HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-03-31, Page 7Page 6—-Clinton News-Record—-Thurs., March 31, 1966 I BEAUTIFUL BREEZY •X VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Printing Have Your . . . By BELLCHAMBER BAYFIELD PERSONAL ITEMS • CHURCH NEWS » CLUB ACTIVITIES < Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER — Phone Bayfield 38 Subscriptions, Classified Advs., Display Advs. and Job all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent Repaired For Easter at Ray's Shoe Repair Next TO The Red & White ■Mi» Mr. -and Mrs. Gerald Stur­ geon and famlily, Preston, spent the weekend with their parents Mir. and Mrs. Ed Sturgeon. They were joined on Sunday by Mir, and Mrs. Frank Anderson and family, Science Hill arid’ Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bisback, Clinton. Mr. and and famlily, his mother, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Toms arrived home last Thursday, after spending a week in Kit­ chener as guests of their daugh­ ter and family, OPP Cpl. Lloyd and Mrs. Westlake. Easter Special Mrs. John Elliott Kitchener, visited Mirs. W. R. Elliott Mr. find Mrs. Scott Reid, Ridgeway, called on Les Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scotchmer on Sunday. Mr.'- and Mrs. Scott were members of the Lions European Tour that Mr. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Scotchmer enjoyed so much la$t year. Mrs. R. H, F. Gairdner is at present a patient in Clinton Hospital. Miss Ethel Blair, Toronto, was with her parents, Mr. and Mirs. R. E. Blair for the week­ end. _■ 1 Bill Johnston, Windsor, spent the weekend with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs1. Malcolm From March 31 to April 16 Introducing . Regular $15.00 Pro To Perm The New Protein Perm SI 0.00i "Tarns. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mialdns returned to 'their home last Thursday after having been in Florida Since the first week of January, They spent the first two months on the east coast at Font Pierce, later motoring to St. Petersburg where they stayed for two weeks. Mrs. Morris Durham, Clinton, came on Friday to- spend a week with her and Mrs. Diehl. Mr. and Mrs. son and Karen, the weekend with hlis parents, Mr; and Mrs. R. J. Larson. Mrs. Keith Leonard, Willow­ dale, visited her mother, Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Featherston from Thursday until Saturday last week. Mrs. L. McLeod ' and Mass Dorothy McLeod, were in Tor­ onto for , the weekend visiting S/L and’ Mrs. Andrew Toma and family. and Mrs. Keith Pruss, and Charlie, London, the weekend With the mother, Mrs. Myrtle brother, Carl Clarence Lar- London, spent z (Plus Chance on Mink Jacket) TEEN BODY PERMS ......................... $5.00 CHILD'S PERMS ................................ $4.00 BRANDON'S BEAUTY SHOP BAYFIELD PHONE 53 R 3 13b How to make money make money Take a sum you can comfortably afford to invest ... say $500.-Put it in Investors Mutual oLCanada Ltd., or Investors Growth Fund of Canada Ltd. Add. to your account every month and reinvest all dividends. Your modest investment will have wide diversification and professional management — ad­ vantages which only a millionaire could once afford. Wondering about results? An investment in Inves­ tors Mutual has more than tripled since 1950. Yes, this is the way to make money make money. Just write or call; W. G. "Bill" CAMPBELL P.O. Box 659 SEAFORTH, ONT Phone 527-0452 Mir. Janice spent lady’s Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Donald John­ ston and Ricky, visited hits par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer John­ ston in Wheatley for the week­ end. The Rev. Canon and Mrs. F. H. Paul.1 who were the guests of ]\4r. and Mrs; Carl Diehl re­ turned to Brantford on Friday. Miss Sue Weston, TrOy, Mi­ chigan, accompanied by Rick Rice, Ferndale, Michigan, Were gueslts of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mirs. Harold Weston on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week and joined in the festivities on Tuesday to' cele­ brate Mir. WOst'oni’s