HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-01-20, Page 11Tburs,/ Jan. 20, 1966-—Clinton News-Record—-Page JI Knox L.A, Holstein Men <1 Events for '66 Waterloo^. Doran left last Milford, Saskat- visit with mem- Auburn and District MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595 Mr. and Mrs; Lloyd Humph­ reys of Dublin visited last Sun­ day with friends in the village. Mir. 'and Mrs. Jack Gardner, Hudson Hope, B.C. left by plane last week fur their home •after a month's visit with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Millian .and also With their son ;Paul who is a student at the University of Mrs. Bert Thursday for ohewan for a bers of her family. William Stiles attended the furniture Show in Toronto last Weekend. Bey. and Mrs; Ronald Sween­ ey 'and family of Corrie visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and family. Directors of the Huron Coun­ ty Holstein Breeders’ Associa­ tion meeting in Clinton Monday made plans for 1966. They ’include: a bam meet Mardh 15 at the farm of Wil-, liam Hough, RR 4, Clinton; a ’ twilight meat June 2 at the” farm of Eldon Bradley, RR 5, ■Goderich; :a bus trip July 22; the -annual banquet at Blyth ■October '26; and the annual meeting also in Blyth Novem­ ber 22. Directors decideid to- have an 'exhibit at the International Plowing Match at Seaforth in ‘October. . Mr. Bradley, Toan Hern, -Granton, .first vice-president, and Ross Trewartha, RR 4, Clinton, were named1 delegates to attend a meeting of the di­ rectors. from all counties in Western Ontario in Lambeth, February 1. Two new nounced at are Charles .and Peter De Groot, of Blyth. The directors agreed to place -copies oif the Holstein-Freisian journals in all secondary ' sch­ ools through'out Huron County. directors were' an- the meeting. They ■Bray, .of Brussels, ATTENTION BEAN GROWERS in Exeter Legion Hall on Tuesday^ January 25 at 8:30 p.m. • Panel’members will be Robert P. Allan, Brucefield, chairman of Bean Growers7 Marketing Board and Gordon L. Hill, Varna, recently resigned member of Farm Products Marketing Board. EVERYONE WELCOME Sponsored by Huron County Farmers' Union o DRYERS o WATER HEATERS Now Available At J ° WASHERS ® DISHWASHERS 1AJICE PLUMBINGWI3E & HEATING 262 BAYFIELD ROAD — CLINTON - 482-7062 v—— ----------- --- . The -annual public meeting of the Auburn Library vriU be held in the Library rpom, Saturday evening, January 22 at 8:30 pirn, Mr, and Mrs. William Strau- ghan are visiting with relatives in Kitchener this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rath- well, Michael and Janice, Brantford, were weekend guests with, her parents; Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon Taylor. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Giousher on the birth of a -daughter on Saturday last, Nelson Patterson is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London and Meredith Young is a patient in Clinton hospital. We’ wish them both a speedy recovery. Mrs. Wes Bradnock, Sheron and George attended the silver wedding anniversary of her sis­ ter, Mrs. Harold Nicholson and Mr. Nicholson of Seaforth at Zurich and 'St. Columlban where their daughter, Mrs. John Men- heere 'and Mr, Menheere enter­ tained in their honor, relatives and friend's. ' Workmen are < installing an automatic stream recording guage which records the stream flow on the Maitland River at the Site of the new Donnybrook bridge. This project is under the Department of Northern Affairs 'and National Resources" " Branch in -co-operation with the Maitland River Conservation Authority. John Hildebrand has charge of this project and checks it three times a week. Knox WMS Women’s Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Frank Raithby. The president, Mrs. Wilfred' Sanderson was in charge. Tine minutes were read by Mrs. Alvin Leiatherland. A letter was read and dis­ cussed .about the bale and a card of thanks was read from Mrs. Stone thanking the ladies for the Wedding gift. The new study book, The Christian’s Calling was intro­ duced by Mrs. Donald Haines. Her subject was “Called for a Purpose”. All members took part in the Bible readings and the discussion which followed. Mrs. Frank Raithby gave a reading, “A Happy New Year” and roll call was answered by a Bible verse containing the Wor^, “Purpose” and the paying of fees, The Christian Outreach study was taken by Mrs; Wes . Brad­ nock who spoke on “The Christ­ ian ■ Witness of Laymen”,. The offering was received by Mrs. Raithby and dedicated by Mrs. Haines. Get-well and birthday cards Were signed and sent to shut- ins. 