HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-01-20, Page 12f I ? Page 12—-Clinton News-Record—Thurs., Jan. 204 1966 In Peewee Hockey ? Doug Osborn Leading Goalgetter; Red Wings Lead Kin League During the past week the Red Wings continued their win­ ning streak in the Kinsmen Peewee Hockey League and two of their players lead in the scoring race. On Wednesday, Wings beat Bruins 7-4, Wing goals were scored by Fpgo 3, Osborn 2, Fremltn and Jenkins. Brian Edgar scored three for Bruins and Cummings, one. ' * Monday night they beat Maple Leafs 9-1. Scorers were Osborn 3, Barry Edgar and Jenkins two each, and singles by Kay and Dennis, In an exhibition game at The Holmesville entry in the four-team rural hockey league, are undefeated so far in the schedule. On Tuesday evening in Clin­ ton Lions Arena they defeated the Clinton Christian Reform­ ed Church team 7-3. On the same evening the On­ tario Hospital team from Gode­ rich beat Brucefield 7-2 in Gode­ rich arena. Next week’s games are: Tuesday, January 25—Goderich vs. Clinton in Clinton Lions Arena and on Wednesday, Jan­ uary 26, Holmesville vs. Bruce­ field in the Goderich arena. ' ■■ 1 —T ..'... RCAF Station Arena on Satur­ day the Red Wings defeated the RCAF White peewees 4-0 with Qsbom and Dennis getting' two goals each. League Standing L 1 2 ........... W 2 Maple Leafs .... 0 7 Future Games On Friday, the Maple Leafs play at the RCAF arena, leav­ ing Clinton Lions Arena at 6:3b p.m., and at 7:15 the Kin All- Star peewees leave Clinton arena to go to the RCAF arena to 'play an exh'ilbitton' game a- gainst the RCAF Adastral Park bantams. On Saturday, Red Wings play Rangers at 10 o’clock, with an all-star practice scheduled from 12 to 1 o’clock at noon, Monday, January 24, Bruins vs. Maple Leafs and on1 Wed­ nesday, Rangers vs. Maple Leafs to complete the Kin pee­ wee league regular schedule. Scoring Leaders w Red Wings ........ 6 Bruins ................3 Rangers ..... 3 Doug Osborn ..... Bariy Edgar Brian Edgar ..... Gary Cummings’ .. Mark Jenkins. ... David Fawcett ... Bruce Craig ...... Wayne Cantelon..... TV TRADE-IN TIME Bantam Team T Pts. 1 13 2 8 1. 7 0 Q The Clinton Fish mid Game Club bantam hockey team are still on their winning streak. Last Thursday they squeezed out a close 4-3 victory in Sea­ forth. Lawrence Elliott was the. big gun with two goals and singles going to Bill Stirling and Stewart Mustard. The fallowing night in 'EJen- sall, the Clarence Neilans- coached team ran up a 21-1 score, Last night they played Mat* 'dhell in the Lions Arena here. Gaines FIVE-PIN BOWLING STANDINGS CLINTON MIXED LEAGUE Mitehell Zurich Future Jan. 24-—Clinton at 26—Clinton at Next games in Clinton are February 2 and 9 against 'iich and Seaforth, Bob Pearson on Zur-’ Bob Pearson, a Clinton teen­ ager, bowled 11 straight strikes to run up a total of 440 pins at the Crown Lanes last Friday evening. Bob is good bowler. BOB PEARSON Bowls 440 Game ELECTROHOME SUTTON MK. II *08 23" Rectangular tube Contemporary styled "Centurion" with 14 tubes, 4 transistors, 5 One 5-inch speaker. Decorator styled base available. chassis diodes. GALBRAITH’S YOUR TV SERVICE DEALER CLINTON — 482-3841 a consistently I Other high scores at the same lanes (recently have been: Dave Reid, singles of 369 and 371, triples of 909, 899 and 870; Bayne Boyes, single 395, triple 883; Les Turner, single 401, triple 897; John Cooper, single 371, Two girls who have got high scores are, Mrs. Beth Thomp­ son with a 316 single, and Miss Kay Sharp, a 745 triple. -----------o----------- Mainstreeters Beat Teachers The tail-end Mainstreeters team in 'Clinton Industrial Hockey League handed the sec­ ond-place Teachers a 12-1 trouncing on Monday night. In the other game of the weekly doubleheader at Clin­ ton Lions Arena, undefeated Bankers1 won 11-10 over Hydro. The games did not change the standing in the four-team league, composed of over-age juniors and veteran players. Standing W Bankers ........... 5 Teachers..........2 Hydro \............ 2 Mainstreeters .. 2 L 0 3 4 . 