDROUS AMMONIA AGRICO FERTILIZER 16b Class "A" LICENSED MECHANIC Q 48-Hour Week O Good Working Conditions O First Class Equipment SALARY: $325. PER MONTH Plus Workmen’s Compensation and Pension Plan. SHORTY'S B/A SERVICE STATION 212 VICTORIA ST., CLINTON Phone 482-7661 — BEATTY FARM SERVICE CENTRE 17 Rattenbury Street East Clinton Sanitary Steel Stabling Gutter Cleaners Silo Unloaders Pressure Systems, etc. Inquire about our new Universal Wagon and Chain Harrows Phone 482- 9561 DEAD STOCK MARLATT BROS. $5.00 and up for weight over 1,000 lbs. Highest cash prices paid for dead or disabled cows and horses. Please phone promptly phone Collect 133 Brussels 24-HOUR SERVICE Licence 390C65 WANTED ATTENTION BEAN GROWERS DI-SYSTON noV available in Agrico Fertilizer See Important Dl-SYSTON Announcement on Page 8 BRUCEFIELD SERVICE DEPOT Phone 482-7435 CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DEALER' OR R6BERT TAYLOR, Sales Representative RR 3, Clinton — Phone 482-9144 Anhydrous Ammonia Representative Haugh Bros., Brucefield — Phone 527-0927 A. J. Mustard, RR 1, Varna eow Z ... —s CATTLE for pasture, M. Wubs, RR 1, Clinton. Phone 482-9104. 15, 16p MISCELLANEOUS LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like- new. Diamond rings renewed and stohfiS safely secured—don’t take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter, ................ *• tfb Clinton Community Auction Soles EVERY FRIDAY at 1:30 p.m. Government Inspected Scale* Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Qo-operatives of Ont. We will pick up at ydur farm. Phone collect not later than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE 527-0770 FRANCIS HUNT 527-1946 30eow. IN HANDSOME SPORTSWEAR I CASUAL COMFORTABLE JAC SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS Main Corner, Clinton, Ontario, Phone 482-9732 ACCENT ON STYLE SWEAT SHIRTS SLACKS HENLEYS HOOTENANY SPORT COATS JACKETS