HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-03-10, Page 10Page lOr—Clinton News-Record—Thurs.y March 10,1966 Kin Minor Hockey Action Continues; Ponies To Play In London Tourney The Clinton Ponies (peewee hockey team) have been invited to- play in a peewee tourna­ ment at Treasure Island Gard­ ens in London on March 20 at 4 pan. with Mountsfield as the opposition. This is a different type of tournament called ACA and, 'is judged* on a points system with, only 15 points given for winning. Points are also award­ ed for ability, conduct and ap­ pearance. All interested people who are planning Ito attend this game are asked to call Bert Clifford at 482-9772 for their tickets. The Ponies defeated RCAF Clinton Bantams in an exhibi­ tion by a 3-2 score. As part of the entertainment at Clinton Lions skating carnival this Fri­ day the Ponies will play an ex- " hibition game with Seaforth at 7:30 p.m. and on Saturday mor­ ning at 10 o’clock they meet Wingham. The Ponies will prac­ tice next Monday night at 6 p.m. and again Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. to prepare for the tournament, ’''Squirts. The Bruins will play the RC­ AF Squirts at the RCAF arena and there will b© regular prac­ tice from 9-10 on Saturday. Wee Wee The Wee Wees wind up the season on Saturday morning from 11 to 12 o’clock and! all parents ’are requested to have their boy out for this final prac­ tice. Bayfield News Mr. ancl Mrs, E. W. Erickson have leased the BP gas station and restaurant, Highway t 21, and will open for business on May 1. ... ■ ...............- ■ ........... 1 Pee Wees 1 Town Pee Wee League action continues with teams from Clin­ ton, Bayfield and RCAF Clin­ ton competing. On Friday the Rangers- play the RCAF Greens at the station arena, leaving Clinton arena at 5:30 p.m. At 7:00 p.m- on Friday the Bay­ field team visits, the station arena for a game with the RC­ AF Whites. At Clinton Lions Arena on Saturday at 12:30 the Maple Leafs will play the Bruins. Within Your Income If You Want To Live SHY AWAY FROM "EASY" PAYMENT PLANS STAY AWAY FROM REVOLVING CREDIT AND CHARGE ACCOUNT PURCHASES DON'T BE AN IMPULSE BUYER BEFORE MAKING ANY MAJOR PURCHASE, V /■ V PORTABLE TV by ELECTROHOME COMET GALAXY All have Centurion Chassis with power transformer. Both Comet and Galaxy have 14 tubes, 4 transistors and 5 diodes. Clinton Bantams Advance To WOAA Finals Clinton Fish and Game Club Bantam Ixp<?k^y team has ad­ vanced to the .finals in WOAA Bantam “B” hockey. The local, team will meet Wingham in* a three out of five game series for the championship. The series will begin within the next 'wefk, but no dates were announced prior to press time, To 'earn the right to enter the finials, the Clinton Bantams downed Mitchell two games to none in a semi-final series. Last Siaturdlay evening fin Clinton Lions Arena the local Bantams trounced Mitehell 5-1. The Clin­ ton squad defeated Mitchell in the return game by a one-sided 6-12 score in Mitchell on Mon­ day night. Wingham Bantams are the opposition in OMHA action and Clinton manager Don Jefferson reports that this series will be a home and home goals to counit affair and could possibly be combined with the- WOAA. championship series. TwoCHSS Teams Lose In WOSSA Central Huron Secondary School* Clinton, basketball teams didn’t last long in. WO- SS’A competition last weekend. . The CHSS seniors who won the Huron-Perth- conference title the previous weekend lost 72-54 to London Central in the first round bn Friday evening in Siamia. Londbn Central went on to win the championship. Clinton scorers were: Clare Magee 17, Brad Dutot 13, Rolfe Cooke 6, John Irwin 6, Shaiddliick 4, Fred Jewson 4, Bryan Lavis 2, Larry Pickett 2. The second place Huron- Perth senior team, Goderich went out in the first round 80- 48 to Sarnia Collegiate who were defeated by London Cen­ tral in the finals. Clinton juniors., who lost the Huron-Perth final to Listoiwel here on February 26, were also defeated in their first game in WOSSA, bowing to St. Thomas- Collegiate 49-30. Listowel also- was eliminated in their only game, taking a 62-21 trouncing from London Central juniors. Jeff Shaddick fed Clinton’ With 14 points. Other scores were Jerry Lobb 5, Nick Pop- penk 4, Jim McConnell 3, Hoy and Macaulay two each. -London Central also won the junior title. All Models Available in U.H.F. COMET $209.00 GALAXY $239.50 GALBRAITH RADIO and TV YOUR SERVICE DEALER For Stamp Ambassador Stamp Album ...........