Clinton News-Record, 1966-03-24, Page 3Page 2-—Clinton News-Record—Thurs., March 24, 1966
Up From The Ranks k
Success in RCAF Careers
In February, four Airmen
stationed1 at RCAF Clinton tra
velled to Centralia to attend
the Officers Selection Unit and
on March 17, eonfiiYniatiion.w'as
recelived that all four, had been
selected for commissioning from
tihe ranks,
Effective April 1, they are to
be granted, a permanent com
mission With promotion to FJy-
ing Officer amid commencing
April 4 will take the Officer
Indoctrination Course ait Sta
tion Centralia.,
The four airmen are Ser
geant J. Ursulak,- Sergeant M,
A- Kromrey, Corporal L. E.
Borden and Corporal J. R. Mc
Sgt. Jim Ursulak is a Ground
Communication's Technician at
the Radar and Communications
School employed as a Super
visor in Basic Training. His
hometown is Kamloops, B.C..
and he joined the RCAF in
February 1951. Stations at
which he has served include
TV Views
(By William Whiting)
Who said the people want to
be informed? Who said tele
vision 'should be educational?
Who cares whether the Gemini
missions are successful?
We hid a prime example of
that the other evening in the
United States when all three
American networks cancelled
and, in some cases, interrupted
regularly - scheduled programs
for news |o>f the emergency Gem
ini splashdown.
NBC had over 3,000 telephone
calls of protest for cancelling
“The Virginian" and “The Bob
Hope Show”. CBS had protests
when they pulled off the pro
gram “Lost in Space”. ABC
had more than 1,000 calls pro
testing three interruptions of
“The Batman”.
Maybe it’s time the network
bosses took a look at their news
operations for the purpose of
analyzing, what the people real
ly want.: Radio should do the
same. I have always felt that
the news every 30 minutes, and
even every hour, is not aprpeci-
ated by listeners unless it’s
really, new and earth-shatter-,
The sex-scandal in Ottawa
was juicy while it lasted and
people were interested, but only
for about 48 hours. Newspapers
are still trying, to keep it alive,
but it’s a.dead issue now. The
people, don’t really care any
more..; The attitude is simply
this: Don’t disturb my routine—
■ I want, te see my regular pro
grams i every day and to hell
with world situations and pro
blems. ...
. And God help any govern
ment or any government-ap
pointed commission who tries to
■ take away entertainment and
•insert news information or ed
ucation programs on televi
Shoe Repair Gives
Extra Wear
BOY’S hl ■ LU M
REGULAR $7.95 TO $24.95
Broken Sizes, Ranges —- Discontinued Styles :
Twenty Years Service
Sergeant Robert Morrison (centre) x§ presented with a retirement cer
tificate by the Commanding Officer Station Clinton, Group Captain, K. R,
Greenaway* Sgt. Morrison is a supervisor in Statiorl Workshops and the bf-
ficer in charge is Might, Lieutenant A. M Nelischer. (RCAF Photo)
‘ *
372 Bay St.,
35 Dunlop St, 73 Misshsaga E.r
iBatrie OHIlid
Sea Island. Goose Bay, and
He came to Clinton’ in June
’64. He is a training supervisor
and Assistant Bandmaster.
His parents, Mir. and Mrs;
George Ursulak reside at St.
Catharines, Ont., and his’ home
is at 28 Quebec Rd. ip Married
Quarters. He is married to Gail
Marie (nep MacDonald) and is
th? father of four children
Donna 12, Valaaiie 10, Jimmy 6
and Terry 4.
Sergeant Martin Ralph
Kromrey, also a Communica
tions Technician is an Advanc
ed Training instructor at the
Radar School. He is 33 years
of age and hiais been in the
service since October ’52. He
attended the School of Instruc
tional Technique in 1956 when
the school was ait Trenton and
in November ’59 went on a
Microwave Course held at No.
2. Fighter Wing, Grositonquin in
■With his three children
Kathy, Jo Anne, Douglas and
his wife Joyce, Sgt. Kromrey
lives at 233 Huron Street, Clin
Corporal Luther Borden at
tended- high school in New
■Glasgow, Nova Scotia and hav
ing obtained senior matricula
tion he enlisted in the RCAF in
The second meeting of the
4-H Club project “Accent on
Accessories” was attended by
17 on March 15 at the home of
the assistant leader, Mrs. B.
