HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-04-14, Page 7SERVICES J0LECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse St., “Goderich, 18tfb Lawn Rolling Apply To Ivan Hoggart phone 482-9280 ' 13-15b CARDS OF THANKS We would like to thank too Shuffleboard Club pf Ontario BL United Church for the lovely gifts, — BERNICE BROWN and MARY ELLWOOD. 15p STORE FOR RENT BTQPE tad office on main street. Phone 482-6694. 32tfb OFFICE — 2 rooms; newly decorated, new floor, new washroom. Heat and other utilities paid. Apply 84 Albert St. Phone 482-9695. Iltfb I would like to thank my Mends, neighbours and rela­ tives for cards, flowers, gifts and V'islts that I received while a patient ip Victoria Hospital, London. MRS, MILLIE DEMPSEY. 15p I wish to thank my friends and relatives for cards, treats, flowers, and visits while a pat. ient in Clinton hospital. Special thanks to first floor nurses. — MRS. IBENE GARDINER. _____ top We would like to thank our friends and neighbours tod em­ ployees of Lavis Contracting for helping to make our 25th wedding anniversary such a happy occasion. ■— HARRY and AMY BROWN. 15p DEATHS BEDiMOND~In Winghans Gen- era! Hospital on Friday, April 8, 1966, William Francis Redmond, RR 2, Auburn, be-' loved husband of the former Mary Kelly m his 71st year, Service from St Augustine Roman Catholic Church on Monday morning, April 11 With interment in the church cemetery, CANTELON—In Clinton Pub­ lic Hospital on Sunday morn­ ing, April IQ, 1966, Miss Bertha M. Cantelon Chnton, daughter of the late Peter and Elizabeth Cantelon, in her 88th year. Service from toe Beattie funeral home on Tuesday, April 12 with inter- , ment in Clinton Cemetery. TEACHERS WANTED GRADE 1 and 2 teacher tor St. Joseph’s Separate School, Clinton. Salary schedule in ef­ fect. Duties to 'commence in September 1966, Write to Sec­ retary-Treasurer, Jack Arm­strong, Clinton, Ontario, giving full particulars. 14, 15b We would -like to thank our many friends -and relatives, who so kindly remembered us with good wishes, cards, flowers and gifts on pur 40th wedding an­ niversary. —. DANNIE and MAIZIE GLLDDON. 15b Goderich Township School Area Board Requires , TEACHERS For Holmesville Public School Please state qualifications, ex-> perience and name of last in­ spector. Send applications to Frank Yep, Sec.-Treas. RR 3, Clinton. 14-15b We wish to thank friends and neighbours for visits, cards and gifts on the occasion of our 35th Wedding Anniversary. All were deeply .appreciated. — MELVIN tod CASSIE WEB­ STER. 15p Words cannot express our gratitude, to all .those who’ have been so kind to us. in the loss of our dear .husband and father, God bless each one of you. •— LUCY and TERRY JOHN­ STON, BEVERLY and BOB HARRIS. 15b MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED DALE - KENNEDY — Mr, and Mrs, EdWard Yungblut, Londesboro, wish to announce the marriage of their daughter, Annie Fem Kennedy, to Elgin A, Dale, son of Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Dale, Qinton. The ceremony took place at the manse of Ontario Street Church, on April 7th with Rev. G. L. Mills of­ ficiating. 15 b . Lions To Operate Old Arena (Conthiued from Page One) school board, to expect up to 25 percent increase in construe^ tion co^ts; E. B. Menzies added to this by Saying, “We couldn’t have struck a worse time, pos­ sibly in the present century, to b'OTrbw money or issue defoen-’ tures for cons'tiuction pur­ poses ” The discussion ended with the motion to operate the- Lions arena, until the proposed pew community centre is ready tor operation, and to have Malt Edgar, finance chairman of the pew project, speak to the Lions at the April 26 meeting. Antoine “Red” Garon spoke of attending a Kinsman Club committee meeettag at which it was suggested that Kin, Lions, and Legion combine forces and hold a series of fund raising bingos during the summer and fall for the new community .centre. ■ Caryl Draper won .the regu­ lar draw prize. Robert McKinley* MP For Huron Attended Clinton Council Meeting Robert McKinley, Zurich, MP for Huron, attended Clinton town council meeting Monday, and .said ho- was . using his week away from Ottawa to'Visit in Ms riding. He hud no definite word