HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-03-03, Page 4Page 4-—Clinton News-Record—Thurs.# March 3, 1966 Editorials ... THERE ARE a lot of good things that oan be said about our town. Clinton is at times the prettiest place under the sun, the most co-operative, the pleas­ antest, the most encouraging, and the most serene, But there are other times of the year, when other things can be said for the place—and there are times when such other things need to be said, Someday, we plan to sit down and make up a master plan by which the ideal town could be produced—and the basis will likely be Clinton. We set out to make comments about some things that Clinton is not —and the greatest of these is: Our town is not tourist-conscious! We understand that Stratford is tourist conscious, and some of her resi­ dents would prefer that it were not so much involved with the Festival crowds, and the tourists with dollars. “Maybe' the rents would be a little lower,” they grumble. And our comment would be, “May­ be so. But possibly you would not have a job, either, and then you wouldn’t be able to afford to pay any kind of rents.” The tourist industry in Canada— and in Ontario, of course, is a magnifi­ cent thing. And the glory of it, is that except for some rare exceptions, it is a home grown industry. It is Canadians who are involved in it. There are but rare instances of “wholly-owned Ameri­ can subsidiaries”, etc, And one of the values -to that, in the economy of the country as a whole, is that dollars re­ ceived from visitors to Canada, stay here, and help immensely to improve our trade balance. It is important to the wallets of everyone, that this be accomplished. There are other more immediate benefits, of course, especially to a town . like Clinton, Our town is old. We have history about us. If you doubt that, chat with any of our local historians. Who are they? Well, if you’re interested, we’ll let you know in future articles, The fact is, there is history, and quite visible bits of it within this area. So what? Well, we’re only ten miles from the Blue Water Highway— along which stream hundreds of tourist cars every summer—and winter, too. And it should be well worth while for us to figure a way to entice at least some ■ more of them into our town. There’s lots of jokes about separating a tourist from his dollar—but this fact is evident: if. Clinton doesn’t do it, then some other town will. The dollar is there to be spent. If we can give the travelling fam­ ily value for its dollar in line of enter­ tainment, souvenirs, historical tours, pleasant conversation, good food, etc., then he will be happy, and will count a day spent with us, an asset to him for­ evermore. The Infamous Bill 86 MANY YEARS AGO . . . although not as far back as 1937, when some folks think the teeth were put into the Farm Products Marketing Act . . . Bill 86 was passed in the Ontario Legisla­ ture, due to a strong Conservative ma­ jority, and despite valiant efforts, if we recall correctly, on. the part of Liberal and NDP members to prevent it from passing. That Bill gave the Farm Products Marketing Board, which is an agency of the Ontario Government, the power to take over any one of the farmer- owned marketing boards, and to distri­ bute -its assets. ■ Last week the FPMB did its first take-over. The 11-man Ontario Bean Growers Board, which had been a pioneer in the field of marketing boards, (and which had the reputation among farmers of doing a job for them when it came to getting surplus beans onto the export market) was disbanded, in almost cloak and dagger style, and was replaced by a 3-man board. The 11-man -board was farmer- elected. The new board is an appointed board. The word from the FPMB is that as soon as possible, the board will be handed back to the farmers. What does that mean, we wonder? We cannot help but compare the tactics of the Ontario Government, strong in its majority of members and long-term of rule in Ontario, with those of military juntas in foreign lands. In the developing nations, it is the people Who “take-over” government. In On­ tario, it is the government which takes over the people-operated plants and chucks out the board members which were elected by the farmers themselves. The take-over was carried out on Thursday afternoon, after a ruse was set up to take all board members, and key staff out of the building they own­ ed