'Closing prayer was by Mrs. Sanderson. Mrs. Major Youngblut, presi­ dent of the Ladies’ Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church presided for a meeting. Minute's were read by Mrs. Roy Daer and she also gave the year’s financial statement. Thank-you letters were read from several families who had been remembered with flowers at Christmas. Lunch was serv­ ed by Mrs.. Raithby. •-------------r—O'------------------- LONDESBORO MRS. BERT ALLEN Phone 523-4570 The evening unit of the UCW . met ait the home of Edythe Beacom on Monday, January 17 with 17 members present. The president Miss E. Bea­ com had charge of the devo­ tions. Theme was the New Year. , , ' It was decided to have an auction again ait the February meeting. Appointed to bring things were Mrs. C. Vincent, Mrs. R. Thompson, Mrs; Foth­ ergill, Mrs. Shobbrook, Beacom, Mrs. Jostling, Watkins. Mrs. R. Tschanz and Duizer took charge of the study for the evening. At the close of the meeting some articles were sold with a profit Of $5.85. Lunch was served by Miss Beacom and Mrs. Thompson. t Londesboro Women’s Insti­ tute is holding a “Euchre party” in the Community Hall on Friday, January 21, 1966 at 8 o’clock. Lunch will be pro­ vided 'and good prizes. Admis­ sion 50c. Everyone welcome and please bring a friend. Any young gird, aged 12 and over, interested in joining. the 4-H Home-making club for. 'their spring project “Accent on- Accessori.es” please contact Mrs. Glen1 Carter within the next week. A club will be form­ ed if there are enough interest­ ed girls. This course deals: with " choosing accessories which are most becoming to each, girl, also making hats, scarves, and' hand­ bags. Miss Mrs. O Club Leaders To Plan Next Year Wednesday at Hotel Clubs throughout Hur- meet for luncheon as Next Clinton, leaders of 4-H Agri­ cultural on Will part of their annual meeting sessions. Kenneth Baker, RR 2, Dash­ wood, is chairman of the as­ sociation of leaders, who guide the work of 21 blubs in the county. The session begins at 11 a.m. in the agriculture office, board room, when the year’s work will be reviewed and plans formed for the coming year. R. F. Heard, a farm manage-, merit specialist with the Ont­ ario Department of Agriculture, London, will be guest speaker. WHAT ELSE gives you so much for so little? Huron Presbyterial Annual Held Here at St. Andrew’s OR Subscribe By The Year Only $4.00 Executive of Ontario s Only 4-H Sheep Club The Huron Cqunty 4-H Sheep Club, sponsored by Huron Central Agri­ cultural Society (promoters of Clinton Spring Fair), is the only 4-H sheep club in Ontario; The executive,, met Saturday afternoon in the agriculture of­ fice board room with many of the club members, to_ make plans for their show held at Clinton Spring Fair on the first Saturday in June. The executive is, from the left, Tom Riley, RR 1 Londesboro, press reporter; Margery Smith, RR 1 Belgrave, secretary-treasurer; Bob McNaughton, RR 3 Kippen, presi­ dent, and Duncan Etherington, RR 1 Hensall, vice-president. Last year the club had 20 members and had 100 percent completion of the project. Club leaders are, Kenneth Black, RR 1 Belgrave; Dick Etherington, RR 1 Hensall and Don Lobb, RR 2 Clinton. ' (News-Record Photo) For news, for views, for wide and varied entertain­ ment, nothing can beat your weekly newspaper! And all for just 10c per week when purchased at a newsstand; AUBURN — Rev. R. U. Mac- Lean held the opening devotion­ al exercises at the annual meet­ ing of the Huron Presbyterial of the Presbyterian Church when Auxiliary representatives met in St. Andrew’s Presbyter­ ian Church, Clinton. President, Mrs. Wes Brad­ nock, Auburn presided for the all-day session. A