HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-03-17, Page 12Kin Peewees Playing Exhibitions
Prior To Young Canada Week
Clinton Kinsnten peewee all-
star hockey team have two. ex
hibition games and two tourna
ments to compete in prior to
their first game in Goderich's
Young Canada Hockey Week
tourney at Easter.
’ At 7 pm- tonight the Kin
team plays in Goderich and on
Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock
the Wingham peewees piny in
the Lions arena here.
The peewee all-stars are en
tered in the Stoneybrook Fee
wee Tournament at Treasure
Island Gardens in London on
Sunday, March. 20, They play
• Centurion Chassis with
power transformer,
• 14 tubes, 4 transistors
and 5 diodes.
Mbuntsfield. (London) at 4 p.m.
This' is not an elimination tour
ney, but is billed as an AOA
(Ability, Conduct, Appearance)
event. Each dub 'plays one
game and the team is given
points for ability, conduct and
appearance. *
The following weekend, Sat-
urday, March 26, Clinton pee
wees are entered in the tenth
.annual eight-team peewee tour
ney ait Mitchell. The IGn pee
wees play Mitchell at 10 a.m.,
With semifinals in the afternoon
and final games at night.
Young Canada Week
The exhibition and tourna
ment games all lead up to par
ticipation in Goderich ■ Lfons
Young Canada Hockey Week
during Easter holidays.
Clinton Kinsmen peewees are
in “Br
first game
4 p.m,
There are
series, The
•nearly 100 entries in the eight-
day affair. ' ..
series and' play the|ir
'against Elmira at
Monday, April 11,
19 entries an “B”
annual tourney has
Blackhawks At
Ontario Hospital
Music and dancing ' came to
the patients at Ontario Hospit
al, Goderlidh last' Saturday
night, owing to the generous
gift of time and talent of
“Jim’s Blackhawks”, * a local
group off dance musicians. ,
Member's of the band are
Ron Farquhar, Allan Bennett,
Goderich; Lou Godin, Bayfield;
Andy Orr, Hensail and Mrs,
Jack VanEgmond, Clinton.
Local Bantams
Beat Wingham
Tiie Clinton Fish and Game
Club bantam. hockey team d$r
feated Wingham in OMHA
playoffs last weekend and now
advance into semi-finals. Teams
in bantam “B” in Western Ont
ario include Strathroy, Aylmer
and Ridgetown.
Clinton defeated Wingham
5-4 m Wingham and tied 3-3
in- Clinton.
The same two teams start a
best three put of five series -for
the WOAA • champioiiship in
Wingham Saturday night. There
will be two games in Clinton
Lions arena next week.
-—,. ... ,x>—
Peewees Play
Area Teams
Clinton Kinsmen peewee
hockey teams are sltu.ll playing
inter league games and playing
other area teams.
On Friday, March 11, Rang
ers lost 5-2 to Adiastral Park
Whites and on March 12 Maple
Leafs beat Bruins 9-2.
On Friday, March 18, Bruins
play at the RCAF Arena at 6
p.m. and Rangers also play an
Adasitral Park team at 7 o’
A Bayfield team plays Maple
Leafs in Clinton Lions arena
on Saturday noon from 12:30
to 1:30.
The following Friday, March
25, the Maple Leafs and Bruins
play Adastral Park teams at
the RCAF arena at 6 and
r s J
YOUNG PEOPLE'S BIBLE in Black or White,
Knig James dr Revised ............. $2.25 & $2.75
WHITE BIBLES n King James Version. Various
Sizes .................. $3.25 to $7.50
RAINBOW BIBLES in King James or Revised
Version .......... $3.00 to $4.25
BLACK BIBLES in King James Version with
-. simulated and real leather binding, gold
edges and zippered or plain .... $2.50 to $19.00
$4.00 to $11.00
NEW ENGLISH BIBLE — New Testament $4;50
NEW TESTAMENT in Black, Blue, Pink,
White ...................m.................................... $1.65
J $3.75 to $13.50
’.UNITED CHURCH HYMNARY ... $1.19 to $12.00
BOOK OF PRAISE.... ........ $4.25 to $9.50
McEwan s
^-! ----- ............... - - - ---------n -....... ..........
