HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-01-20, Page 7McKillop’s Ken Stewart
Elected Huron Warden
I Sergeant Victor Filion Now Civilian
But Remains As Station Tailor
(Continued from page one)
Dunbar, Gibson, Jewell (2),
Krauter, McKenzie, Procter,
Robinson, Snell. —11. TALBOT
—Corbett, Geiger, EJIayter, J.
Hayter, Hendrick, Moody (2),
Noakes, Talbot. —9. LEIPER—
Requiem high mass is. plan-
tied for Friday morning, Jan
uary 21, at 11 a.m. in St. Am
brose Roman Catholic Church,
Brussels, for Gordon Lewis Ry
an, 14-year-01d son of Mr, 'an!d
Mils. Joseph J, Ryan, RR 1,
Interment will be in the ch
urch cemetery. The W. J.
Cleary funeral home, Seaforth
is in charge of arrangements.
The deceased was a student
at Central Huron- Secondary
.School, here, where he' was en
rolled in Grade 9, the two year
science, technology and trades
course. He attended classes on
Monday, and died that night at
his home in McKiillop Town
Surviving besides his parents
are four brothers; Kenneth,
London; Donald, Calgary; Cyril,
Woodstock; Ned, at home; one
sister, Rose Mary, at home;
grandmothers Mirs'. Patrick Jos
eph Johnston, Seaforth and Mrs.
Joseph Ryan, Woodstock.
Investigation of the circum
stances' surrounding the death
were carried out by Coroner
Dr. F. G. Thompson, Clinton
and Corporal, D. F. Washburn
of the OPP detachment, Gode
rich. Following an autopsy per
formed by a pathologist, cause
of death was established by
Coroner F. G. Thompson as
strangulation, due to suicidal
Etheringtpn, Hardy, Jefferson,
Leiper, Stirling, Elgin Thomp
son. —6.
Second ballot: STEWART—
Alexander, Boyle, Dalton, Dun-
bar, Gan'don, Geiger, Hardy,
Jefferson, Kerr, McIlwain', Rob
inson, Stewart, Thipl, Duff
Thompsion, Wonch. —15. PROC
TER—-Boyd, Cook, Cuthill, Eth-
erinigton, Gibson, Jewell (&),
Krauter, Leiper, McKenzie,
Moody (2)., Noakes, Procter,
Smith, Snell. —16, TALBOT—
Corbett, E. Hayter, J, Hayter,
Henrick, McFadden, Stirling,
Talbot, Elgin Thompson. —-8-
Third ballot: STEWART—
Alexander, Boyle, Corbett, Cut
hill, Dalton; Gajidon, Gibson,
Hardy, Hendrick, Kerr, , Mc
Fadden.1, McIlwain, Moody (2),
Noakes, Smith; Stewart, Talbot,
Thiel, Duff Thompson, Wonch,
—21. PROCTER—Boyd, Cook,
Dunbar, Etherington, Gibson, E,
Hayter, J. Hayter, Jefferson,
Jewell (2), Krauter, Leiper,
MicKenzie, Procter, Robinson,
Spell, Stirling, Elgin Thompson,
—18, “ .......
Reeye James .Hayter of Ste
phen was elected to the roads
committee for a five-year term.
The other members are Reeve
Grant Stirling, Goderich town
ship; Reeve D, McKenzie, Ash
field; deputy reeve Delbert
Geiger, Hay and Reeve Robert
Gibson, Howick,
Deputy reeve Jack Alexander,
Wingham, and Reeve Reg. Jew
ell, Goderich, were elected to
the HuronviefW board for three-
year terms, and Reeve Elgin
Thompson,. Tuckersmith, for
two years, Other members are
Reeve E. Snell, East Wawanosh
,and Reeve A. D. Swith, Turn
Sgt. V. Filion and F/L R, S. Cummings
Phone 262-2002
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Haist,
RR 2, Centralia, were wtoens
pf a trip tQ the Baliamas in a
draw sponsored by Exeter meis
chants. Mr, and Mrs, Haist will
take the trip, Mrs. Haist is the
former Ruth Ann Jarrott, dau
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Jarrott of Brucefield, fornaerly
of Kippen.
