HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-12-21, Page 11THE TIMES-APVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSPAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1950 fromJAMES STREET UNITED Rev. IL J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, zVW.C.M,, Musical Director 11 a.m.—.Joyous Christmas Ser­ vice of Worship and Singing, Special Music by the Choir, Anthems : “March of the Kings”, “Arise Shine”. Solo: Grant McDonald. Duet: Pearl Murdoch, Mar­ garet McFalls. 3 p.m..—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—The Bells of Christmas. Anthem; Angels from the Realms of Glory.” Solo; Helen Shapton. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Ronald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister Organist; Miss Norma Knight 11:00 a.m,—Public Worship. A carol service for the Con­ gregation and Sunday School together. TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican — MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. Hany J. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A. Y. Willard. Organist 11 a.m.—“The Incarnation Our Street.” Anthems; “Glory to God the Highest”, ‘‘The Song Angels Sang.” 12 noon—Sunday School.7 - ■ ■ - - in in the Rector: Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A., M.A. Organist; Robert Cameron Sunday, December 24— 11:30 a.m.—Christmas Family Service with the singing of the well known hymns and carols. There will >be no Sunday School on Deeemibei’ 24. 11:15 p.m.—Midnite Communion Service. December 25, Christmas Day—« 10:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. p.m.-—“Carols by Candlelight” —a service sponsored by the Kumjoinus Class. Anthems; “Tidings of Great Joy”, “There’s a Song in the Air”, “O Little Town of Beth­ lehem.” Sextette: “O Wondrous Song.” Duet; Miss Marie and Frank Wildfong. Carol; “Gloria in Excelsis Deo.” Centralia United Church CHRISTMAS SUNDAY PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—-Bible Study and Prayer for Revival. Fri., 8 p.m.—Annual Sunday School Concert. Sun., 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt.: Mr. E. Cudmore. Sun., 1.1 a.m.—“For unto to us a child is born. Unto us a is .given. Dedication of Babies. 7:30 p.m..—Carol Choir. ■ . Message. “Himself”. Salvation, Healing, even Life itself, in Him. Son Rev. G. G. Burton, M.A., B.D., Pastor 10:30 a.m.—Baptismal Service. Subject: “Glad Tidings to All Mankind.” 7:30 p.m.—‘Cantata by the Choir zThe Manger Prince/ Composed of Eleven Parts (60 pages) of Special Music VIOLIN SOLO Mrs./G. F. Penwarden, Pianist and Director All Are Invited CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren Dashwood Bev. J. Henry Getz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, 10 a.m.—Christmas Worship. 11:15 a.m.—‘Church Fri., 1______ ___ . mas Festival. “The Great Deliverer”, a dra­ matic cantata. Also the Church School Pro­ gram. Organist Service of : ___ c:___h school. Dec. 22, 7:30 p.m.—Christ- It’s a pleasure to extend the Season’s Greetings to all of you! ZION Evangelical United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V. Dahms. Minister Sunday, December 24— 10 a.m.—Worship. Sermon Subject: “Th© Gifts of the Wise Men.” 11 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m?—Christmas Program by the Sunday School. Cantata; “They Found the Child.” Tues., Dec. 26, 8 p.m.—Youth Fellowship Christmas Party at the W. Schwartz home. Wed., Dec. 27, 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. Wise S Auto Wreckers few1 4.C” To you: we extend kearty Wishes for happiness at Christmastime and for the New Year! < Dinney Furniture CRED1TON PASTORAL CHARGE United Church of Canada Rev. W. C. Parrott, B.D. Worship Services: Shipka—10:15 a.m. Crediton—11:30 a.m. Brinsley—2:4 S p.m. Church School: Crediton—10:30 a.m. Shipka—11:15 a.m. Brinsley—1:30 p.m. Mr. are Office • On Thursday afternoon the men of St. Patrick’s Church held a buzzing bee at the church and filled the woodshed, Mr* and Mrs, M. McDonald were Sunday guests with Mr, and (Mrs* T. Kooey, of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson were Thursday evening dinner guests at the home of (Mr. and Mrs, R, Coleman, of Lucan, Mr, Thomas Fisher who makes his home at Mason-Villa Hospi- tai on Me. Pleasant Aye., Lon­ don, has sold his farm near Exe- ter • where he farmed most his life, To Wilson Morley Exeter. ---r——---------- ----- Couple Honoured