Minutes were read by Janice'
Eyre and Anne Kleinhiaar w;as
nominated secretary for the
next meeting. The name of the
dub is to be “Seventeen Tuck-
Cadet Officers
Visit Clinton
Air Cadet Officers from
Squadrons in Straitfiord, Galt
and Kitchener visited Station,
Clinton on Saturday, March 12
to attend -the annual Air Cadet
Conference which is * arranged
in' order that co-ordinated ef
forts can be made on behalf of
Cadets in the Western Ontario
Region. ■ .
Squadron Leader W. W. Bois-
sevain, the RCAF Clinton Sen
ior Accounts Officer is also the
Senior Unit Liaison Officer for
local Cadet Organizations and
he was chairman at the meet
ing. Other personnel in attend
ance from Clinton were Parent
Unit Liaison Officers Flight
Lieutenants Bob Gibb and Bob
Each year a Drill and Shorts
Competition is held at Station
Clinton with Cadets from
Squadrons of Stratford, Galt,
Kitchener and Guelph taking
part. This year the sixth an
nual Competition Will be held
on May 1 and inter squadron
competition will include bas
ketball, volleyball, bowling,
shooting and drill.
Air Cadet Liaison Officer for
the whole of Ontario, Squadron
Leader Norm Cairns from
Trenton gave a briefing on the
conditions of Cadet Organiza
tion in Ontario.
Phone 482-7006
July '54.
He came fo Clinton in Jan
uary '61 where he is employed!
as an instructor Telegraph
Technician in the Radar and
Communications School.
Opl. Barden has been qn act-
ive member of the. Corporals’
Club, as sports member and
president of the Club Commit
tee. In sports activities he is
one of the station’s outstanding
athletes with hockey and 'soft-
ball his main events.
With his Wife Aileen and
three children Darryl aged 9,
Sharon 8 and Shelly '8, Cpl,
Borden reslides in Adastral
Park at 12 Edmonton Road.
Carpomal James Robert Mc
Lean aged1 32 is NCO in charge
of pay accounts in the Station
Accounts Seation; He was sta
tioned at Moose Jaw, Sask.,
previous to conning to Clinton
in August last year. While ait
Clinton he has been a member
of the Corporals’ Club ‘ Enter
tainment Committee, and his
sports activities include golf
and' curling.
His hometown is St. Peters,
PEI, where his fatheir G. H.
McLean at present lives ' while
Bob’s wife Jaqueline and claiild-
ren Brent and Randy reside at
Apartment D4 in' Clinton Mar
ried Quarters.
Phone 262-5180
The members decided to
have navy covers with white
lettering on record' books. The
next meeting will be held at
the home of the leader, Mrs.
McLean, on March 24 at 7:30
‘Sturgeon — At Alexandra
Mahinie and General Hospital,
Goderich, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Sturgeon (nee Donelda Lostell)
a daughter, Muriel Jane, a wee
sister for Jo Anne and David.'
Word was received by Mrs.
Peter Grtidzak that her brother-
in-law James Leslie- Sim, 51
yrs. passed away at his home
in London on Friday. His wife
was the former Blanche Wat
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs;
Cliff WatsOn, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carter,
Chatham, spent the weekend
visiting the latter’s parents,
.Mr..’ and Mrs. Nelson Hood.
Michael Connolly of Tillson1-
burg has purchased John Sin
clair’s .farms and takes pos
session immediately.
Sunday guests with Robert
Thomson, were Mr. and Mrs.
Lome Schneider, Paiul, Garry,
Gail and Dale, Sitratford.
Charles Eyre, RR 2, Kippen
has sold his farm to A. Tim
merman, RR 3, Kippen.
Robert Elgie accompanied by
Wilfred Meilis visited a dlay
last week with .relatives of the
farmer at Port Dover.
Therapists employ special
techniques in water to ‘im
prove a child’s muscle co-or
dination. This child receives
treatment in an expensive
'Hubbard Tank which has
been financed with Easter
Seal donations, collected loc-
Commissioned From The Ranks
Effective April 1, four airmen at RCAF Sta
tion Clinton will be promoted to the rank of Flying
Officer. They will attend an Officer Indoctrina
tion Course at Centralia before being transferred
to other RCAF Units. The four airmen who will
receive a commission are from the left, front, Sgt.
M. R. Kromrey, Cpl. L. E. Borden; back, Cpl. J. R.
McLean and Sgt T. Ursulak. (RCAF Photo)
Adastral Park
Social Notes
Editor: ANNE AILERON — Phone 482-7349
Miss Irene Kerr has returned
to Vancouver, British Colum
bia, after spending a few weeks
with her family.