0 4 0 T pts. 1 1 11 5 4 4 On Monday, January 24 at 8:00 p.m., Teachers play Bank­ ers, and at 9:15 Mains tree tors take on Hydro. These games are open to the public and are free1; and, ac­ cording to the one or two fans who do attend, the calibre of hockey, is really good. Paint - By Numbers Use Classified Ads For Quick Results z— ’... ■ "" ....... 1 " 1-2-3 SETS of 2 Canvases 8"xl0" 12 Different Designs pictures, IOuxl4" $2.95 set X. Series 24 Sets—of 2 pictures I2"xl6" and 24 colors, 12 different designs. $3.95 set Series 30 Sets—of 2 pictures, I6"x20" and 30 colors, 10 different designs. $5.95 set "Winter Landscape" and "Toilers of the Sea"—I picture each ahd 18,,x24" frame..........................$11.95 each OIL PAINTS, In Tubes — OIL BRUSHES TURPENTINE —* COPAL OIL SPRAY VARNISH Me EWAN’S Raiders .......... Shur Shots ..... Hecklers ........ Rolling Stopes Untouchables .. Alley-Cats...... Scatter Pins .... Boo Boobs...... ‘‘ High single,, ladies, Dorothy O’OQnneil, 402; men, Frank Somerville, 324; high, triple, ladies, Bessie Black and Mary Freeman, 744; men, J. .Arm­ strong, 885; high average, lad­ ies, Bessie Black, 190; men, J. Armstrong, 222. Minor Hockey Day Group To Meet Sat, Hon. W. A? Stewart Announces JUNIOR L,EAGU|E 55 .54 51 50 41 34 15 Pts. 47 43 39 31 Falcons .... T-Rirds..... B.C. Lions Indians ..... High Single, B. Fleet, 340; high triple, B. Pearson, 583; high average, B. Pearson, 221. LONDESPORQ MEN Pts. .. 63 .. 62 .. 53 .. 53 Tom Collins ......... 7 Up ...................... Coke ....................... Captain Morgan High single, Bruce Roy, 448; high triple, Bruce Roy, 880; high average, Cliff Saunder- cock, 217. BELL TELEPHONE LEAGUE Pts. 31 30 30 21 21 17 Dynamites ............ Try-Hards ............ Blow Outs .............. Meat Heads .......... White Tornadoes .. Nuts ......................... High single, ladies, Donna MacLaren, 238; men, Murray Colb an, 322; high triple, ladies, Donna MacLaren, 572; men, Murray Colban, 811; high aver­ age, ladies, Winnie Bell, men, Joe Desmarais, 232. ROMAN CATHOLIC MIXED LEAGUE 193; Pts. 65 60 47 The Indians'........ Bad Boys + One Go-Go-Go’s ............ High single, ladies, Edna Le­ beau, 245;'men, Dave Middle­ ton, 274; .ladies high triple, Ed­ na Lebeau, 580; men, Tony Van Dongen, 684; high average, lad­ies, Edina Lebeau, 159; men, Tony Van Dongen, 181. < BLUEWATER BOWLING LEAGUE Pts. 66 58 52 44 Sharks ... Suckers .. Minnow's , Crabs ..... High single, ladies, Grace Hutchings, 205; men, Joe Koene, 292; high triple, ladies, Grace Hutchings, 596; men, Joe Koene, 673. IOOF LEAGUE Pts. ... 67 ... 67 ..; 56 ... 53 ... 51 ... 47 ... 42 ... 37 Gerry men, , Mervyn Wise Wizards .......... Cairm’s Torpedbs ........ Ken’s Komets ............ Bill’s Bullets .............. Bob’s Bombers...........' Cracker Jacks .......... Ik’s Daredevils .......... Murray’s Maulers ...... High single, ladles, Harris, 270; Webb, 351; high triple,1 ladies, Kay Harris, 641; men, Bob Gib- bings, 802; high average, ladies, Kay Harris, 179; men, Bob Gib- bings, 203. In Order To Facilitate SNOW REMOVAL Owners of vehicles are requested not to park on Albert, King, Victoria and Isaac Streets, in the business section of Clinton, between the hours of 12 p.m. and 7 a.m. , Thanking you TOWN OF CLINTON John Livermore, Clerk. z DIAMONDS I see JL* • • ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton — Phone 482-9525 ■ • father plans tor Clinton’s Minor .Hockey Day pn Satur­ day, February 5, will be made at a meeting in the Legion Hall on Saturday afternoon, January 22 at twd o’clock. On minor 'hockey day in Clin­ ton, two Dearborn, Mjieh? teams will, play Clinton Fish and Game Club 'bantams and the Lions midgets. This will be the seventh year that Clinton has hosted Dearborn minor hockey players, parents and interested hock­ ey fans are invited to the meet­ ing Saturday afternoon to Plan another successful hockey day in Clinton — February 5. Clinton’s, minor hockey day is held 'in conjunction with Mipor Hockey Week in Canada, pro­ moted' by the Canadian Ama­ teur Hockey Association and its affiliated leagues, The original slogan of the week, “Don’t send — take your boy to the arena" has been added to “ . , , and stay to see him play”. Clinton’s “day” starts on Fri­ day, February 4 at 7 p.m. with