on the brief this ai‘ea sent to the Board of Transport governors re the dificoutiwitaee Of CNR passenger service between Stratford and Goderich. He promised to sit in on .similar hearings to gain knowledge of how they are hainjd'Jed before the local brief fs brought dp. Notice To Creditors Ah persons having claims against the Estate of JOHN THOMAS GIBSON, retired farmer, late of .the Town of Clinton, m the County of Hur­ on, who died on or about the 19to day of March, 1966, 'are required to file the same with full particulars with the under­ signed by the 7th day of Miay, 1966, as after that date the assets, of the • estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario this 6th day of April, 1966. HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., S3 Montreal Street, , GODERICH, Ontario. 15.18b We wish to thank our friends and neighbours for cards, flow­ers, treats and visits while a patient in Sit; Joseph's' Hospital, London. Special thanks to the Clintonian Club and the Ladies Conservation Club for boxes' of goodies. — BEATRICE 'JOHN­ SON and GIRLS. - \ 15b In our recent bereavement we found great "consolatilon and comfort in -the remembrances of our manyi friends, whose thoughtfulness will always, re­ main a cherished- memory. — MR. and MRS. PERCY JOHN­ STON, MR. and MRS. BUD JOHNSTON, DAWN and BAR­ RY. 15b Estate AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Ma­ chinery and Household Effects at Lot 6, Con. 4, Hullett Twp,, 3% miles west of Seaforth and 2 miles north on Kinburn Road Saturday, April 16 At 1:00 p.m. Machinery — Cockshutt 30 tractor; 3 furrow plow; 1 disc plow; 3 section drag harrows; fertilizer drill; New Idea man­ ure spreader; Cockshutt 4 bar side rake, extension ladder;, woven wire stretchers; electric fencer and 'posts; New Idea* power mower, 7 fit; barb wire; double block wire stretchers; iron .posts; cream separator with motor; diamond harrows; dehorning clippers; electric , grain roller with motor; 2 large self pig feeders; wheel- barrow; 3,000 lb. scales; grain grinder; grain auger and motor; 32 ft, hay elevator; White threshing machine with drive belt; cir­ cular saw; forks, shovels, chains, tools. Household Effects — Upright piano (good); oak dining room suite; small tables; rocking chairs; setee and chairs; bed­ room china; -sealers; coal oil lamps; antiques; writing desk. TERMS — -CASH Prop., Estate of late Ross McGregor Auctioneer, Harold Jackson 14-5b CARDS OF THANKS My sincere appreciation to all nurses at Clinton Public Hospital, to Dr. A. J. Addison, Clinton and Dr. Grainger, St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, for their kindness; and to all those who sent cards and gifts while I was a patient in hospital. —FRED BURKMYRE. 15b The family of the late Mary Stevens wish to thank their relatives, friends and neigh­ bours for their kindness and sympathy extended' to them during their recent bereave­ ment of a dear mother. Also tor . the floral tributes and cards of sympathy. Special thanks to the staff of Huron- view and the Rev, Mills. — MRS. JOHN CARTER. 15p The family of the late Cath­ erine Williams 'Wish to thank their friend’s and neighbours not only for their kindness and sympathy during their recent bereavement, but also for their thoughtfulness during her long illness. Special thanks to the staff of Clinton hospital, and to all who remembered Miss Williams with visits, gifts and cards. 15p BIRTHS HAYTBRr—In Stratford Gener- al Hospital on Saturday, April 9, 1966, to Mr. tad Mrs. Allan Hayter, Varna, a daughter, Lori Patricia. KELLER — Ip South Huron ' Hospital, Exeter, on Tuesday morning, April 12, 1966, to Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Keller, Dashwood, a son (brother for Randy and Lori). IN MEMORIAM VANDERBURGH — In lov- tag tnemory of Mirs. Greta (Mann) Vandeirbwigh, who passed -away one year ago April 6, 1965. “You are always in our mind) No miattev what we do, All the time withiin our hearts, There are thoughts of you" —Always ' remembered by Eileen, Doug, Lojs, Kathar­ ine Ann and Brian Kennedy. 