and operated in London. To date, no press release has come to the Clinton News-Record from the Ontario Department of Agriculture, the Minister of Agriculture, nor from -the Farm Products Marketing Board. Why would we expect it? Well, we don’t expect it, specifically for ourselves. But the rural press of Ontario has been thought important enough for other press releases. We have had countless releases about the great and wonderful things the Department of Agriculture and its Minister are doing for the far­ mer. Remember about a month ago, a story in this newspaper and others in this area concerning a wonderful plan for bean test plots which the Depart­ ment of Agriculture was going to carry out in Huron County? News of that came to us on a Wednesday, by tele­ phone. Along with it was an announce­ ment of praise and stuff from Huron’s member, the, Hon. C. S. MacNaughton, also by telephone. This sort of thing was considered important enough to use the long dis­ tance telephone t for—and calls similar to the one made to our office, must have been made to a number of other weekly newspapers. ’ Why does not a matter of such im­ portance as a government take-over of a - farm marketing board, merit at least equal excitement and fanfare? It is a puzzlement. Why Hide? THE BENEVOLENCE of the On­ tario government gets more than a little bit sticky at times. We feel sometimes that we’d prefer it if they came right out and told us they were going to dictate our lives for us, rather than permitting us all to run about helplessly, like mice in a cage, thinking that we are accomplishing a great deal -for ourselves. The excessively polite attempts by the Ontario Government to guide “the grass roots” into forming their own way of life, are So obvious to thinking people, that it seems most improbable that we all continue to go through the farce of elections, to say nothing of all this forming of boards, and holding meetings, and “helping ourselves”. Hot on the heels of the government taking over the Bean Board and its operations on Thursday—on Saturday, representatives of the government-ap­ pointed Ontario Milk Marketing Board were here in Huron County helping farmers organize their own 15-man Milk Marketing Board. For what purpose? If the government is interested in handling beans, and looking after sur­ pluses, and getting fair prices for all, and so forth—why don’t they do the same for milk — in the open — rather than setting up . these so-called farmer- controlled marketing boards? Clinton News-Record ERA Amalgamated THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD 1924 Established 1881 From Our 75 Years Ago THE CLINTON NEW ERA Thursday, March 6, 1891 Most people' were of Jihe opinion that toe Holmesville bridge was going to leave its present 'situation, but we are happy to say that it is still standing, and is safe for public traffic,- but toe new bridge. Which Goderich Township erect­ ed tn, 1889 received a severe shaking. Mr. Thomas Robinson, .of toe Babylon line has sold hlis farm, to Mr. Robert Keyes, and in­ tends removing to Manitoba in about two weeks, Mr. G F, Oakes, toe reliable organ dealer of Clinton, has flirt* ted up a splendid shop on Al­ bert Street, opposite Fair’s mill office, and is busy building his splendid organs therein. Mr. George Ingram, of Sea­ forth, Mrs. Brown, pf Hensaill, and Mrs, McQuarrie of Blyth, .were in town this week talcing out settlers’ certificates, prior to removing to toe west. McClin'chey-Watts — at Lon­ don, Ontario, on February 25th, by toe Rev Mr. Boyd, Mr. James McLanch’ey of the Goshen Line, Stanley, to Miss Mary Ann Watts of toe London Road. 55 Years Ago CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday, March 2, 1911 It is unofficially understood that Miss Bentley, the most ef­ ficient organist of St. Paul’s Church far several years will vacate that position to become choir leader and will be suc­ ceeded by Miss Cleta Ford, one of our most accomplished local musicians. Mrs. Edward Cash, an old resident of Seaforth, has gone to Nelson, B.C. where she Will reside with her daughter,' Mrs. "Vy. Hutchinson. A rather unique entertain­ ment was gotten up by Dr. and Mrs. Smith, on Saturday when a number of citizens, ladies and gentlemen, drove out to toe 4th Con. of Goderich Townchip and had a Winter picnic 'in toe woods. A camp fire was built, a table spread and a hearty meal partaken of. The