Mr, and Mirs. Harqld Elder
left Wednesday by plane for a
tour of the Grand Canyon, Cali
fornia and Tucson, Arizona.
They also will go on a conduct
ed tour through Mexico. They
expect to be away throe ‘weeks,
Thurs./ Jan. 20, 1966-~Clinfon News-Record—-Page 7
evening, January 13 was the
'Service of Reception’ in the
Orange Hall, N. Main St. for
Bethel Bible Church, when they
became a congregation, in the
ranks of the Associated Gospel
Churches of Canada.
An enjoyable evening was
spent by the congregation and
friends of Bethel Bible Church
as1 special speakers and music
was provided to an attendance
of over 75, from Stratford, Kit
chener, Londori and surrounding
Rev. G. W. Dorey, B. Th.
president of the executive coun
cil of A.G.C. Churches, pastor
of Garside Gospel Church, Ham
ilton'; Rev. D. Hamilton, vice-
president and also pastor of
Westmount Bible Church, Wes
ton and Rev. Jack Hockney,
secretary-treasurer of the A.G.-
C. conducted the service, as-
Attend Your Church
This Sunday
All Services on Standard Time
(Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec)
Pastor: Paul Coon, B.A. v
Sunday, January 23
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School
11:15 a.m.—Family Worship
Ontario Street United Church
Sunday, January 23
9:45 a.m.—Sunday School
11:00 a.ml—Morning Worship
2:00 p.m.—Church Service .
3:00 p.m.—Sunday School
^mlmrsbtlle Mtuteb (ktyxccty*
Sunday, January 23 /
Subject: “How to be Happy with that Duffer you Married”
p.m.—Church Service
p.m.—Sunday School
Sunday School
8766 p.m., Wesley-Willis
a.m.-9:45 ___ _____
11:00 a.m.—nChurch Service
Mon., Jan. 24 — f
Congregational M
Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector
Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRCO, ARCM, Organist
Sunday, January 23 — Epiphany III
8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion
9:45 a.m.-—Church School
11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer
Thurs., Jan. 20—Chancel Guild at home of Mrs. Wenham,
8:15 p.m.
The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister
Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director
Sunday, January 23
9:45 a.m.—Church School
10:45 a.m.—Public Worship
Sunday^ January 23
9:45 a.m.—Worship Service
11:00 a.m.—Sunday School ,
8:00 p.m.—Evening Service
Speaker: Neil Lowey.
Tuesday—8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
Subject: “God’s Good News’’ Book of Romans
REV. G. J. HEERSINK, Minister
Sunday, Jahdhry 23
10:00 a.m,—Service tin English
11:00 a.m.—-Sunday School
2:30 p.m.—Service in Dutch
Every Suhday, 6:15 p.m. dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas,
listen to “Batik to God Hour”t
); CLINTON ■ !
;■ 11:00 ta.m.-—Breaking of Bread <;
d 7:00 p.m.—Gospel Service ^, ;;
i’ 8:00 p.m. Thursday—-Prayer Meeting add Bible Reading ;•
!! 7:30 P.m. Friday-—Children’s Meeting . ...., , ±. __ i± ,>a $
in Stratford.
Bothel Bible Church, was or
ganized about one and a half-
years ago with the assistance
Of. Pastor Yielding. It was or
ganized to Wholly teach the
Holy Bible.
Rev. Donald Hamilton, Wes
ton, was the main speaker of
the evening, and 'gave a mesr
sage on the “Hope of the Ch
urch, All things are yours, in
Prayers of dedication were
offered by Rev. A. R. Yielding,
Rev. John Thomas, Rev. Hugh
Logan and Rev. M. Estabrooks.
Visiting pastors were also pre--
sent including Rev. I. Bo den-
ham, Kippen and Rev. F.
Shantz, Kitchener.
Musical offerings' were given
by Eunice Doerr and Ruth
Doerr in duet, a solo by Harvey
Greer, a trio by the Dalton sis
ters and a solo by Robert Pet
ersen on the electric guitar.
The articles of faith and doc
trine were signed by four' men
representing- the congregation.