short memorial service was conducted in memory of Mrs. Edgar Wightman, Belgrave, who had been Welcome and Welfare Secretary and a mem­ ber of the Executive. . The minutes' were read by the secretary ,Mrs>. Wilfred San­ derson, Auburn and she also read the correspondence. A dis­ cussion. took place re the chang­ ing of hour of the meetings but after reports from all Auxili­ aries. it was decided to leave it to morning and' afternoon ses­ sions. Plans were made to hold PreSbyterial meeting lin St. Andrew’s Church, Blyth, on June 3 at 8 p.m. with a special speaker. Mrs. John Pollock was ap­ pointed delegate with alternate, Mrs. Ed Davies’, to attend the London Synodical meeting 'at. Drummond Hill, Presbyterian Church, Niagara Falls, on April 19, 20 and 21. . It was decided to have all re­ ports mimeographed for the branches and the Auburn Aux­ iliary is to be' in charge. Mrs. J. A. McConnell, Gode­ rich, presbyterial treasurer gave the financial statement. Encouraging reports were re­ ceived from Mrs. Joe Dunbar, Belgrave afternoon and evening groups; Mrs. Meivyn Lobb, Clinton, for CGIT and Young Women’s groups; Mrs; Welling­ ton Good, Blyth, for Children’s groups; Mrs. O. G. Anderson, Belgrave, for Glad Tidings; Mrs, Harvey Hyde, Hensall, for Home Helpers; Mrs. A. Enwright, Goderich, gave ah interesting report as literature secretary and Spoke on the book display she had Set up. Mrs. Calvin Cutt, Goderich, reported'on the bale and gifts' for the supply and stated that a great deal of new materials had been sent to Fellowship House, Winnipeg and the school at Kenora. She stated that a questionaire was to be ans­ wered by each Auxiliary on what part of the supply they would be interested in doing this coming year. Mrs. R. S. Kerslake, Sea­ forth, reported that all articles that had been sent to press had been accepted. Miss Jessie Fraser, Seaforth, life membership secretary gave an encouraging , report and stated that she had had a busy year. Mrs. Sanderson read the re­ port of welcome and welfare prepared 'by the late Mrs. Ed­ gar Wightman. Lunch was served by the members of the Clinton Auxili­ ary. The afternoon session com­ mended With the devotional period taken by the president who based her theme on the Bible passage, "Commit your Way unto the Lord". Mrs; Don­ ald Haines, AUbUtti, read from The hand that lifts the cUp that cheers, Should not be used tb shift .the gears. Psalm 37 and Mrs. Ed Davies closed with prayer. The offering was received by Mrs. McConnell and dedicated. Mrs. Wellington Good, Blyth, reported for the nominating committee and brought in the new slate of officers. Rev. R. U. MacLean installed the officers and gave medita­ tion and prayer following the ceremony. Plans were made for the fall rally on September 13. Officers for 1966 are: honor- VARNA FRED McCLYMONT Phone 482-3214 The annual congregational meeting of the United Church was held last Wednesday even­ ing. It was preceded by a pot­ luck supper. Excellent reports were given by the treasurer Mrs. Charles Reid and by the leaders of the Sunday School, United Church Women, Hi C., Sigma C., Explorers, Messen­ gers and Vacation Bible School. Officials elected for the com­ ing year are: session, John Mc­ Ash, A. J. Mustard, Charles Reid, Sherlock Keyes; William McAsh, Robert Taylor, Fred McClymont. Stewards, Roy Elliott, George Dowson, Tom Ratihwell, Alvin Keyes, Gordon Johnston,, Wil­ liam Dowson, Ivan McClymont, William Clarke, Harvey Hayter, Watson Webster. Trustees, Louis Taylor, Wil­ liam Taylor, A. J. Mustard, Alex Ostrom, William Dowson, Robert Stirling; auditors, Ralph Stephenson, Gordon Johnston. Parsonage, committee, Tom Qonsitt, Mervyn Hayter; sick committee, Mrs. Lee McConnell, Mrs. E. McClihchey. Rink Opens A large crowd of skaters en­ joyed the first night of skating last Saturday night on the local rink. Boar Progeny Will Be Evaluated In Huron The Huron County Hog Pro­ ducers Association and the Ex­ tension Branch, Ontario' De­ partment of Agriculture, Clin­ ton, plan In 'the near future to study the effects of type-of- boar on grade of market hoigs under field conditions. Under the guidance