HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-03-03, Page 9Canadian Forces Are Praised by Paul Hellyer When 'the Hon. Paul Hellyer, Ottawa, minister of defence, presented that department’s estimates in the House, of Com­ mons on February 18, he paid particular tribute to men and women of the Armed Forces. He noted' .that from the very first days of Canada’s air divi­ sion in Europe, our fliers con­ sistently won the Guynmeyer trophy, which is emblematic of aii’ combat supremacy. “Each year the Allied Forces Central Europe gather together to compete in an air tactical weapons meet," said ‘Hellyer, “The Canadians, at a recent meet in ^France won, virtually single-handed, the biggest wea­ pons meet of the year. Among victories was top national team of the meet, and top strike pilot. “Out of the seven top scoring pilots," went on the minister, “RCAF fliers placed first, sec­ ond, third, fifth, sixth and sev­ enth." ■ Concluding his remarks to the House, Mr. Hellyer said: “The strength of the Can­ adian armed forces is in the dedication, training and profes­ sionalism of its officers and Blyth Garage Destroyed By Fire Last Week Fire which started in a stor­ age area back of the Canadian Oil Co. garage in Blyth last Wednesday, completely destroy­ ed the cement block structure, along with two ' family cars which were housed inside. John Creighton, operator of the garage, reported that gaso­ line tanks on the cars, and cans •of petroleum' products exploded while the Blyth firemen' fought the blaze. r The mobile home in -which ’Mr. and Mrs, Creighton live, about ten feet hade of the gar­ age, was scorched, and windows were broken, but the interior •whs not damaged. The family ,dog died in the blaze. Harold Creighton, Swift Cur­ rent, S'ask., -who was; visiting hfs parents on vacation, owned one of the cars that was de- .-stroyed. ' men, Just as no force, no mat­ ter how well trained, can oper­ ate effectively without good equipment, similarly no amount of modem equipment, by itself, can be effective without per­ sons skilled' and trained ,jn its use. ■'We have in the past enjoyed, and still enjoy, a tremendously proud and effective force, un­ surpassed anywhere in ’ the world. We fully recognize that if we are to maintain this effectiveness in the future, we must continue to provide the training, remuneration and car­ eer oportundti.es to attract the high calibre, of person required for our demanding tasks. “Whereas it is true that re­ organization of any kind raises questions in respect to the ef­ fects that it may have on indi­ viduals, the important problems relating to individuals in the armed forces' today are not those resulting from integra­ tion, they are the same real problems affecting men and women in all walks of life, that is, pay, allowances, housing, career opportunities, etc. I might add that perhaps there are many Canadians who do not fully appreciate just how good the Canadian armed .forces really are, and what a tremen­ dous job they do as ambassa­ dors for Canada as they persue their task of contributing to the deterrence of war and' helping to preserve world order. “Honorable members who have vislited our armed forces units and establishments over­ seas, in Canada, and at sea, and who have been* impressed by the superb quality and proficiency of the men and women of the forces, would be performing a most useful service if, at every opportunity, they informed their constituents and Canad­ ians generally of the accomp­ lishments of those who wear our .country’s uniform. “In respect to pay and1 allow­ ances, a number of questions have been raised' and these are all under active 'study at the present time. We fully realize that we have to compete for manpower in a booming- econ­ omy and measures will be tak­ en — measures' designed to do justice to the men and women of the. armed forces and to at­ tract new recruits to the organ­ ization. PRETTY PAT HERVEY The songs of pretty Pat Hervey are a feature of The Tommy Hunter Show, seen each Friday on the CBC-TV network. Also appearing on the show are the popular country and western trio the Rhythm Pals, lively fiddler £1 Cherney and of course