HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-04-14, Page 12Page 12—Clinton News-Record—-Thurs., April 14, 1966 Beat Elmira 6-3 Clinton Kin Peewees Win First Young Canada Game nr Foy the first time ip years, Clinton has survived the first round of competition in the Young Canada Peewee hockey tournament in Goderich. On Monday afternoon at four o’clock, !the Clinton Kins­ men team, coached by veteran player and coach Maiit Edgar 'and managed by ■ Bert Clifford, beat a highly-rated Elmira team 6-3, This Was the first game tn “B” series.. f...... ........... Clinton pliayed Delhi at five o’clock yesterdlay afternoon. If they win this match, they play again at 1:30 pn Saturday, and if still in the win, column, play in the “B” series finals at seven o’clock Saturday evening. Brian Dangiiilje, who had been a consistent scorer ah season, came up with two goals'; and Gary Cummings also scored, two unassisted goals; Wayne Cantelon * and Mark Jenkins DINNERWARE by "IRONSTONE” "HIGHLAND BELL" . Flower Design in Grey on White Ground 52 pc. Set "REGENCY" Grey Panel Design, Gold Trim. 52 pc. Set "THATCH" Light Brown Pattern with Solid Brown Cups, Cream & Sugar. 52 pC. Set scored the! others. Clinton were down 24 at end of first ported, scored two m the second and three more in the third. Elmira’s other goal came early in the third period to' tie the game 3-3, then Qin- top scored three, in succession. Scorers were: first period, Dangtiille from Jenkins; second period, Cantelon from Brian Edgar; Cummings (unassisted) ; third period, Langiille from Jenkins and Cummings; Cum­ mings (unassisted); Jenkins (in the last second of play). There are 19 teams compet­ ing in “B”. series.; other entries are: “AA”, ten teams; “A”, 16; “C”, 22; “D”, 20. 1 This is the 17th annual Young Canada Week Peewee tourna­ ment sponsored by Goderich Lions dub, billed as “The big­ gest little hockey tournament in the world”. Games started on Good Fri­ day at noon and continue until Saturday night at 9 o’clock when Goderich and Winnipeg play their annual East-West ex­ hibition game. The Adlasftral Park, Canadian Forces Base Clinton team were eliminated 7-3 by Atwood in their first game last .Saturday afternoon. They were compet­ ing in “D” serfes. -----------o----------- "DIANA" Light Blue and Gold Decoration on White Ground. 53 pCa $ef ’BALTIC" Dark Blue Rose Design. 66 pc. Set $65.00 McEwan’s THE FINEST SILVERPLATE Here is your opportunity to buy a complete service or add to your present collection in any of these four lovely COMMUNITY patterns. Take advantage of this special offer now, with its beautiful serving pieces. 38 Piece Service for 8 $f (Silverware only) Regular open stock value $94*50 SAVE»24” Reg. ONLY $2.00 DOWN ANSTETT Service consists oji • Teaspoons 8 Dttsert Spoons 18 Forts 18 Knives PLUS 2 TABLESPOONS 1 COLD MEAT FORK 1 GRAVY LADLE. 1 SUGAR SPOON 1 BUTTER KNIFE t Dinner pr Dessert Size in Lady Hamilton * Complete Service in Princess Drawer Chest $9995 (Empty Chest ^-$30W0) JEWELLERS LTD. ALPERT ST. — CUNTON — 482-9525 ■f Poetic Profile So skinny of frame and thin of face Is Mr. Maddow, He has to walk twice in one piace To make a shadow. B. G. Wilkes In 1964 a total of 25,700= Canadians of cancel To fight 'ffiis killer, support thb appeal of the Canadian Cancer' . ......... o--------— SATURDAY and MONDAY April 16-18 — DOUBLE FEATURE — MISTER MOSES" Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker Color COMING EVENTS RATE: Four cents a word; Minimum 7$ cents 111 111 Cliff Robertson Jack Hawking Color Cartoon Stars Jn First Young Canada Game This group of Clinton Kinsmen hockey players provided the scoring punch and goaltending for Clinton’s 6-3 win Monday afternoon over Elmira in the Goderich Lions Young Canada Peewee hockey tournament. Front row, left to night, Brian Langille, itwo goals; David Slade, goal; Wayne Cantelon, one goal; back row, Gary Cummings, two