Orval Greer, Damon Stannah,
Gordon Blanshard and Robert
Petersen placed their signtures
on this1 document which was
later presented to them with
the seal of the Associated Gos
pel Churches in Canada.
Services are held each Sun
day in the Orange Hall, 9:45
a.m., 11:00 am., and 7:30 p.m.
Everybody is invited to any or
all of these services.
A retirement certificate was
recently presented to Sergeant
J. Victor Filion who has com
pleted 22 years service with the
Sgt. Filion enlisted in the
RCAF in August 1943 and in
1947 he was trained as an Aero
Electrician, He later remuster
ed to become a tailor and be
fore coming to Clinton in, 1959
he served for siix years in Ot
tawa. Since his arrival at Clin
ton, Victor has been employed
in the supply section as a tailor,
An alteration in Supply esta
blishment has resulted in the
Service position, being ■changed
to a civilian position and Sgt.
Filion now continues employ
ment- at Station Clinton 'in the
capacity oif tailor With the only
difference being that Sgt. Filion
is now Mr. Filion.
Victor and his wife Jeanette
have two children, Peter and
Diane and the family lives at
RR 1, Goderich.
Service Could
Cost $10,000
Clinton Airman Allan Harris
Receives Promotion To Corporal
Twenty-six year old Leading
'Aircraftman Allan Harris has
been promoted to the rank of
Before joining the RCAF as
a telephone technician, Corpor
al Harris served with the Na
val Reserve in Winnipeg for one
year. Allan came to Station
Clinton in July 1963 to take
electronics, radar and naviga
tional .aids courses prior to- be
coming a staff member as a
radar maintenance technician
at the Radar and Communica
tions School.
Activities at Clinton include
his being a member of the Sta
tion band.
Allan is the father of three
children, Teresa aged four
years, Russell, three and Greg
ory 10 months and with his wife.
Joyce he resides' in Married
Quarters at 31 Edmonton Road.CpI. A. Harris
The News-Record received
permission from Ralph Hawes,
Goderich, who is attempting to
set up an 'ambulance . service
adequate for the part of the
county formerly served by fun
eral directors, to use figures
he presented to Clinton council
sitting in committee here a
week ago.
Total cost for operating one
and one-half vehicles in the
Clinton area would .be $13,297.-
50. With allowance for possible
revenue of $10 per call plus 50
cents a mile, the remaining
cost would be $10,047.50.
This amount of subsidy would
provide for per vehicle, salar
ies of $6,500; insurance $200;
advertising $500; gas, oil and
maintenance of $450; operating
surplus of $500, and other inci
Subsidy required in Gode
rich area was figured at slight
ly over $8,000. The smaller
price, is due to an estimated
larger number of calls there,
and thus greater revenue.
When Mr. Hawes approached
county council with the idea
of an all-county service,' he
estimated $85,000 would cover
the entice area. This would pro
vide eight ambulances, and men
to staff them.
(Continued from page 1)
careful development of organ
izations so that the needs of
the community, the country and
the world were kept in mhld,
He spoke of the need for edu
cation of rural people, and the
need to work closely with -the
resource people supplied by the
Mr. Mules advocated a year’s1
program planned in advance,
With the Federation and the
Departorent working together
go that there would n.Ot be
duplication. As a beginning he,
said that, the farm conference
in March (.which was replacing
the seed fair) would' be co
sponsored by the Federatfiloin
and by the Soil and Crop
Warming up to 'his subject,
Miles said, “We’ve picked up
Elmer’s ideas' on this, Surely
we can get more work done
with less meetings; I see the
same people at most of the
meetings. I’m so damn sick and
tired of meetings all the time."
Mr. Miles noted that he had
four meetings to ‘attend the
next day, between Dungannon
and Ridgetown. .
Mr. Hunter explained' that he
felt co-operation between the
Federation and the Department
would benefit all the people of
The First Column
Pharmacist Walter C._ Newcombe
Named CDCI Board Chairman
Fined $200 In
Motor Fatality
Washington correspondent
has been reporting on U.S.
affairs since 1954 and has
followed the Campaigns and
administrations of four presi
dents for both CBC television
and radio.
