HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-04-21, Page 3f|ABV THEATRE W A K IW GODERICH ■I ■mAwIMM on the square 'S Batons Twirl As Girls T ■ I A“ED /• i I ram In Ltd L-entre HOLMESVILLE Thurs., April 21, 1966—-Clinton News~Rec<>r<l—-Page 3 FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT it-- Entertainment Is Our Business 8.... .|IIMW llWltIJ.Ulll .......—....■ ./ THURS., FRI., SAT. — April 21-22-23 %Londesboro Traveller Was Speaker At Holmesville Thankoffering HURON LAUNDRY 154 BEECH STREET w CLINTON (Near Drive-In Theatre)Elight Sergeant D. G. (Don) Kerr of the Adastral Park Council acted as co-ordinator for Bciton Leaders training course sponsored by the Lake Huron Zone of the Ontario Recreation Association, i on April 13-14, The programme was in con­ junction with the Community Programmes Division of the Ontario Department of Educa­ tion and was held in the Physi­ cal Training Centre ait CFB Clinton, Miss Elizabeth Hill of the Department of Education was in attendance, and Miss Dor­ othy Hurst was chief instruc­ tor. Mists Hurst is the instruc­ tor of the Hamilton Ti-Cat Ma­ jorettes, the Tiger ettes, and owner of the Dorp thy Hurst School of Dancing and Baton, Hamilton. LAG “Chico” Bulmer of the CFB Clinton Recreation - Staff assisted the co-owiinator. The. course consisted of skill development, philosophy of recreation, understanding chil­ dren, programme planning and practice teaching. The course was designed to train Baton Leaders who can develop youngsters in the apt. of Batop. The following young ■ladies attended; Lynn -Odbent, St. Marys; Flay Goldsmith, and Meredith MacDonald, Durham; Carol Lynch, Barbara Dough­ erty, Susan Lynch and Sandra Dales, Meaford; Thelma Cook, Patty Shea and Karen Brehtoi Owen Sound; Maura Gascho, Donna Sctplbe, Janet Medinger and Linda Webb, Zurich; Judy Collins, Clinton. HOLMESVILLE—Thespring thankoffering .meeting of Lfol- mesyflle UCW was held Tues­ day afternoon, April 12. Thp president, Mrs. Edward Grigg welcomed the guests from On­ tario .JStteet, Wesley-Willis, the Christian Reformed’ Church, Porter’s Hjil 'and. Benmiller. The worship service took the form of the Easter story of “Matthias Ben-Ezra and the Eternal Life” portrayed in story and song. Mrs1. Lloyd Bond acted as narrator with Mrs. C. Park, Mi's. W, Norman and1 Mrs. E. Grigg and the con­ gregation supplying the music, accompanied by Mrs, J. Lobb at the piano, The guest speaker was Mri’, Stanley Lyon, Londesboro, who showed pictures of her recent trip to Portugal. Mrs, D. E. Gliddon expressed the apprec- !i!a|tion and pleasure of the group for sharing with us the beaut- IK COLOR AND FAMAVISIOM FiH«d with tingling atupenw, a lot of ton, and a liberal sprinkling of sox That Secret Agent Jason Lane Takes You Where The Spies Are. — (Adult Entertainment) /* brings the BigBes 'to Bagdad METRO COLOR Written nY DjnRQTflO E»V-( Pttppuq^CI UY From Russia, Beirut, London, LOVE!Rome and Byblos I M-G-MfUCOCKTO AVAL GUEST PRODUCTION DAVID NIVEN FRANCOISEDORLEAC THE SULTRY NEW FRENCH SENSATION Starting Thurs., April 28 — For 3 Days "THAT FUNNY FEELING" and "THE LAUGHING TWENTIES" A FILM FIRST WITH THE NOSTALGIC BEST OF STAN AND OLLIE’S GOLDEN ERA OF COMEDY Personal 'instruction,from Miss Hurst to an in­ dividual twirler was part of the course. Young students were learning how to train others, as they sought to master the difficult art themselves. (CF Photo) The Clintonian Club met at the home of Mrs. Venner on Thursday, afternoon, April 14. Eighteen members answered roll call with a household haz­ ard. Work committee distributed more print ,, to be made into aprons. It was decided to have the bazaar in June j.usit as soon as things are oompleted. This year Clinton is to have the area picnic so plans are on the Way for tfhat to be held in Clinton Park on June 25. A bus trip is also being ar­ ranged for. Mrs. H. Adams, Mrs. M. Fal­ coner gave readings which Were much enjoyed and a dutch auction on a pillow cover and bath towel followed. A few games of bingo were enjoyed and-a lovely lunch by Mrs. E. Miller’s group. Mrs. H. Adams is to have the next meeting with Mrs. M. Falconer and Mrs. G. Glazier in charge of the program and auction. Mrs. S. Moody won the mystery prize. BF/LT, LINES by W. W. Haysom your telephone manager Now that April is here, complete with thoughts of in­ come tax, rainy weekends and, in most communities, the return of Daylight Saving Time, most property owners are anxious to begin work out of doors. During the long winter months when snow covered yards and patios many have been busy making plans to plant shrubs or trees, put up a new fence or make other improvements. However, before you get your hands on the shovel or any other digging tool, please, give us a call to find out if there are any buried