birthday, Mr. and Mrs, Breitney Peters of Garden Oilty, Michigan, spent the weekend' with his brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harold .Weston. Mir’, and Mrs. J. E. Hovey spent Sunday in Mitchell with Mir. and Mrs; George Doerr and their three sons. The Senior Citizens Club held a very successful euchre parity on Friday last at the Orange Hall. There were nine tables in pl'ay and prize winners were: 'high, Mrs. Rita Upshiall, Milton Pollock; lone hand, Doug Tel­ ford; Other prize winners' were Mi's. Allan Hutchings and L. B. Smith. Mrs. J. B, Higgins welcomed Mrs. Pauli and ' expressed thanks to her for presiding ait the piano for the hymn, “When I Survey The Wonderous Cross.” The Rev, E. J. B. Harrison led in the devotional period and Mrs. Ed Reid read Isaiah 53. Mrs. G. N. Rivers gave the financial statement. She was authorized to pay the funds due to the Diocesan Treasurer. In answer to an appeal far funds from the Student Christian Movement at Univer­ sity of Western Ontario', a con­ tribution of five dollars was made. Also an Easter Lily to the Chancel Guild for the ch­ urch on Easter Sunday. The secretary expressed thanks for Mrs. Gairdner to ail members for flowers and cardls while she was. ill in Clinton hospital. Mrs. Morgan Smith, educat­ ional secretary, read Learning, to Live and The Big Gulf, the first two chapters from the Study Book, “Let God Go Free.” The rector read an interest­ ing personal letter from the Rev. George Hamilton at Fort Simpson. Mrs. Eric Earl led' in the Prayer , Partners’ Prayer which was followed1 by a letter from Sister Dorothy Dykes, Onitsha, Nigeria, in which she asked especially for prayers for the Christian Fellowship of Niger­ ia (Medical). Following the dosing prayers by the rector, the hostess, Mrs. J. B. Higgins assisted by Mrs. G. N. Rivers served delicious refreshments. A Family Affair First prize winners of the B event in- the recent RCAF Clinton Family Curling Bonspiel received a trophy which was presented by the Commanding Officer. Left to right, Maureen Driscoll, Calvin Davis, Group Captain K. R. Greenaway, Danny and Colleen Davis. Family zSpiel Well r- (RCAF Photo) On Friday and Saturday, March 18-19, a family bonspiel was held ait RCAF Clinton Curding Rink. Sixteen teams entered the campetition which was arranged into A and B events with each team playing three games. Winner of the. A event a team comprising Carol, and Wally Mlarceiil with Gornall. The Commanding ficer Station Clinton, Group was Pat Ted Of- Conservation Club Elects New Officers SYNDICATE LIMITED '-Or mail this coupon------—————— Without obligation, please send me more information* NAME ADDRESS. lllllHHtmMllHVIIiMMVlHHtlMUIII CITY/TOWN I I........................................ ' N I .............. ........... Trinity WA At the monthly meeting of Trinity Branch Women’s Aux­ iliary at “The Hut” on Thurs­ day last, it was decided to hold the United Thankoffering ser­ vice at a meeting on Thursday, April 14. • The president reminded the members to present the con­ tents' of their boxes, and the secretary read, a letter from the Diocesan Thankoffering secre­ tary, Mrs, R. R. Sadleir, on the subject. She pointed to the notes of •thankfulness: received from re­ tired missionaries for small gifts of money at Christmas made possible by the extra con­ tributions of members to U.T.O. HOUSE OF BARGAINS LTD. ISAAC ST,CLINTON Phone 482-7735 WE'VE BLOSSOMED OUT WITH BEAUTIFUL BUYS I V LADIES DRESSES Large Selection Sizes 5 to 24/2 7.95 LADIES PURSES 2.95 , LADIES DRESS COATS Petites — Three-Quarter Length and Reversibles 14.95 to 29.95 Ladies Spring Skirts Lovely Shades 2.98 to 6.95 PAPER DRIVE GIRLS DRESS COATS Laminated — Reversible Sizes 3 to 14 11,95 to 22.95 Large Selection GIRLS DRESSES Sizes 2 to 6x 2.98 to 5.98 Cub News The Cub Pack practiced -tum­ bling at the regular meeting on March 28. Tests were, passed toward the red star. Forward roll, by Pat Brandon; Peter MacVean, Dan­ ny McLeod, Jeffery Mayman, Rickie Penihiale, David' Renner, Harry Talbot, . Stevie Talbot ■and Stewart Turner; head