Station Clinton
Sports Tourney
Station Clinton with
points won the overall compet
ition in Western Ontario Arm
ed Forces Sports1 Association
tournaments,- involving RCAF
Centralia with 52 and the Army
in toe Landon area, with 44.
Stars on toe Clinton team
were Aircraftman Muggles ton,
who' won all four of his singles
badminton matches ‘at last Sat
urday’s competition; F/L Dan
Driscoll who scored 584 out Of
600 to take first place, in rifle
'Shooting; Sgt. Sinker scored
■the winning basket for toe
basketball championship; vol
leyball team was undefeated
in four games.
Mrs. A. Shaddick
Wins IOOF Draw
Mrs./ Albert Shaddick won
$50 in the Clinton IOOF lodge
draw on Tuesday evening. The
other $50 collected on the sale
of tickets goes to toe lodge's
C P & T fund. This is tob last
of, three draws conducted by
the lodge this winter.
4-H Sheep Club
Huron County 4-H Sheep
Club ‘ will meet on Saturday
afternoon,- March" 19 at 2:30
p.m. in the'board room of the
agricultural office.
■'I -
y-y ,x .a
vI'K J
Warding Cwpets of Acrilan are too ‘Plush
for words, eAsk the cat who owns one,1
The pile is almost twice as thick as ordinary carpets.
It's the sign of true carpet luxury,
Drop in Soon and see these great carpets by Harding
Special prices now being offered on Harding Carpets, to
beat the increase in Ontario sales takg
Beattie Furniture Ltd.
482-9521Albert Street CLINTON
E, B, Robinson
Phys. Ed. Student Visiting Clinton
Barrie Burris, Toronto, (centre), 19 year old
student in the ,two year cliploma recreation course
at the University of Guelph, is spending two weeks
with the physical education anti recreation staff at
HCAF Station Clinton. He is shown here with Cpl,
Ed Faulkner, left, and FS Gord Wade, right, NCO
in charge of physical training. Mr. Burns attended
a -meeting of the town of Clinton Recreation Com
mittee in the council chamber Tuesday evening.
CBCW Photo)
(Continued from Page One)
the vote was held.)
* Mr. Allan noted that an
increase, of $2,000,000 on toe
year’s crop would have meant
$2 per bag on every bag pro
duced, even on those sold early
in toe year before toe price
went up.
■* The minister says we did
not set our floor price high
enough. But if we1 had set it
higher, US beans could have
come in, and our own produc
ers would have had’ to' pay to
export them as well as their
* The , minister said “while
in toe past ten years Canada
has raised its exports of White
beans to* Britain by 7 percent
toe US has raised its exports ■
to' Britain by 56 percent.” Mr.
Stewart gave no specific fig
Mr. Allan ___
1955 Canada shipped 61,000
bags to Britain, and in 1965,
shipped 543,000 bags. “That’s
quite a bit more than seven
percent,” said he. ,
“This ife one of a series
of mistakes the minister
makes,” went on Mr. Allan,
“and repeats them to make us
look bad. We believe the whole
takeover was a mistake, but
now the minister wants to
make up reasons to fit his
actions. Each tone he explains
he adds something more.”
* Mr. Allan explained that
toe tabling motion, was merely i
because there had been several,
amendments both ways, to toe
11 points set down by the gov
ernment for toe board to. fol
low. With a new board soon to
be elected, he said, we decided
to table toe last one, and
toe new board deal with
As late as. December
1965, Mr. Arbuckle said . _
were progressing well. Now he'
says he’s never gone over toe
paints with us. That is why
we have not trust in toe FP-
MB. Mr. Arbuckle checked
plans with 11 men in our office,
and then said he had1 never
seen the plans.