$5.95 Canada Stamp Alburn .......... $7;25 Jarrett Stamp Album ...................$4.25 Premier Stamp Album ...................$4.75 Majestic Stamp Album .................$1.35 Stamp Book Supplements .. 10c to $5.75 Stamps in packages .... 35c - 50c - $1.00 - $2.00 88 Flags of the World... 25c Coin Folders — for all coins da+ed or general ................ 55c to $4.95 Coin Catalogues ......... 50c to $5.50 Mint Set Coin Holders .......... 35c & 49c Coin Tubes ......... 2 for 49c Magnifying Glass ........ 39c & $1.50 McEwan’s z . Hl Station Clinton Volleyball Team Wins RCAF Zone 3 Championship During the weelcend of March 4-6 the RCAF Zone 3 Volleyball finals were held at Station ClixL- ton physical Training Centre, Five " teams from stations Pownsv-ibW, Centralia, Foy- mount, Clinton and Staff Col­ lege, Toronto, played in the competition. Bach team played nine matches and in winning eight Of their matches, the RCAF Clinton team took first place to become champions, Centralia were second and Staff College third. Sgt, Pinky Moody, an instruc­ tor at SFS is team manager and members include FS Gord Wade, Sgt, Al Blondell, LAC Chico Bulmer and Jack McDon­ ald all of 'the physical training staff. Other members are Cpl. Ray Barr, an 'instructor at the A ClintOT Wins Zone Volleyball Title An RCAF Clinton volleyball team won the Zone 3 Volleyball championship played on Mai’ch 4-6 wekend at the Physical Training Centre here. Members of the team are (left to right), standing, LAC J. McDonald, AC T. Agrey, Sgt. Blondell and Cpl. R. Barr; (front), LAC -S. R. Bulmer, FS Gord Wade and Cpl. F. W. A. Parsons. (RCAF' Photo) Clinton Legion Team Wins Zone Bowling Ch ampionship Hl suc- dtnton For the third year cession a team from Legion branch won the zone Cl fivenphi bowling title. Of the 13 . branches in the zone, nine branches were repre­ sented by the 12 teams which competed’ at three Clinton bowling alleys on Sunday after­ noon. The four lanes at Clinton RCAF Station .recreation Rec Committee Calls Tenders For Seniors Room Requested By Federation Men . (Continued from Page One) ed for .the Huron Central Agri­ cultural- Society. Reporting in connection with the search for farms which had been- in a particular family for 100 years, council was told as far as -it was known, there were 15 such farms in Tuckersmith and 136 fin the county. The Department of Highways approved a total road expendi­ ture of $63,484. Council took note of a course designed for assessors so that they could be­ come fully licensed. There are three assessors in Huron in this category. Delay in completing the plans for .the Broadfoot drain led to instructions being given Clerk J. I. McIntosh to. advise the en­ gineer that it was imperative that the report be received by the next meeting of council. iCouncil reappointed Charles Eyre as weed inspector. Dis­ cussion revealed Tuckersmiith wias probably the only township in the county in which a Weed inspector was appointed. In other townships the county in­ spector, ’who is located in Tuck­ ersmith, carries' .out the respon­ sibility. In deciding to make the ap­ pointment councillors recalled on previous occasions when the matter had been investigat­ ed, it had' been found the rela­ tively small cost involved was justified as a result of a clean-, up carried' out in EgmondviHe, Harpurhey and in school yards. At a meeting of Clinton Rec­ reation Committee Tuesday ev­ ening, a committee was formed to proceed with the renovation of the roam in Clinton Public Library basement as a senior citizens meeiting place. The committee of Hee Kings- well, chairman'; Gordon Lawson, rec committee* representative1 and Deputy Reeve George Wonch, town council represen­ tative, have called for tenders for renovation of the room. An advertisement appears on page four of this issue. Aidan E. Spiller, Hanover, of the Community Programs Div­ ision of the Ontario Department' of 'Education-, a guest at .the rec meeting, advised the group to submit plans; tentative cost and source of fundis to the De­ partment of Health and Wel­ fare for