stand by Wayne Eckert, Kelvin Memer 'and Danny McLeod; cartwheel, by Kelvin Memer. Danny McLeod also passed a test toward the tawny star. Lions Ladies Night The Bayfield Lions Club held the annual ladies night on March 22 'and were served, a bounteous dinner by the ladies auxiliary. in Clinton Legion Hall. Over 90 Lions and guests attended. Grant Stirling acted as Emcee and Past District Governor Ken Henderson, Pal­ merston, was guest speaker. Harry Baker gave the toast to the ladies, which was ably replied to by Mrs. Russell Kerr. Wilbert Fralick thanked the guest speaker and presented him with a gift. Winners of draws for the ladies prizes were Mrs. Gordon Porter, Mrs. Bev McClinohey, Mrs. Russ Kerr, Mrs. James Cameron, Mrs. Harold Weston, Mrs. Gladys Alexander, Sea­ forth; Mirs. Fred Weston, Mrs. William Clarke, Varna; Mrs. Adam Flowers, Mrs; Arnold Makins. Ken HendersOn presented the following Lions, with perfect at­ tendance pins: Les Elliott, 18 years; Jack Scotchmen, 15 years; Charlie Scotchmer, 15 years; William Clarke, 4 years:; Adam Flowers, 3 years; Elgin Porter, 3 years; Harvey Cole­ man, 2 years; Russell Kerr, George Mavor, Wilbert Fralick, each one year. “The Jailers”, a quartet from London made up of Harold and -Neil Fletcher, Mike Nicols and Dave Hall entertained with musical numbers and singing and played for dancing. Captain K. R, Greenaway pre­ sented winning teams with tro­ phies donated by the Bank of Montreal and Dixon Van Lines. Undefeated in three games and successful team in the B event was the team' skipped by Calvin Davis with team mem­ bers Maureen, Driscoll and Danny and Colleen Davis. A prize to the winning Teen Town entry, presented by the chairman of the Teen Commit­ tee Oorparal J. C. Hacock, went to' Rose Brodhu, Gard' English, Lewis Lomas and Nick Pop- penk. This bonspiel, which was or­ ganized by Flight Sergeant Fred Wildish, was the second of its kind to be held at Star. Clinton and is now established as an annual competition. ---------------q-------------- John T. Gibson completed president, first vice­ The Ladies Conservation Club held their, meeting alt the Club House on Monday evening, March 28. A donation of $10 was made to the Cancer fund, and $10 to the March of Dimes, $52.90 to Bunny Bundle of Lon­ don. The meeting was by lurioh and bingo. Officers elected: . Mirs, Richard Steep; president, Mrs. Lonnie Matt­ hews; second vice-preridenlt, MiSs Dorothy Mutch; treasurer, Mrs; Robert Carter; secretary, Mrs. Donald Cdclough; BingO' commlittee, Mrs. R. Carter, Mirs. Fred MacDonald, Miss ’’Dorothy Mutch; social, Mrs. Stewart Taylor, Mrs. Don­ ald Colclough, Mrs, Eric Swit­ zer and Mrs. Clem Reynolds; buyer, Mrs. Don Switzer; flow­ ers,’ Mrs. Russell Beyers; press, Mrs. Louis Forest. Tuckerbells theThe first meeting of Tuckerbells was held recently at the home of Mrs. Frank Fal­ coner on March 12. Officers were elected as follows: presi­ dent, Jpyce Falconer; vice- president, Martha Kaissies1; sec­ retary, Annette Rehorst. Treasurer, Bene Poefliman ; press reporter, Greta Vetenstra: leaders are Mirs. Frank Falcon­ er and Mrs. Erldn .Whitmore. A demonstration was given. The next meeting is April 2, at 2:00 p.m. -----------o BAYFIELD Mrs. H. Cobb returned home on Monday after having been in Florid'a for the past three months. Miiss Ruth E. Hayman spent the past week in Columbus’, Ohio, 'and Washington, D.C. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Knights, London, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scotchmer. Mirs. Peter Renner has re­ turned to her home in Wiarton after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bran­ don. v GIRLS CAR COATS Sizes 2 to 14 3.95 to 6.95 . Sizes 8 to 14 3.98 to 8.95 Nylon and Cotton BABY DRESSES ...1.98 Huronview Salaries Passed Away After Illness Funeral service was conduct­ ed' in the Ball and Mutch fun­ eral home on March 22 by the Rev. G. Mills, for John Thomas' Gibson, who passed 'away in Clinton Public Hospital on March 19, after a short illness. Pallbearers were Wesley Hol­ land, Bob Elliiatt, Bill Gibson, Ernie