HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-03-17, Page 2Page 2r-rC|inton News-Re<;ord-~Thurs., March 17, 1966 Warden Haney Heads Co-op At Seaforth Seia'Warden Haney, RR 4, foiTtht, was elected president of the Seaforth Farmers' Co-op­ erative at the 24th annual v, meeting. Other officers: past-presi­ dent, Gordon Elliott, RR 5, Seaforth; vice-president, Lloyd Stewart, RR 1,' Clinton; secre­ tary, Donald Dodds, RR 2, Sea­ forth; directors, Stephen Mur- ray, RR 2, Walton; John Old­ field, RR 4, Seaforth; Wilfred Coleman, RR 4, Seaforth; Robert E. McMillan, RR 2, Seaforth. Adastral Park Social Notes Plan Bazaar Tile Clintonian Club Ontario Street UCW Presents Two Life Memberships At Meeting Wedding Pictures JERVIS STUDIO AUTO MECHANIC OR ADVANCED APPRENTICE WANTED Steady Employment Better Than Usual Benefits Apply STAN PREVETT, FORD DEALER Goderich Or Phone 524-7308 lib 'A. How to turn your small change into a small fortune Do you realize that, in your lifetime, you will pro­ bably earn more than $250,000? Hovy much of your earnings fortune will you keep? Why not squirrel away just a dollar a day in an Investors Savings Certificate.. In ten, fifteen or twenty years you can accomplish financially what .very few people ever do in a lifetime. At the same time, you can enjoy the benefits of an ever-increasing reserve. Just write or call: Editor: ANHE AILEHQN Cpl. and Mrs, George Geyer- ing are spending a, few weeks in Egmondville before flying ip Metz, France, early in April. LAC and Mrs. William Jobn- sop. and their children have moved to Winnipeg, Man. Mijss Clara Bedard, Goderich, wfas a guest of Qaralie who celebrated her 14th day ovpr the weekend, Others having March days were Diane Suibton and Christine Ebel, Nicole and Mike Paquette; Ottawa, were visiting friends here this week, , Mrs. Gilles Poire is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, Congratulations to, Cpl. and Mrs, J. L. Marquis on the birth of a son, Richard Francois, at Clinton Public Hospital, March 6. W. J. Lawson, Victoria, B.C., is presently visiting with hlils daughter and son-in-law, Flight Lieut, and' Mrs. Daniel Dri'scoll. F, Sgt. and Mrs, Earl Giles have returned from a short holiday in Ottawa. Best wishes to Flying Officer and Mrs. Eric Bolling on the birth of a daughter, March 13, at Victoria Hospital, London. Ladies' Curling League The official termination of " Wade birth- birth- Phone 482-7349 the ladies curling at the station rink for this season was in the form of a bonspiel open to all the ladies, The Were tossed lat 9 urday, March 12, ice sheets used. Competition was Keen the victorious ■ teams were as follows; the rink skipped by Marg Bush, with 3rd Jackie McLean, 2nd Sally Dow, lead Muriel Burbridge, won the Ack astral Park Trophy and this Was presented to them by Mrs, Gerald Smith, wife of the May­ or of this community. The Corrie Trophy Was pre­ sented to the winning team, of Skip Jean McFarlane, 3rd Chris Thomson, 2nd Lillian Watkins', and lead Rita La Pointe, by Mrs. Kefth Greenaway, All other prizes were presented by Mrs. Greenaway to, No. 2 game high, skip Suzanne. Tremblay, 3rd Rose Currie, 2nd Louiise Mullaney, lead Vivian Smith; No. 1 game high went to, skip Jeaxt McFarlane, 3rd Chris Thomson, 2nd Doiris Beggs and lead Jean McKenzie. Consola­ tion was awarded to skip Dor­ een Wade, 3rd Marg Simmondls, 2nd Win Naven and lead Marie Rocheleau. A hearty supper was served at the conclusion of the day. first stones a.m. on with all Sat- four and! Ttye Clintonian Qlub held them March meeting on Wecl- nesday afternoon, March 10, at the home of Mi's. T. O’Connell. Roll call was answered by 22 members. Work committee reported1 several aprons made and a quilt for one of the members was completed and on .display. More print was given out to -be made up for the bazaar later on, ’ A dutch auction on an angel cake realized a nice profit. Mrs. Venner offered her home for the next meeting when the pro­ gram is being planned by Mi’s. O’Connell and Mrs, McDonald. Lynch was served by Mrs. Glazier’s . group. ------- ------o—---------- 4-H Gilt Sale In Clinton Barn G, W. G. "Bill” CAMPBELL P.O, Box 659 SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 527-0452 SYNDICATE LIMITED -Or mail this coupon--------------------—— Without obligation, please send me more information^ NAME ADDRESS ( CITY/TOWN-------------------------- --------------PROV... »■. ------------------- -------- ------ ---------------------------- ■.......... .................... .. ...............