(Continued from page 1)
muth and teacher Gerhard
Haaksman on work done to cor
rect faults in the heating sys
tem which resulted in over 90°
temperature 'in one room.
Mir. Haaksman and two stu
dents worked from 5 p.m. until
12:30 a,m. one night, 'in addi
tion to in-classroom work on
the project. A recommendation
from the Advisory Vocational
Committee. that each of the
students receive $15 for their
share in the work was consid
ered by the Board.
Decision was made to reduce
the student’s pay to $10 each,
and the other $10 was paid to
Mr. Haaksman.
Prices on repairs to the
gymtoriuirn ceiling given by
Robert Peck showed estimate
of $11,406.
This large ceiling is in the
double gym and has' never
been satisfactory. High basket
balls have punched holes in the
surface. Since the room is also
used as an auditorium good
acoustics are necessary.
On the wish of Clinton Town
Council a committee of the
Committee Heads at CHS School
at First Board Meeting
Committees within the Clin
ton District Collegiate Institute
Board were selected by board
members at the inaugural meet
ing last Wednesday evening as
Study and welfare: chairman
Robert Elliott, RR 3, Clinton;
Robert Corbett, Clinton; Orville
Engelstad, Clinton; John Lavis,
Clinton; Ross Lovett, RR 1,
Londesboro and Mirs. LeRoy
Poth, Bayfield.
Property: chairman Robert
Peck, RR 1, Zurich; George
Clifton, RR 3, Kippen; George
Falconer, Bpucefield'; Robert
Marshall, RR 3, Blytih; Keith
Tyndall, RR 4, Clinton; Donald
Young, Blyth.
Finance: chairman, Norman
Counter, Clinton; Engelstad,
Transportation: . chairman
George Clifton, Elliott, Falcon
er, Lovett, Marshall, Young and
. Agriculture and development:
chairman Keith Tyndall, Elliott,
Falconer, Lovett, Marshall and
Cadets: only member, Robert
Advisory Vocational Commit-
tec: chairman James Taylor,
Henshll, appointed by South
HUrtiin District High School
Board, Exeter; vfcd-clidirmah;
William Hearn, Clinton, ap
pointed by CDCI Board,
Other members include Mrs.
Poth and Norman Counter,
both appointed by the Clinton
board, plus Gordon Muir, and
Dr. R. W. Hughes, both of
Goderich and appointed by the
GDGI Board; Edward Dearing,
Staffa and Jaimes C. McIntosh,
RR 3, Seaforth, both named by
Seaforth District High School
Board; and Garnet Hicks, RR
3, Exeter, named by 'the Exeter
Sub-committees' within the
AVC are:
Equipment and property com
mittee, W. Hearn, Muir, Coun
ter, Hicks.
■Finance, staff and curricu
lum, Mrs. Poth, Ed Dearing,
Jim Mclhtosh and Dr. Hughes.
Industrial,- G, Muir, Hearn,
Hughes, Dearing,
Public relations and1 evening
courses, G. Hides, McIntosh,
Counter, Mun1’ and Poth.
Planning, W. Htiairai, Hicks,
Dearing and Hughes.
Regular meetings of the
Board are held on the sotiond
Wednesday of each month. Reg
ular meetings of the Advisory
Vocational Committee are held
the first Monday of each
The AVC acts' in an advisory
capacity as a a committee of
the CDCI Board, and its rec
ommendations come before the
,Ct)Ci Board for decision.
Board will meet a committee of
council to discuss what council
considers problems, of “loitering,
littering and parking” occasion
ed by the students' and possibly
others in the Vicinity of the
school building.
Date was set for 9 p.m., Feb
ruary 1. The Board’s committee
is past Chairman John Lavis,
Norman Counter and vice-
chairman Bob Elliott along
with, Principal Homut'h. The
council committee is Councillors
Cameron Proctor, Gordon Law-
son, Reeve Duff Thompson and
Chief Constable Russell Thomp
A letter from Deputy Reeve
George Wonch directed to the
Minister of Education Davis in
Toronto initiated events which
■have led to this meeting. It is
expected that the press will not
be invited to attend.