Gibson, Don Andrews, and Glen Wise. Flower-bearers were Bill Hearn, Bob Trick, John Gibson >and Garry Elliott. In­ terment was in Clinton Ceme­ tery. ■ Bom in .01111 wack, B.C. on January 27, 1894, he was the son of George Gibson and Cath­ erine Webster. He moved with hits family to Ashfield in 1909, ■and on December 25, 1920 he married May Lillian Elliott. They farmed1 at RR 3, Clinton. Mr. Gibson retired in Novem­ ber, 1963, because of ill health, and they moved to Clinton, liv­ ing at 292 Bayfield Ro'ad. They attended Ontario Street United Church. Surviving are two sons, Fred, RR 5, Clinton; Joe, RR 2, Sea­ forth; four brothers, Jim, Agas­ siz, B.C.; Sam, RR 3, Goderich; Marshall,-RR 3, Lucknow and Earl, RR 3, Bolton; one sister, Susan, Lucknow and grandchil­ dren, John, JoAnne, Paul, Eliz­ abeth and Bill. Attending the funeral from a distance were friends from De­ troit, Sarnia, Londbn, St. Mary’s, Bolton, Toronto, Luck­ now, Goderich, Seaforth, Kitch­ ener, Wingham and Kincardine. i/—' ............... I V. "" Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon Local Representative A. W. STEEP 482-6642 Kidd Guest Home SEAFORTH Professional Care In Home Atmosphere Phone Seaforth 527-0168 ..FARMERS.. FOR YOUR COMPLETE CROP NEEDS Small Seeds Including Seed Mixing and Innoculants We Are Offering 13b J Seed Grain Co-Op Seed Corn BULK AND BAG FERTILIZER As An Extra Service . . . You can have your bulk < fertilizer delivered to your farm at regular delivered prices. Bulk Spreaders Also Available ANHYDROUS AMMONIA will be available at Hensail, Zurich and Brucefield. Either apply it yourself or let us do iKfor you. For Best Results ... Use QUALITY CO-OP PRODUCTS HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC. HENSALL. ONTARIO Branches At ZURICH BRUCEFIELD 13-4-5b ....... r ■......... W. H. DALRYMPLE & SON PHONE 482-9211 We have, and will continue to carry, a LARGE STOCK of BOYS WIND­ BREAKERS Laminated Cotton - Poplin Size 2 to 6x arid 8 to 18 2.98 to 8.95 Large Selection MEN'S WINDBREAKERS* STROLLERS Laminated/ Cotton, Nylon 6*95 to 14.95 Men's Green Work Pants, Shirts, Windbreakers to match, Blue Jeans, Bib Overalls, Coveralls, High- Back Zip Coveralls, Socks. 10% Discount* Men's TIES Reg. and Ready-tied Reg; from 1.00 to L50 SPECIAL $1.00 (By W. E. Elliott) GODERICH — The loan ob­ tained by sale of a $375,000 de­ benture issue to pay for the Huronview' addition will re­ quire, by the time it is paid off, a total of $509,280) county council learned at the March session. Annual payments through the 10-year term approximate $50,- 000 - $51,000. The coupons are 6%. Successful tender for the debentures was 98.1. The contract with iMfonteifh- McGrath Limited has1 been sighed, the Huronview board reported, arid constructaion has commenced. “The board,” said Reeve Er- nest Snell,- chairman, “discuss­ ed in detail the salaries for employees of Huronview and made every effort to bring these in line with present tori- diiitioiiS.’* The board has agreed to ri. new minimum, salary of $2,300. Employees starting who have experience, will be engaged at a salary which is suitable and agreeable to the department head, the superintendent and the employee. The annual increment, effect­ ive Jan. 1 each year, will be subject to recommeindatiori arid approval of the department head and the superintendent. The percentage of increase ran­ ges from 8% in the $2,300 - $3,- 000 category down to 4% in the $4,501 - and Over category, (There is ho indication yet as to the exact number of new employees to staff the addition) deputy clerk-treasurer1 B, G. Hanly said), “The need for accommoda­ tion continues',’* the report stat­ ed, "Each meeting We have ad- ditiorial applicants Wi'idh we ■ accept, subject of course to ac- com^iodatioai being available.”] V We are in a position to carry out all warranty work on new cars whether they were purchased from' us or not. Even though Studebaker has discontinued the building of new cars, we will be a servicing dealer for at least seven,, years. p V/. H. DALRYMPLE & SON BRUCEFIELD, ONTARIO Phone Clinton 482-9211