Clinton News-Record, 1966-03-31, Page 10....
Thurs., March 3J, 1966—Clinton News-Record—Page 9
Auburn and District
MRS, WES BRAD NOCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595
Auburn Hornets Win Broomball;
William Stiles Donates Trophies
CGIT Meets
“Who is Sylvia?” was the
interesting film shown ait the
Auburn CGIT meeting in Knox
Presbyterian Church. Donald
Haines was the film operator,
He was introduced by the as
sistant leader, Miss Jane Dor
The film showed the trials'
and tribulations of a young
'teenager who couldn’t under
stand her parents and they
could not understand her. A
discussion period followed, led
by the leader, Mrs, Wes, Brad
The president, Beitty Mqiss
was to charge of the toeelttogi
Margaret Sanderson was pian
ist. Minutes were read by .sec
retary RuTth Bore.
Psalm 19 was read by Shelley
Grange, The offering was re
ceived by Nan Lapp. Roll call
Was answered by 18 girls nam
ing one thing they had given
. up for the Lenten seasion.
' A discussion took place about
the tea the girds will hold to
and be SURE!
It takes a seed expert with
’ world wide connections to buy
the right seeds, at the right,
time, from the right sources, at
the right price. So, if you’re
not an expert, trust Jones, Mac-
Naughton to provide you with
seeds that will .give you com
pletely satisfying results —
-they’re experts!
In fact, seeds—and only seeds
— are Jones, MacNaughton’s
business . . . and they’ve spec
ialized to seeds for Western
Ontario for a great many years.
You can be sure of reliable
and dependable performance
from all Jones, MacNaughton
Seeds—true to variety, high in
germination and exactly suited
to the soils and climate of
Western Ontario. Get full
value, too, from Jones, Mac-
Naughton’s long-time policy of
selling the best seeds at the
fairest prices.
For all your seed needs,
order from your local dealer or
Jones MacNaughton
Sunday School
Diplomas and seals were- giv
en out at Knox United Church
for Sunday school attendance,
Those receiving diplomas were
Andrew Koopmans, Floyd Rose
bush, Carl Merner, Douglas
2nd year ' seals, Marilyn
Wightman, Greg Arthur, Yvon
ne Bean.
3- year seals, Katherine Mc-
Clinchey, Barbara Empey, Glen
Wightman, Allan Hildebrand,
Eldon Chamney, Doreen Mc-
Cltochey, Keith Lapp, Gail
Seers, Faye Hjild'ebrand.
4- year seals, Ronald Plunk
ett, Murray Wightman, Dana
Bean; 5-year, Randy Machan,
Raymond Hildebrand, Larry
.. Ph. 235-0363 Ph. 234-6363
Sold In Clinton
’’Plaetzer, Jayne Arthur, Doug
las Chamney, Douglas Durnin,
Lynn Turner, Brenda East.
6-year, Arva Ball, Sherry
Plaetzer, Trudy Machan, Lor
raine Chamney, Wanda- Plaet
zer, Gail ..Miller, Blill Lapp; 7-
year, Eldo Hildebrand, Paul
8-year, Shirley Ament, John
Koopmians, Gary Ament, Bar
bara Carter; . 9-year. Marie
Plunkett, Mark Arthur; 10-
ycar, Daryl Ball, Daryk Bah,
Brenda Ball, Ricky Archam
11-year, Beitty Moss; 12-year,
Nancy Anderson, - Jennifer
Grange, Judith Arthur; 13-
year, June Mills, Klaske Koop-
mans, Brenda Archambault,
Laura Daer.
14-year, Margje Koopmans,
Martie Koopmians, Douglas
chlambault, Sharon Ball;
year, Bernice McDougall.
The Brotherhood of the —
burn Baptist Church entertain
ed members of the Clinton and
Goderich. Brotherhood at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
All went back to the maple
bush and watched Mr. Raithby
boiling sap to his . evaporator
making maple syrup.
When they returned to the
house, the preslidenit, Percy
Pugh was in charge of the pro
gram which began1 with a rous
ing sing-song With Mbs. Robert
J. Phillips at the piano.
Scripture was read by James
Rice; prayer by Torrance Tabb;
A talk on trees of the Bible
was given by Harry Webster.