Mrs: R. Dickinson was a pa
tient in hospital in Goderich.
In Clinton. Public Hospital is
Mrs. Jack Thompson. In the
London Bick 'Children’s Hospit
al is- Lwellyn, son of Sgt. and
Mrs. Lester Priestley.
F/Sgt. and Mrs. Neil Elliott
have returned from a trip to
Machinist To
Run Calgary
Service Centre
Sergeant Robert Arthur Mor
rison, employed as >a supervisor
in the Clinton Station Work
shop has been in the RCAF for
20 years and at the end of
March is due .to retire.
The Commanding Officer,
Stn. Clinton, Group Captain K.
R. Greenaway, presented him
With a .retirement certificate.
President of the Sergents’ Mess,
Warrant Officer A. Field pre
sented a farewell gift from
members of the Mess.
Following education at Sud
bury Mining and’ Technical
School, Sgt. Morrison joined the
siervice in August 1946. During
his service he has been station-'
ed at No. 6 Repair Depot, Tren
ton, Summerside, Camp Borden,
Calgary, Ottawa, Goose Bay
and in 1956 he was transferred
overseas to No. 1 Fighter Wing,
Marville in France where he
worked as a machinist for three
He came to Clinton in Jqly
last year and following retire
ment he and his family will
travel to Calgary where he is
to attend a Maintenance and
Management Course run by
Imperial Oil. Upon completion
of the course Bob plans1 to own
and run a Service Centre in
Calgary. ,
Sgt. Morrison is the father of
three children, Karen Lynn
aged 15, Richard 11 and Robbi
9 and with his wife Marjorie he
now lives at 77 Rattenfaury
Street, Clinton.
Quebec City.
Cpl. Gordon Salt, Pagwa,
Ontario', it presently visiting
his family here.
Young people having March
birthdays include, Loretta
Thomson, one year old on Mar
ch 20; Nicole Lapensee, six on
the 20 th, also; her brother
Carl, five years on March 21st;
Linda Humphreys, ten on Wed
nesday, March 23; and Debbie
Fisoher, ten on March 20.
The Catholic Women’s Lea
gue will have a general meet
ing on Apnil 20 at the Com
munity Centre. There will be
a lecture on the Vanner Foun
dation, recently organized by
Mrs. George Vaniier, wife of the
Governor General of Canada.
All members and their friends
cordially invited.' to attend.
The Protestant Chapel Guild
will hold a meeting on the third
, Monday in April starting at
8:00 pm. in the Chapel Lounge.
Ladies of the Guild of RCAF
Centralia will be guests and
there will be a tour of the
School of Food Services for alii
members. Canvassing for the
Easter baskets will be on April
5 in Adastral Park.
Quick Canadian Quii
1. The present heir to the
throne was 'born in what
year ?
2. Which of the ten provinces
have more than a million
3. By rail what is the distance
from Halifax to Toronto',
from Winnipeg to Calgary?
4. What are the maximum, an
nual direct contributions to
the Old' Age Security pen
sion and the Canada Pension
5. Do' Canadians now pay more
or less to support the CBC
than in the former basis of
$2.50 annual license1 fee per
radio home?
ANSWERS: 5. The CBC now
costs an average of about <$25
per family annually. 3. Halifax-
Toronto. 1,081 miles, Winnipeg-
Calgairy 821 miles. 1. In 1948,
On Nov. 14. 4. Respectively, $120
and $158.40. 2. B.C., Alta., Ont,
Que. .
Retirement1 Pinner Held
Four RCAF Corporals Retire
The RCAF Clinton Corporals’
Club recently held a Mess Din
ner to honour four of their
members who are shortly to
retire from service with the
Canadian Forces.
The dinner was held at the
Airmen’s. Mess and about '200
personnel were in attendance
,to see Corporals Boyan, Deveau,
Haspeck and McClure receive
retirement gifts presented by
Wing Commander L, J. Lomas,
the Chief Admliniisitrative Offi
cer and by Squadron- Leader
M. E. Traxler, Officer in charge
of Training Management at the
Radar School. ’
Cpl, JL.-JS. Bevan
Corporal Leslie Sidney Bevan
served with the Royal New
Zealand Air Force 1941-45 and
for has wartime service he. was
awarded the 39-45 Star, De
fence Medal, War Medal, the
New Zealand War Service
Medal and' Ah- Gunners Badge.