weewee and squirt age players from the Clinton. Kinsmen hockey school, putting on ex­ hibitions’. At 9 p.m. Clinton Legion juveniles host a visiting team. On Saturday, February 5, hockey games begin at 9; 30 in the morning to 9 in the evening. ------------------IQ,------------------ London Professor Guest Speaker . Professor J. J. Talman of the University of Western Ontario, London, has been engaged as guest speaker at the annual Robbie Burns night of Chnton Lions Club. The dinner meeting on Tuesday is the actual date of the Scottish poet’s birthday. Many 'guests, including the Kinsmen. Club will be present. The program is being arranged by Lion E. B. Menzies and will be in St. Paul’s Church Parish Hall. William MacArthur 'has1 tak­ en over the Lions1 secretary job from Fred Sloman Who Will continue as bulletin editor for the- club. The -Lions have changed their executive meetings to the third Thursday of each month. They meet tonight in the board room at the town hall. At the Lions meeting on Jan­ uary 11, president Duff Thomp­ son requested Doug Miles, agri­ cultural representative for Hur­ on County to talk on the In­ ternational Plowing Match near Seaforth thi's fall. T ) Goshen' Line White Bean Research Plots at Varna, Kippen Pion, William A. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture has an­ nounced that a comprehensive research program into all phas­ es of white bean production would be carried out in Huron County this year, Under the direction of the Ontario Agricultural Research Institute and Soils and' Crops Branch of 'the Department of Agriculture, test plots will be established at Varna and Kip­ pen in the county, The program will include the testing of promising new strains from Michigan and the Harrow Experimental Station in Ont­ ario. The Demonstration plots Will check out herbicides and insecticides in addition to ex­ haustive fertility trials. Much of the testing will be carried out by Soil and Crop specialists on grower farms. "It is my conviction that work of this1 type can be car­ ried out more effectively by test plots on co-operating farms in the various counties of the province rather than increas­ ing the number of experimental farms,” said Mr. Stewart in making the announcement. “The Soils and. Crops Branch of the Department is designed to work in close co-operation with local Soil and Crop Im­ provement Associations in eval­ uating new crop production - techniques and their utilization under actual conditions. Under this system the local people are an important part in both the planning and evaluation of the tests.” The Minister stated that dur­ ing the past few years the num­ ber of soil and crop specialists had been1 increased in' order that co-operative testings pro­ grams could be widened. ( With the International plow­ ing Match being held in Huron County this year a special pro­ gram has been planned on the site of the match. Projects dem­ onstrating new varieties, herbi- CLINTON MEN Pts. Squirts ............................... 65 Scramblers ....................... 53 Old Timers ....................... 43 Boozers ............................. 35 High single, J. Carter,330; ? high triple, J. Carter, 810;high 1 average, Jim Armstrong, 224, * CLINTON-BLYTH LADIES LEAGUE Pts. Whiz-Bangs ......................102 Beatlettes ......................... 97 The Ups & Downs .......... 95 The Go-Go’s ................... 94 Whiriey-Birds ................. 85 Jet Set ................. ........... 74 Gemini VI ........................ 70 Rolling Stones ............... 