A reading, “The Dayman’s
Church Responsibility” was
read by Bert Doran. Frank
Raithby gave a short address-
on the making of maple syrup.
Following the program, the
ladies of the church assisted
Mrs. Raithby in serving pan-
Mike Naylor, corn grower and custom sprayer of Guelph, says:
"ATRAZINE-a most
convenient weapon against
During the '65 season Mike Naylor sprayed several hundred
acres with a split application of Atrazine for the control of heavy
quackgrass infestations.-
The first spray was applied in the spring as soon as the
quackgrass started to grow. After waiting 7 to 10 days, the land
was ploughed^ the seedbed prepared and the corn planted. A
second spray was applied afterthe corn had. emerged. A one-two
punch that knocked out the quackgrass, anhual grasses and
broadleaf weeds, and1 resulted in a bumper corn crop.
"For the control of quackgrass," Mike Naylor says, "Atrazihe
is a most convenient Weapon—and I say weapon advisedly
because we need weapons to control weeds and grasses. For
myself I just wouldri't have a crop of corn it it Weren't for
Atrazine." Order your Atrazine now and plan to take full
advantage of this new split application technique to eradicate
quackgrass once and fof all I Write for further information.
Gesaprim® brand of Atrazine 65\A/ is available in 5 lb. bags
and 50 lb. cartons from farm supply dealers. bfag'd. t.m, of Geigy
Fisons (Canada) Limited,
234 Eglinton Avenue East; Toronto 12, Ontario
cakes, maple syrup and coffee
to the recreation room.
A hearty vote of appreciation
Was extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Raithby for their- hospitality
and also to the todies who as
sisted to preparing and serving
the pancakes.
Everyone 'is invited to attend
the1 Easter Thianlcoffering ser
vice of the United Church
Women on Thursday evening,
March 31 ait 8:15 p.m. Rev.
Hugh C, Wilsion, Goderich, a
former minister here will be
the guest speaker.
4-H Hatters
Hatters-A-Go-Go was the
name chosen by the Auburn
4-H Club when they met for
their second meeting at the
home of the leader,' Mrs. Wes
Bradnock, President, Barbara
Sanderson was in charge; Min
utes were read by Jill B’enneitit.
Roll call was answered by each
girl naming the basic color
theme of her wardrobe.
Mrs. Davies spoke on the
planning of toe accessories and
demonstrated how different
pieces of jewellery would look
on a basic color of brown and
black. "The occasion and the
place determines the style of
jewellery you wear,” , she said
Mrs. Frank Raithby describ
ed' the selecting of accessories
according to your figure and
coloring. Mrs. Bradnock led to
a discussion on hats and scarves
which the girls will make.
56th Year
Forty-five members' of
family entertained Mr.
Mrs. Robert Chamney on
occasion of their 56th wedding
anniversary. The turkey dinner
wias served 'in the Auburn Com
munity Memorial Hall.
A large bouquet of chrysan
themums decorated the hall a-
long with a large anniversary
cake which was cult by the
bride and groom of 56 years.
Afiter dinner, dancing was en
joyed to the music of the
Blackhawks orchestra.
Members of their family,
grandchildren and great-grand
children were present from
Niagara Falls, Chippawa, Wind
sor, Wingham, Toronto, Gode
rich; Donnybrook and Auibum.
Lunch was served.
Mrs. Kenneth Scott and sons,
Keith,. Wayne and Eric, visited
last Friday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Aiitcheson,
Seaforth. The special occasion
was Mrs. Aitdheson’s birthday.
Two new telephones have
been installed in toe village, in
the home of Mrs. Ruslsel King
and also Miss Clara Shultz.
The sympathy of this com
munity is extended to Mrs;
Eldon Youngblut, London,
Whose father, the late Ernest
Brown passed away to Victoria
Hospital, London.
Mrs; Verna Doerr, Niagara
Falls and her daughter, Miss
Sheila Doerr, Toronto, spent
the weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chamney.
The Easter Thankoffering
service of the Women’s Mission
ary Society of Knox Presby
terian Church, will be held next
Sunday evening at 8 p'.m. When
the guest speaker will be Rev.
John Wheeler. Everyone is in
vited. to attend this Sunday
evening service.
