HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-02-03, Page 9MRS, WES BRADNOCK—Correipondent—“hone 526-7595 KEEPTHIS DATE OPEN Thurs., Feb, 3, 1966-—Clinton News-Record—-Page 9 Classified Ads. Bring Quick ResultsAuburn and District CONCRETE SILOS place your Mrs. William Ernpey Skits At Achievement MARK STANDS FOR THE I cap build 13', 14’ up CONTRACTOR and BUILDER 92 Cambria Rd, N„ Goderich — Phone 524-9437 V we've the gasoline frient you SHOULD KNOW- THA T WILL GIVE YOUR TRUCKS TRACTOR Personals Bert Doran arrived UC Annual The annual congregational meeting qf Knox United Church was held, last week jn the Sun­ day school auditorium of the church . with about 60 present. Pot-luck dinner convened by the members of Unit One was served at 12:30 p.m. The minister, Rev. John Wheeler was chairman1 and con­ ducted the devotional period after which one minute's1 silence was observed for those who had died during the year, Encour­ aging reports were- presented by the various organizations. Normaft McDowell and Fred Wagner were elected to the session for a full term while THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24 8:00 p-m- In HENSALL LEGION HALL Bean & Corn Weed Control Clinic Sponsored By Interlake Chemical S$ryice$ Limited and AgroSpray Chemicals Limited Haggitt assisted' by Mirs'. For­ dyce Clark and Mrs, Ed, Davies. Ifcujx UCW The United Church Women of Knox United Church was held last Wednesday in the Sunday school room with, a good attend­ ance. President Mrs. Oliver Andmon was in Charge. Bev, John Wheeler installed the new officers. Minutes wore read by the secretary, Miss Elma. Mutch. The treasurer, Mrs, Norman McDowell gave the financial .statement. The business was in the charge of the new president and the new secretary. Mrs, Robert Arthur. Members of unit one took over the meeting with, Mrs. John Sprung presiding. Miss Elma Mutch led in prayer and a duet was sung by Mrs. Gor­ don McClinchey and Mrs. Nor­ man McClinchey. The Bible study on the Book of Ruth in the form of a skit was given. Offering was re­ ceived by and Mrs. Arthur Grange, Thirty years of experience, I 3 si io to suit your needs—12', to 55 feet. A few vacancies yet to fill, order soon — By Contacting 4-H Club Projects Completed Three sisters, Dorothy, Viola and Hazel Collins, daughters of Mr, and Mrs. Stan Collins, RR 3, Clinton, were among 120 4-H Homemaking girls who show­ ed completed projects at the achievement day in Seaforth on Saturday. Here they look over one of the project books. Viola won provincial honours/ (com­ pleting twelve projects) and Hazel is a county winner (has completed six pro­ jects). (Photo by Phillips) 4-H John .Hildebrand was elected to fill the.vacancy caused by Keith Arthur moving away. Walter Cunningham, Wayne Millian, Norman Wightman and Allen Webster1 “are the new members on the board of stew­ ards. Mr, and! Mrs. Walter Cun- riingham were elected to the manse committee, Mrs. Stanley Ball, whp has faithfully printed the church bulletins far several years ask­ ed to be relieved and Bert Marsh consented to undertake this task. A vote of appreciation for the fine way Rev, and Mrs. Wheeler have served the congregation was moved by Harold Webster. Anglican Annual The annual vestry meeting of St. Mark’s Anglican Church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Haggitt with a good attendance. The rector,1 Rev. G. E. Pakenham was chairman. Minutes; we^e read1 by the vestry clerk, Mrs. Thomas Hag­ gitt. Several items of business were discussed and then the election of officers took place. Rector’s warden, Fordyce Clark; people’s warden, Thomas Haggitt; Church, treasurer, Mrs. John Daer; assistant treasurer, Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell; ves­ try clerk, Mrs. Thomas Hag­ gitt; auditors, Mrs. Fordyce Clark, Mrs. Ed. Davies; dele­ gate. to Synod, Donald Cart­ wright; sub-delegate, Fordyce Clark, Directors: Thomas Johnston, Gordon R. Taylor, Mrs. Orval McPhee and Mrs. Thomas Hag­ gitt. ■ Lunch was served by Mrs. the WELLSfWay! Mrs. home on Saturday 'from a visit to Milford, Saskatchewan. ■ Harry Goodwin, Atwood, vis­ ited with William. Stiles over , the weekend. Mrs. Elmer Keller, Dublin visited last Saturday with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Arthur, Mr. Arthur and family. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig visited last Wednesday with their son Robert Craig, Mrs. Craig and family at Ilder- ton. John Wagner is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Fred Young- b’lut, Mr. Youngblut and family at Woodstock. Friends will be pleased to know that Mrs. Margaret Ar­ thur is improving in Clinton hospital. She'had taken ill while visiting with Mrs. Arthur Lambeth. Miss Lynda ham, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. War­ ner Andrews. ---------------q1-------------- her son Keith, and family at Andrews, Wing- Z TAKE NOTE; THERE ARE 2 MORE WINTER MONTHS WITH LOTS OF ’’HARD STARTING” WEATHER. _ TUNE UP YOUR MOTOR NOW! YOU’LL HAVE A CARE-FREE WINTER AND BE READY FOR SPRING. LET US ✓X.,,— .........»—................... ——- WE’RE OVERSTOCKED Big reductions on certain lines McCulloch Chain Saws, Chains and All Accessories. Wells Auto Electric PHONE 482-3851 54 KING STREET CLINTON Maitland Auth. Elects Bluevale Man President lisAlvin D. Smith, Bluevale, the new chairman of the Mait­ land Conservation Authority, chosen' at the annual meeting of the 29 municipalities at Brus­ sels last week. He succeeds Robert O. Wenger, Wingham. Vice-chairman is W. J. Kelter- bom, Milverton. -----------o----------- MIDDLETON MRS. S. MIDDLETON Phone 482-7525 Following successful surgery Mbs. Arnold Miller returned ■home from Clinton Public Hos­ pital on Wednesday of last week. Her many friends wish her a speedy convalescence. Donald/ Middleton returned home on Monday after two weeks a patient in the Clinton hospital. - ________ ONTARIO BEAN GROWERS VOTE FEBRUARY 8th, 9th, 10th, 1966 STUDY THE FACTS and Add Sponsored to Inform Farmers by 67 YONGE St.TORONTO, ONTARIO 120 4-H girls from this com­ munity attended the annual Achievement Day for the pro­ ject, “Sleeping garments” last Saturday in Seaforth District High School. Miss Diane Liddiard, Home economist for Huron County was in charge. She was assisted by Mrs. Barbara Flewelling, Wellington County and Mrs. Donna Mae Holm, Bruce County. Leadership badges were pre­ sented to Mrs.^Eleanor Brad­ nock and Mrs. Frank Raithby, Auburn; Mrs. Norman Tyndall and Mrs. Keith Tyndall, Clin­ ton; Mrs. William Porter and Mrs. S. McIlwain, Goderich; Mrs. E. Yeo, Holmesville; Mrs. O. Little and Mrs. K. Stewart, McKillop; Mrs. R. Doiiig and Mrs. G. Elliott, Seaforth; Mrs._ J, Broadfoot and Mrs. W." Whyte, Seaforth district; Mrs. E, Hunter and Miis. W. Bogie, Tiger Dunlop I; Mrs. R. Bu­ chanan .and Mrs, M, Bogie, Tiger Dunlop II; Mrs. B, Pep­ per iand Mrs. A. Townsend, Tuckersmith and Mrs. N. Reid and Mrs. N. Marks, Walton. the exhibit. The Holmesville club compos­ ed of Diane Rodges, Marilyn Rodges, Nancy Ginn, Heather1 Whitely, Cheryl Cox, Sandra Wise and Patsy Wise gave a skit on "What makes good sleeping garments,” Tuckersmith club had chosen Carolyn Sytnick to speak on their exhibit, "Variety tn sleep­ ing garments”. The Walton club demonstrated hoiw to select- a pattern and material, Karen McDonald and Brenda Muir showed what points to consider when buying patterns and ma­ terials. 