HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-02-10, Page 5CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Joseph Blake wish to thank Dr. Oakes and the nurses for their kind­ ness during hjs illness. 6b The ifpamily of the late Mrs. Isadora Harrison wish to. ex- press heartfelt thanks, (and ap­ preciation to their relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown to them in the loss loved mother. My sincere thanks who remembered me prayers, and those who sent me treats and .cards, a special thank you to 'those who visited me while I was a patient in Westminster Hospital. Grate­ fully, LYLE HILL. 6p To my neighbors, friends and relatives who visited, sent flow­ ers, cards and 'treats or helped out with chores at home while I was a patient lin hospital, my most sincere thanks. Thanks also to Dr. Walden and the warm hearted efficient staff an first floor. — DON MIDDLE- TON. ________ 6b The family of the late Mrs. John T. Turner wish to express their heartfelt thanks and ap­ preciation to their friends and ■ neighbors £or the many acts ' of kindness, messages of sym­ pathy land beautiful floral trib­ utes. Special thanks to Rev. C. Park and Wesley-Willis UCW.—THE TURNER FAM­ ILY. ________ 6p A very sincere thank you to my relatives, Mends, and neigh­ bors for visits; cards and treats while I was >a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks -to Dr. Oakes', Dr. Flowers, the nurses and staff on first floor, the LOBA, Rebekahs and Legion Auxiliary and past •grands to the Rebekahs.•—MRS. H. SLOMAN. . 6b IN MEMORIAM WOODCOCK — In loving memory of our dear brother- . 4n-laiw Bernard Lawson Wood­ cock, who passed away Febru­ ary 9, 1965 at Kitchener, Ont., in’ his 39th year. -“His charming ways and' smil­ ing face, Are a pleasure to recall. He had a Mindly word for each, And died beloved of. all.” —Sadly missed .and always re­ membered by sister-in-law Bemi'ce, and' brotherdn-law Larry Haughton, nephews, ' Terry and Wayne. 6b of a be- 6b to those in their BIRTHS FLYNN ™ III Clinton Public Hospital cm Monday, Febru­ ary 7, 1966 to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Flynn, RR 1, Londes- boro, a daughter. MAXWELL — In Clinton Pub­ lic Hospital on Tuesday, Feb­ ruary 8,1966 to Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Maxwell, RR 2, Hensail, a daughter. Adastral Park Social Notes Editor: ANNE AILERON *1 DEATHS DALGLIESH — At St Joseph’s Hospital, -London, on Wednes­day, February 2, 1966, Gordon E. Dalgliesh, 100 Ridout St. S., London, dear husband' of the former Clare Delaney, Surviving are his widow, a son, Gordbn (Ted), Clinton and a brother, Dr. William H. Dalgliesh,, Salt Lake City, Utah. Funeral 'service from A. Millard George funeral home, Ridout chapel to St. Martin’s Roman CJatholic Church, London, with inter­ ment in St. Peter’s Cemetery, Landon. WATSON — In Clinton Public Hospital on ’Monday, Febru­ ary 7, 1966, Mrs. Fred S. Watson, Bayfield, lin her 75th year. Funeral service from Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, Clinton, on Wednes- . day, February 9 with inter­ ment in Bayfield cemetery. MARSHALL — At Huhonview, Clinton, on Monday, Febru­ ary 7, 1966,. James Edmund Marshall of Biyth in his 86th year. Survivors-: a brother,. Frank, Biyth; sisters, Mrs. George (Kate) Hicks, . Cen­ tralia; and Mi’s. Alex (Della) Wells, Londesboro. Funeral services from' Tasker Mem­ orial Chapel, Biyth on Thurs­ day, February 10 at 2 p.m. with temporary entombment in Biyth Cemetery Chapel. ■ . - — -_______._______________________—I February 14, Monday, 8:30 p.m., “Starlight Circle” will home of Mrs, M. Evelyn Hall, lab- be special guest meet at the Dursit. Miss rarian, will speaker. February 15, Tuesday, Mary and Martha Unit are serving a ■noon luncheon, 11:30-1:00 p.m. ■at the church. At 8 p.m. their meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Doug Barliff. Ladies in charge of the program afe Mrs. C. Nelson, Mrs. W. Jervi's and Mrs, D, Dales Attend Your Church All Services on Standard Time FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Pastor: Paul Coon, B.A., Sunday, February 13 ' 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Family Worship 7:30 p.m.