15p More> school children die of cancer than from any other disease. The Canadian Cancer Society needs money to- defeat this killer by means of research and public education. Give to its April campaign. of ef- Council Hires Deputy Clerk Orville L. Engeistad centiy retired manager of Clin­ ton branch of fihe Royal Bank of Canada, was hired by Clin­ ton town, council, Monday even­ ing, as deputy clerk and assist­ ant tax collector. Ho starts his duties .next week at the rate of $2 per hour. It is' estimated that the part-time job will be for four or five months of the year, There were numerous applica­ tions for the new'position which was handled by the general government committee headed by Deputy Reeve George • Wonch. re- Town council passed $3,800 worth of building permits, which were OK’d by building inspector Grant Rath, at its meeting Monday. Those receiving permits were: Gordon Grigg, for three liquid fertilizer storage tanks, $1,500: Carl Powell, Albert Street, two car garage, $1,000; Larry Kain, Princess1 Street, residence re- modelling, $800; D. Williams', car port, $300, and Walter Quantrall, Mill Street,, resi­ dence addition, $200. Thurs., April 1966-^CIintah Ncwjj-Recorcl—-rpage 7 - The MP spoke of meeting Reeve Duff Thompson, Reeve Ernie, Talbot of Stanley and Harvey Taylor, Bmcefieldl at the parliament sessions last week:. Later in the meeting, Mr. McKinley offered his assistance in designating part pf Western Ontario r as a' “slow growth area”, This came after council had authorized a 8200 payment to the town of Mount Forest which is headquai'ters for a group of municipalities request-, mg to be declared a designated area,. A meeting of the munici­ palities involved was held in Mount Forest in February. McKinley informed councij that these areas are designated by unemployment figures. He said, “I don’t think this 'is the proper way to handle such things. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Cattle, Figs, Macliinery and Hay at Lot 3, Con. 6, Stanley Township, 4 miles south of Varna, J/2 mile north of Hillsgreen on.■WW Saturday, April 16 At 1 o’clock p.m. Cattle: 1 Holstein cow fresh 4 weeks; one Holstein caw due sale time; 1 Holstein cow due in May; 4 yearling steers. Pigs: all York sows — 2 sows due at sale time; 2 sows dtie in May; 3 sows due in June; 4 sows with pigs, just weaned; 3 just bred; 30 wean- ers. Hay: 300 bales mixed hay. Implements: John Deere M tractor with PTO and scuffler; Oliver 60 row crop tractor with scuffler and beta puller; plow; International cultivator; Fleury Bissel double disc; 13-run Cock­ shutt drill; Case land packer; diamond harrows; Case 4-bar side delivery Take; Massey- Harris 6-ft. binder; -Massey- Harris 75 bds. manure spread­ er; Buehler wagon and hay rack; gravel box; hay loader; trailer with stock rack; Fair­ banks 10 in. htataaeotaill with dirive belt; International grain grinder; 2,000 lb. scales; fan­ ning mill; 200 ft % Cable; emery with % H.P, motor; National stogie Unit 'milking machine; Viking Cream separ­ ator; root pulper, extension ladder, pig ttPUgh; wheel bta- tow, colony house, (brooder stove, itoh kettle and stand; qutatiity of lumber; many ether items too numerous to mention. Terms Gash No reserve as fatta Is rehtecL MRS. FORREST, Pitoto, BRUCE RATIIWJELL, Auct. MEL GRAHAM; ClhfJt , I5b Clearing AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale Machinery and Household feels at West half of Lot 3 Con. 7 Hullett Twp. ’/a mile East of Kinburn on Monday, April 18th At 1 p.m. Machinery: 1963 No. 35 Fer­ guson tractor (nearly new 1000 hrs.); Gais tank tod pumps; 4- row Cockshutt bean cultivator; New Idea side rake; 3-furrow Ferguson plow; Front end bean puller; land roller; manure spreader; spring tooth harrows;- leveling harrows; corn and bean Ford cultivator,‘hydaulic; 9-ft. land cultivator; 8-ft. Bis­ sel disc; Allis Chalmers' com­ bine; 13-run fertilizer drill; grain elevator; wagon and rack on rubber; Ford Ferguson pul­ ley;' Ferguson manure loader; circular saXv, hydlaulic; set double blocks; set harness; fence stretchers; post hole dig­ ger; 4 pig troughs; grease gun; forks; shovels; tools; 39 bags fertilizer, 4-12-10; lumber, 7- 2x4x18 fit. long, 6-2x6x16 fit. long. Household Effects; beds; springs; mattresses; 2 dressers; bedroom chair; dining room table; rocking chairs; chester­ field; 4 chairs.; sideboard; .4 scatter