goals and one assist and Mark Jenkins, one goal and two assists (News-Record Photo) School, County, Garbage Collection Force 11 Mill Rate Hike For Clinton (Continued from Page One) increase in county rate pay­ ments is $4,510 or nearly two mills. The town had a surplus of $5,997 from last year, and Mr. Noonan’s 1966 budget calls for a surplus of only $385. Only six ratepayers and two out of town persons attended Monday’s budget meeting after a plea in last week’s News- Record for a full turnout of spectators. Joseph .Murphy, chairman- of Clinton Public Hospital Board, informed council that estimates were not complete for a pro­ posal from the town to have the hospital operate 'an ambu­ lance service. Council re-appointed 'Council­ lor Gordon Lawson and lumber dealer Royce Macaulay as its representatives' on the Mid Western Ontario Development Association. Council referred a letter from a town lady who injured a kneecap and shoulder in a fall on Victoria Street, to its in­ surance broker. Bylaw No. 9 for 1966, ap­ pointing officers and setting salaries', was passed. The police force and Salaries is as follows1: Chief of Police, H. R. Thomp­ son, $4,800; Corporal, LeRoy Oesch, $4,600; Constables, Clar­ ence Perdue and Albert Shad­ dock, $4,200. Bylaw No. 10, set the rate for public works staff as fol­ lows: Harold Gibbings, $4,000, and $1.92 for overtime; Ivan Canter, $3,800, and $1.82 for overtime; David Dales, care­ taker at $1.50 per hour, and other hourly rate employees also at $1.50 per hour. Bylaw No. 12 appointed Clin­ ton's volunteer fire brigade and set rate of pay: Fire Chief, Grant Rath, $325; assistant ..chief, Robert Draper, $190; lieutenant, Hec Kingsweh, $180; engineer, Carman McPherson, $240; secretary, William Cow­ en, $155 and 15 firemen at $135 each. The volunteer fire brigade al­ so receives one-half of fees on out of town calls'. Retaining fees paid by neighbouring mun­ icipalities go directly to the town. Councillor Gordon Lawson re­ ported on a county mutual fire aid meeting in Seaforth last Wednesday. He can’t see coun­ ty-wide mutual fire laid as any benefit to Clinton. Huron is the only county in Ontario that hafe not a county-wide mutual fire aid organization. He also reported for the pro­ tection to persons and property committee that a new fluores­ cent light had been installed at the comer of Gibbings and Princess Streets; Public works chairman, Jim Armstrong, was authorized to look at new or used street sweepers and if satisfactory to purchase one for the town. Council authorized' payment of its assessment of $296 to the Maitland Valley Conservation ■Authority; and A. M. Harper Was paid $2,490 as town audi­ tor. Deputy Reeve George Wonch remarked on the refurbished floor in the council chamber at a cost of $215. He requested the press1 to remind groups using the chamber to take good care of the floor, because con­ tractor D. A. Kay and Son have inform'ed him that the floor might not stand another sand­ ing. The ladies .test room' behind the town hall is still closed. Councillor Proctor informed ‘When a very throaty tenor finished his song, there was Only a femalttehiing of applause, but one than in the audience kept repeating to himself, “Ex­ traordinary, Wonderful, Unbe­ lievable!” “Pardon me, Sir,” said, a puz­ zled woman sitting next to him. “I know a lilttie something about music and take my word foa.* it, that fellow can’t sing. I don’t see how you can say his. Voice was extraordinary and wonderful,”1 “Not hills voice,” said the man, “but his nerve — his Colossal herve.0 Thursday, April 14 — BINGO at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg­ ular’ games for $5.00. 2 share- the-wealth games. 1 special game .for $25,00, the first letter "L ’ and first letter “T’! applies on this game for $2.00 each. 3 share-the-wealth games, jack­ pot applies on those .3 games $57,.0Q in ,57 numbers. 