the host Tommy Hunter. (CBC Photo) Pat Hervey, Sparkle-Eyed Singer On The Tommy Hunter Show j One of the happiest experi­ ences of Pat Hervey, vivacious young singer of the Tommy Hunter Show, was the instant recognition that greeted her everywhere during last sum­ mer’s CBC talent tour of Wes­ tern Canada. Although she’d been a regu­ lar performer on' Country Hoe- down last season, it hadn’t oc­ curred to Pat that to the tele­ vision audience across the country, she had become some­ thing of a ‘celebrity’. Pat’s singing and recording career has progressed steadily since she auditioned for the CBC in 1960. That audition was Pegasus Players Casting New Three Act Play At a recent executive meeting a 3 Act Comedy was selected as the Pegasus Players spring production. .The play, entitled “On Monday Next” was written by Philip King. Rehearsals will commence soon, and the production will be staged in the Station Theatre in May 1, 2 and 3. Director Eleanor Guthrie will hold casting readings.' at 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 6 in Building 105B at RCAF Station Clinton. The Pegasus Players first production, “See How They Run” was presented last Nov­ ember and was attended by over 500 people. the result of encouragement from Toronto disc jockey-Al Boliska, now hast of the CBC Toronto local television show On the Scene. Shp was soon.' making guest appearances on radio and tele­ vision, and first worked with Tommy Hunter on his CBC radio shpw. She was a member of the. chorus on CBC-TV’s While We’re Young and was featured' on the CBLT (Tor­ onto) teen series Club 6 the season of 1961-62. Pat’s hit recordings include Mr. Heartache and Tears of Misery. These were cut in Nashville, Tenes'see, where Pat was enthusiastically praised by RCA Victor’s artists and' re­ pertoire producer Chet Atkina Pat is a sport car addict, and loves all kinds oft music. She is married to OBC-TV producer David Peans'. They have a young son, David Jr. r ....—..... Thurs., March 3, 1966—• Clinton News-Record—Page 9 /■1" R !"R'! ' ' 11 1.1 .i.iy u nil < hi offers to Residents of Huron County Comprehensive Medical Coverage At Cost! INDIVIDUAL and GROUP RATES AVAILABLE- Inquire to-day from: Robert McMillon, RR 2, Seaforth Peter Roy. Clinton Gordon Richardson. RR I, Brucefield Bert Irwin. RR 2, Seaforth , or at HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES MARK STANDS FOR THE 70 Ontario St.', Clinton GENUINE TRIPLE Phone 482-9751 I , CULTIVATOR (trifluralin, Elanco) "Excellent control of both grasses and broad- leafs.” That's the comment of many large, successful growers of soybean and fieldbean crops. Treflan stops weeds; beforethey Start to . grow by killing the weed seed as itgerminates^ ‘The result, you get greater yielding crops be­ cause there's more nutrients, moisture a nd ■light for your crops; less time-consuming • harvesting stoppages caused by weeds; and • more efficient Use of fertilizer. F6r dependable ' weed control that helps you make rhor^pVofit— - contact Shamrockchemicals Limited, Ldhdon, • Ontario, your exclusive Elaricd distributor. ’ Elanco—the company that shares its experience with you Elanco Products Division of Eli Lilly and Company (Canada) Limitod Scarborough, Ontario. Contact your Shamrock Technical Representative London Phone 438-5652 Rambling With Lucy (Lucy R. Woods) After the temperature rise in the week of February 7-13, when the high in Bayfield was 53 degrees F. with a low of 30 degrees, ski runs and toboggan slides had to be closed in Southern and Central Ontario. Then on February 20, it was 'indeed cold 'enough, but Lucy thinks they’d be hardy folk, addicted to such sports, who would brave the blustery weather. Thinking of these popular spots which attract so many winter tourists, LUcy wondered why no one had availed him­ self of the natural topography of Bayfield and vicinity to de­ velop such a business. True, perhaps a bulldozer would be required to uproot the brush on certain hills which would lend themselves admir­ ably to such sport. All it requires is a man or group of men with foresight, business ability, financial backing and patience to develop it into a paying