—Song Service ALL ARE WELCOME HERE Ontario Street United Church “THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday, February 13 a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—Morning Worship TURNER’S p.m.—Church Service p.m.—Sunday School 9:45 11:00 2:00 3:00 WeBleu-^Htdxs—^jolntrshdle JSxtHxb dEhixtciies REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister Sunday, February 13 Sermon Series: GREAT LEADERS OF THE CHURCHES No. 2—Augustine—God's man when the Roman Empire Fell. HOLMESVILLE 1:00 p.m.—Church Service 2:00 p.m.—Sunday School WESLEY-WILLIS / 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School / 11:00 a.m.—Church Service ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRCO. ARCM, Organist Sunday, February 13 — Sexagesima Preacher* The Rev. Peter Packenham, Trinity Church, Biyth. 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 9:45 a.m.—Church School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer Thurs., Feb. 17 — Chancel Guild at home of -Mrs. E. Nickle, 8:15 p.m. ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | The Mrs. M. Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director 9:45 10:45 Sunday, February 13 a.m.—Church School a.m.—Public Worship EVERYONE WELCOME MAPLE STREET GOSPEL HALL I CLINTON I Sunday, February 13 I 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service ! 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School ; 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service [ Speaker: John Aitken, Shelburne [ Tuesday—8j00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible Study [ Subject: Godly Living, Chapter 12-16 Book of Romans : ALL WELCOME CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH r£v* g. j. Heersink, Minister !; Suriday* February 13 ■ ! 10:00 a.m.—Service tin English <! ’11:00 a.m.—Suhday School !; 8:00 p.m.—Service in Dutch V ReV. Sikkema, Biyth I! Every?Sunday, 6:15 p,tti. dial 680 Cl-ILO, St. Thomas, 4 listen to “Back to God Hour”. ____ _ EVERYONE WELCOME : JOSEPH STREET GOSPEL HALL ‘4 Clinton ;; ;• 11:00 a.m.—-Breaking of Bread U ■!' . A . 7i00 .p.m.—Gospel Servicei g:00 p.m. Thursday—Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading ? j; 7i30 p.m. Friday—Childreh’s Meeting 4 WA, Meets The Women’s Auxiliary met February 7 at the Community Centre. Mrs. Dpris McQanneil presided. Minutes were'reiad by secretary Mrs. Sally Rafuse. The treasurer’s report was given by Mrs. Marg Amirault. Future projects of the WA incluide a rummage sale on May 14 as well as a Spring Tea on April 30. After the business the ladies enjoyed a profitable penny auction. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Mildred- McFarland and assistants. The door prize was won by Mrs, Joan Walker. Church Dinner The Protestant Church An­ nual Dinner took place on Sun­ day, February 6 at the Air­ men’s Mess. Giving reports on the various organizations of the church were F/L R. Nickerson, Sgt. George Sinker, S/L D. J, Timms and Mrs. Pat Renaud. Chapel Guild The Protestant Chapel Gulild will meet on February 14 at the Chapel Lounger The Guild Players will present “Ludhiana Readhes Out”, a skit based on ■the activities of the Christian Medical Hospital in India. It is hoped all ladies will, want to see this play. The President wishes to remind the members to save 128 oz. and 64 0!z. size pJastic containers, for the Easter Phone 482-7349 ' baskets. Personals Happy birthday to Paul Oevering, five years eld on Feb­ ruary 9. F/L Gerald Smith, mayor,of Adastral Park, is in San Antonilo, Texas, at the Lake­ land' Air Force Base, F/L and Mr^. Gerry King- Well are spending several weeks in Alabama, at Maxwell Air, Force Rase where F/L King- well is on an Instructor’s Aca­ demic course. W/C and Mrs. Lomas and their family were 'in Toronto last week to attend the funeral of W/C Lomas ’mother. Miaroie Venables Is a patient in Clinton1 Public Hospital. -----------o----------- Public Library . 