2 door prizes for $2,00 each. Admission 50c; extra cards 25 c or 6 for $1,00. tfb Friday, April 15-r-Cash Bingo in Legion Hall, Seaforth, 8;15 p.m. 15 regular games for $10, 3-$25 specials, l-$50 Jackpot. Sponsors, Branch 156, Canadian Legion. 15b Friday, April 15 — DANCE in Londesboro Hall, Desjar- dine’s Orchestra, sponsors, Court 86 and L1901 Canadian Order of Foresters, Benmiiller, Lunch counter. Everyone wel­ come. 14, 15b Saturday, April 16 — Home­ made Baiting and nearly new sale of good used clothing, ac­ cessories, new handmade Fash­ ion Doll clothes, white elephant table. Wesley-Willis Church basement, 2 p.m. Refreshments available, sponsors Starlight Circle, UCW. 15b Tuesday, April 19 — BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $55.00 in 55 numbers. Six door prizes. 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 30—^Sacri­ fice Sale by auction, St. Paul’s Parish Hall 1:30 p.m. Auspices Ladies Guild. GALBRAITH TV YOUR SERVICE DEALER Phone 482-3841 Father To All Minor Hockey Players J. Howard Brunsdon, veteran Lion and long time manager of Clinton Lions Arena, was on hand Monday afternoon in Goderich to congratu­ late Clinton Kinsmen peewee hockey players after their 6-3 win over Elmira. The happy peewees here are David Fawcett and Brian Edgar, right. (News-Record Photo) council that cardtaker Dales is"4 now working to dean up “the mess” on walls and fixtures. Miss Luella Johnston, presi­ dent of Clinton Horticultural Society, has offered assistance in selecting and purchasing trees if the town is still inter­ ested in replacing trees. She suggested that Fred Sloman, Mrs. F. Fingland and herself meet with council to discuss the matter. The mayor request­ ed the town's special commit­ tee — Reeve Thompson, Coun­ cillor Armstrong and Councillor Noonan — to look after this offer. CUT THE COST OF PREPARING RECORDS MOORE REGISTERS AND FORMS GET ALL THE FACTS ON EACH TRANSACTION... RIGHT AT THE TIME... RIGHT ON THE JOB IN ONE WRITING Society, Astronomers estimate that there at least 100 billion stars m the Milky Way system, Y BROWNIE’S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON With Double Features?, Each Feature Shown Once. The Main Feature Is Shpwn Last, Box Office Open at 7:30 p.m. First Show At 8:00 p.m, THURSDAY and FRIDAY April 14-15 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "ROBIN AND THE SEVEN HOODS" Frank Sinatra, pean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. Color ’’F.B.L CODE 98” Jack Kelly, Ray DantQn Cartoon TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY April 19-20 BUS RILEY'S BACK IN TOWN" Ann-Margret, Michael Parks Color Cartoon' ADMITTANCE_____ TO PERSONS 18 YEARS Of AGE OR OVER STARTING THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, APRIL 21-22 "LOVE AND KISSES" and "Having A Wild Weekend" DADDAW FROM Y0UR DvTlRvVV CREDIT UNION SAVE IN YOUR CREDIT UNION PAY YOUR BILLS S3" FREE LIFE INSURED SAVINGS and LOANS Clinton Community Credit Union Limited 482-3467 IT TAKES ALL KINDS! Tastes vary. Some like the sporty dressed up car.he sporty dressed up Others prefer the more conservative model. The same goes for price. Some buy in the higher price range, some in the medium price group, others in the lower bracket. With this in mind, we try always to have a selective stock. Today we can suit your particular needs. We have late and older models—from '65 to *59—jn most every popular make and and including Compacts. NEW CARS A good selection. Put them to work! A MOORE REGISTER AND FORM FOR EVERY FORM OF BUSINESS CALL US TODAY FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION Olds. F85. Chevrolet, Chevelle, Corvoir, Chevy II, Epic. A choice of models. Immediate delivery. Terms arranged in privacy. t Red with Black Top. Whitewalls. Wheel Discs. Automatic Transmission. Power Top. K ONLY — Lorne Brown Your Friendly Chevrolet, Oldsmobile A Envoy Dealer. Ontario Street — CUNTON — Phone 482-9321 i