- SPECIALS NOW WRECKING 1965 1965 1962 1961 1961 OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC PONTIAC CHEV. OLDSMOBILE F85 MANY OTHERS Specials: 2 1961 1961 1959 VOLKSWAGEN CONSOLE OLDS., CHEVS,, PONTIACS, DODGES TO CHOOSE FROM 283 Chev. Motors, stick shift Used Tires — All Sizes Spring Clearance on 650, 700, 750x16 Also 900x20 lug tines, 10 ply Army Surplus Heavy Duty Tires. Wanted — Cars for Wrecking Highest Cash Prices Paid CLERE-VU AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, CLINTON PHONE 482-3211 ll-2b BELL GOUINLOCK & Co. Ltd. OFFERS I "S ■/ ■s Town Of Clinton Bearing 6% Interest x < i Huron County 4-H Swine Club members will be auction­ ing one of their purebred gilts at a sale to be held at the Clinton Fair Grounds barn in ■Clinton on Saturday, March 26 commencing at 1 pm. There will be 34 lots including La­ combe, Landrace, and York­ shires. Many of the -lots consigned are rich in Record of Perfor­ mance (R.O.P.) ''blood lines” and every individual can be considered worthy of purchase by a breeder for the general improvement of his swine herd. All consignments will be guar­ anteed as breeders by the 4-H members. These gilts have ’ been bred to top ranking premium boars, Catalogues may be obtained from Filson and Robson, auc­ tioneers, or the Ontario De­ partment of Agriculture, Clin­ ton. The Clinton Junior Farmers will have a lunch counter on the grounds for the conveni­ ence of those in attendance. -----------o---- ------- A general meeting of Ontario Street Wanted, Church Women held on. March 9 in the c&preji parlour was convened by presi­ dent Mrs. George Potter. De­ votions were led by Unit '3. Two piano duets were play- ed by Mrs. Radford arid Miss Elva Wiltse. Several thank you nates were read. , Life membership certificates and pins were presented to Mirs. Carman McPherson and Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, former presi- dents of the UCW. ' A St. Patrick’s Day reading was given by Mrs, A. Groves. After dosing prayer, lunch was served by Unit 4. Unit; Three Pot luick supper served by Mirs. Elmer Trick and her group was enjoyed by Unit 3 on Mar­ ch 14. Worship was presented by Mirs, Alvin Loibb, .assisted by Mrs. Art Aiken, Mrs. Elmer Dale and Mrs, Gordon Mathe­ son. Mrs. Carman McPherson in­ troduced . the special speaker, Miss Margaret Keogh, public health nurse from Wingham, who showed colour slides with an 'interesting and thought-pro­ voking commentary on the Is­ land of Dominica, in the West Indies, where she Worked for considerable time. The • ladies- asked many questions, and' thanks were offered by Mrs, Norman Trewartha, who pre­ sented cut spring' flowers .on behalf of the unit, Mrs. Donna Tyndall, assist­ ant leader, conducted the bus­ iness session. Rev. G. Mills closed the meeting with pray- bT, RED CROSS ■ IS ALWAYS THERE |M|| WITH YOUR HELP ■ Phone 482-7006 ■P"! “ ™!O"! L "JU'IL.., I. JI Can You Buy New Wark Boots for Men at $4.25 They can be repaired and look like new for $4.25 at RAY’S SHOE REPAIR Next to Red & White Store CENTURY FARM MARKERS TOWNSHIP HULLETT The Ontario Junior Farmers are participating a Centennial Project which is '"Century Farmin Mqrkers"". Any persons wishing to take advantage of this project in Hullett Township will please send their name to the Municipal Clerk not later than Satur­ day, March 19, 1966. The farm must be in the name of the present owner for at least 100 years and must'be lived on at the present time by the owner or his hired man. This means that pasture farms or woodlots will not be accepted. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk-Treasurer, RR 1, LONDESBORO, Ontario *> Mary L. Forbes Heads 4-H Homemakers Mary Lynn Forbes was elect­ ed president of Clinton 4-H hamemaking club. O.ther offi­ cers are: vice-preislident, Wendy Bird; press reporter, Margaret Stewart; telephone girls, Mary Lynn Forbes and Elizabeth Thompson. Mrs. Norman Tyn­ dall and Mrs. Robin Thompson are the leaders for the pro­ ject “Accent on Accessories”. NEED GET TOP VALUE BUY J-M Jones, MacNaughton Seeds have provided residents to Wes­ tern Ontario with reliable and dependable results for years and years. Long experience with the soil types and climate pe­ culiar to this area, has made the Jones, MacNaughton experts completely familiar with the strains that are best suited to these conditions. You can be sure of success­ ful results from all Jones, Mac­ Naughton farm seeds, true to variety and high in germination. They know your needs and ful­ fill them exactly! And Jones, MacNaughton have always enjoyed the reputation of offering full value—the best quality seeds at fait, low prices. Always demand seeds from Jon­ es, MacNaughton—Western On­ tario’s leading seed specialists. From your local dealer Services for Dr. Sophie man, aged 61, were held Thursday, Match 10, at Kurat- ko Funeral Home, Des Plains Avenue, Riverside, Chicago with burial in Chapel Hill Gar­ dens West-. Dt. Sloman of 817 S. Clinton Avenue, Oak Park, died Mon­ day in West Suburban Hospital'. She had not practised for ■ the last 14 months after suffering a heart attack. She was found­ er and Medical Director of the Mental Health Clinic Grange. Native of Kankakee, Dr. man received her Medical grees from the University of Illinois, She spent ten years in .pediatrics in Boston before she and her husband, Bert, moved to Chicago. She was once superintendent of the Illinois' Institute for Juvenile Research and contrib­ utor ’ to many scientific and medical journals. Surviving in addition to her husband', are a son, Werner, Columbus', Ohio; a daughter, Audrey Smith, Chicago; a bro­ ther, Theodore Schroeder, and three sisters, Mrs. Emma Stahmer, Mrs. Selma Meadows and Mrs. Meta Wooden. -----------o----------- La- Drama Contests At Seaforth The Huron County Junior Farmers are holding their 11th County Drama. Festival on Fri­ day, March 18 at the Seaforth District High School at 8 o’­ clock sharp. There will be two, one 'act* plays presented, along with some other entertainment. Competing in the drama festi­ val are the Seaforth and din­ ton Junior Farmers. . The Seaforth Junior Farmers and Junior Institute will pre­ sent a drama, "The Bracelet of Doom”. The Clinton Junior Farmers and Junior Institute will present a comedy, "This Way to Heaven”. Drama awards and debating awards will be presented. Tickets may be available at the door or from any Junior Farmer member. --------------------------------------- i z- TIRE SALE I ' THIS WEEK"S SPECIAL 775-14 Full 4 Ply Blackwall Only REG. PRICE $31.85 While They Last - $19.95 BUY NOW! C,-..*^m»-TIRE8AUT0 jcruton s service ALIGNMENT - WHEEL BALANCE - TUNE UP PASSENGER, TRUCK & FARM TIRE SERVICE Phone 482-7681 238 Albeit St. RETAIL and WHOLESALE BEAT THE TAX BEAT THE TAX! / TIRE SALE 40% DISCOUNT ALL SIZES FIRST LINE GOODYEAR - FIRESTONE - DOMINION AT SEAFORTH MOTORS Buy Now — Install Later “S HOUSE OF BARGAINS Ltd. CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 482-7735 "THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE" ✓ or Jones MacNaughton Seeds EXETER CREDltON Ph. 235-0363 Ph. 234-6363 /• Come In Ladies" Cat Coats, Ladies" Skirts, MerYsSuch As I____ _____ ___ __________ _____, ____ Pullovers, Men's Shirts and Many Many Other Items. JONES MacNAUGHTON Sold In Clinton FEED MILL 35 MARY STREET PHONfe 482-9792 V, ALSO CHECK OUR 'h price Items Check Our New Stock of Clothing For The Entire Family. BRING YOUR BABY BONUS AND WE WILL CASH THEM COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND, NO OBLIGATION