mats; small tables; television tod table; 2 kitchen tables; 9 kitchen chairs; kitch­ en cabinet; ironing board; 2 toasters; hot plate; iron; churn, butter bowl and' printer; coal oil lamp; utility 'table; Lenard Frig; coal stove; step ladder; washing machine; lawn mower; kitchen utensils; other articles too numerous to mention. Terms Cash — No Reserve Farm Sold • Prop., BASIL L. HORNICK Auct, HAROLD JACKSON Clerk, GEORGE POWELL 14,15b Attend Your Church All Services on Standard Time FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: Paul Coon, B.A. Sunday, April 17 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Family Worship 7:30 p.m.—Song Service ALL ARE WELCOME HERE Ontario Street United Church “THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday, April 17 9:45 'a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—.Morning Worship TURNER’S 2:00 p.m.—Church Service 3:00 p.m.—Sunday School REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister Sunday, April 17 Theme: “To-day — A New Beginning — With God” WESLEY-WILLIS 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—’Church Service and Reception of New Members. HOLMESVILLE 1:00 -p.m.—Church Service and Reception of New Members. 2:00 p.m.—Sunday School ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH :: WiN EVINRUDE'S Weekend visitors’ at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joe darter were Mr. and Mirs. Ken Carter, Cathy and Christopher and Mrs. Johnston. Ken has recently been.' 'appointed associate head ■of the English department at Eastwood Collegiate, Kitchen­ er. Eastwood has an enrolment of 1,600 students. Reg Cook, Westminster Hos­ pital, London, spent a week with his mother, Mrs. Ellen Cook, over Easter. Roger Cummings spent the Easter weekend, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cummings, Deux Montagnes, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baxter and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, Lon­ don, visited on Good Friday with Mr. and Mirs. Thomas Lep- pington, 177 Spencer Street, and with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Liebold and family, RR 2, Clin­ ton. Kelvin A. Jervis' flew from London to Quebec over the Easter weekend to visit Arthur and Denyse Tyndall at Shawin- igan, Quebec. For news, for views, for wide ond voried entertain­ ment, nothing can beat your weekly newspaper! And all for just 10c per week when purchased at a newsstand; Ok Subscribe By The Year $4.00 Cliaton News-Record “The Home Paper With The News?’ Clearing AUCTION SALE Of stock, Implements, Hay> Grain and Household Effects, at Lot 25; Concession 14, Hullett Township, 1 mile West of Blyth on the Auburn Road, on Tuesday, April 19 At 1:00 p.m. Cattle—3 Holsteins, fresh; 1 Holstein due August; 1 Holstein due April; 1 Brindle due June; 2 second Calf heifers, fresh; 5 year-old Hereford crossed with Holstein; 2 Holstein bull calves, 2 months old; 4 small calves. Hay—700 bales. Grain —10 tons suitable for seed. Implements — Stratfordthre- shing machine, rebuilt 24” cyl­ inder, 46” body with cutter; 100 belt 7 ft. M.H. binder like new; 11 tun MH dite drill; rubber tire manure spreader; side rake; 6 ft. McCormick mower; 24 plate double disc, 3 point hitch; 3 sectioh diamond harrows; 8 fit. cultivator, 3 point hitch; Ford tractor; show blower; 2 unit Surge milker; 2,000 lb. scales; rubber itiie wagon; 16 ft. tack; 2 wheel trailer; Steel posts; cattle clipper; dehomers; bicycle; forks and shovels; -tools; chain saw. Household Effects---Chester- ield; china cabinet; table; chairs and other iteiris too numerous to mention. — CASH No Reserve as Farm Is Sold Proprfetdri Charles Machan Auctldrteeri Hatold, Jackson Clerk, George PWell 14-5b '> Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRCO. ARCM, Organist Sunday, April 17—Easter I 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 9:45 a.m.—Church School 11:00.a.m.—Morning Prayer CAMPING 1st PRIZE: Evinrude's new folding 3 hp. and carrying case •, Wood's Camper trailer • Traveler 12'aluminum car-top boat • Coleman camping equipment • Electrohome • portable 11" TV • Shakespeare fishing rods • 4 camping chairs 2nd PRIZE: Evinrude folding 3 hp. with carrying case and a Traveler 12' aluminum car-top boat 3rd PRIZE: 10 Evinrude folding 3 hp. motors (one winner for each province) FILL IN YOUR ENTRY FORM WHEN YOU SEE ALL 15 GREAT NEW EVINRUDES— 3 TO 100 HP. Winners must answer a skill­ testing question. . "'■■■" »■■""■■■ ' '■ ............ ' ■ Sfimibtcf. ^ovds off Quality. EPPS 80 KING ST., CLINTON PHONE 482-9622 CLINTON ONTARIO N J! (Advertisement) Billy Graham Film "The Restless Ones’ Coming To Goderich “THE ' RESTLESS ONES,” conisidered-. the most -successful motion picture yet produced by Evangelist Billy Graham, will be shown in Goderich on Fri­ day, April 22 ta Victoria School at 8 p.m. Tickets: -are on sale ta Clinton from Lew Ludlow, at 105 William Street, phone 482-7331. With the accent on youth, this feature-length film deals imaginatively and dramatically with the teen-age crisis. With a background setting provided by the 1963 Billy Graham Los Angeles Crusade, and artfully Woven into the story pattern, “THE RECKLESS ONES” 'is a hard-hitting, bold approach to our social problems. Here is a film which dares to be different, a story which will stir the heart and mind. Having seen “THE RECKLESS ONES,” you will never be the same. As one x-eviewer said, “Here is a picture that tells the world the -truth and comes up with an ■answer, not an easy answer, but an answer from beyond us.” Tlxis answer will satisfy, chal­ lenge and inspire young and old alike and will appeal to | churchgoers and non-church­ goers. The Christian message comes through -in the midst of a realistic teemage situation, cleanly and without cloying. Swift-moving plot episodes highlight the opportunities' fac­ ing the church. Screen writer James Collier has skillfully brought into fo­ cus the contemporary plight of both teen-agers tad parents. A sensitive script, produced, by World Wade Pictures under the direction of Dick Ross, has re­ sulted ta a “break-through” in •‘THE RESTLESS ONES.” 15, 16b The Clinton News-Record may be Purchased at the following Clinton and District Stores: In In In In J In In CLINTON- BARTLIFFS BAKERY LIMITED CLINTON IGA STORE NEWCOMBE'S Rexall DRUG STORE McEWAN'S BOOK STORE GORD LAWSON BILIARDS BILL GERMAN'S BOWLING ALLEY MILT & MABEL'S RESTAURANT CLINTON NEWS-RECORD OFFICE BAYFIELD— CLIFF UTTER'S STORE LONDESBORO— THOMPSON'S STORE LONDESBORO LOCKER SERVICE BRUCEFIELD— PATERSON'S STORE HOLMESVILLE— D. E. GLIDDON'S GENERAL STORE VARNA— W. T. Me ASH GENERAL STORE At RCAF STATION— C. & W. GROCETERIA In GODERICH— BLUE'S SUPERMARKET FINCHER'S SMOKE SHOP CRAIGIE'S POOL ROOM In SEAFORTH— KEATING'S DRUG STORE I’ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. B. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew/ Organist and Choir Director Sunday, April 17 9:45 a.m.—Church School 10:45 a.m.—Public Worship EVERYONE WELCOME MAPLE STREET GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, April 17 9:45 a.m.-—Worship Service 11:00 aan.—Sunday School 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service Speaker: John Rea, London. Tuesday—8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Speaker: John Martin, Hawkesville ALL WELCOME o CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. G. J. HEERSINK. Minister Sunday, April 17 10:00 a.m.™Service irt English 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School 2:30 p.m,—Service in Dutch 7:30 p.m.—Service in English Every Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas, , listen to “Back to God HburiL EVERYONE WELCOME <> i JOSEPH STREET GOSPEL HALL ■; f CLINTON i; 111:00 a.m.—-Breaking of Bread ?. a-a ) « T:00 p.m.—-Gospel Service . . p 8i00 p.m. Thursday~-Frayer MdCtliig and Bible Reading <1 7:30. total Friday—Chiidreh’s Meeting - 31 1?exott 11 NOW ON April 14 To 23 Inclusive TWICE AS MUCH FOR JUST 1c MORE MORE THAN 350 ITEMS ON SALE VITAMINS - MEDICINES - BABY NEEDS * COSMETICS and TOILETRIES - DENTAL NEEDS - HAIR CAftE PRODUCTS FIRST AID NEEDS * STATIONERY - WALLETS * FILMS HAIR BRUSHES - ELASTIC STOCKINGS GREETING CARDS - ETC* WATCH FOR YOUR HAND BILL IN THE MAIL PRESCRIPTIONS I F Clinton, Ontario In HENS ALL— WILSON'S DRUG STORE In KIPPEN— KIPPEN STORE i r; .r* In AUBURN— G. R. TAYLOR'S STORE • -7 M a jwwrs ex’ garni km I MMKin I VAUM La f