project. Just stop and think wihat winter tourists would mean to Bayfield—year-round patronage for hotels or guest houses; increased business, for the .various stores and restaurants; in­ creased employment /plus enjoyment for local sports-minded .persons! In thinking back over the years,' .it seems to Lucy that ■there is a dearth of winter sport in Bayfield right now. In her young day, Cameron’s hill, Moore’s hill, the long hill with the hair-pin turn to the old iron bridge, the mill hill (now the spur road from the highway south-west, of the bridge) and the bumpety-bumips down from the hill road to river where “Casey" Atkinson built a cottage, Glass’ hill now closed to vehicles, and the end of Colina Street to Thomson’s flats. i Over these, the boys and girls of all ages went sleigh riding with single or bobsleds. It all depended on the season which was the most popular spot. ■ From time to time tobogganing has come to the fore in Bayfield. When Mrs. Stott’s house was built (now Mrs. Elmer Parker’s residence) in the 1920’s there was a good toboggan run down the lake bank on that property. Then Galss’ hill or Mora Street as it is properly known, was used before it was shut off. A few years ago, Brandon’s hill down onto the flats was popular. Then go back to the day of the house and cutter, or team and sleighs. Sleigh ride parties were popular. And a group would go to some prearranged destination, all tucked in under robes over straw in a farm sleigh, often singing in tune with the sleigh bells. They’d spend a social evening with the hostess. Or, it could have been .a surprise party. Lucy has happy memories of sleigh ride parties both in the afternoon ■and evening. The long winter drive which was, perhaps, not quite so enjoyable for -those concerned was the drive to and from Clin­ ton. From “Kennedy’s Corners" in to town the road was usually filled with snow from fence to fence. The pitch holes were upsetting for nervous stomachs, to say nothing of the odd ball of snow thrown back by the horses’ hoofs. Lucy recalls one winter day that her mother set out with horse and cutter to bring her daughter Jean and Ethel' Joweftt home from school for the weekend. It was a bitterly cold day with light snow falling. She got as far as Hanley’s comer (7th and 8th Concession) when old Jack (known in the district as "The Doctor's black”) planted has feet and refused to go on. When he received a few taps with the whip by way of urging, he took the bit between his teeth, turned around and started home. Mrs. Woods was cold but when She stopped him,, and got out to run behind the cutter, Jack refused to move until she was seated again. Horse sense? The villagers said the horse had more sense than Mrs. Woods—it was 10 degrees above zero with a wind, Education was not easily come by for the Bayfield youth of that day. It required sacrifice bath on the part of the pupils (most of whom ihad rooms and were supplied with food from home each Week) and their parents. Early in the century when Mustard’s mill was operating, teamsters brought logs down the Bayfield river valley on the ice, from near Varna. Miss Frances Fowlie recalled that on one occasion William Weston accompanied by her sister Ina Fowlie, and Liz Fal­ coner enjoyed a most delightful drive with his horse and cutter up the river to Turner’s bridge. And Lucy still remembers the ring of the horse’s shoes striking the ice as the Rev. F. G. Rickard drove out on the lake. (He was rector of Trinity Church, January 1915-July 1917.) On the occasion Lucy has in mind, he’d driven out so far that the cutter seemed a speck On the horizon. She won­ dered if he’d plunge over the edge of the ice into the lake! ................... ''i‘ ■-■■■— I! ...I.—.1—.■■■ll l.lll—I, Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Opeh Every Afternoon Local Representative A. W. STEEP 482-6642 ---------,—.............. ............ . . . . WHERE FRAME STEEL IS PRESTRETCHED COLD FOR ADDITIONAL STRENGTH AND Every single tine is CLINTON LJACK MERNER prop-J v Ac,~MECHANIC~M for form stability and spring ability. Tines of own production exclusively for Triple & Local Dealer H Bayfield Road Phone 482-9431