63 High single, Beth Thompson, 316; high triple, Kay Sharp, 745; high average, Nancy Roy, 184. cides, fertilizer types and meth- pds of application as well as insect control and , planting methods will prove of interest to the many visitors to the plowing match. < Hie Hon. C. S< MaeNaughton, in -commenting on the an­ nouncement -by the Hon. W, A. Stewart, Mmisrtejr of Agricul­ ture (that a comprehensive re­ search program into all phases of white bean production would be carried out m Huron County this year) stated: “I regard this a very impor­ tant step which will have great ipLuenfce on the future of the 'bean growing industiy. I am particularly gratified, too, that this, program will be undertak­ en in Huron County, the princi­ pal bean growing area in the province. “As I made reference in my speech during the last session of the House, it is appropriate I believe, for me to present certain views, because id the riding of Huron, which I am proud and privileged to' repre­ sent and which comprises Hie southern two ■thirds of Huron County, the production of white beans constitutes one of the principal cash crops in this farming area of Ontario; “In fact, it is .safe to say, in the comparative sense, that Huron is now the largest pro­ ducing area for this cash crop in Ontario, indeed in all Can­ ada. “While production is spread­ ing both nor,th 'and east, the southern portion of Huron would still account for the ma­ jor volume of production. It seems obvious that the present and forseeable future holds promise for greatly increased production potential. “It occurs to me that with more aggressive pursuit of our endeavours in this, direction with some special- field testing and subsequent selection and lanit 'breeding, using our own utilities as a measure of fur- ler collaboration in-this field, uoh could be done to develop re potential of the industry. “With today’s announcement 7 the Minister of Agriculture, e now 'appear to be on the ireshhold of exciting possibil- i’es in terms of expanding o.ur induction areas. YOU ARE WES LEY-WILL IS Hi-C ■ z Whiz Kids Wing Dings Finks ..... Crackers .... High jingle, ladies, Mary El­ len Andrews, 212; men, Larry Pearson, 279; high triple, ladies, Mary Ellen Andrews, 597; men, Larry Pearson, 717; high aver­ age, Jadiies, Mary Ellen And­ rews, 154; men, Jjarry Pearson, 239. COMINGEVE^NTS RATE: Four cents a word; Minimum 75 cents Thursday, Jan. 20 — BINGO at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg­ ular games for $5,00. 2 share- the-wealth games. 1 special game for $25.00, the first letter “L’’ and first letter "T” applies on this game for $2.00 each. 3 share-the-wealth games, jack­ pot applies on those 3 games $57.00 in 57 numbers. 2 door prizes for $2.00 each. Admission 50c; extra cards 25c or 6 for $1,00. tfb Friday, January 21 •— Cash Bingoi in Legion Hall, Seaforth. 8:15 p.m. 15 regular gamete! for $10, 3-$25 specials, l-$50 Jack­ pot. Sponsors, Branch 156, Canadian Legion. 3b Friday, January 21 — Card party, Londesboro Community Hall, 8 p.m.; sponsors, Women’s Institute; good prizes. Every­ one welcome. 2-3b Friday, January 21—Euchre and “500”, auction and sale of donations, at Holmesville old public school, 8:30 p.m. Every­ one welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. Auspices St. Jam­ es WA, Middleton. 2,3b Fri., Jan. 21 — Euchre and dance at Summerhill Hall. Holland’s Orchestra. Ladies pleiaise bring lunch. Sponsor: Summerhill Ladies Club. 3b Tuesday, Jan. 25 — BINGO’ at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $58.00 in 58 numbers. Six door prizes. 8:30 p.m. Wed., Jan. 26 — Varna LOL euchre party, Township 'Hall, Admission 50c. Ladies please bring lunch. 3b' Wednesday, Jan. 26 — Public­ meeting, McKay Hall, Goderich. Sponsors, Huron New Demo­ cratic Party. 8:30 p.m. Gu'eist speaker Mrs. Pat Chefurka, for­ mer NDP candidate for Middle­ sex West. 3p> Reserve Wed., Feb. 9 — Val­ entine Dessert Euchre, Orange Hall, 2 p.m. Sponsors' LOBA. 3,5b Sat., Feb. 12 — Valentine Tea and Bazaar, St. Andrew’s Pres­ byterian Church, 3-5 p.m., homemade baking, tea 35c, aus­ pices Madeleine Lane Auxiliary. 3, 5, 6b Thurs., Feb. 17 — Ice Cap- ades of 1966, Kitchener Aud­ itorium, bus leaving Clinton 6 p.m. For information 'and tick­ ets call Bartliffs Bakery. 3-4b WELCOME TO JOIN 1 No invi+a+ion necessary a+ Clinton Community Credit Church, UCW and SS Report Successful Year k. <“ LIFE INSURED SAVINGS AND LOANS J) Reports given at the Goshen United Church and Sunday Sch­ ool annual meeting held on Monday, January 10 revealed one of the most successful years in the church’s history. Rev. 'M. Morrison opened the meeting With Scripture and prayer and acted as chairman. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read by the sec­ retary Mrs. Bruce Keys. Mr. Morrison reported for the Session, 52 services, 5 bap­ tisms and one death. Excellent reports Were given by the ch­ urch treasurer, Elmer Hayter; by the UCW treasurer's, Mrs. James Keys and Mrs. Howard Armstrong; by birthday fund treasurer, Mrs. Arnold Keys; by Anson McKinley for the manse committee; by Mr. Morrison for Sigma C and Vacation Bible School; by Mrs, Anson McKin­ ley for CGIT. The lay delegate to presby­ tery is to be Anson McKinley and the delegate to Presbytery UC Men is George Simons. Ste­ wards retiring in 1965 were re­ placed by Leslie Armstrong, John McBride, Allan Hayter, ahd Mrs. Arnold Keys1 Who' are appointed for a three-year term, It was recommended that two new elders be elected and the congregation will be given the opportunity to Vote for them on two consecutive Sun­ days in the hear future. - Auditors1 appointed were Ray McBridb and Elgin McKinley; ushers, Larry McKhiley, Wayne Peck, Gerald Hayter, Bob Hay­ ter and Greg Armstrong; or*' gahists are Mfs. Ebner Hayter, Mrs. BrUce Keys, Miss Donna Peck and Miss Joan Elliott. Caretakers are Mr, and Mrs. Doug Robinson and treasurer is Elmer Hayter. A vote of thanks Was extended to all those who held office, gave leadership of assisted in the life and work of the church. Sunday School officers and tedchbrs appointed are: super­ intendent Anson. McKinley; sec* retary-itreasurer, George Sim­ ons; paper secretary, Larry McKinley; organists, Marilyn Keys, Karen McKinley; adult class, Dianne and Deibbie Mc­ Kinley; kindergarten, Joan Elli­ ott, Mrs. J. E’ckei; primary, Mrs. Bob Peck, Mrs. Bruce Keys; Junior boys, Mrs. Bob McKin­ ley, Mrs. Elgin McKinley; jun­ ior girls, Mrs. Russell Erratt, Mrs. Mel Elliott; intermediate, Mrs. George Simons; young Elgin McKinley, Mi’s. Hayter. UCW Meeting Goshen UCW met in Anson McKinley, Mrs. people, Elmer the ch­ urch on Thursday evening, Jan­ uary 13 having as their guests the Varna UCW and the Bay­ field UCW. Special speaker for the even­ ing was Mrs. Norman Johnston, who with her husband has been on furlough from Bolivia. They have been missionaries in ivia for the past 37 years. They plan to return to ivia to retire aS they are in their seventies, but Johnston states.that there is no retirement in the Lordh work. She gave a very interesting story of their work there and spoke of the great heed of workers. On behalf of the Goshen UCW Mrs. R. Erratt presented Mrs. Johnston with a transistor radio. Mrs. Johnston Was truly delighted Stating that she had never owned a radio or even a newspaper. Mrs. Johnston was also given a purse of money on behalf of all the ladies present. On Sunday, January 9, Mr. ahd Mrs, Johnston. delivered messages at the regular service and were given a purse of money by the congregation. This money helps them carry on their work an Bolivia. Clifford Keys has been a pa­ tient in the Joseph Brant Mem* orial Hospital in Burlington. Mumps have been prevalent in the Goshen community. Bol- both Mrs. % ... I ... Locally Owned One Owner Specials 1963 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-DOOR SEDAN 6-cylinder engine Automatic transmission Whitewalls, wheel discs Spotless black finish with blue interior One local owner, low mileage. A57694. 1964 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DOOR HARDTOP V8 engine, automatic transmission Radio Whitewall tires, wheel discs Locally owned, excellent condition. A57819. 1963 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF 4-DOOR SEDAN Standard transmission 6-cylinder engine Only 13,000 actual miles Spotless inside and out. 1 owner. A49482. 1963 VALIANT SIGNET 2-DOOR CONVERTIBLE Automatic transmission, 4<Slant 6” engine Bucket seats, radio, whitewall tires, Wheel discs, low mileage. “ 1963 CORVAIR DELUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN Automatic transmission White with red Interior One local owner, low mileage. A57815. 954-368. SEVERAL OTHER 1963 AND 1964 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM FULLY RECONDITIONEDCHOOSE FROM —_____ ____ AND GUARANTEED. Lome Brown Motors Ltd. Y.ur Friendly Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Dealer 482-9321 CLINTON /