Albert Campbell, Goderich,
visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs. Bert ■ Taylor.
Miss Mairybelle Bere, Lon
don, • spent the weekend with
her mother, Mrs. Orland Bere
and other members of her fam
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arthur
and daughter Jayne left last
Friday morning from the' Lon
don airport for California
where they will visit With their
daughter of Bellflower, Califor
The Auburn Public Library
will start its summer hours
next Saturday, April 2 opening
2-4:30 and 7-9:30.
Robert Wiilkfin, Goderich vis
ited over the weekend with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
William J. Oralig.
Mrs. Harold Nicholson, Sea
forth, Mrs. John Menheere and
sons Stephen and David, Dub
lin, vidited on Sundlay with Mrs;
W. Bradnock and Mrs. C.
StraUghan.—.. .
W1 fl
Legionnaires Serve Banquet To Ladies
Over 40 members of the Ladies1 Auxiliary and Legionnaires.’ wives were serv-
ed their annual banquet by the men of Clinton Legion, Saturday evening in the
hall. The evening began “around the punch bowl”. Shown* here at No. 1 table
are, from1 the left, Mrs. Florence Wood, Mrs. Hec Kingswell, Mrs. J. K. Cor
nish, Mrs. Elizabeth Butler, waiters Gordon Wade and K. W. Colquhoun, Mrs.
Tom Leppington, Mrs. Ephriam Snell, Mrs. Don McLean and Auxiliary President
Mrs. Ed Porter.
best of two ouit of three games
and due to a tie on Thursday
evening at the Goderich arena
a deciding game was played on
Sunday afternoon on the Gode
rich ice.
AUBURN — The Auburn
Hornets broomball team was
declared the winners at
Goderich arena on Sunday
ternoon when, they beat
Blyth Co-op team 2-0.
The trophy donated by Wil
liam Stiles was. presented at
the' close of the game to Keith
Rodgers, captain of the team,
Individual trophies were pre
sented to each member of the
Winning team; John McClin-
ohey, goal; Keith Rodgers, cap
tain; Bill Rodgers1, Kenneth
Haggitt, Kennto Daer, Willie
Govier, Allen Craig, Floyd
Rosebush, Gary Rodgers, Clare
Rodgers, Gordon Daer, Allen
Webster, Bill McKelyie and
Gordon Powell.
Bob Daer was coach. There
were six teams to the Blyth
Rural Broioimiball league nam
ely — Westfield, Blyth Flyers,
Blyth Co-op, 3rd line East Wa-
wanosh, Sth line Morris 'and the
Auburn Hornets.
In tlie playoffs, it was the
First Friday of Each Month
Fort. a ‘
f ; < • 1
i*' A < '
Ntoety-five percent of Ont
ario’s homes have televisions.
Power consumed by these sets
is sufficient for the total needs
of Oshawa, London and
William combined.
Foo.* 220 million people,
sia produces only. 185,000
a year, one-third of Canada’s
William Stiles displays tro
phies and small replicas
which he donated and pre
sented to the Auburn Hor
nets, • winning team in the
Blyth Rural Broiomiball lea
gue, Mr. Stileis. operates Au
burn’s furniture store.
(Bradnock photo)
................................. A
There Has To Be A Kitchen Staff!
The men always have lots of volunteers for kitchen duty at their1 annual
banquet for the ladies. * Shown toiling around -the sinks are Bill Reid, Harold
Black, Percy Brown, Robert Homuth, Don Kempston, Bob Burke and Len Arn-
ston. Ways -and means chairman Percy Brown chaired the event.
Phone 262-5180
4rII Club
The third meeting of toe, 17
Tuckers -was held at toe home
of their leader, Mrs. K. Mc
Lean. Roll call “The Accessor
ies I have chosen to make” was
answered by 17 girls.
The secretary read the min
utes. Pam Patrick was nomin
ated 'as the next secretary.
Notes were made- about scarves,
the leaders showing how to
make a tie dyed scarf and how
to dO hand rolled hems.
Lunch was served. The next
meeting will be held at the
Legion Hall, HenSall, on Thurs
day,March 31 at 7:30 p.m.
The Women’s Auxiliary of St.
James Anglican Church, Mid
dleton, will meet ' Wednesday
afternoon, April 6 .to the Sun
day school room.