In 1950 he came to Canada
and worked in Winnipeg before
joining the RCAF as a Carpen
ter in 1952. He has served at-
the Construction Maintenance
Unit at Calgary, 4 Fighter
Wing in Germany, at Saska
toon, In ’62 he came to1 Clinton
as a foreman in the Construc
tion Engineering Section before
moving to Station Workshops
as a supervisor structional
technician. Les lives with his
wife Catherine and Son Ashley
at Becker’s Trailer Court in
Clinton. Upon retirement he
plans to move to Western Can
Cpl. J. E. Deveau
Corporal Joseph Elie Deveau
who also served during the war
has been in the RCAF for 18
years and after retiring from
the Canadian Forces he will
continue to work at Station
Clinton as a cook 'in the Air
men’s Mess. •
. At the end of the war Cpl.
Deveau went back to his home
town Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
until 1953 When at the time of
the Korean conflict he re-enlist
ed in the RCAF as a cook.
Prior fo-his arrival at Clin
ton in 1960 he served overseas
■at Langar in England, and in
France and Germany. He is the
lather of three children, Lor
raine, Gary 'and Denise and'
with his wife Marion, resides
at RR 1, Nairn Drive, Gode-
' rich.
Cpl. G. R. Haspeck
Corporal George Romeo
“Bob” Haspeck has1 been in the
RCAF for 25 years and at Clin
ton he has worked in Central
Warehouse and the Officers'
Mess and was steward in charge
of the Students’ Lounge.
During the war, Bob served
in the Ottawa Area and afiter
the war he re-enlisted at Tren
ton, Ontario in 1946. He came
■to Clinton from Camp Borden
and has been at Clinton for six
years; ‘
He is father of seven child
ren: Christine aged 14, Denis
16, Nichol 12 and Renee 9 live
at home, 8 Regina Rd. in Mar
ried Quarters. His son Robert
is in Vancouver and daughters
Adele and Monique live in
Cpl. Haspeck’s wife Lucille
whites up the Adasitral Park
notes which appear each week
in the News-Record.
Cpl. Haspeck will move to
London where he will take up
civilian employment as chief
The average man who' Works
eight hours a day, works only
three days a year.
Sleeps 8 hours
■a day .................. 121 days
Recreation 8 hours
■a day .......... 121 days
Eats 3 hours a day .... 45 days
2 weelts Vacation .... 14 days
Sundlays .................. 52 days
Public holidays ......... 9 days
362 days
steward at a London Golf Club.
Cpl. L. McClure
Oplf Lloyd McClure plains to
return to1 his hometown Toron
to when he leaves the service
this month. At Clinton lie has
been employed as a clerk in thie
Radar and Conununicatiorx
School Orderly Room.
Cpl. JVEcdure attended school
at Danforth Technical School
in Toronto' and having obtained
Grade 12 he enlisted in the
RCAF in 1941. He served dur
Will Live in London
Corporal Romeo.Haspeck is presented with a
farewell gift by the Station Clinton Chief Admini
strative Officer, W/C L. Lomas, The occasion was
the retirement Mess Dinner held in honour of four
Corporals who are shortly to leave the service.
Retiring To Toronto
. S/L M. Traxler, the acting Officer Com
manding the Hadar School, presented Corporal
Lloyd McClure (right) with a farewell gift from
/the Club members. Having completed 17 years
service Cpl. McClure will return to his hometown
Staying on as Cook
Wing Commander L. Lomas the Chief Ad
ministrative Officer presented Corporal Elie Deveau
(right) with a retirement gift from the Club
members. Cpl. Deveau will continue to work at
Station Clinton as a cook in the Airmen’s Mess.
(RCAF Photos)
• issued in amounts from $100
upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years.
• earil the above indicated interest,
payable half-yearly by cheque.
• authorized investment for all
Canadian Insurance Companies
ahd trust funds.
ing the war as a Sergeant
Clerk until 1946 ait which time
he took up civilian employment
With the Drug Trading Co.
In Jyly ’52 he re-eiilisted in
the Air Force and since then
he *has been stationed at Tor
onto, London, Moisie, 438. Sqn
Montreal, Aylmer and Portage
La ,Rratoie.
In Toronto Lloyd' will reside
at 15 Herfle Avenue, the home
of his mother, Mrs. Violet Mc-