cables on your real estate. All it takes is one Police, fire, ambulance, hospital or other emergency services may have been disrupted when) careless digging mangled this portion of cable buried underground. Miss Dorothy Hurst, trainer of the Hamilton Tigerettes, was instructor at a course for young baton twirlers, held at the physical training centre at CFB Clinton last week. (CF Photo) f hefty thrust of a shovel of a well-sunk fence post to damage a buried cable. This damage could disrupt regular telephone service, long distance, data-sending facilities or even emergency communications that might be transmitted by telephone wire. This cable-locating service is provided free iby Bell Canada. Just give us a call at 114. We will advise you quickly if cable is under your property. , And while we are on the subject of cable protection, something else comes to mind. The burning of brush and" last year’s dead grass is another .popular April pursuit in centres where fire regulations permit. Before striking the match, look up. There as nothing like a roaring fire be­ neath telephone wires to put part of the system out of commission. And, the pungent smell, of an outdoor fire is not enhanced by adding burning cable! Like good health, 'the telephone is never -fully appreciated until we are, with­ out it. Let’s do our best to look after both.* * When you lift the receiver on your telephone you may notice that your telephone set has been made in Canada by Northern Electric. If you have ever stopped to watch the huge cable laying machinery placing Cable underground you will likely have noticed that the tremendous reel that un­ winds 4 that cable is marked in large letters, “Northern Electric”. In communities where a new teelphone switching .centre is being constructed by Bell Canada (and there .have been many in Ontario the past few years), it Northern . Electric equipment that goes into it, 'and Northern Electric technicians who install and test the equipment to make sure it operates to exacting standards. Northern Electric has developed Canadian sources for more than 95 percent of all material it purchases. More than 5,000 other Cana­ dian firms are engaged in supplying Bell Canada’s various needs through Northern Electric. This close relationship between Bell Canada and Northern Electric is not acciden­ tal. Northern Electric is Boil’s wholly-owned research, manufacturing and purchasing subsidiary. The resulting unity of purpose and shared objectives contribute to the high quality and reasonable cost of service enjoyed by Beil Canada customers. The partnership provides the necessary degree of integration in research, supply and service operas tion that solves particularly Canadian problems—-distance, climate and sparsity of population to assure customers a standard of service that as second to none in the world. . « Are you saving tax$$$ I You could be. Here are three Registered Retire­ ment Savings Plans, distributed by Investors Syndi­ cate, on which you can enjoy income tax deduc-' - tions. Retirement Savings Certificates — Fixed-interest, guaranteed plans tailored to your particular needs. Equity Retirement Plans (1) Investors Mutual of Canada Ltd., a balanced investment for stability and income, or (2) Investors Growth Fund of Can­ ada Ltd., — an investment in equity securities for capital growth. Combined Payment Plans A selection of plans, which combine shares of either mutual fund with Investors Retirement Certificates. Contact your Investors Man today. BRUCEFIELD les of that country and an in­ sight into the living conditions and customs of the people. . The offering was taken by Mrs. Cudmore and Mirs. Wil­ liams and dedicated by Mrs. <3. Tebbutt. Hostesses far the afternoon were: Mps. H, Yep, Mrs. Huller, Mrs*. H. McCullough, Mrs. Wil­ liam Batkin, Mrs. Biggins', Miss Saunders, Mi’s. E. A. Yeo, Mte'. William -Norman and Mrs. E. Grigg. FREE Pick Up and Delivery Phone 482-9491 Open every Saturday morning 10 noon fpr your convenience Let Us Do Your Laundry' Mann-rMcTavish In Parsonage Mr. and Mrs-. John G. Mann, RR 1, Goderich were married on April 7 at 3 p.m. in Ontario Street United Church parson­ age by Rev. Grant Mills, The bride is- Mrs. Beatrice McTavish, daughter of Mrs. Jennie Stockton, Drumbo and the bridegroom is the son of the late Mrs. Jennie Mann of Hullett , . The bride wore a blue arid silver brocade taffelte street­ length dress with white or­ ganza pillbox halt and a corsage of red carnations. The matron of honour was Mrs. Ross Mann, Bluevale, who wore a 'beige embroidered linen street-length dress ‘with beige flower tat. Groomsman was Ross Mann', Bluevale. The- couple will reside at RR 1, Goddrich. -----------o----------- The Clinton Women’s Insti­ tute will meet in board rooms ofthe agricultural office on April 28. There will be instal­ lation of officers for the com­ ing year. The annual reports will be given and roll call will be answered by paying fees'. There will be a visit to the piano factory and at 6 o’clock the Sunsihine Sisters banquet is being held in the Ontario Street Church. FRANKLIN LIVESTOCK-SUPPLY CATALOGUES Have been mailed to you with Our Compliments; We carry these products in stock. Franklin Infectious Scour Treatment, 16-pzs. Franklin Bacterial Scour Boluses .........,.......... Nixon’s Nixon’s Nixon’s ..........