HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-03-03, Page 7Martin Baan Heads Milk
Market Board in Huron
Martin Baan, RR 3 Walton, a
producer of milk for the con
centrated market, is the newly-
selected chairman of Huron Milk
Marketing Board.
- Mr. Baan farms in Grey
Township. He has been active
:in farm organizations work, is
.a representative on the United
Dairy mid Poultry Co-operative,
and of the United Co-operatives
of Ontario.
Vice-Chairman of the hom’d
is Clifford McNeil, RR 6, Gode
rich, who sells on the fluid milk
Boyd Taylor, Walton, (con
centrated), is the secretary of
the 15-man board which was
Carnation Has
Scholarship Plan
Bill Norman RR 3, Clinton,
reports that the Carnation Com
pany Ltd. has established a
scholarship pregram for sons
and daughters of dairy farmers
who produce milk for the firm,
( Until now, a scholarship pro
gram has been in effect for
sons and daughters of employ
ees of the firm..
A total of five $500 scholar
ships will be offered initially
for, the 1966-67 school year.
This allows for two in Ontario,
two .in Quebec and one in Al
berta—the provinces in which
Carnation operates.
Mr. Norman is plant manag
er and fieldman of ithe Carna
tion plant at Holmesville.
T. E. Lang, vi'ce-president of
Carnation, notes that the plan,
to be known as the Carnation
Company Ltd. Scholarship Pro
gram is designed to give con
tinuing incentive to initial
awardees by provision for re
newal’ for students achieving a
“B" average.
Each year Carnation expects
to add one scholarship in each
of the three provinces, for the
next three years. The estab
lishment of the plan is in com
memoration of the 50th anni
versary of the company.
. selected by ballot at the organ
ization meeting in Seaforth on
Others elected to .serve on the
board from among 38 nominees
'include three "fluid" men,' Jack
• Armstrong, Auburn; Edward
Bell, Blyth; Simon Hallahan, R
1, Belgrave and one “cheese"
producer, John F. MacLennan,
R 3, Goderich.
The .rest of the board are
producers for the concentrated
market; William Allen, R 41,
Woodham; Fordyce Clark, R 5,
Goderich; Ray Cox, R 2, Bay
field'; Harold Elliott, Blpevale;
Harold Erb, Zurich; Harold
Gaunt, R 2, Lucknow; Murray
Siertsema, R 2, Blyth; Ross
Smith, R 1, Ethel.
Douglas Miles, agricultural,
representative for Huron, was
chairman for the meeting, and
speakers from the (government-
appointed) Ontario Milk Mar
keting Board were included on
the program.
Intention of the Ontario De
partment of Agriculture is that
tire present provincial board
will remain 'in office until coun
ty boards are in full operation
possibly a year from now. Then
members of the Ontario board
will be elected 'by the producers,
The six hour session on Sat
urday dealt at length with
methods oif selection of nomin
ees, who was eligible, etc.
While ballots were being pre
pared, each candidate was in
vited to speak briefly. I
Charles Milton, Princeton, is
secretary-manager of the On
tario Milk Marketing Board1, He
explained .the need for one
board to deal with milk market
ing, since separate boards for
shippers and producers of fluid,
concentrated and cheese
had proved unsuccessful.
Protest Price
On Saturday 300 farmers vis
ited the Denifield area farm
home of agriculture minister
William Stewart to ask govern
mental help in getting a $4 per
hundred minimum set for milk.
Mr. Stewart said he also fav
oured $4 milk—but that the
milk marketing board and the
milk commission controlled pric
All Services on Standard Time
Attend Your Church
Brownies “Fly-Up” at Station Clinton
Six Brownies from RCAF Clinton were presented their wings and flew
up to Guides at a ceremony February 28 at the Ritchie Building. From the.
left the six new Guides are: Lynn McFarlane, Janet Elkin, Penny Ranger,
Janice Pratt, Deborah Poire and Wendy Davies. (RCAF Photo)
FPMB Scraps Bean Board;
Three Appointees in Charge
(Continued from page one) 1 He said it seemed evident
•Irvine, general manager of the that the board still planned to
Elgin Co-operative Services Ltd., build ‘the new elevator in South
St, Thomas; M. R. MacDougall, I Huron that growers voted a-
Wilbur Jewitt
Hullett Farmer
Dies at 49
In Hospital
Wilhite'M Jwitt( 49, RR 1,
Clinton,- died Thursday night at
Seaforth Community Hospital,
following a longthy illness.