's WMS To Meet The WiMS of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church will meet in the school room of the chur­ ch on February 15 at 2:30 p,m, -----------o----------- Unit Two UCW Ontario Street atMrs. A. Groves, presiding the February meeting of Unit 2, opened th emeeting with a poem ‘Service’ written by Ed­ gar Gtfest. The devotion having the theme ‘Hope’, was taken by Mi’s. Ellis and Mrs. Garrow. Mrs. Groves introduced the Bible Study book. The topic ‘Good News’; on how the gospel was carried into' the Pagan worl-d and how the scriptures were used, was giv­ en. Mouth organ selections Mrs. Nivens were enjoyed the members. All members were urged' attend the World Day of Prayer on February 25. -----------o----------- Austin John Harris by by to Farmer Dies After 2 Month Retirement iFuneral service was conduct­ ed on Friday, January 28, for Austin. John Harris, 85 Raglan Street, Clinton, at the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clinton. Rev. W; J. Maines, minister at Porter’s, Hill United Church, was assisted by the Rev. Grant Mills, Ontario Street United Church. Pall-bearers were Maurice Frame, Wilmer Riddell, tyilmer Harrison, Ashley Gilbert, Mer- vin Batkin and Edward Grigg. Flower-bearers Were neph­ ews, William, Robert and Ken­ neth Harris, Terry Pearson, Claire Cox and Robert Fisher. Interment was in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. Born on August 25, 1905, in England, Mr. Harris was the ton of the late John Harris and Mabel Westaway. He married Verna Eileen Cox, and they farmed on .Concession 8, Gode­ rich Township until November of last year, when they'retired to Clinton, due to Mr. Harris’ ill health, Mr. Harris was an, ardent hunter and trapper, and belong­ ed to the Trappers Association, He was a member of Grace United Church, Porter’s Hill, and served on the board of stewards there. Mr. Harris died in Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday,- January 26. He had been in ill health for over two years. Surviving besides his wife are two sons, Bruce, Goderich and John, Toronto; two daughters, Mrs. Alvin (Phyllis) Wise; Goderich Township and Miss Janet Harris, Toronto; Che sis­ ter, Mrs. Daris Acheson, Tor­ onto; his step-mother, Mrs. Mary Harris, Goderich Town­ ship; one half-brother, Donald Harris, Goclerich Township and two half-sisters, Mrs. Ross (Betty) Feagan, Goderich Township and Mrs. Dewar (Ruth) Talbot, Stanley Town­ ship. Among those attending the fuheral wore Mrs. Doris Ache- soli, Toronto; MisS Evelyn Fish­ er arid Bob, London and Eric Cox, Chatharti. The first meeting of the Mid­ western Ontario- Regional Lib­ rary was held in thh^Kitchener -Public Library last October. The region comprises the coun­ ties Of Waterloo, Perth and Huron. The local librarian, Miss Evelyn- Hall, and a member of the Clinton Public Library Board attended! the one-day session. Some of the present and fu­ ture, activities were briefly out­ lined by Jack Snell, librarian, Guelph, Mr. Templin, Fergus and Miss June Munro; Toronto-. The items on the agenda that produced a great deal of pleas­ ure for the small libraries was the privilege of choosing ref­ erence books. for their libraries. A grant of money from the De­ partment of Education to the Regional Library made ail this possible. Funds were allocated according to population and Clinton was fortunate to be able to choose books to the value of $350.00. The books have arrived and have been made ready for use, either in- the reference depart­ ment or in circulation. The list of new reference -material fol-., lows: x • Bulfinch’s Mythology; Flags of the World; Shorter Oxford English Dictionary; Canada Year Book for 1965; The Ox­ ford- Companion to Music; Guide to English Literature in seven' volumes, from Chaucer to the modern age; Harper En­ cyclopedia of Science; Native ■Trees of Canada; Black’s Medi­ cal- Dictionary; Complete Ency­ clopedia of Antiques; Home book of Quotations1; National Conference of Canadian Univer­ sities and1 Colleges — including the Academic standards requir­ ed for courses at each; styles of Address; Historical Atlas of Canada; Etiquette by Emily Post and 'the World Book en­ cyclopedia in 20 volumes. Very early in September an item was found on the child­ ren’s side of the Library.. It was a small plastic spade. It was probably left; there by a small type Who had heard an older brother or sister say that they had to go to the library to, “dig” up some information. Even with all this additional reference material added to the collection we feel that unan- pre- pro- Day and swerable questions