day was spent in rabbit Shooting and all report a most enjoyable time. Rev. W. H. and Mrs. Dunbar left yesterday for Bervie, their new parish. CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday, March 4, 1926 Mrs. Farnham is having her large cottage on Rattenbury Street made into a double house which will add another resi­ dence to toe number available far rent. We understand Mr. Lucas, accountant in' the Bank of Montreal will occupy it when ready. The first carnival of toe sea­ son was put on in the local arena on Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Hockey dub. The evening turn­ ed out very stormy but a goodly number came in costume. Mr. Abe Brandon purchased a Percheron horse from Mr. Fred Watson to use on the Bay- field and Bru'cefield stage. * Miss Patty Macfarlane, nurse-in-toaining at Grace Hos­ pital, Toronto, 'is home at pre­ sent recuperating after an ill­ ness. Mr. Frank Glew, our genial patrolman, has been re-engaged for another year by toe Ontario Department of Highways. Established 1865 THE CLINTON NEW Published Every Thursday At The Heart Of Huron County Clinton, Ontario, Canada Population 3,475 A. LAURIE COLQUHOUN, PUBLISHER .. . ® |*1 „ !*] ............. Signed contribution: to this publication, are the opinions of the writers only, and do hot necessarily express the views of the newspaper. I Authorized at Second Clast Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for Payment of Postage in Cash SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable In advance — Canada and Great Britain: $4.00 • year; United Slates and Foreign: $5.50; Single Copies: I* Cents Early' Files CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday, March 6, 1941 Mr. Robert McLeod, who signed as. an ordinary seaman with the RCN early last fall was called up last week and is stationed in London. He spent toe weekend at hiis home here, The weekly work meeting of toe Clinton Red Cross Society will be .held in the Council Chambers on Monday, March 10. We have another quilt .ready so quilting, will commence at 1:30. Marian Mason of B-lyto and Florence Aiken of Clinton, pu­ pils of Prof. A, E. Cook, were successful in passing toe Grade II Theory examinations at toe Toronto Conservatory of Music. They each obtained First Class Honors, with toe (high mark of 93. Mr. John W. Jewett, owner and popular host of1 Jowett’s Picnic Grove, Bayfield, passed away suddenly ,at his home on Tuesday morning, March 4th, as a result of a paralytic stroke, following a heart condition from which he had suffered for the past two and' a half years. 15 CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday, March 1, 1951 Huron County was well rep­ resented at the annual conven­ tion of the Ontario Good Roads Association in Toronto last week, wfiith good delegations from the Town of Clinton, and the Townships of Tuckersmith, Goderich, Hullett and Stanley. Mayor G. W. Nott and Reeve G. S. Elliott represented the town. Jimmy Carter, eight-year-old son of William Carter and the late Mrs. Canter, had hi's left hand badly injured Saturday afternoon when it came in con­ tact with a circular saw which was being used to cut wood on his father’s farm.. Joseph Ferrand took over his new duties as Chief of Police of Clinton today. A former con­ stable in Liverpool, England, Mr. Ferrand has been a guard at the Ontario Reformatory, Guelph, since last May, and has had wide experience in police work. The men from the Comstack Company, London, were in Hen­ sail last week talcing inventory of .the electrical equipment of the ’business, places. This is a prelude for the 60-cycle change- over.." 10 CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday, March 1, 1956 Williard ’ (Byrd) Sturgeon, aged 60, was found unconscious in a snow drift at the bend of the road where Sydenham joins Sarnia Street at 7:30 an Mon­ day morning. At Clinton Public Hospital it was ascertained that his arms, legs, hips and part of his body had been frozen. At time of writing, Sturgeon’s con­ dition was still regarded as very serious. Hugh R. Hawkins, co-partner, in toe hardware business known as Hawkins and Jacobs, here in Clinton, last week was named president Of the Huron County Liberal Association (Federal) as this group was re-organized at a banquet meeting in Zurich. Again a 'big winner at toe Appreciation Day draw carried out by Clinton’s merchants every Saturday