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Clinton News-Record, 1966-04-21, Page 4
April .2.L- 1966 West Huron Wl Plans Booth For Plow Match Mrs. E. Bradnock Correspondent Plans tor the West Huron District annual meeting were made at th® executive meeting held at Carlow hall when. ,dele- gates from the branch Wits were present f from Belgrave, Blyth, Londesboro, Clinton, Goderich, St. Helm’s, Dungan non, Auburn and Tiger Dunlop. Wingham delegates were not present. The district presidenit, Mrs. , Toynbee Lamb was in charge of the meeting with Mrs, ...... Robert Bean hit the piano for the opening of the meeting. Minutes were read t>y secre tary, Mrs,' Gordon R. Taylor, Auburn. Branch presidents named a nominating committee. Mrs. Tait Clark, district cur ator for the Tweedsmuir hist ory held a meeting with the branch curators. Mrs., Wilmer Handy outlined the work of the committee for the display of hobby crafts a't the plough match this fall. She gave each secretary the details to tell itheir members. She st'dtbd thqt the piape m&te will be m'ade in the Township hall, Carlow and displays are asked from each branch pr demonstra tions of hobbies. Pupgannon and fSt, Helens will be together, Auburn and Londesboro, Bel grave, Blyth and Wingham, Goderich, Tiger Dunlop and Clinton. Each of thpse groups will be responsible for one day at the ploughing match at Sea forth. Mrs. Ralph Jewell spake on the work of the committee for the official booth stating that 700 pies are asked from West Huron, 35 sets' of salt and pep pers, five quarts pf pickles and 35 to 40 people to serve the meals. Mrs. Donald Haines, Au burn, Mrs. Donald Riehl, Gode rich and. Mrs. Dave Anderson, Londesboro are members of the. committee also. Mrs; Donald Haines, presi dent of the Auburn Branch was named convener of the nomina ting committee and presented the proposed slate of officers, for the coming year, The District Annual will be pn May 31 in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall and Mbs, Gerald Holder, Mono Road will be the guest speak er, Mrs. Tait Qllayk had asked that Tweedsmuir History bopks be on display <md Mrs; Wilmer Hai'dy has asked for a hobby display of the branches. Mrs. Tait Clark spoke on the History books and stated that all are progressing in good order. Members of the Tiger Dun lap Woman’s Institute served a dainty lunch. Kintail's Part In History Of Huron County Th© Huron County KisitoHoal Society is- holding a general’ meeting at the Kintail Com-i munity Hall on Highway 21, north of the Kintail Store, at 8 p.m., April 25. The guest speaker will, be Siandy McDonald, Kintoil, whose topic will be “History of Kintail ©nd Community”. Historical matters in Huron County have taken a decided turn upwards with the fornia- tion of the Historical Society and it is the goal to preserve original documents concerning the history of this County. There are various chapters of the sodiiety and each com munity is contributing greably to the overall preservation of the history of Huron County. ---------, -o----------- Wedding At Ontario Street Church For Clinton-Goderich Pair I / Fined $25 In Goderich Court INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER BY LEARNING A OVIII w ml ill Walter J. W. Edward, 20, Clinton, was fined $25 and costs in Goderich last week, when he appeared before Magistrate W. Pearson, Sarnia. Mr. Pear son is presiding in the absence of Magistrate Glenn Hays, QC, Goderidh. Edward pleaded guilty to having liquor in his possession, being a person under the age of 21 years. -----------o---------—• Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Baxter J LAC Roberge Is Honour Student In Food Services * No Charges For Taking The Course and Anyone May Have This Opportunity Possible Living Allowances IF YOU ARE UNEMPLOYED While Doing So. TEXT BOOKS PROVIDED 1 Upgrading Academic Classes (Grades 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12) 2 Commercial Clerical 3 Commercial Stenographic 4 Key Punch Operator 5 Drafting f -IF YOU ARE OVER 16 YEARS OF AGE -IF YOU HAVE BEEN OUT OF SCHOOL FOR AT LEAST ONE YEAR. Best Cook Leading Aircraftman Michel Roberge recently graduated as the -honour -student from the School of Food Services’ at Can adian Forces Base Clinton. In a graduating class of 16 students Michel received the highest individual average after 12 weeks of .training on a Basic Cook Course. LAC Roberge, 21 years, old1, is the son off Mrs. Lucien Goyeft of St. Thomas de1 Jioliette, Que bec. He enrolled in the Royal Canadian’ Air Force in July 1961 and initially served as a food service attendant prior to successful remusiter to the trade