* If toe takeover had been
delayed for two weeks, we
would have completed all toe
11 paints. The FPMB never
asked \us how much we had
completed. They threw our
board out, rather than tele
phone us and ask what was
meant by the tabling motion, •
Questioned later on lack of
communications between toe
bean board and the FPMB and
the government, Mr. Allan
was supported1 by other mem
bers of toe board, in his state
ment, “They don’t even know
we exist.”
Nine members of toe old
bean board attended an infor
mation meeting in Toronto
called by the minister for all
marketing board directors.
stated that in
and others qs they
They shook hands, with
entered. They sat near the
front of the room. In his ad
dress, toe board members re
called, the minister noted that
“one member of the bean board
was present”, and later a news
story stated that the minister
“welcomed members of the bean
board. “It’s funny,” said one of
the board members, “he shook
hands with us all, he knows
us all, but he only saw one of
us in the room.”
What are you going to do?
queried newsmen.
What can we do? was the
answer. We have no money.
We have no authority. Where
could we hire a lawyer to fight'
the government? Under the law,
the government had the autih-
mentority to take over the
board. They have done this, and
we have no right of appeal.
Who owns the company?
When they turn the company
back, to whom will they turn
it back, and who owns it then?
The bean board had no answer.
They understood the govern
ment had hired' legal help to
devise ways of turning back
the company to growers, some
LU wood Beaumont Robinson,
Well known hockey and base
ball player died in. St, Joseph’s
Hospital, Hamilton, on Satur
day, March 5 at the age of 61.
Bom in Goderich, he was toe
son of Captain C. E. Robinson
arid Marguerite Heife. He. was
a resident of Bayfield at toe
time of his death. A machinist
and ship keeper by occupation,
he is survived by his wife the
former Myrtle Bell.
He was a member of Knox
Presbyterian ’ Church, Strat
ford, and was a boyhood pal
pf the minister, The Rev. Wil
liam Weir who. was born in.
Surviving family include two
slops, James W. and Murray Q.
(Bud), Bayfield; two daugh
ters, Mrs. Donald (Shirley) Mc
Leod, Stoney Creek and Mrs,
James (Harreline) Atkinson,
Stratford; hte mother Mrs.
(Qapt) C. E. Robinson, ’Gode
rich; two brothers, Captain
Charles E. Robinson and Capt
ain William H. Robips'on, Gode
rich; three sisters, Mrs. Charles
Fulford, Mrs, Robert Stodd'art,
Goderich 'and Mrs. Arthur Bate
man, London and eight grand
Rev. W. Weir conducted the
funeral service at tire Lodge
funeral home on March 8, In
terment followed in Bayfield
Pallbearers were: Bud Rob
inson, William Robinson, Jr.,
Ted Fulford, Kent Thorbum,
- ■ “ Bate-
Dashwood Girl
Wins At Speaking
A Dashwood girl, Mary Lynn
Dietrich, of Pur Lady of Mount
Caramel .Separate School, was
the overall Winner, March 10,
of the Huron County elemen
tary school public speaking
The contest, held at Clinton
Public School, was sponsored
by the Ontario School Trus
tees and Ratepayers’ Associa
Jennifer Henderson, Wing-
ham Public School', and Linda
Wilson, Brussels Public School,
were runners-up,
Miss Dietrich wihl compete
in the zone finals at Breslau
March 29. The zone includes
the teoimties of Huron, Water
loo, Wellington and Perth.
James Kinfceiad, of’Goderich,
was chairman of the event
which 14 pupils' competed.
Brian Bateman and! Ian
Phone 262-5180
4-H Project
The first meeting af toe 4-H
Homemakers on the project
"Accent on Accessories", was
held lat toe home of leader Mrs.
Ken McLean. Asislstant
is Mrs. Jean McGregor.