will be seated but we will try to vide the answers. --------_—o----------- Happy Day February 14 Those two Valentine’s babies are going strong — will celebrate their birthdays on> Monday, February 14: Arthur Groves and Thomas Leppinigton. For them and all those other folk who are having birthdays ’on such a “loving” ' News-Redord wishes the very best. day, the -—-———O’----------------- 4-H Leaders To Attend Courses This Month Training schools for leaders in the 1966 Spring Project be*- i!ng held by. Huron County 4-H Homemaking Clxibs will be held during the next two weeks. The project Chosen ’is “Accent oh Accessories”. First bourse will be in Hen­ sail Legion Hall, February 14- 15; then at Wingham United 'Church, February 16-17; agri­ cultural office, Clinton on Feb­ ruary 21-22 and in Wroxeter Community Hall on February 23-24. Following the school, the leaders return to their com- tounities and instruct 4-H Club between the ages Of 12 and 26 years in planning, Selection and m,aking of a Set of co-ordinated accessories. Fox* ifurther inforination, con­ tact Diane Liddiard, home economist for Huron County, at the agrlcuttunal office, Clinton. Thurs., Feb. 10, 1966—Clinton News'-Record—Page 5 ...!j.... .Ljiam. i wggeuHi . - .i.!.ibw^ , . , By BELLCHAMBER BAYFIELD PERSONAL ITEMS • CHURCH NEWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES > VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER—iPhone Bayfield 38 Subscriptions, Classified Advs., Display Advs. and Job Printing , all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent BEAUTIFUL BREEZY.. , ' ...........................- —............. . - -- Mr. and Mrs. R. Jenkins and children, London, spent Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs. John Lind­ say and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker, Charles and Kim, London, were guests- of his- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Parker for the weekend. The Ladies Auxiliary to Scouts and Cubs will hold their bi-monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 15 at 8 p.m., at the home of Mrs. George Bellcham- ber. All Scout and Cub ^mothers are asked to attend, We are pleased to- report that last weeks plea for a felt mat­ tress to be used for tumbling by the Cubs met with a quick response.,by Mrs. Walter Turner who donated one, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Knight, London, spent Sunday with the lady’s parents,. Mr. ‘and Mrs. Charles Scotchmer. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sturgeon had their daughter, Mrs. Eva Kerchener, London, and their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, D. Baird as gueists on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sturgeon -were pleased to -hear that their grandson Kenneth Sturgeon, aged 6, son .of Stuart Stur­ geon, Hespeler, scored the two winning goals in recent hockey games between Hespeiei’ Hawks and Bruins. Unit One UCW Members of UCW Unit 1 met last Thursday at the home of Miss Josephine Stirling with the leaders Mrs. L. Poth and Mrs. B. Greer in charge. Sev­ enteen members were present. Mrs. Poth, using the study book, “Jesus Christ and the Christian Life”, ably presented the orthodox view of the story in the New Testament of Jesus’ Life and its purpose, as found in Luke’s gospel 'and the letters of the Apostle Paul. Mrs. Greer conducted the business1 meeting. Reports were given 'by the treasurer, Mrs. R. Peterson and Mrs. E. Watson, acting secretary. A report was also heard of the Hospital vis­ iting committee. It was stated that the Ont­ ario Hospital wiU gladly supply information to anyone interest- I— ---------------------------------—~ ed in vlsitipg the patients. Ladies are also needed to sew for the Children’s Aid Society. A social hour x followed and refreshments were served by the hostess. New Guides Misses Wendy Greer, Dale Scotchmer and Patricia Payne were enrolled as Guides in the 1st Bayfield Guide Company February 1. The enrollment was held the regular Guide meeting the. Parish Hall. Division Com­ missioner, Miss’ Mary McMillen officiated, Present to: watch their daughters enter Guiding were, Mrs. Bent Greer, Mrs. Warner Payne and Guide Lieut. Mrs. Gordon Scotchmer. Seniors Meet The, Senior Citizens