He was born in Kincaid,
Sask., son of fhP l^te Mr. and
Mrs. Reuben Jewitt, coming to
Ontario in 1937,
In 1940 he was married in
Londesboro to the former El
ma .Leitph, anij since that time
farmed1 in Huljatt Township. He
was a member of Hullett Ma
sonic Lodge and Constance Can
adian Order of7 Foresters, a
member of Constance United
Church, having served as a
church elder arid steward, and
at the time of his death was
superintendent of the Sunday
School. He was also a director
on the board of the Seaforth
Farmers Co-operative.
Surviving besides his. wife,
are four sons: Ronald, Gary,
Beverley and Brian, and one
daughter, Glenyce, .all at home;
five sisters, Mrs, Alma Banks,
Hazenmore, Sask., Mrs. Gordon
. (Olive) Halladay, Rosetown,
Sask,, Mrs. Clarence (Helen)
Mclllroy, Shelbrook, Sask., Mrs.
Elwood (Marjorie) Spicer, Re
gina, and Mrs. Frank (Jeanne)
Steele, Kelso, Sask., and one
brother, Lloyd, Beaverlodge,
The body was at the G. A.
Whitney funeral home, Sea
forth, where funeral services
were held Monday at 2 p,m.,
with Rev. Robert J. Tschanz, of
Londesboro and Constance Unit
ed Churches, 'in charge of the
service, assisted1 by Rev. J. C.
Britton, of Nonthside United
Church, Seaforth.
Pallbearers were ‘ James
Flynn, Lloyd Medld, Jack Medd,
'Reg Lawson, Lome Lawson and
Frank 'Riley. Flower -bearers
were John and Dennis Jewitt,
Ross Jewitt and Bill Dawson.
Temporary entombment was
in Pioneei- Mausoleum, with
burial later in Maitlandbank
Clinton Personals
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams,
Toronto, spent the weekend
with the former’s mother, Mrs.
A. Adams.
Will Hamilton, Toronto, spent
the weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton.'
ThMF&r MoKh 3< News-Record—-Page 7
With his parents, Mri and Mrs.
A. F.. SoPtehto^A
S/M Percy Renner has re
ceived his Instructors Hunting
Traljhing Certificate, and in
tends to start teaching his
Scout Troop the basics of hunt
ing and handling Qf firearms,
Mrs. Rebecca Wood
Died in Hospital
At 94 Years
Funeral Service was conduct
ed from, .the Tasker funeral
home, Blyth, on Monday, Feb
ruary 28, by Rev. R. J. Tschanz,
for Mrs. Rebecca Wood, who
passed away Friday, February
25, in Clinton hospital after a
lengthy illness.
Born on August 4, 1871 in
Hullett Township, she was the
daughter ol’ Elijah Townsend
and Sarah Alice Hunking. She
married Frank Wood on Feb-
ruaxy 28, 1899, and1 they farm
ed in Hullett Township, first
on Con, 11 and later on1 Con. 12,
’till ■ retiring to Londesboro,
Where her husband died in- May
Pallbearers were Willows
Mountain, Frank Tamblyn, Bert
Hunking, Maitland Henry, Har
ry Dumin, William Bromley
Flower-bearers were, Cecil
Lyd'diatt and Lome Hunking.
Surviving are one son Edwin,
Blyth, and one daughter,
(Mary) Mrs. William Manning,
Londesboro; four grandchildren,
Kenneth Wood, Wingham; Mrs,
W. Andrews, Toronto; Mrs,
Harry Lear, Hullett; Mrs. Stan
Johns, Tuckersmith, and 11
great grandchildren ; also two
brothers, Elisha Townsend, Ot
tawa, and Walter Townsend,
Brantford; two sisters (Mary)
Mrs. James Roberton, Huron
view, and (Amelia) Mrs. H.
Partlowe, Toronto.
Predeceased were one sister,
Susanah Townsend, Toronto,
and three brothers, Vai Town
send, Toronto; Robert, Londes-
boro, Will, Souris, Manitoba.