Officers elected are:
dent, Patricia Harris;
(Continued from page one)
face and town hall entrance
floors cleaned, and would like
to see police cells cleaned and
deodorized’. He also requested
that council chambers doors be
A motion was passed to have
D. A. Kay and Sori, stand, fill
and refinish the council cham
ber floor at a contract price oif
Deputy Reeve Wonch inform-,
ed' council of the rec committee
handling of the senior citizens
room in the public library. ' i
Councillor Cam Proctor re
quested the press to remind
businessmen that they cannot
sweep litter out onto a street.
This rule is contained' in the
garbage collection by-law as
published in the February 3
issue of this paper. When the
streets are swept and clean
ed up, this pant of the by-law
.should be. enforced, said Coun
cillor Proctor.
Council authorized that day
light saving time start at 2 am.
on Sunday, April 24 and cease
at 2 a.m. on Sunday, October
Town Clerk John Livermore
will attend the Ontario clerk
treasurer’s convention in Bar
rie tomorrow (Friday, March
18). The clerk would like to
join this group; he says there
is much good information to be
gained through lit.
president, Donna Stoll; pianist,
Barbara Gemmell; secretary,
Jianipe Eyre; press reporter,
Donna Whitehouse; telephone
and lunch committee, Gwen
McLean, 'Lois Jackson.
The girls decided to have a
“floating” secretary. Achieve
ment- day" is to be on May 14.
Notes were given on finished
look, wardrobe planning and
accessories to compliment your
The next meeting will be at
of Mrs. McGregor ai
Match 15.
McLean, who has
Heads 4-H
A Go-Go Accent
The first meeting of the
Clinton 4-H Homemaking Club,
“The 'Go-Go Accent”, was held
•at Mrs. Bill Holland’s home,
RR 4, Clinton on Tuesday,
March 15. Officers elected:
president, Hazel Collins; vice-
president, Duane Pickard; x>ress
reporter, Dorothy Co'llins.
A hat and a scarf will be
made for a project of “Accent
on Accessories”. The next meet
ing will be held at the home of
Mrs. Keith Tyndall on March
22 at 7 p,m, Thirteen members
and two leaders were present.
$250,000 To Home
Central Mortgage and Hous
ing Corporation has announced
it will start payments' immedi
ately on a $250,000 loan toward
toe Blue Water Rest Home at
Officials guidling toe home’s
financial arrangements had ex
pected $350,000.
The loan announcement was
made' in Ottawa by Robert Mc
Kinley (PC-Huron).
Tuckersmith UCW
Meets At New
Walters Home
The March meeting of Tuck^
ersmith for F^ie^dly Unit) of
toe United Chui'ch Women, met
at the new home of Mrs, B.
Walters with an attendance of
15, and four guests from Sea
'Miss M. Swan opened the1
meeting. Mrs. D. Stuart (in toe
absence of Mrs. Ross Scott)
spoke op “different mfssionar--
ies”. Miss Swan spoke on
“Brazil”, Roll call was answer*
ed’ by naming a .missionary,
Mrs. John Broadfoot took
the chair for toe business ses
sion. Mrs. Elgin Thompson gave
toe treasurer’s report, Mrs.
Norias Sillery received toe of
fering. Thank you notes were
read from Mrs. Ham, toe Wal
ters Family, R. Dallas and
Mrs. Stackhouse.
An invitation was received
from Egmondville UCW to at
tend their Easter toankoffer-
ing on April 6, The ladies also
were reminded of toe meetings in Wesley-Willis church, dim-
ton on March 22 and in W’ing-
-ham on March 29.
. On Tuesday, March 15, a
quilt was to bet quilted at the
■home of Mrs. N. Sillery.
Unit members were asked to
donate one cent a meal during
Lent, and hand tods m at the
April 12 meeting at the home
of Mrs. E. Thompson.
Mrs. Mac Wilson contributed
a most Interesting. St. Patrick’s
reading. Mrs. Stuart was sur
prised by a gift basket brought
in by Mbs. Henderson and Mrs.