of cook. Previous to graduation from the1 School of Food Services LAC Roberge gained experience ait Canadian Armed Forces Bases St. Jean, Quebec, Vai D’Or Quebec- and Chibouga- mau Quebec. LAC Roberge has. returned to Station Chibougamiau where he will serve as a Canadian Forces Cook Tradesman. /■ NOTICE - New Courses Will Commence Immediately at the Northwestern Secondary School In Stratford IF INTERESTED PLEASE CLIP TH E COUPON AND MAIL AT ONCE. I Mr. C. L. SEARCY, | Co-ordinator, C.V.T.P.5, I Forman Avenue, j STRATFORD, ONTARIO. I I •I I I I I I I I I I . Dear Sir: Please send further particulars oh: Course interested in Last Academic Grade Passed Name of Newspaper which this ad appeared ih Ttn Name . Address . City • Ui'i > 4* Hhfiiitiit'iiiiili'f'fif UM Mi Mi >r< Apply at your nearest National Employ ment Service Office or call Mr. C. L. Searcy. Co-ordinator at Stratford 271- 5700 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Canadian Vocational Training Pro gramme 5 is sponsored by the Federal and Provincial Governments and is administered by the Stratford Board of Educations TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL DUMP will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, from 1 to 5:30 p.m. No wire fencing, old concrete or car bodies permitted* JAMES I - MclNTOSH, CLERK. 13tfb -...................................................... ... j Rg . OK?& Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wayne Baxter were married on Satur day afternoon in Ontario United Church, Clinton, where Easter lilies provided a lovely seasonal setting. The bride is Ruth Isabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alden Crich, Clinton, and the groom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs, Har vey Baxter, Goderich. Rev. Grant Mills conducted the double-ring ceremony. Miss Lois Grasby, church organist, accompanied Miss Margaret Hillen, Walton, who sang “The Wedding Prayer”, “I’ll Walk Beside You” and "The Lord’s Prayer”. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in floor-length white brocade Sheath with jewelled neckline, lily point sleeves. The detach able chapel train featured a soft bow to offset the empire waistline. Her shoulder-length veil of scalloped French illusion was held by a pearl-centred fabric rose crown. She carried a cascade bouquet of yellow roses intertwined with ivy. Mrs. Betty Ann McTaggar.t, Stratford, was matron of hon our; bridesmaids were Miss Eileen Garrett, Clinton and Miss Linda Ball, Goderich. The three attendants ware identical floor-length gowns of seafoam chromespun crystalized charm, empire waistlines, falling from back art centre of the waist line in a soft bow with three- quarter length ties'. Their mat ching bow headpieces had mat ching veils and they carried bouquets of white pom-pom 'mums.- Groomsman was Kenneth Grant, Bluevale and ushers were Raymond Baxter^ Owen Sound and Ronald Crich,. Clin ton. Yellow and white floral ar rangements decked the Hotel Clinton for the reception where the bride’s mother received in three piece blue knitted suit with matching hat and black accessories. Her corsage was of yellow roses. The groom’s mo ther wore an ecru matrtisee silk sheath with matching acces sories and her corsage was yel low roses. Leaving on a wedding trip to Florida, the bride donned a jacketed dress of aqua wool With matching hat and brown accessories. Her corsage was of white pom-pom ’mums. Uuon their return the couple will live at Woodbridge. Prior to the wedding, miscel laneous showers were given the bride at the home of Mrs. Ross Trewartha, RR 1, Clinton by Mrs. Robert Miller, London; at the 'home of Mrs. Warren Gib- bing’s Clinton by Mrs. Scott McTaggart, Stratford; at tire home of Mrs. Harvey Baxter, Goderich and a trousseau tea at the home of the bride’s mother, Mirs. Alden Crich, Clin ton. -----------o----------- 4-H Tuckerbells The 4-H Tuckerbells' met at the home of Mrs. Kassie® on April 16. At the third meeting a discussion was held on dyeing a scarfi At the fourth meeting ■the girls cut out patterns for the hats they are making. The next meeting wall be held at the home of Mrls. Whitmore on April 27 at 8 p.m. 6% PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES • issued m amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. • earn the above* indicated- interest, payable half-yearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. STERLING TRUSTS/ CORPORATION / 372 Bay St, Toronto 35 Dunlop St* Barria 73 Mh»h«afa I* Orillia Jm Askabout convenient departure ‘ and return times For Information, phone the local ON Passenger Sales Office 1 CANADIAN NATIONAL JaV