. For many years she was a
faithful worker in Londesboro
United Church, as a Sunday
school teacher and was a Life
member of Women’s Missionary
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Steclde
and Ivan Jr. spent Saturday
and Sunday in London, visiting
their daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
J, W. Taylor.
Miss Mary Maries accom
panied by Victoo.' Pickard, Tor
onto, visited her brothci-, John
Marks, over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrit Cliff Utter vis
ited Mrs. R. Utter Sr., in Nor
wich on Sunday.
Mr. R. Moore, Detroit spent
Tuesday and Wednesday at
"Fairlawn” his village home.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Smale and
children, Hensail, spent Sunday
with the lady’s parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Roy Fitzimons.
R. L. MacMfllen who was a
patient in Clinton hospital fpr
the past week returned to hiS
home on Monday. Mrs. Harry
Dean of Lonpdn, is spending
several days ’ with her sister
Mrs. R. L, MacMillan and Mr.
Cub News
Fourteen boys attended regu
lar Cub meeting Monday des
pite the heavy rain.
The younger Cubs were in
structed by Cubmaster Mrs.
Erickson in the Cub Handshake,
Salute and Grand. Howl. This
was followed by a game “How
Do” which put the instruction
to practical use.
A/Oubmaster Mrs. McLeod
tested the other boys on the
Highway Code. Six boys, Brian
Makins, Kelvie Memer, Danny
McLeod, Wayne Eckert, David
Renner apd Richard Peterson,
passed the test toward their
Red Star. '
A game of “Unlucky Dip” fol
lowed in which the whole Pack
Tests were passed toward the
Tawny S'tar by Peter MacVean,
Richard Peterson, Wayne Eck
ert, David Renner, Stevie Tai-
hot and Harry Talbot.
The boys are reminded to be
at the United Church on Sun
day, March 6 at 10:45 a.m. for
church parade in Cub uniform.
The story in this weeks Star
Weekly on 'the Zambian Airlift
contains an' excellent photo
graph of F/L “Rick” Simons
of Bayfield and Ottawa.
Lloyd Francis, who is taking
a machinist course at Waterloo
Collegiate, Waterloo, spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Reg. Francis.
Mr. and Mirs. Stephen Scatch-
mer, Sarnia, spent the weekend
art, agriculture minister on the
•Stewart assured' the hbuse
that operation.1 of the Bean
Marketing Plan would be re
turned) to the growers as soon
as it is deemed advisable.
John Spence, Liberal member
for Kent East accused the gov
ernment of Gestapo-like tactics
in taking over the bean board.
He urged a full-scale public in
quiry into all aspects of the
bean-growing and processing in
Also on Monday 300 to 350
bean growers gathered at the
Company building 'and voiced
their support of Archie McMur-
chy, and of the dismissed board'.
The mass meeting failed to
meet any members of the new
board or the new officials. None
were at the plant and all refus
ed -to come when called by
phone. Archie Irvine said he
would meet growers two at a
time only and refused to at
tend the mass meeting.
Bob Allan1 reported that the
old board’s solicitor, H. E. Har
ris, St. Catharines, says the
takeover is legal. •
“Can’t that law be Changed'?"
asked a grower.
“Not unless you change the
government," said Mr. Allan.
’ Bob also told' growers that a
meeting with the agriculture
■ minister likely would' be re
fused. He reported that new of
fice space had been rented at
Mlaple 'and Talbot Streets, Lon
don, by the new board and that
new furniture and office equip
ment was being purchased for
Charles Rau strongly criticiz
ed the new board, stating that
the new office was' not needed,
space and equipment at the
Company’s building was Still a-
vailable. Rau blamed the take
over on the dealers.
Fergus Turnbull, the only
member of the old board' to be
named on the new one, was crit
icized for accepting the appoint
ment. Growers were told Turn
bull was flown in from a Flori
dia vacation for'the Thursday
meeting and was flown1 'back
the next night.
Growers noted that Roy
Coulter, the new .board chair
man had never grown white
Two members of the Ontario
Wheat Producers Marketing
Board voiced support for the
old 'board. They denied know
ledge that Otis McGregor, their
own assistant secretary was be
ing hired as • secretary for the
new bean board. Decision to
give McGregor leave of ab
sence was made by Russell
Bolton, Seaforth, chairman
the wheat board.