Berry containing home-made
pickles, jams and jellies. Mrs.
Stuart thanked everyone for
being so kind to her and her
husband since they arrived at
toe Brucefield manse.
After a closing poem by Mrs,
Broadifoot, a delicious lunch
was served by toe hostess and
the lunch committee.
A mileage equivalent to a
trip seven times around the
world is- flown by Ontario Hy
dro’s fleet of 10 helicopters
each year. They save toe com
mission more than $1 million
the home
8 pm. on
been a patient in Victoria Hos
pital, London, returned to his
home last week.
All Repairs and Engravings Done In Our
Most Up To Date Repair Department
Clinton — Phone 482-9525
RATE: Four cents a word;
Minimum 75 cents
Thursday, March 17—BINGO
at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg
ular games for $5.00. 2 share-
the-wealth games. 1 special I game for $25.00, the first letter
"L” and first letter “T” applies
on this game for $2.00 each. 3
share-the-wealth games, jack-
. pot applies on those 3 games
. $58.00 in 58 numbers. 2 door
prizes for $2.00 each. Admission
50c; extra cards 25c or 6 for
' $1.00. tfb
Friday, March 18—EUCHRE
and Dance, Orange Hall, Clin
ton. Auspices LOL 710, cards.
8:30 p.m. lunch' and dance to
follow. Admission 75c. llx
Friday, March 18—EUCHRE
Party, Bayfield Lodge Hall, 8
p.m., prizes and lunch. Every
one welcome. Admission 50c.
Sponsors: Bayfield LOL 24. lib
Friday, March 18—EUCHRE
and Dance, Summerhffl Hall, 9 p.m, Dale’s • Ordiestra, Ladies
please bring lunch. Sponsors:
Ladies Club. lib
. Friday, March 18 — St. Pat
rick's Euchre, Varna Hall, 8:30
p.m. Special music. Ladies
please bring sandwiches. Spon
sors LOL. Admission 50c. lip
I Friday, March 18 — DRAMA
I Festival, Seaforth District High
School, 8 p.m. 2 1-act plays,
other entertainment. Auspices
Huron Counity Jr. Farmers.
10b, llx
Tuesday, March 22 —BINGO
at Huron Fish and Game Club.
Jackpot $55.00 in 55 numbers.
Six door prizes. 8:30 p.m.
Thurs., March 24 — CARD
Party, IOOF Lodge Hall, Prin
cess St.; 8:30 p.m, Lunch and
prizes. Sponsors: IOOF. llib
Thurs., Marth. 24—EUCHRE
patty, IOOF Hall, Brucefield,
8:30 p.m. $50 draw, lunch pro
vided. Sponsors:. Brucefield
Lodge. 11b
Friday, March 25—SPRING
Dance, Constance, Ian Wilbde’s
mtehefetra, dancing 10-1, admis
sion 75c, lunch counter, spon
sors Ladies Court, COF L1842,
proceeds to Cancer Fund, lib
Saturday; April 2 — GIANT
Rummage Sale At St. Andrew’s
Presbyterian. Church, 1 p.m.,
good Used clofhihg, miscellan
eous articles. Auspices Made
leine Lane Auxiliary, ll-13ib
Saturday, April 16 —« Watch
for ariother annouricerirenit of
the Horrid Baking and Nearly
New .Sale, Wesley-Willis UC
basement Starlite Unfit UCW.
Reserve—Wed., April 20
Sacrifice, sale by auction, St.
Paul’s Parish Hall, auspices
Indies’ Guild, 2 p.m. Donations
of. china, furniture^, antiques,
silver or linen, in saleable con
dition, 'will be gratef ul,ly accept
ed by members. 6b, 9b
Earn good dividends—5% last year
Life Insurance at no extra cost
Can be used as security for a loan
See Your
Clinton Community Credit
Union Limited
• f