Group held “Open House” on Friday evening, February 4 with 24 members and guests present. There were five tables of euchre in play during the social hour which followed a brief business meeting. Mrs. George Hopson reported that there are two seats avail­ able on the , charter’d bus for the Ice Capad’es, in London on March 11. Personals Mr. and Mi's; W; E. Erickson and family, , spent Sunday in Ripley, visiting Jdr. and Mrs. Gordan. Stewiartr Charlie Bell is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. More card parties in aid of the Clinton, Hospital Ladies Auxiliary were held last week- BRUCEFIELD on end': Mrs. Harold Weston was hostess' with two tables on Fri­ day with Mrs. Joe Allaire, Mrs. Fred Weston and Joe Allaire, prize winners. On Saturday, Mrs. Fred Arkell entertained two tables'. Winners were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scotchmer. 'Mir. and Mrs. Fred Hulls had their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian Grime, Derek and Barry, Guelph, as their guests on Saturday and Sunday. Jim Robinson, Denis Logan and Nigel Bellchamber, all of UWO, London and George‘Lind­ say, University of Waterloo, spent the weekend with their parents. ■i Sends Condolence —in—.■i.ii. ,i,„, , i. . j R Miss Gayle Turner, Victoria Hospital, London; spent Friday and 'Saturday wiith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner,. Mr. and Mrs. Kelith Leonard and Kai, Willowd'ale, were guests of Mrs. Leonard’s mother, Mrs. E, A. Featherston for the weekend. Mrs. Leon Duggan and Mrs. Rose Boyes, both of Stratford, were in the Village on Sunday. Mrs. E. A. Featherston- is spending several days with her sister, Mrs. George Reid, Varna. Mi’, and Mrs. Percy Law­ rence, Stratford, spent Sunday in the village. Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Kirk­ ham, London and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heard and Linda, Sea­ forth, visited their parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Heard on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John TaylOr, Straitford, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, G. N. Rivers. Joseph P. Blake Hullett Farmer at 82 Requiem high mass was sung on Friday morning, February 4, at St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, for Joseph Patrick Blake, 82, who passed away ■in Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday evening, February 1. Rev. J. E. Kelly, Clintop and Very Rev. J. P. Finn, president of Regina Mundi College, Lon­ don, officiated, and interment was1 in Sacred Heart Cemetery, Teeswater. -Pallbearers were Keith Blake, Richard Blake, William Heffron, Frank Flynn, Walter Steffler and Ted Helm. Born on'November 8, 1883 in Hullett Township, Mr. Blake was the son of the. late Richard Blake and Catherine Phelan. He married Loretto Cronin, Teeswater, on October 26, 19.40, •and they farmed in Hullett Township Since then. He attended St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church here in Clinton, and had been in ill health for about a year. Surviving besides his _ wife, are five brothers, Michael, Florida; Earl and Parnell, De­ troit; Clare, Cleveland and Tom, Goderich; one sister, Mrs. Nora LeSage, Deep River; 20 cousins and 15 nieces and neph­ ews. Attending the funeral were Clare and Parnell, Detroit; Keith, Richard and John Blake, Detroit;'F. J. Steffler, Walter Steffler and Mrs. W. Steffler, Mrs. Vincent Scholsset, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Cronin, Mr. and Mrs; Ralph Cronin, Mr. and Mitts. James Cronin, all of Kitchener. ------- --------- ------- Guides, Cubs And Others Enjoy Hockey BAYFIELD — A * Friday evening match between Brown­ ies and Cubs in the Bayfield rinlr, on Friday everting, was1 coached by their leaders. ‘then.' Scouts and Guides took to the 'ice, with somb assistance from the leaders who joined in the game. Despite Some bruises and sore muscles, the leaders report an ehjoyabilo time, and the parents who watched the match had fun, too. Hof chocolate, donuts and cooldes were served by Mrs. Walter Pierson, assisted by Mrs; Robert MacVeam The scores? very uncertain, although the boys seemed to have an edge on the play. MRS. H. F. BERRY Phone 482-7572 Unit one of the Brucefield