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Clinton News-Record, 1966-02-10, Page 3
From My Window—From My Window II H Thurs., Feb, 10/ 1966r—Clinton News-Record-—-Page 3 PATTERNS ADVICE 5,6,7,8b *r 10% OFF KNITTING WOOL SEE OUR 100% PURE MOHAIR NEEDLES CLEAR-OUT BASKETS WITH WOOL Project Pee Wee For Centennial A wlsie man once said, “The secret of getting rich is no secret , . .ft is the ability to anticipate a requirement of the future and to be certain you think of it first”. I doubt if-anyone will argue With this philosophy. For in stance, the chap who thought up the disposable diapers prob ably eat down one day, clamped 'down his thinking cap and said something like 'this to himself: “What will society continue to produce no matter how edu cated we become? Why babies of counsel. And what is the one chore mothers of babies would pay a fortune to'’ eliminate? Diaper washing, naturally! Wouldn’t it be great if I could free the mothers of the .world from the drudgery of dippee-diilp- ping? Voila . . . disposable dia pers and a million dollars over night!’’ Sound's simple, doesn’t it. I’ve been wracking my brain for years in, search, of a mint for me and while I (haven't as yet come up with an idea that will put mink dm my closet, it occuy- ed to me that some young par ents in the area might benefit from a brilliant flash I had the other day. Thoughts uppermost in. my mind for the past few months -have had something to do with babies. Curiously, I see an as* sedation to babies in every topic for • discussion. I suppose that’s the reason I have con jured' up this lulu for your con sideration. Everyone is familiar with the early morning race among ex pectant mothers on New Year’s Day to bring, into the world the first baby of the year.’The successful infant and the proud parents1 are the recipients of hordes of beautiful, useful gifts. Just imagine how lucrative the THIS WEEK'S LUCKY NUMBER — 1311 For $5.00 Free Cleaning Credit ZZz. 7,7,,’ LAUNDRY CLEANERS Clinton, Ont. - Phone 482-7064 IlMeeMeeMMeeMMtMMeBiMW ............. ........ CnODERICH , ONT. DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT THIS WEEK . . . "THE COMETS" r-------*----------- Coming February 19 . . . ' "THE DEL KEYS" Dancing 9 to Midnight Admission $1.00 per person No Slacks or Jeans ~ ; ....■ " Shirley Keller • production of the first newborn in 1967 — Centennial Year* r— should be! I anq. aware -“Project Pee Wee” will take planning, both on the part of the parents and the official powers who dole out the bounties; ■Moms' and Dads will want to assess the amount of available accommodation in the home, the number of noses already assembled around the family dinner table, the condition of crib, buggy, stroller and play pen, the risk that Mother Na ture will not cooperate and see' to. sit that Junior makes his debut at the appointed hour. But the enthusiasm of pros pective parents having an eye to “Project Pee Wee” would be heightened iif local, provin cial and ,federal governments would lend their support to the scheme. Suggestions might be to offer free dental and medi cal care, throughout childhood to the local winner with paid up dues to any clubs or organ izations the growing youngster may fancy dm the community. Provincially, the prize could be a lifetime pass1 to1 any •pro vincial park for all local win ners and their families and an expense-paid tour of the pro vince at age 18 for the very first baby bom 'in the province in 1967. Ottawa Parliament could promise first year tuition at university to each local win ner, university education free of charge to ail provincial win ners and a tour of Canada at age 18 to the national winner. No time can be wasted if “Project Pee Wee” is to: be come effective. In fact, there are only a couple of months left to iron out the details. There is just one thing that bothers me about this plot . . . due to circumstances beyond my control, our baby, will not figure 'in the race. He or she should make the scene on about the starting date.