1 Marian Hickey of the Auburn club spoke on their exhibit, “Good sleeping garments”. The McKillop club’s skit was pre­ sented on selecting material and pattern and this, was done by Elaine Murray, Joanne Mur­ ray, Donna Horne, Yvonne Pryce, Brenda Pryce and Glen­ da Little. The Seaforth exhibit, “Var­ iety in sleeping garments” was commented on by Diiane Fin­ layson, The Goderich club gave an ..... During the morning the girls!interesting demonstration on judged a class of pyjamas or nightgowns and.also- a class of materials suitable for an illus­ trated garment. All members had to sew lace oh a sample. The interesting afternoon program consisted of skits, de­ monstrations1 and comments on the various exhibits and these were viewed by many mothers and WI members throughout the County. The Clinton Club presented a skit on the topic, “What makes a good sleeping gar­ ment” and the following took part: Margaret Stewart, Betty Salverda, Glenda Gray, Helen Good', Cheryl Tyndall, Diane Pickard, Nancy Pickett, Mary- Lynn Forbes, Hazel Collins, .Marie Trewartha, Dorothy Col­ lins, Connie Tyndall, Cheryl Potter, Heather Snell and Viola Collins. Tiger Dunlop I of Coliborne Township had an exhibit, “Good sleeping garments” and their commentator, Shirley Fisher gave an informative talk on the display. Tiger Dunlop II pre­ sented the Skit on, "Selecting pyjama material and pattern”. Miss Agnes Haverkamp spake on the Tuckersmith exhibit, "Finishes for sleeping gar­ ments” and was quite attract­ ive in' her pyjamas which car­ ried1 out the color scheme of the topic, “What makes good sleeping garments”, those tak­ ing pant were Susan Sowerby, Cathy McIlwain, Jo Ann Cook and' Janet Willilams. Mrs, Wes Bradnock, provin­ cial board director for this sub­ division (brought greetings from the FWTO Boardl and presented provincial honors certificates and pins to: Elaine Murray, RR 5 Seaforth; Viola Collins, RR 3, Clinton; Roba Doig, Seaforth; Helen Elliott, RR 5, Seaforth; Diane Finlayson, RR 2, Sea- ■ forth and Sharon MacKenzie, RR 1, Seaforth. County honors were present­ ed to Nellie Baan, RR 3, Wal­ ton; Joanne Murray, Connie Howaitt, Blanche Dalton, RR 1, Londesboro; Dorothy Ross, RR 1, Brucefield; Janice Reabum, RR 5, Goderich; Connie Hickey, RR 3, Auburn; Bernice Mc­ Dougall, Auburn; Hazel Collins, RR 3, Clinton1; Anne Sills, Sea­ forth and Maria Williams, RR 4, Seaforth. Miss Liddiard thanked all for their (excellent work in this pro­ ject and explained the new spring project, "Accent on ac­ cessories” when the girls will make a hat, dye. a matching scarf and! a punse and study color combinations to’ make at­ tractive accessaries to wear with suit, coat or dress. z GENUINE TRIPLE [|(j s I CULTIVATOR WHERE FRAME STEEL IS PRESTRETCHED COLD FOR ADDITIONAL STRENGTH AND J Every single tine is Bayfield Road CLINTON Phone 482-9431 for form stability and' spring ability. Tines of own production exclusively for Triple K. Local Dealer I of your Personal Banking Needs The normal day-by-day personal banking needs of most Cana­ dians are covered by three essential banking services. At the Bank of Montreal we are geared to give you complete, person* alized service in these three vital areas. & ACCUMULATING: Your B of M Savings Account is the ideal place to save money for travel, education, down payment on a house, major household purchases. BORROWING: Thousands of Canadians borrow money at the Bank of Montreal for all kinds of worthwhile pumoses. . A.. CHEQUING : Paying by cheque is the safe, convenient, modern way to take care of your bills and avoid the dangers of cash transactions. ONLY AN ORGANIZATION LIKE THE BANK OF MONTREAL OFFERS YOU THESE THREE VITAL SERVICES • tFAy not -visit your neighbourhood, BofM branch toddy dnd pick up your copy of our booklet* “21 Ways you can use the B ofM”. z Bank of Montreal .Clinton Branch: RCAF Station (Sub-Agency): Londesborough (Sub-Agency): ■h PLUSII • J Convenient Branches Travel ServicesI Banking by Mail Money Orders Safekeeping Facilities || foreign Exchatgo Transactions || m Buying and Selling Securities |g ||| and many others || l KI It G. FLETT Manager Operi Daily OpCn Mori. & Thurs.