of Pro­ fessor R. P. Forshaw, Animal Husbandry Department, Uni­ versity of Guelph, this, study is designed to augment the Hur­ on County Boar Survey project Of 1965. The results of this study may assist in providing information to increase the per­ centage of grade A Hogs mar­ keted from Huron County., Until tested, a boar is in varying degrees an unknown quantity. R.O.P. ancestry and breeders records are aids to im­ provement. The differences that exist .and to what extent they Occur, finally show Up as dif­ ferences iri performance. A fair indication of these differences can be obtained by following the progeny of selected boars to market. In this project, boars will be selected at random from the list of boar owners compiled from the 1965 iiuton County Boar Survey. The identity of owners Will hot be made public. This wiill insure that those with boars of unknown ancestry, and ary president, Mrs. Albert Tay­ lor and past 'president, Miss Eva Somerville, both of Gode­ rich; president, Mrs; Wes Brad­ nock, AUburn; vice-pesi dents, Mrs, Jahn Pollock, Goderich.; Mrs. Harvey Hyde, Hensall; Miss Flora MacDonald, Gode­ rich; Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, Auburn; treasurer, Mrs; J. A. McConnell, Goderich; afternoon and even­ ing groups secretary, Mrs; Joe Dunbar, Belgrave; CGIT and young women’s groups; Mrs. Mervyn Lobb, Clinton; children's groups, Mrs. Donald Halines, RR 5, Goderich.; home helpers, Mrs. Harvey Hyde, Hensall; Welcome and welfare, .Mrs. Wellington Good, Blyth; litera­ ture, Mrs. Alex Enwright, Gode­ rich; 'library, Miss G. E. Gracey, Goderich; Glad Tidings, Mrs. O. G. Anderson, Belgrave; Press, Mrs, W, R. Kerslake, Seaforth; supply, Mrs. Calvin Cutt, Goderich; life member­ ship, Miss Jessie Fraser, Sea­ forth; historian, Mrs; Albert Taylor, .Goderich; financial committee, Mrs. J. A. McCon­ nell and Mrs. Calvin Cutt; nom­ inating committee, Clinton Auxiliary. -----------o—--------- Hog Producers Plan Annual On February 1 Howard HuctWith, Forest, is guest speaker for the annual meeting of Huron County Hog Producers Association being held on February 1 in the Legion Hall, Clinton, at 1:30 p.m. Robert McAllister is presi­ dent of the Association, and secretary is Elmer Ireland. therefore, not at present rec­ ommended, are not subject to (perhaps unfair) comparison with others. Three 'litters from each of ten boars in five categories (five'categories of quality ac­ cording to the Huron County Boar Survey — 1965) shall be tested. Pigs are to be ear- notched for identification pur­ poses by a representative of the Ontario Department of Agricul­ ture before the litter is three weeks of age. The first three litters barn' after February 1, 1966, and siired by selected boars, are to be tested. When a producer sells Wean- ers, the litter of ear-notched^ pigs shall be sol'd. intact but may go to different feeders. In this case, the 'number of. litters may be increased up to three per finisher. All pigs are to be marketed through the normal channels but with separate tattoo mark­ ings. Co-operators will be sup­ plying information re weight, grade, and market date. After all the tost litters have been marketed, the various boars Will be evaluated accord­ ing to the grade of their mar­ ket hog progeny. Results from the project Will ho completed by this fall. ■ Clinton News-Record “The Home Paper With The News” At RCAF STATION— C. & W. GROCETERIA In GODERICH— BLUE'S SUPERMARKET FINCHER'S SMOKE SHOP CRAIGIE'S POOL ROOM In SEAFORTH— KEATING'S DRUG STORE In HENSALL— WILSON'S DRUG STORE In KIPPEN— KIPPEN STORE In AUBURN— G. R. TAYLOR'S STORE The Clinton News-Record may be, Purchased at the following Clinton and District Stores: In CLINTON— BARTLIFFS BAKERY LIMITED CLINTON IGA STORE NEWCOMBE'S Rexall DRUG STORE McEWAN'S BOOK STORE GORD LAWSON BILIARDS BILL GERMAN'S BOWLING ALLEY MILT & MABEL'S RESTAURANT CLINTON NEWS-RECORD OFFICE In BAYFIELD— CLIFF UTTER'S STORE In LONDESBORO— THOMPSON'S STORE LONDESBORO LOCKER SERVICE In BRUCEFiELD— v PATERSON'S STORE In HOLMESVILLE— D. E. GLIDDON'S GENERAL STORE In VARNA— W. T. McASH GENERAL STORE swung \ gBtomwE.ua vu\ } I