----------0----------- or i------------------------------------------------------------------- -—.— --------------—-------------------------------------------- Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, Etc. For Rental Information or Reservations Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 V ■s Ladies Serve on Minor Sports Day Ladies of the Auxiliary to Clinton Branch 140, Royal Canadian Legion, accepted the thanks of the gathering on Saturday, after they had served the • Clinton and Dearborn minor hockey teams and adherents. Mrs, Ed Porter, right, president of the Auxiliary, made reply to the thanks offered. The others, from the left are Mrs. Tom Leppington, Mrs. Jhon Aikenhead, Mrs. William, Harris, Mrs. William Holland, Mrs, William Jervis, Mrs. Grant Stirling, Mrs. Dennis Bisback. (News-Record Photo) 10% OFF KNITTING WOOL Continues in February At AMSING'S KNITTING CENTRE SEE OUR 100% PURE MOHAIR NEEDLES — PATTERNS — ADVICE CLEAR-OUT BASKETS WITH WOOL 5,6,7,8b Continues in February At AMSING'S KNITTING CENTRE W THEATRE GODERICH ■ M ON THE SQUARE FIRST RUN Fl IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT — Entertainment Is Our Business >■ I ' ......................... I II I. I III II II I II ■■■ ■■ O- ..... I .1 iiaZ. THURSDAY, FRIDAY-—FEBRUARY 10-11 "THE TRAIN" Stars BURT LANCHSTER As >a (French resistance leader during the closing of World War II Shows At 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. SAT.Z MON., TUES.FEB. 12-14-15 Ahi OTTO PREMINGER FILM JOHN WAYNE KIRK DOUGLAS PAT5MM NEAL TOM TRYON PAULA PRENTISS BRANDON deWlUJE JILL HAWORTH •DANA ANDREWS ’ &NENRYFONDA Recommended An Adult Entertainment (Shows Saturday 7100 and 9:39 p.m. Shows Mon., Tues, at 8:30 p.m. only r111"'1 I.1 -I 111 I 1 11 'I'1' 111 "I ”III "'11 ■............................)l";" ■ Saturday, Feb. 12—Special Matinee—2:15 p.m. ALL CARTOON SHOW PLUS 3 STOOGES Regular Prices The first general meeting for the year 1966, of the Wesley- Will'ils UCW, was1 held' on Feb ruary 2. Mrs. John Nediger opened, the.' meeting with a poem entitled “Sometime”, fol lowed by a hymn. Scripture reading was; given by Mrs. T. Oliver and Mrs. Nediger gave a reading on “Not to side-step responsibility”. A skit called “How long is Eve after”, by Mrs. Benson Sutter and Mrs. Ken Wood proved to be very interesting and discussion .on the skit was led by Mrs; C. Park. Mrs, Nor man Holland then spoke on segments' of Ptaul's life. A verse on “Preaoh Happiness” by Mrs. Nediger and piano duet by Martha Newland and Julia Walden were enjoyed. The president, Miss' Kath erine' McGregor took charge of the business, period. It was de cided that the units continue as in previous years the arrang ing of flowers in the church for Sunday Services. The historical book of the UCW is to be brought up to date. Special events for the year are to remain the same as last year, with' spring and fall thank-offerings., special “Free Will Gift Day” in June and a fowl supper in the fall. The president announced that the Ptesbyterial meeting will be held on March 22, in Wesley- Willis United: Church. Unit One mentioned plans, to hold a lun cheon on February 15. A delicious lunch was served by Unit One.------_0.-------.—— Ile Sainte-Helene, the site of Expo, was named by Samuel de Champlain after his wife, Helene. The annual meeting of the Clinton Citizens.’ Horticultural Society was held Friday even ing in the Council Chambers wlilth a good attendance. The president, Miss Luella Johnston opened the meeting With a poem “Who Plants a Tree”. Mrs. Stewart Middleton read the minutes of the last annual and presented the correspond ence, which included letters of condolence from the head of District 8 of the Ontario' Horti cultural Association and also the secretary of the Ontario As sociation expressing sympathy to the society in the loss of Clifford H. Epps, one who had served most faithfully in many capacities. Miss Johnston asked those present to observe one minute’s silence in honour of one of our greatest members, Clifford Epps, who passed away on July 24, 1965: The president gave a detailed financial .statement, The Garden Club of Toronto is again holding its annual Flower and Garden Show at the O'Keefe Centre on Miairch 9 to 13th inclusive. This i!s a treat for 'all garden lovers. The Ontario Horticultural Association has chosen the Crabapple Royalty as their centennial tree. A new rose has been named for this • occasion, Miss Canada, an offspring of Karl Herlist and the famous Peace tea rose. The annual convention of the OHA will be held at Carleton University, Ottawa, June 23 and 24. Mrs. Harry Ball presented tire report of the nominating committee slate of officers for 1966: honorary president, Doug las Miles.; president, Miss Luella Johnston; first vice, (to be fill ed later); second vice, Mrs. F. Fingland; secretary, Mrs, Ste wart Middleton; treasurer, Fred Sloman; secretary, Mrs. David. Middleton. Directors tor two years, Miss Dorothy Marquis, Mrs. R. G. McCann, Mrs. Harry Ball, Miss Edna Jamieson, Stewart Mid dleton. Directors for one year, Mrs. H. McIntyre, Mrs. E. Farquhar, Mrs, W. Forbes, Gord'on Scriib- bins, Charles Cook. Following the business meet ing, Miiss Johnston introduced the guests of honor, Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Warren, Goderich. Mir. and Mrs. Warren have kindly acted' as flower-show judges in Clinton on .different occasions. Mr. and Mrs. Warren showed delighuu'l coloured slides of their extensive trips in many states of the1 union and high lighted those of Arizona. < Mr. Warren gave a most pleasing commentary which was educational as. well. His pictures of the Grand Canyon, etc., were breathtaking and showed the masters’ touch in camera photography. We remember particularly, also pictures of the irrigation projects, in Arizona, the Japan ese flower garden in Phoenix, the Yuma 'date palms, the Shrimp boats', views of the Rio Grande and a New Orleans fruit market. The audience forgot the cold reality of winter here while feasting on superb pictures of colorful masses of rhododen drons, giant amatylles and flaming hiluscus. There were also homely close-ups of pack-mules,' sheep and of Indian folic along the way and their specialized crafts. His rare pictures; of giant cacti in full bloom were special. Fred Sloman1 moved a most sincere vote of thanks to Mr. and Mi’s. Warren for a truly de lightful evening. Following draws on donated articles, the meeting adjourned.-----------0----------- Wl February Sessions Are Now Planned Owiing to inclement weather the Clinton Women’s Institute was. unable to hold the regular January meeting. On January 31 the executive met at the home of Mrs. Amy Crich to deal with the necessary busin ess. It was decided to hold a card, party ta the Orange Hall on February 16 at 2 p.m. •'The 4-H girls; are invited to1 attend the meeting on February 24. They will give1 a demonstra tion of their work and two of. the girls will be presented with* awards. One has won provincial honors and the other, county honors. The mothers are invited to attend this meeting. 'S Chiropractic Viewpoint Recipe Exchange We have some contributions for this column from Mrs. Jim Scott, who sent along some1 of her favourites. Hen main prob lem in deciding which ones, to send, was that she really likes cooking, and tries; new things quite often-. Thanks Mrs. Scott — we’ll pass along two of and save the others times. Dutch Apple 4 cups ' apples pared and cored.