approval, before start­ ing to renovate. “If monies come; from the municipal purse, either direct from council or rec committee, you should have no trouble get­ ting the full percentage of grants,” said Mi*. Spiller. Mr. Spiller answered many questions for the rec committee members; • Chairman J. Douglas Thorn­ dike chaired the meeting which viewed films shown by Mr. Spiller on varibus aspects of community recreation and director work. - ------:----o----------- Holmesville And Goderich Teams In Rural Finals Holmesville and Goderich will meet in the finial playoff series to' determine the winners of the Rural Hockey League with the first game scheduled for next Tuesday evening. Goderich de­ feated Brucefietd bVo games to none in a semi-final series, and Holmesville, defeatedClinton two games to one to advance to. the finals. centre, two lanes at Bill Ger­ man’s Isaac Street alleys and two lanes at Joe Daer’s; Victor­ ia Street .alleys were utilized. The Clinton team was cap­ tained by Harold McPherson and included Len Arnston, Cliff Sundercook, Alex Riley, Bill Coffiel and Jim Armstrong. Individual scores of the siix- man Clinton team are as1 fol­ lows: Jim Armstrong, 269, 234, 211, 243, 224 for a five game total of 1181; Cliff Sundercook, 230, 172, 192, 240, 293 for a total of 1127; Len Arnston-, 249, 172, 238, 197, 206, total 1062; Bill Coffiel! 196, 236, 248, 190, 172, total 1042; Harold McPherson, 188, 248, 197, 161, 149, total 943; Alex Riley, 189, 168, 137, 178, 147, total 819. Game totals' for Clinton were: 1133, 1062, 1086, 1048, 1044 for a total plinfall of 5373 in the five games. Clinton's opponent in the tourney was the Kincardine Legion which bowled 4662. To arrive at the game totals, only the five top scores counted. Team Standings Clinton ................. 5373 Goderich “A” .... 5236 Seaforth “2” ....... 5054 Seaforth “1” ....... 4985 Wingham ............ 4983 Exeter “2” ........ 4807 ■ Exeter “1” .......... 4791 are rec NEW SPRING JEWELLERY NOW ON DISPLAY AT ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton — Phone 482-9525 Radar School, AC Tom Agrey, a trainee, and Cpl. Fred Rar- sops, on staff at Construction- Engineering Section. COMING EVENTS RATE: Four cents a word; Minimum 75 cents Thursday, March 10—BINGO’ at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg­ ular games for $5.00. 2 share- the-wealth games. 1 special game for $25,00, the first letter "L” and first letter “T” applies on this game for $2,00 each. 3! share-the-wealth games, jack­ pot applies on these 3 games $57.00 in 57 numbers, 2 door prizes for $2.00 each. Admission 50c • extra cards 25 c or 6 for 51,00. tfb Fri., March 11-—Cash Bingo in Legion Hall, Seaforth, 8:15 p.m. 15 regulai* games for $10, 3-$25 specials, l-$50 Jackpot. Sponsors, Branch 156, Canadian Legion. 10b1 Friday, Marell 11 — CARD Party, IOOF Lodge Hall, Prin­ cess St., 8:30 p.m. Lunch and prizes. Sponsors IOOF. 10b Friday, March 11—EUCHRE Party, Old Holmesville School, • 9 p.m. Prizes. Admission 50c- per person. Ladies please bring; sandwiches. Everyone, welcome. Sponsored by Holmesville Local 219, Ontario Farmers Union,. 10b Tuesday, March 15 — BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $57-00 in 57 numbers, Six door prizes. 8:30 p.m. Wed., March 16 — DESSERT Crokinole Party, Wesley-Willis Recreation Hall. Sponsors, Wo- He-Lo Unit, UCW. 2-4 p.m. Ad­ mission 50c. Everyone welcome. 9, 10b Friday, March 18 — DRAMA Festival, Seaforth District High. School, 8 p.m. 2 1-aict plays, other entertainment. Auspices; Huron County Jr. Farmers.. 10b, llx Awarded To Firm (Continued from page 1) made actually, except that the stop-signs now installed will re-, • main, covered by township by­ law, rather than by county law. Three tile drainage loans were approved, to: John Mof­ fatt, Walter Eckle and Jack Hamilton. Advice was received from the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests that p-urch-ase of part Lot 18, on the Bayfield Road North, had been made from Orrin’ Dowson, for use as a lamprey barrier site. It is understood that a screen will be placed around1 the river at that point to stop the lamprey eel. -Site is near the bridge north of Varna on the 7th Con­ cession. .Council agreed to- investigate further, the reasons for non­ approval of