Blenheim, a past chairman of
the Ontario Bean Growers Mar
keting Board and now a mem
ber of the provincial wheat
board and Clarence Chariton,
Bdeiltdn, a retired farmer and
former -manager of the Tlderton
Other officials named by the
board' includes lawyer, auditors,
secretary of the board.
During the afternoon meet
ing, at Hotel London, the new
board’s (auditors took over the
plant and installed a security
Full co-operation of the Ont
ario Bean Dealers Association
with 'the new board was promis
ed' by William Mickle, Hensail,
president of the association. He
was quoted in the daily press
as saying there was some
"straightening up" to do and
added lit seemed the take over
was the only way to do it.
Gordon Hill, Varna, one of
two men who resigned from the
FPMB ‘in’ February over a pol
icy dispute involving the bean
vote said, he was sorry to see
the takeover happen,' but he
could see no other answer.
“When the bean board an
nounced it would expand its
London facilities, it seemed this,
was an act of defiance, and the
■board indicated it would not be
directed by 'the government, the
growers or the FPMB. '
Alden McLean, Muiykirk, who
quit fhe FIPMB at the same
time said the bean board has
been difficult to handle, and the
FPMB made the take-over “as ,
a last resort."
On Saturday the London Free
Press urged rapid return to an
elected board and on Tuesday
warned growers against ties to
any political party. “An inde
pendent body that lobbies every
party still seems to offer better
chance of success."
On Monday, the Globe and
Mail published a review of the
situation including the follow
ing paragraphs:
“The Farm products board
said It was the first time in fits
29 years of operation that it had
dismissed one of the 17 boards
it supervises. The boards handle
selling arrangements for farm- .
ers producing various crops.
“The • Farm Products Board
for more than a year has urged
the bean board to separate it
self from its subsidiary. The
Farm Products1 . Board state
ment said the bean board failed
to do so, although it had told
the parent board 'it wbuld. *
“The bean board, had been
-Ontario’s only board handling.,
sale of farm products that had '
operated a subsidiary competing
with dealers 'buying farm pro
ducts. The subsidiary operated
a bean processing plant at Lon
don which bought 12 percent of
the province’s production.
“Last year, the Farm Pro
ducts' Board accused the bean
board of using money collected
from growers to offset Tosses
the company had suffered. The
parent board' called this un
J “Ain important democratic
principle was being* flouted,
farm marketing authorities
said. This was that the board
which has the power to tax'
growers, should not compete
with private enterprise. The
board collects a license fee on
each hundredweight of beans
sold, to finance its operations.”
On Monday in the Ontario
Legislature, New Democratic
Party leader Donald MacDonald
questioned the Hon. W. Stew
(Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec)
Pastor: Paul Coon, B.A.
Sunday, March 6
10:00 am.—Sunday School
11:15 a.m.—Family Worship
7:30 p.m.—Song Service
Ontario Street United Church
Sunday, March 6
9:45 a.m.—Sunday School
11:00 a m.—Morning Worship
kst 2:00 p.m.—Church Service
3:00 p.m.—Sunday School
^nlmeebillr JMwtttb (HEjurcfyea
Sunday, March 6
Subject: “The Challenge of Lent—Render unto God the
things that are God’s"
1:00 p.m.—Holy Communion
2:00 p.m.—Sunday School
9:45 a.m.—Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion
Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector
Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRCO. ARCM, Organist
Sunday, March 6 — 2nd Sunday in Lent
8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion
9:45 a.m.—Church School
11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion
Thurs-March 10—10:30 a.m.—Holy Communion
Clinton Court
(Continued from Page One)
H. Sims, Mr. McGee has driven
a car since 1928, and had never
been charged prior to this.
William C. Rumball, 17,
Grand Bend, on his -first visit
to Clinton, on February 6, ran
afoul of the law, when he fail
ed to navigate the corner of
Isaac and Mary Streets prop
Charged wiith failing to yield
the right of way (his car was in
collision with one driven by
Wayne Dupee, Clinton), Mr.