- Add 1 cup white sugar. Put a bit of water in Saucepan with lid on X NERVES CONTROL ALL ORGANS AU the organs of the body’ are controlled by nerves. We are all aware that nerves are present in even such ex ternal organs as our arms and legs. If we cut the nerve leading tb the hand, we cannot move the fingers, and we lose our sense of touch. The nerve system is so extensive m our bodies that there is not a single organ or cell which is not directly or indirectly under its control. The brain receives impluses from all parts of the body and sends out controlling and lifegiving impluses. The liv er, stomach, hand or foot — all are dependent on normal supply of nerve energy. The cheif assistant to thebrain^is the spinal cord, which leaves the brain at the base of the skull and enters the spinal colmun. As the cord descends it gives off thirty-one pairs of nerves which pass between segments of the spinal column and radiate to all parts of the body — the inter nal as well as the external organs. What does this mean in terms of chiropractic? It means that when the chiropractor adjusts the spinal column * he isn’t off the track at all, whether the condition is in the stomach,, liver, heart, kidneys or intestines. He is really going to the root of the matter. The nerves control the internal organs of the body, and the nerves must transmit their energy and vital force through the space between the segments of the spinal column. By correcting spinal distortions and removing irritation and interference from the nerves passing between the spinal segments, chiroprac tic adjustments influence all internal organs. v». i— -■ ..... ..—...................... i—.—— GIANT F of A Feb. 17 At Holmesville The Goderich Township Fed eration of Agriculture will hold its next meeting On Thurs day, February 17 in Holmesville school at 8:45 p.m.--------,--Q----------- Legion Ladies To Meet Monday The Ladies Auxiliary to Royal Canadian Legion will meet In the Legion Hall on Monday, February 14 at 8:15 p.m. -----------o----------- Unit Three of Ont. Street UCW The February meeting of Unit 3, Ontario Street United Church Women Will be held in the Church parlour oh February 14 at 8:30 p.m. 30" RANGE Pie an uncooked your best, for future or milk 1 tablespoon corn starch and cook apple's, for 15 minutes. Place apples in pie shell. Mix 1 cup cream WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC CLINTON Automatic Timing Centro for fully automatic cooking Lift-up surface elements and lower oven heater for easy cleaning 7-heat siitface settings Lift-off oven dooT Single dial overt control , • Miracle Seal OVen for perfect baking results 140° oven sotting WITH ft ft 4 ft ft ftar™ ,luorcs“nt trade $219.00 Friday—Served from 9:30 p.m. fa 12:30 a.m. Saturday—Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight SMORGASBORD DINNERS Every Sunday Evening from 5 to 7 Phone 482-3421 for Reservations We Cater to Dinner Parties and Wedding Receptions Friday and Saturday Evenings Only While Dancing - - - Try Our Special of the Week 'Chicken In a Basket' 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablesipoon white sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon , Place, over apples and cook for 45 minutes at 400 degrees. —Donna Scott Chili Con Carne 2 tablespoons shortening 1 pound' ground beef 2 tablespoons chili powder 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper 1 onion chopped fine 1 can tomato soup 1 can kidney beiahs 2 tablespoons vinegar Heat 'shortening ‘in frypan; add beef and onions; stir while browning. Add remaining in gredients, mix well. Cover and simmer for 45 minutes. —Donna Scott MODEL KFF3D WALLPAPER HOTEL CLINTON 1 fc—touii—-——B'l.J'I WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY—FEBRUARY 1«-17 PAINT and Clinton Electric Shop Mcnmet presents WERE ON OUR WAY OH ©Mil wnouteiL AWARD , m WINNER! gj Cannes Film ■$2 Feslivtil VtlESTACTOhV^ "BESTACTRKSS”. TUB kiWMGkJWA TECHNICOLOR* Starring, TERENCE STAMP • SAMANTHA EGGAR , Shows M 7:15 and ■iiiiiiiiiTTiiliiii’ ir il iiiii".LiiMiriHa-T'11'lii ■N'riBii.hWiiMiiaiiiiiMi WYLER'S MT A&e COlleCtOI’. MASTER'EFFICIENT FEBRUARY 10 — FEBRUARY 19 HILDEBRAND PAINT & PAPER Ph. 527-1880 SEAFORTH D. W. Cornish your Westinghouse dealer" Clinton