This will be the annual thank
offering meeting and roll call
Will be “Outstanding Words of
To Florida
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh,
Donald and Ralph. (Welsh) and
Mr's. Oliver Welsh returned
last week from a delightful
three weeks holiday to Florida.
Their headquarters were' Ft.
Lauderdale, and Haines city and
the Minerva Trailer Park.
They report a wonderful crop
of citrus fruit with blossoms
and fruit burgeoning simultan
eously. Some frost tot the
early vegetables but to ere were
thousands' of acres of potatoes
unharmed. Mrs; Welsh remark
ed on the exotic beauty of toe
flowers at the Cypress Gardens,
Where smudge pots' had kept
toe frost at bay; not forgetting
to mention feasting on huge
juicy Strawberries
southern markets.
Pdter Brand has been visit
ing friends and relatives to
Holland for the last few weeks.
Mrs. John Grigg held a suc
cessful auction sale on Satur
day last. We understand that
Fired Dutot has purchased the
now on
Nothing But* The Best
Professional chefs Bill Reid, left and Calvin
Moody are shown here making up the delicious
plates of hot ham, scalloped potatoes and vegetables.
The meals were prepared at the Legion kitchen
by these two local cooks, who are Legion mem
bers and RCAF cooks at Station Clinton.
Clinton News-Record Photos)'
Rev. and Mrs. Me Carson,
Hamilton, made a few calls in
the village last Tuesday. Mr.
Carson had been guest
speaker at the Presbyterliial to
Clinton on that dlay.
Will Govieir and Mrs,. Web
ster spent a few days last week
with the former's daughter and
family in Chatham,
Visitors over the weekend
Fa inservice
Dave Mair,
Phone 523-4570
of the basement floor.
Women’s Institute
The WI meeting will- be held
April 7th at 2 p.m. Roll call: a
penny for your shoe size. Topic:
Health. Mrs. Tom Allen Will
have the motto. There will also
be a speaker.
Sponsored by Newcombe’s Drug Store
Phone for Free Home Appointment
88 Queen St. S. t , Kitchener
will be open until further
notice on Wednesday and
Saturday Afternoons,
from 1. to 5:30 p.m.
No wire fencing, old
concrete or car bodies;
Phone 482-3210
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams
spent Sunday With Mr. add
Mrs. Barry Pipe and family,
Mr. and,Mrs. Kenneth. Tre
wartha and family, Itohdoii',
visited on Saturday With Mt.
and Mrs. William Norman.
Mrs. Louis Dempsey. who
underwent surgery at Victoria
Hospital, London, has returned
Celebrate 40th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. t>ari!ieil Gliddon
celebrated ,their 40th wedding
anniversary on Sunday with
their family, Mr .'and MM
with Mrs. Robert
were Mr. and Mrs;
Detroit. Miss Ann
and Mrs; David
motored from Toronto on Friday. David wiho had spent the!
past week with his mother re
turned with his wife to Dorval
on Sunday.
Sunshine Sisters
About 50 members of the
Women’s Institute met last
week for their annual Sunshine
Sisters Banquet held at Tiger
Dunlop Inn. A sumptuous tur
key dinner was served.
A musical program consist
ed of a duet by Mrs. Agnes
Moon and Mi's; Cameron Ad
dison; a solo by Miss Hollen
beck accompanied by her fath
er on the guitar; a ladies quar
tet -and Mrs. Viola Van Egmond
contributing an. accordion in
strumental. All numbers were
thoroughly, enjoyed.
Special Feast
The “Feast of Seven Tables”
wlill be served in Londesiboro
United Church .on Wednesday
evening, April 6; from 5 to 7
o’clock. Everyone welcome.
Proceeds Will go for renOva-
Frank Lawson, Lynne and.
Eodglas, London and Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Brown,- Detroit,
home for the occasion.
The family enjoyed a dinner
at Hotel Clinton, then, on re
turning home were surprised
by friends and relatives, who
had gathered to- wish them, well.
They were the recipients of
many lovely gifts Shd cards.
Every single tine is
PHONE 523-4308, BLYTH
for form tfabilify
and' spring ability.
Tines of own production
•xclusively for Triple IC
Local Dealer
ROBBIE BURNS Farm Implement