afternoon, was Mrs. Roy Elliott, Bayfield Road, who took home $110.50 when her 20% coupon wks drawn. Clinton Men Successful In St. Thomas Berry-Hill Former Cliihtonlans are op­ erating an expanding business ait Sit. Thomas, where G. Ralph Foster owns Berry-Hill Limit­ ed. According to the 1965-66 edit­ ion of the Ontario Poultry Guide, the Berry-Hill firm is one of Canada’s, leading manu­ facturers and distributors of poultry, tobacco and general farm equipment. G. Ralph Foster was in Clin­ ton as general manager of Can­ ada Packers Ltd., and was the first chairman of toe Clinton and Area Chamber of Com­ merce when it was organized at that tame. He joined 'Berry-Hill Sales Company, Inc., an Ameri­ can-owned concern in 1950; bought it in 1960 and incorpor­ ated as Berry-Hill Limited. He now lis president and general manager of .the firm. J. K. “Jim” Wilson, is vice- president, and sales and. service manager of Berry-Hill. There are 10;000 square feet of floor space 'in the plant which pro­ duces Buckeye tobacco curing systems, Buckeye incubators, Ch;ix Cineraitors, poultry grow­ ing equipment and processing supplies. Jim too, was Once in Clinton with Canada Packers Limited, and joined Beirry-Hill in 1952. Last year the firm, exported to 21 countries on four continents. This year they hope to export between 25 and 35 percent of total production. R. Corson Foster, son of Ralph, is secretary-treasurer of Berry-Hill and export manager. He says that hiis father keeps one basic export thought to toe fore. “That is,” Carson Says, “ap­ proximately 99% percent of toe world’s population is situated outside Canada . . . and this makes for some tremendously large markets.” Berry-Hill sells Buckeye tob­ acco curing equipment in North Carolina, and recently filled an order for 1,500 gas-fired tobacco curing machines for a Con­ necticut cigar leaf manufactur­ er. It is believed that this is toe first time any Canadian manu­ facturer has exported such equipment to the United States. Mr. Foster is active in poul­ try industry organizations and is a director of toe St. Thomas Board of Trade. Arthur S. Leyburne, also for­ merly of Clinton arid Canada Packers here, has been with toe firm for a number of years in the sales and service depart­ ment. The name of the bridge link­ ing toe United States and the Soviet pavilions will bo Cos­ mos Walk. Ex-Boss Admires Official School Crest Flying Officer Denise LeBlanc, left, Squadron Leader Laura Johnson (Training Command; Winnipeg) who was Officer Commanding School of Food Services.from 1955 to 1959, and Flight Lieutenant Jean Liberty (right), pre-' sent Officer Commanding are shown admiring the new official crest. _____________________• (RCAF1 Photo) SUGAR AND SPICE 0 <•' ’ The Music by Bill Smiley Ex-Boss Laura Inspects Clinton Food Services George is toe ^Custodial Su­ perintendent at our illiteracy factory. (It used to be called head janitor.) I' congratulated him tob other day. His wlife had "done well,” .as we say, in a mu­ sic theory exam. He shook his; head. He swore. Then “It’d* drive you up toe wall. If I ever get married again, it won’t be to a musi­ cian.” There isn’t much chance of toe former, as he’s a grandfath­ er. But I was deeply in sympa­ thy with hlis conclusion. It was1 obvious that George had had to help has wife pre­ pare for her exam. It was on toe history of music. They ask you questions like, “What in­ strument did Eli Schwartzkopf play in toe Brandenburg Sym­ phony Orchestra on April'llto, 1801,when Napoleon Bonaparte was staying in toe city over­ night, with his second wife, on the way to toe battle of Auster­ litz?” But toils isn’t the worst of' it. A chap can stand a couple of weeks of helping his wife me­ morize such great universal truths, and' weather it. What really gets him on his knees is putting up with the old lady as toe exams draw near. Kids go through examinations with toe aplomb of ducks tak­ ing a bath. But middle-aged ladies don’t, especially when they haven’t in years. About three weeks before toe exam, they begin to neglect family, house and themselves. A week later,’ they become ner­ vous. In the final week, they have moved 'from high C to hys­ teria. On toe day of toe exam, it takes tears, tea, tranquilizers, and sometimes a good shot of brandy, before they can be pushed into the examination hall, where they sit twitching like old fighter pilots until toe