United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Wilson Mc­ Cartney on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. Henderson opened the meeting with a poem, request­ ed by Mrs. Stackhouse, and also' read the Scripture. Mrs. G. Henderson was at the piano. The offering was receiv­ ed by Mils. N. Slillery. Mrs. Mac WilSon read from St. John 16: 1-10. Mrs. Wilson 'also gave the topic “Abiding in Christ”, which had been given by her mother 60 years- ago. This was much appreciated by all. Mrs. Wilson closed the worship service with prayer. MTs. John Broadfoot, leader of Unit 1, chaired the business session and welcomed Mrs. E.' D. Stuart, wife of the newly inducted minister of Brucefield and Kippen, to the Unit. In the absence of Mrs. E. Thompson, Mrs. Ross Scott gave the secretary’s report, and roll call was 'answered using the word “Love”. Mrs. Ham read thank you notes from the Turn­ er family, Mrs. George Hender­ son and' Mrs. M. Caldwell. After closing prayer, a dainty lunch was served by the host­ ess and her committee. The March meeting will be held at the home of Mt's. B. Walters. Personals Donald Brodie has returned from hospital in London. Mrs. Brodie, though improving, is still confined to hospital in Lon­ don. Mrs. Gordon Elliott has re­ turned home after spending some time in Stratford with her sister, Mrs. George Griffith grid baby David. Miss Jean McNaughton and friend spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jamie® McNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott, Mbs. Ham and Miss M. Swan, visit­ ed lin Burlington on Sunday. Russel Dallas is a patient in? Seaforth Community Hospital. Rev. E. D. Stuart occupied the pulpit in Brucefield United Church last Sunday. The Village welcomes him, and Mrs. Stu­ art. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith Visited on Sunday with Mrs. ,H. Berry. BAYFIELD — At the regular council meeting on February 7, Bayfield council voted unani­ mously to send an expression of sympathy to Fred Watson, formerly a trustee of the Police Village of Bayfield on the oc­ casion of the death of his wife. Council received' and noted a letter from OMB regarding dangerous accumulation of snow, and ice on public build­ ings. A report by Councillor/ Memer on enquiries which he and Councillor' Allaire had made, regarding road grading and snow removal equipment was received but action de­ ferred. Disposal of trees recently felled was referred to the com­ mittee for Public Works. By-law 24/66 was passed dealing with road work to- be completed in 1966 so that ap­ plication to the Department of Highways for the grants might be made. By-law 25/66 was passed lim­ iting the speed of vehicular traffic within the village to 25 m.p.h. All committees agreed compile budgets for current erations. > Salary scales were discussed in committee and later releas­ ed to the press as follows: road superintendent raised from $2,- 500 to $2,800 P.A., with no change in the car allowance of $500; tax collector raised from $75 to <$100; assessor, raised frorp. $300 to $350; clerk-treas­ urer, raised from $650 to $900. ......... " Barfield Barber I Beauty RE-OPEN FOR BUSINESS on Monday, February 14, 1966 5,6b to QP- Wo to ft* (Ml WALOT OF FELLOWS FALL O WBECAUSE IT'S EASIER mKTOSUDE.THAN BiU rQ CLtM^ Uli westlake's GARAGE PH'50R2BAYFIELD Three Good Used Studebakers 1964 6 cyl 1963 6-cyl, 1960 6 cyl„ 4-dr., standard trans. 4-dr., 4-dr./ automatic standard trans And Also W. H. DALRYMPLE i SON Brucefield Pnone 482*9211 SPECIALSVALENTINE’S DAY IS NEXT MONDAY FEBRUARY 14th SEE OUR DISPLAY OF CARDS — 5c to $1.00 MAKE YOUR OWN VALENTINE BOOKS 36 Designs 29c FUN PACK VALENTINES 35 for 39c 25 for 29c BALLOON VALENTINES 79o VALENTINE SERVIETTES 29o HELENE CURTIS SHAMPOO and RINSE Reg. $2.08 for $1.40 VO-5 SHAMPOO, $3.08 value Special Only $1.90 Sleep Soundly Tonight — Use sl£ep Tabs — $1.50 JUST WALK OVER MlM. PLEASE. J 482-6661 CLINTON VALENTINE CHOCOLATE HEARTS 50o to $6.95 YARDLEY ROLL-ON DEODORANT For Men and Women Reg. $1.50 each Special 2 for $1.50 We Have POLAROID SWINGER CAMERAS In stock $24.95 Filhis $2.55 PRESCRIPTIONS Phono 482-9511 ■M ft Clinton, Ontario ■II I..........................Hi. ......................................