Rumball elected to act in his
own defence, and appeared in
court here yesterday.
. Though he lost the case, Mr.
Rumball was complimented at
the close of court by Magistrate
Hays who had sympathy with
an out-of-town driver negotiat
ing a difficult corner. Hays
said both Rumball arid Dupee
impressed him. with the straight
forward manner in which they
told the facts aS they recalled
Fine was a minimum $5 and
costs, plus witness fees, total
ling $11.50.
The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister
Mrs. M. J. AghewF Organist and Choir Director
Sunday, March 6
9:45 a,m.—Church School
10:45 a.m.—Public Worship
; Sunday, March 6
! 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service
[ 11:00 am.—.Sunday School
; 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service
’ Speaker: Gordon McLellan, Stfathroy
» Tuesday—8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
i Subject: Godly Living, Chapter 12-16 Book’ of Romans
REV. O. J. HEERSINK, Minltter
Sunday, March 6
10:00 aim.—Service in English
11:00 a.m.-—Sunday School
2:30 a.m.—Service in English
Every Sunday, 6:15 pm. dial 680 CHLO, St.
listen to "Back te God Hour".
5 Clinton £ . •:
< 11:00 a.m.—-Breaking of Bread <'
t . . 7:00 p.m.—Gospel Service 11
5 T^Mddy^Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading : !
5 7:30 p.m. Friday—Clrildreris Meeting ■ /.
Clinton PUC
Sessions, Toronto
H. Hartley, chairman, Mayor
Don Symons, and C. W. Brown,
A. Garon, and secretary John
Wise, the five commissioners of
Clinton Public Utilities Com
mission were among 1,500 dele
gates attending the 57th annual
meeting of the Ontario Munici
pal Electric Association and the
Association of Municipal Elec
trical Utilities in Toronto this
Delegates represented more
than 300 municipal electrical
utilities across the province.
During the three-day gather
ing delegates considered several
major policy rwommendatibns
to Ontario Hydro, and discussed
important topics such as rates,
finance, employee relations, and
improving electrical service.
This year’s convention mark
ed the 60th anniversary of the
founding of Hydro in Ontario,
;................O~ ■.—................
Heavy water, which will ah
lbw Ontario Hydro to use ha*
tUrtal uranium. fuel at Douglas
Point and Pickering nuclear
power stations, looks, feels and
tastes like ordinary water. But
it costs $225 a gallon.
UCW, Unit One
Unit 1, Ontario Street United
Church Women met March 1,
with leader Mrs. G. L. Mills
Mrs. M. Crich took as the
theme for’ worship; a Lenten
message on Penitence, basing
the message on Psalm 51. Car
rying out the Lenten theme,
Mrs. Harvey Johnston spoke on
the period of the crucifixion in
a study of Jesus* life as given
in the study book.
A moment of silent prayer
Was observed in memory of
Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes, a mem
ber whose death occurred re
cently. Sympathy was also ex
pressed! to Mrs. R. Feat and
Mbs. F. Loibb for recent be
Mrs. Mills Was appointed a
delegate to the annual meeting
of the • Huron Presbyterial
United Church Women to be
held March 22 in Wesley-Willis
United Church. Mrs. H. John
ston was named as alternate
Mrs. George Potter read an
interesting letter from Rev.
Gibson, Portage la Pra&tte,
Manitoba, expressing thanks for
the bales sent from this Pres
byterial. lie reported on the
distribution of clothing, handi
craft supplies and Christmas
gifts ait Long Plain Indian
Larty Giibbihgs and Gordon
Lavis entertained with select
ions on their electric guitars.
Mte. Arriy Urich was assisted
id arranging the meeting by her
committee, Mrs. E. BroWn, Mrs.
Rose Milldr and Mrs. H. John-
Day of Prayer
At Huronview
The World Day of Prayer
Service was in the chapel at
Huronview on February 25.
Mrs. Harvey Johnston was in
charge of the meeting.
Miss Barbara Miller, Mass
Sarah Carter, Mrs. Rutledge,
•Miss Florence McNaughton,
Mrs, Coultes and Mrs. Fee act
ed ds lesadehs. Mrs. McMichael
and Mrs. Keyes bead scripture
Mir, Leishman gave a talk on
the theme “Ye are my Wit
nesses’*. Albert. Wood sang a
bold accompanied on the organ
by Mrs. Johnston. Miss Gladys
S tanlake and Miss Agnes Doug
las received the offering, M. T.