a farm drainage loan, which has1 been pending for a year. On a farm which received a Farm- Credit Bureau loan only three years ago, the owner is still trying to get ap­ proval of a file drainage- loan in order to proceed with the work. . Stanley Township council has . approved the drainage loan. Ap­ proval from Farm Credit Bur­ eau is needed. The 'Farm Credit Bureau wants $10 fee for re­ evaluating the property, before giving the approval. Council tools this is unnecessary due to the short time- which bias pass­ ed since the loan Was given by the Farm Credit -Bureau. Since- -the Farm Credit Bur­ eau is a federal agency, investi­ gation will be carried out federal levels., BOWLING STANDINGS TUCKERSMITH MIXED LEAGUE PSnow Birds .................. 8 Blue Jays ...................... 7 Meadow Larks.............. 6 Night Hawks .............. 6 High single, ladies, Betty Graham, 217; men, Ken Roger­ son, 247; high triple,-ladies, Isa­ belle Rogerson,. 493; men, Ken Rogerson,; 604; .high- average, ladies, Ydllie. Sytnick, 164; men, Maynard Hymers, 195. BLUEWATER BOWLING LEAGUE Shiairtks ........ 102 Suckers ........................... 92 ■Minnows ...................... 81 Crabs .............................. 65 High single, ladies, Louise Armstrong, 236; men, Eric Earl, 256; high' triple, ladies, Grace Hutchings, 538; men, Eric Earl, 683; high average, ladies, Grace Hutchings, 174; men, Eric Earl, 188. IOOF LEAGUE Carm’s Torpedos ..... Wise Wizards ......... Cracker Jacks ......... Ken’s Komets ......... Bob’s Bombers .......... Bill’s Bulletts ........ Ik’s Daredevils......... Murray’s Maulers High single, ladies, Harris, 324; men, MervynWebb, Harris, 666; men, Bob Gibbings, Harris,'T81; men, Bab Gibbings, 4662 4522 4380 4356 3878 ' Kincardine ... Goderich “B’ Lucknow ...!. Ripley......... Brussels ...... Harold Black, sports’ commit­ tee chairman of Clinton Legion, was convener of the zone bowl­ ing tourney. He was. assisted in tabulating scores by Ar.t Mount­ ford. Others assisting .were team members Arnston, Arm­ strong and Glen Carter. . Mr. Black officiated at. "the presentation of trophies after the smorgasbord dinner ip the -rec. centre at Station Clinton. He was assisted* by Charlie Wood, Seaforth, zone sports chairman. Dave Hackwell, a native of Walton, who <iS the new repre­ sentative of Moisons Breweries in this area -presented his firm’s trophy to Clinton far the third year in -a row. Individual trophr ies were also presented to the Six team members. Ted English of the fifth pl'aci; Wingham team carried off top individual honours. -He bowled the high five-game total, and also had 'the high single of 296. Choosing to take th'e 'high five, trophy, the high single re­ verted to Clinton’s. Cliff Sunder- cock who bowled 293 in1 'his fifth game. They each received glass­ bottom mugs. In a draw for a pair of 'bowl­ ing shoes, Howard Holtzman of Exeter was the winner. If on - - OMtS ANO IN EVERY WAY BUY TODAY! These are selected specials from our large stock, / I r Brucefield Farmer Has Advice for Bankers , tion and also feels there is I an advantage to using dry corn ; as apposed to -high moisture i corn. ' He estimated the cost of pre- • paring dry ciorri at 14 cents’ a ( bushel -as opposed to 10 cents a • bushel for high moisture corn. ! But he said the dry com op­ eration is more versatile. It can be fed, stored, or sold and is easier to handle. He also noted that the equipment involved can be easily sold in case the farm­ er wants to change his enter­ prise. Mr. Davidson is ’ a Specific Pathogen Free swine breed'er. The animals are free of virus pneumonia and atrophic rhinit­ is. To keep them free of these two diseases, the animals are. kept in a controlled environ­ ment. He said SPF swine, require less feed pei* pound of gain and -have a faster rate of gain. These two factors coupled with fewer health problems, he said, make the SPF swine program more economical to operate than conventional operations. He admitted the cost of change- over from conventional method's of hog raising is.expensive, but he added that "you can buy bred gilts for less than the cur­ rent market value of sows” sold as fat pigs. Mr, Davidson urged bankers to make loans more easily a- vailable to farmers for machin­ ery and labor-saving