papers are given' out. I don’t know toe details, but 'I suspect George went through something like the above, and I echo his sentiments', loud and clear. If I ever get married again, I want a girl who thinks a sweet potato is about toe. fin­ est musical instrument that ever hit the market. Do you know what a bane is? Well, that’s what music has been1 in my 'life, for toe past decade. Oh, I know. Every family has its little problem, its skeleton in toe recreation room, its dirt un­ der toe Wall-to-wall. Drinking, health, poverty, divorce, insani- MODA Outlines Cast Structure written an exam ty, stupidity, delinquents. With our family, it’s' music. People think I am carried away by emotion when I start to solb at a symphony concert. They’re right. But it’s not the beauty of the music that makes me break down. It’s the trouble it has ^caused, ,and toe money it has cost in toe last 10 years. I used to love music, in a sim­ ple joyous, uncomplicated way. I used to whistle while I work­ ed 'and walked. Everything from Greensleeves, toroug Ein Kleine Nachtmusik to Poi;gy and Bess. By ear. I liked Star­ dust and Stravinsky and I’ll Be Down to Get You in a Taxa,- Honey. Then the kids started taking piano lessons. And I started trying to look intelligent when people talked about ■ sonatinas and concertos and scherzos and dynamite and all that (you should pardon toe expression) jazz. We fighit about toe left hand being too loud. We scream at each other about toe kids not practising. We go 'into tantrums about recitals and festivals. Ten years and more than $10,000 later, nobody in my fa­ mily can play toe national an­ them without, three weeks of preparation. The record 'player rooks to toe Beatles and Bob Dylan. We have to snatch toe harmonica and guitar awiay from the kids. I would like to meet Johann Sebastian Bach on a dark night and strangle him. With a Beethoven soinata. G- string Minor. Squadron Leader Laura John­ son, from Training Command, Winnipeg, spent the last few days of February inspecting Food Services' at Station Clin­ ton and the School ’ of Food Services, RCAF Clinton. S,/L Johnson was1 Officer Oommandling, SIFTS, from 1955 to 1959 and takes a personal' in­ terest in the progress of her* old School, that trains all cooks and food services attendants for the RCAF. Present Officer Commanding of the School is Flight Lieuten­ ant Jean Liberty. ----:----—o----------- Canada will have the largest pavilion at Expo. IS OUR CLAIM, TH ATS ) THE SECRET TO OUR ' FAME Business and Professional Directory ELECTROLUX (CANADA) LIMITED Vacuum Cleaners, Floor Polishers and Rug Shampooers Sales and Service Bonded Franchise Dealer Demonstrations Arranged ORVILLE STANLEY 202 Rattenbury Street East Phone 482-9574 OPTOMETRY INSURANCE J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Mondays and Wednesdays 20 ISAAC STREET 482-7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE 527-1240 K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones': Office 482-9747 Res. 482-7804 JOHN WISE, Salesman Phone 482-7265 G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH H. C. LAWSON First Mortgage Money Available Lowest Current Interest Rates INSURANCE-REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS ' Phones: Office 482-9644 Res. 482-9787 Delegates to a regional meet­ ing of toe Mid Western Ontario Development Association heard details of a three year promo­ tion budget based on a total of $120,000, and the slogan “MODA Means Business.” Contributions from urban municdpaliti.es will be expected at toe rate of 12 cents per capita; and from townships of 10 cents per capita (maximum of $200). Clinton’s fees would be $418.- 32 each year. Townships would contribute as follows: Tucker­ smith and Stanley, each the fixed amount of $200; Gode­ rich Township, $198.50; Hullett, $188.50. Grants from toe province are received, matching ’ dollar for dollar toe contributions frtoifti toe hierribef municipalities. R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results H. E. HARTLEY LIFE INSURANCE Planned Savings . . . . . . EState Analysis CANADA LIFE assurance CO. Clinton, Ontario mm— ALUMINUM PRODUCTS For Air-Master Aluminum Doors and Wiridows and Rockwell Power Tools JERVIS SALES h. Li Jervle —>68 Albert St Clinton —482-9390 A. IM. HARPER chartered accountants 55-57 SOUTH ST., TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONT. , 524-7562