The Board approved the bor
rowing of up to $600,000 to
keep the school operative until
receipt of grants, taxes, etc.
Principal Homuth drew at
tention to changes at the school
since he joined the staff as vice
principal in 1961. At that time
all 560 students were enrolled
■in the academic and science
courses.. Now there are just
269 in that department and the
rest of the 1,100-odid enrollment
are in vocational courses.
“The school is living up to
its purpose,” said Homuth. “We
are holding the students here.”
1-Ie invited board members to
a one-hoilr presentation of the
Navy Band in the auditorium
on February 2 from 10:15 to
11:15 a.m.
The board set rates of' pay
for unqualified teachers (or
babysitters) and $24 a day
for qualified teachers who act
ually prepare a lesson.
Teachers bargaining commit
tee will be asked to present
a brief outlining changes they
request, prior to meeting with
the study and welfare commit
George Clifton, Kippen, who
continues to head the transpor
tation committee, reminded the
board that in June they would
be re-negoitiathxg the bus con
tracts for a further five year
The Advisory Vocational
Committee advised decision oh
building a larger greenhouse be
left until the school determines
Which way it is going With re
gard to agrietiiture courses'.
Upon advice that some AVC
members were concerned that
they had not been consulted
over plans for the next addition
to CHSS, past chairman Lavis
Stated that the Board had tak
en no action, and that the AVC
should be told that they (tile
AVC) is in chafgc Of the ad
LAC Miichael William Kelly,
29, RCAF Station Clinton, was
found guilty of cafeless driving
and fined $200 and costs in
magistrate’s1 court, Goderich on
Kelly was charged November
5 after the car be was driving
struck <and killed LAC Keith
McIntosh at the main entrance
to the Station. McIntosh, had
been returning home from a
dance at the time of the acci
Kelly had pleaded not guilty
to the charge.
-----------o---------- -
(Continued from page 1)
be just about as interesting as ■
anything in the county . . .
That’s the day. that an appeal ,
by Goderich Lawyer Daniel J. ■
Murphy will be heard ...
Dan is the Murphy of, Don- •
nelly & Murphy . . . and appar- ■
ently way back in July he was
fined one dollar, by Magistrate
G. G. Marshman, London, foi' ■
overtime parking in an area
with a two-hour limit , . . The
offence we .understand took
place in Goderich ...
Mr. Murphy is challenging ;
the legality of the town by-law
which established the two-hour
limit ... He 'also claims that
town council is discriminating
against some motorists by is-,
suing stickers to county council
permitting members of that
body to park over-time . . .
The case would have been
heard earlier this month . . .
but the town solicitor Kenneth
J. Hunter got mixed up in 'his--
dates . . . and was not pre
pared to go on With it ... So
this week county council sat
. . . probably with their special
stickers to let them park over
time . . . and next week the
appeal comes into court . . .
It’s an intriguing thing to"
consider . . . and we wish, we
could be there to listen to so
licitor trying to save that one
dollar fine . . . and at the same
time defend the rights of all
motorists who wish at times to
park over-^time in the county
town .
Huron r— “not just the farm
Mr. Hunter reported on work
done by the Federation in work
ing opt alternatives to expro
priation of land in order that
the Department of Highways
could establish snow-hedges in
certain locations; The govern
ment has found it difficult to
buy land needed in some ins
stances, and did not want to
resort to expropriation.
The Huron group approved
a resolution to go to the Ont-,
ario Federation of Agriculture,
suggesting .three things: first
that snow-hedges not he placed
on productive land; that if es
tablished they be deciduous
trees; that the government ob
tain an easement only, and
back far enough that the farm
er could work the land between
the hedge and the road fencez
Pres'ident Thomas and lad|y
director Mrs. Ray Fear have
fees paid by the Federation for
leadership training course at
The Federation undertook to
carry out a survey in the coun
ty to discover how each town
ship clerk interprets* the. tile
drainage act. They will use a
questionnaire prepared by Bert
Moggatih, Huron County Agri
cultural engineer, so results will
be uniform.
Farmers 'have discovered that
in some townships the Act is
considered to limit drainage
loans to $3,000 each. They un
derstand that this is not the
case, and wish to have the
matter clarified.