devices. He pointed out-that com must be planted early for highest yields. To be .sure of getting all the com in early, it is necessary to have sufficient equipment. In addition, hie said1, “-the move to liquid manure handling . . . will be the most important single change in animal produc­ tions Mth which, you will ha-ve to deal over the next 10 years-. “You should be lending money to pay for the changeover.” With liquid manure handling, labor caste are OUt, no bedding is needed; there is a more ef­ ficient storage of plant nutrh J ents. Malcolm- Davidson, RR 1, Brucefield, took part in a panel discussion on Tuesday evening at a school for bankers, held in the Victorian Inn, Stratford. Geared to keep bankers a- breast of modern farming, the school was co-ordinated by. Pro- fesSor A. C. Robertson from the University of Guelph (formerly OAC). Mr. Davidson suggested that bank managers should remain for longer periods of time in rural communities — and that they could employ agricultural specialists to give bankers and farmers advice. A “Specific Pathogen Free” swine breeder, Mr. Davidson de­ scribed his hog . operation for the education of the bankers attending the school. He has a swiine-com opera- Stuart Forbes, county co­ ordinator for the Emergency Measures Organization showed a Department of National De­ fence film depicting survival in the case of nuclear blast fall­ out, at a meeting last Thurs­ day in the county council cham­ bers in Goderich. Attending the meeting were county representatives of educa­ tional, engineering, medical and police departments who are in­ volved in the Civil Emergency Planning Group, as well as members of the EMO commit­ tee of Huron County Council. --------------O .......... x- Recuperating Here From Accident Gordon Fulford, employee of W. G. Thompson and Sons Ltd., Hensail is in Clinton; Public Hospital, recuperating firoin ah accident which occurred On March 1 in which his ankle was broken. Mr, Fulford was at Work in the grain elevator when some; bagged boans toppled oh his leg. ... 99 ... 90 .... 83 ... 79 ... 72 ... 69 . ... 66' . _ _____ ____ 58 High single, ladies, Gerry Harris, 324; men, MervynWebb, 351; high triple, ladies, Gerry Harris, 666; men, Bob Gibbings, 802; high average, ladies, Gerry Harris, 181; men, iBob Gibbings, 207. CLINTON-BLYTII LADIES LEAGUE ““ | .. 137 . 130 . 127 . 123 . 119 . 99 . 97 . 88 Wiz-Bangs........... Beatlettes ........... The Go Go’s ...... The Ups & Downs Whirley-Birds...... Gemini VI .......... Jet Set.................. Rolling Stones ............ __ High single, Beth Thompson, 316; high (triple, Kay Sharp, 745; high average, Polly Gbrd- ner, 184. BELL TELEPHONE LEAGUE Tri-Hardis .......... Blow-Outs ........., Meait Heads ...... Dynamites .......... White Tornadoes Nuts .................... High single, ladies, Beittey Desmarais, 249; men, Joe Des­ marais, 315; high triple, ladies, Beittey Desmarais, 605; -men, Joe Desmarais, 862; high aver­ age, ladies, Winnie Bell, 186; men, Joe Desinatrais, 236. Yoisth Fined $100 Kenneth W. Wilson, 18, Clin­ ton, was fined a total of $100 and his licence suspended for nine months in Goderich cbiurt last Thursday, after* he pleaded guilty to two charges of care­ less driving. 19 17 15 14 14 11 1 '64 '62 '64 f 30 Chevy II Nova SEDAN 6 cyl. standard trans. Radio, Whitewalls, Wheel Discs. Buick LeSabre SEDAN Fully power equipped.. One owner. Chev. Bel Air ; SEDAN Automatic, 6 cyl. Very clean. Corvair Deluxe SEDAN Automatic. Low mileage.. One careful owner. Chev. Biscayne SEDAN Automatic. 6 cyl. Black with red interior. Chev. Impala SEDAN Automatic, Radio, White­ walls, Trim Discs. . Top condition. TRUCKS Chev. V2 Tori PICKUP 8 ft. Stepside, Box. Heavy duty equipment. Chev. % Ton PICKUP Stepside Box. . Chev. */2 Ton PICKUP Stepside. Heavy duty equipment. One owner. New Cars and Trucks, need a new owner. Let's trade today! SPECIAL CHEVELLE CONVERTIBLE This has Turbo Jet 396 engine! 4 ibl. carburetor, Bucket Seats, Floor Shift, Whitewalls etc. White with blue interior. See it! ANOTHER SPECIAL CUTLASS SUPREME Four Door First one shown here. Smart Metallic Grey with red trim, Several extras for your comfort. ' and convenience. BE FIRST TO OWN ONE. LORNE BROWN MOTORS LTD. Your Chev,, Olds. Dealer CLINTON 482-9321