$2.65 4 fpr $2.10 Scourex, plain.......32 tabs. $3.00 — 100 tabs, $8.0Q Scourex Compound Tablets ........... 14 tabs. NEW SCQUREX Tablets (Much Stronger), 12’s ..................................... Liquid Scourex ...........4 ozs. $1.75 — 8 ozs. $3.00 Nixon’s Anti-mast 3 x 10 grp. Tubes (Nixon) Infusion for Mastitis (Nixon) ............ Franklin Hypodermic Syringe, 10 c.c. 4 ozs. $3.75 $3.00 $2.50 $4.90 $3.35 ALL PENICILLIN PREPARATIONS KEPT UNDER REFRIGERATION Vio-bin Peni-Mycin ..................... 100 Pfizer Penicillin G. Procaine ........ 100 Franklin Penicillin G................. 200 Nixon Pen/Strep-A.S, ................... 100 Ayerst Ayercillin .... 10 c.c. 50c —, 100 Ayerst ^Fortimycin-1” ................. 15 O.c, $5.60 C.c. $3.45 c.c, $7.00 c.c. $4.25 c.c. $3.95 c.c. $1.50 I.D.A. "BIG 7 SALE" now on Come in for many Outstanding SPECIALS. EDWARDS PHARMACY PRESCRIPTIONS Phone 482-6626 — CLINTON, ONT. — 9 Albert St. .................. . ; . ....................- ■■■■ ■ ■ y Save at Canada’s Erst Bank for your first son X. SYNDICATE LIMITED crrY/TdwN 8^48»•*•«••••••« ADDRESS <••• sM»«»l»oooeo oomos eeeeo Msdfci) s ••M4os»o oo ^veeNMe st •• h»s s*f4**M*eeMf* Or mail this coupon-———-— Without obligation, please send me more Information. NAME.— W. G. "Bill" Campbell P.O. Box 659 SEAFORTH, ONT Phone 527-0452 MRS. H. Phone UCW Unit 3 of United Church Women met in the church hall on April' 13 with 22 present. Before the meeting, the ladies enjoyed1 a delicious pot-luck supper. The study, led by Mrs. Fred McGregor, was' of ■ the church and its activities in different pants of the world. Discussion groups were formed and reports were given on different aspects of the work. Mrs. Robert Dalrymple and Miss Margaret McQueen had charge of the worship service, on the Easter theme. Mrs. Kenneth Scott, .leader, took the chair for the business session. The ’secretary's report was given by Mrs. James Aik- enhead, and card report by Mrs. Roy Leppingtan. The Explorers are having a bake sale and tea on May 7, and the UCW is asked to don­ ate baiting for the bake table. Visitors Day on Juno 1 and a training School at Westminster College oh May 27-29 were an­ nounced. Money malting ideas were discussed aftd the Executive are to look into some of the sug­ gestions. The meeting closed 'with a contest led by Mils.- Bob Broa’d- foot, ahd a cup of coffee^ F. BERRY 482-7572 Unit 3 the Brucefiield CHILD PORTRAITS JERVIS STUDIO Phone 482-7006 (Advertisement) Billy Graham Film 'The Restless Ones* Coming To Goderich “THE RESTLESS- ONES,” considered the most successful motion picture yet produced by Evangelist Billy Graham’, will be shown-in Goderich on Fri­ day, April 22 in Victoria School at 8 p.m. Tickets are on sale in Clinton from Lew Ludlow, at 105' William Street, phone 482-7331. With the accent on youth, this feature-length film deals imaginatively and dramatically with the teen-age crisis. With a background setting provided by the 1963 Billy Graham Los Angeles Crusade, 'and artfully Woven into the story pattern, “THE RECKLESS ONES" is a hard-hitting, bold approach to our social problems. ■Here is a film which dares to be different, a story which will stir the heart and mind. Having seen “THE RECKLESS ONES,” you will never be the same. As one reviewer said, “Here is a picture that tells the-world the truth and comes up with an answer, not an easy answer, but an answer from 'beyond us.” This answer will satisfy, chal­ lenge and inspire young and old alike and will appeal to churchgoers and non-church­ goers. The Christian message comes through in the midst of a realistic teen-age situation, cleanly and without cloying. Swift-moving plot episodes highlight the opportunities fac­ ing the church. Screen writer James Collier has skillfully brought into fo~ •cus the contemporary plight of both teen-agers and parents. A sensitive script, produced by World Wide Pictures under the direction of Dick Ross, has re­ sulted' in a “break-through’’ in .“.THE RESTLESS ONES.’’ 15, 16b picture window! TO 3 IMUOtt (MANUTS TU ...and your second Bank, of Montreal • I Clinton Branch: K. G. FLETT Manager RCAF Station (Sub-Agency): Open Daily Londesborough (Sub-Agency):' Open Mon. & Thurs. STEVEN TRUSCOTT ON SALE THIS WEEKEND AT YOUR FAVOURITE NEWS STAND X1