Vice-chairman Hunter also
called for some Sort of planning
program to “preserve agricul
ture and control conservation.”
He looked to zoning and build
ing by-laws for the' townships
to control this; He suggested
that a presentation should be
made to county council with
this in mind, so that industry
is not put upon good agricultur
al land, nor upon good resort
land. “We should plan,” said
A budget of approximately
$15,732 for 1966 is' proposed by
the Federation. This will in
clude $2,000 for secretary and
office; $4,302 to the Ontario
Federation of Agriculture, and
$600 for advertising as well as
$2,000 for travel and per diem
rates for directors; various
committees will receive grants:
the -Co-operative Insurance, $4,-
000; the ploughing match, $1,-
000; for education $200 and to
celebrate the 25th anniversary
of the Federation $100.
t -----------o------------1---------------
F.S. W. Marceil
Sergeant Wally Marceil, an
examiner with the Training
Standards Establishment at
RCAF Station Clinton' has been
promoted to the rank of Flight
Wally enlisted in the Air
Force 'in 1943 and graduated
as, a Wireless Air Gunner. After
the war he remastered to be a
communications operator and
four years ago he was trans
ferred to Clinton from Station
Whitehorse in the Yukoii.
While at Clinton he has been
a member of the community
council and currently he is a
member of the teen advisory
committee and president of the
glee dub.
With his Wife Patricia and
four children Carolyn, Rmmy,
Bobby and Jeffrey* Flight Ser
geant Marceil lives1 at 3 Halifax
Road in Adastral Park.
Classified Ads
Bring Quick
Re suits
* :S
There is a story about Afri
can violets on page five this
week ... 'in case lovers of this
particular houseplant would
like to read more about violets,
on a regular basis . . . talk to
Charles Cook, Victoria Street
. . . Besides being a violet fan
cier himself, Charles is the sec
retary of the Ontario' African
Violet Society . . . and this
group publishes a monthly mag
azine called Chatter, to which
you can subscribe . . . This also
makes you a member of the
Society, and there’s all sorts of
advantages to that . . . The
Chatter publication has contri
butors and readers across Can
ada . . .
We talked to Charlie during
coffee-break at Bartl'iffs (he’s
the 4-ooffee a day chap) . . .
and it was he who advised us
on how to cure an ailing violet
that we were concerned about
. . . When he’s not tending vio
lets ... or drinking coffee,
Chai-lie is a painter, with D. A.
Kay and Son . . .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cum
mings, 129 Mary St., Clinton,
attended the Saunders-Hugill
wedding in Zurich on Satur
Mrs. Charles Sewers, Mr. and
Mrs.. Sandy De Fries, Brussels,
on the weekend visited Room
107 Clinton Public Hospital
where Fred Birkmyre. is recu
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leibold,
Ken*-and Don, RR 2, Clinton,
visited on Sunday with the
lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Leppington.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Pratt
(Mary Ellen), Merlin; Wallace
and Stewart MacDonald, West
Cbvina, California; Douglas
Frank (Zoomer) MacDonald of
Sunnyvale, California; Mr. and
Mrs. James MacDonald, Lon-
dbn and.Mrs. Laura Hamess,
Exeter were in town for the
funeral of the late Ranald Mac
Classified Ads
Bring Quick
Reg. $2.00....../SALE $1.66
Reg. 69c ........... SALE 49o
Reg. $1.69 ......... SALE 99c
Reg. 98c ........... SALE 73c
Reg. $1.00......... SALE 78c
SPECIAL .... SALE £/35c
%X5—Rtig. 45ti SALE 29c
lxia--Reg. $1.00 SALE 77c
1100’s — SPECIAL SALE 99c
stainless steel blades
10 Blades
Reg. $1.39 ......... SALE 99c
5 grains
500 Tablets—SPECIAL 98c
REXALL deluxe
tooth brushes
Reg. 69c .......... SALE, 34c
10 Hours
Reg. $7.95 ....... SALE $4.99
H6T water bottles
Reg, $1.29........ SALE 99c
Phone 482-9511 Ciintbn> Ontario