Coriess dosed the meeting with
Phonb 202-5180
Word has been ivceived
the death of Melville McCly-
mon,t, Detroit, Mich., a former
resident of Kippen.
Dramatic Presentation
Five first ladies of the United States of America come to life from well-
achieved wax figurine state in the first entry of CHSS into drama competi
tion. Actresses are Grace McAdam, Connie Beck, Beverley Sparks, Frances
Blacker and Helen Good. Watchman Louis van Lammeren, also directed the
play “Ladies in Moonlight”. (CHSS Photo)
Hospital Board Meet
(Continued from page one)
and utility cart. Total capital
expenditures approved for the
year are about $4,280.
The hospital was busy in Jan
uary, and operated at an aver
age occupancy of 93 percent.
There were 131 adult admis
sions; 16 'babies bom;, 91 opera
tions carried out and 50 physio
therapy ti'eafmenits given. The
x-ray department took 632
Next meeting of the board
is the annual meeting on March
21 in the town1 hall, to which
the public is urged to come.
F/L J. M. Gibson
At Home, School
Clinton Public School Home
and School Club had a good
turnout fhb eV&ifrig of Fefo-
iruary 24 id hear Flight Lieut
enant J. M. (Gabby) GibSbn
address' the metebers on tile
role of the RCAF School Of
Instructional Technique.
F/L Giibsfoh was' introduced
by Lew Ludldw, vicc-prosi-
deht of the Home and School
Club. F/L Gibson is RCAF
Clinton Public Infonnation
CHSS Drama Festival Entry Includes
Five Girls and One Boy In Cast
CHSS — Five girls and one
boy made up the cast for Clin
ton’s entry in the secondary
schools drama festival in Strat
ford! last weekend.
“Ladies in Moonlight” is a
play which brings to life the
wives of five past presidents of
of the United States of Amer
ica. Their characters and back
grounds are ’ revealed (in their
reactions to each other and
their comments about people
and life, past and present.
The president’s wives were
portrayed as fallows: Martha
Washington by Grace McAdam,
Abigail Adams by Connie Beck,
Dolly Madison by . Beverley
Sparks, Mary Todd Lincoln by
Frances Blacker, Julia Dent
Grant by Helen Good, and the
watchman by Louis van Lamm-
The teacher in charge was
Mr. Walzak, while Mrs. McKib-
bon and1 Mrs.- Webb supervised
make-up and costuming. Bar
bara Pegg, Teresa Zablocki,
Glenda Wade, and Rowena
Corey -did •the actual make-up.
Under the directorship of
Louis van Lammeren this play
received high acclaim from the
adjudicator, Professor John
Sirnallbridge, of UWO. He com
mented on the good casting and
the period costuming and make
up. He said that he felt that
each actor had been committed
quite fully to the role.
Director van Lemimeren said;
“It was a good showing as a
first attempt far the school in
competitive dramatics, and I
hope that this will be a basis
for future stage achievements.”
Mr. Walzak feels that since
this 'talent is in the school, as
was evident by the fine perfor
mance of this group, it should
be discovered, and developed.
Lint Pick-up Roller* ........$1.00
Refill# ........ 2 fol' $1.00
Denture Brush and Bath
Comblhatioh ..................... 98c
PI ay tex Hate Caite Gloves ....89C
Papermate Ball Point Pens
' NOW ............... 98C
Super Plehamln Vitamins
Specials For This Week
Yardley Toilet Soap boxed irt 3s
Reg. $1.75 dpeclil$1.35
Yardley Rouge and Fluid
Foundation, Regular
Value $3.00 Special $2.00
Fluffy cotton Balls, 250’s
Reg. priOe $1.48 Sale Only 98c
Yardley Roll-on Deodorant
For Meh or Women
2 for the Price of 1 Sale $L50
Sleep Tablets ................«... $1*50
Super D Congestant
Cold Tablets ..... 98c-$L79
Clintoh, OntarioPhone 482-9511
, , t ..... ........—