At Saintsbyry On Wednesday evening ana ‘Mrs. Rob, Diekins, who now living with Mrs, Dickie’s mother in Exeter, Mrs, Davis and Mr. and Mrs, Earl Greenlee and terry and Mr. J. ‘Barker were dinner guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, H,Davis, Later in the evening the members of St. Pat­ rick’s Church gathered and spent the evening playing progressive euchre. Prizes were awarded. Mr, and Mrs. R. Dickips were presented lamp and cognition tion with munity. Mr. replied and thanked all fpr their kindness and thoughtfulness. Mrs, James Turner, secretary­ treasurer of the church, read the address and Mr, R, Greelee and Mr. Maurice McDonald made the presentation, Lunch was ser­ ved. The annual meeting of the W.A.W.S. was held at the home of Mrs, Maurice McDonald on Friday Afternoon. The reports showed a successful year. The president Mrs. H. Dayis gave a talk taking as her text, “Be ye doers of his word not hearers only.” At the close of the busi­ ness meeting Canon James spoke on the work done by Mrs. W J. Dobbs in piecing and making quilts and on behalf of the or­ ganization Mrs. R. H. James presented- Mrs. Dobbs with a beautiful cup and saucer. Canon James took the chair for the election of officers and the officers for 1950 were re­ elected Mrs. thanks use of lunch was served. The annual meeting of the girls guild met on Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. D. Maguire. Xmas gifts were exchanged. The president, Mrs. M. McDonald was in charge of the meeting, all joined in singing, “While Shepherds Watched their Flocks by Night.” The president led in prayer. The secretary, Mrs. E. Greenlee and the tres. Mrs. H. Carroll read their reports. Ten Dollars was voted to each of the following, 'Miss L. Powel, Mis­ sionary; The Sick ’Children’s Hospital, London; and the Bud­ get for the church. The election of officers for 19 51 resulted as follows; Mrs. C. Davis, Maguire, Bridger, Kinson, 'Mrs. L. Birthday closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served, by Mrs. J. Dickins and Mrs. L. Weiburg. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elston and Mrs. Davis spent Thursday afternoon visiting relatives in London Township and had tea with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gib­ son of Denield. Hensall W.M.S Names 1951 Slate The annual meeting of Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church was held in the school room of the United Church Thursday afternoon, Dec­ ember 14, Mrs, W, B. Cross, president, was in the chair, The scripture reading was read by Mrs. W, Carlile, and prayer of­ fered by Mrs. Cross. Mrs. R, J. Paterson, Mrs. T, Coates, and Mrs. E. Geiger were appointed to pack the bale which will be for­ warded to Toronto for overseas relief. The hale will be packed Friday of this week. Mrs. T. Coates and Mrs, G. Hess ren­ dered a vocal duet. Rev, W. J. Rogers addressed the meeting, delivering a very timely and informative message. The slate of officers in charge of Rev. Rogers and the following officers will act for 1951. Honorary president, Mrs. C. Ballantyne; president* Mrs. W. B. Cross; vice-presidents, Mrs. R. Geiger, Mrs. W. J. Rogers, Miss M. Ellis, Mrs. M. Drysdale; treasurer, Mrs. C. Cook; record­ ing and corresponding secretary, Miss K. Scott; assistant, Mrs. T. Coates; Christian Stewardship, Mrs. W. Carlile; Community Friendship, Mrs. G. Cook, Mrs. Carlile; supply secretaries, Mrs. J, MqBeath and Mrs. C. Stephen­ son; Associate Helpers secre­ taries, Mrs. N, E. Cook and Mrs. T. J. Sherritt; Temperance sec­ retary, Mrs. F. J, Appleby; Mis­ sionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. Jarvis Horton; pianist, 'Mrs. T. Sherritt; press secretary, Mrs. G. Hess; Evening Auxiliary super­ intendent, Miss M. Ellis; Mission Band, Mrs. H. Scane, Mrs. J. Drysdale; Baby Band superin­ tendents, Mrs. R, Drysdale and Mrs. D. Kyle; study A. Consitt, Miss M. W. J, Rogers. Hensall Institute The Legion Rooms grand setting for the Christmas meeting of the Hensall Institute on Wednesday night, December 13, with a splendid attendance of members and guests. Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Ran­ nie were hostesses on this oc­ casion. Mrs, Rannie arranged the beautiful decorations includ­ ing a lighted tree. Owing to the illness of the president, Mrs. Beer, Miss Phyllis Case, vice- president, conducted the meet­ ing. In answer to the roll call, members offered a special collec­ tion amounting to $21,55 which will aid the London War Mem­ orial Children’s Hospital Funds. Mr. J. A. Paterson has kindly promised to forward the gift of money directly to the hospital. The secretary reported that a floral bouquet from the Institute had been presented to Mrs, Beer who is in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mrs. J. A. Paterson had looked after this matter. The secretary disclosed that the amount cleared at the com­ munity night on November 24 was $65.93. The second Com­ munity Night is being planned for January 12 at which the merchants on Main St. (North) will provide prizes. Progressive euchre will be played. Full plans were made as fol­ lows: Cards, tables, etc., Mrs. W. Sangster, Mrs. Orr, Phyllis Case, Mrs. Middleton. Lunch will be provided, the lunch conveners will be named at the next meet­ ing. Mrs. Orr reported on the District Executive Meeting held November 22 in Crediton, Sev­ eral items in tllis connection Were mentioned. Members displayed lovely six- inch wool squares. These when completed size 45x60 will be forwarded to London War Mem­ orial Children’s Hospital. At the next meeting a committee will be named to attend to finishing these throws. Members will remember Mrs. Beer with a shower of cards. The Misses Audrey Walsh and Marlene Petzke favoured with lovely duets—-“Rudolph the Red- Nose Reindeer” and “Frosty the Snbw Mau”. Miss Edna Walsh accompanied. A humorous read­ ing was contributed by Miss Ellis. Rev. P« A, Ferguson, tile guest speaker, gave an impres­ sive message, “Peace”-—a timely topic, in Ills remarks, he said: “The spirit of peace, good-will and happiness which reigns In our hearts tliis season shows that we forget about ourselves and try to help others. Behind every motive for peace must be God. The gift of Christ to the world was God’s gift because of this concern for mankind.” Carol singing was then directed by Mrs. Sherritt and Miss Lammie, Mrs. Edwards graciously extended a vote of thanks to ail. “Silent Night” closed the meeting. Tempting refreshments served by the hostesses and their as­ sistants brought the delightful gathering to a close. 7 CHURCH OF GOD Rev. Glen Beach, Pastor a.m.-—Sunday School. a.m.—Morning Worship. Sermon Subject: “Heralds Christ.” 7:30 p.m,—Evangelistic Service: “Are You a Wise Man.” Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. It) 11 of ST. JOHN-BY-THE-LAKE - Anglican - Episcopal * Grand Bend, Ontario Rev. J. E. G. Houghton, Rector 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m. •— Morning Prayer Holy Communion first Sunday of each month. A hearty welcome is extended to all. BLANSHARD Mrs. Trewartha of Holmesville spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Langford. Master Robin Bryan of Pros­ pect Hill spent the week-end With Mi8, ahd Mrs. Bill Jones. Miss Marilyn Brine of Wood­ ham spent the Week-end with Miss Shirley Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Kelson Knox and Joyce were Friday evehihg guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Saakel, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Leibler of Mitchell were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hoo­ per. Th© sympathy of the commun­ ity goes out to Mr. Clarence Mills and family in the loss of Lis mother, Mrs. Alonzo Mills. Your local merchant pays taxes for local improvements —• bay I your Christmas gifts from him. book, Miss Ellis, Mrs. provided a Hundreds Attend Hensail Party Hundreds of children Hensall and surrounding districts attended the annual Christmas party sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and Hensall branch of the Canadian Legion. The Rev, W. J. Rogers spoke briefly and introduced Santa Claus to the crowd who treated the youngsters to treats after which a free show was held in the town hall. Sunday School Concert The Sunday School concert of the Hensall United Church was held on Tuesday evening with Rev, W. J. Rogers chairman. The opening number was a cborus by all the children of Mrs. Corbett's class entitled “Away in a Man­ ger”. Recitations were given by Jer­ ry Drysdale, Peggy Goddard, Gerald Chapman, Gregory Spen­ cer; solo by Carol Rogers ^reci­ tations Horton, Bobbie Robert Traquair; solo by Dennis Mock; recitation by Marjorie Hyde. Miss Gladys Luker’s class pre­ sented an exercise “Ring Out the Bell" assisted by Mrs. Coates; Mrs. Hyde’s class, a chorus, “Frosty, the Snow Man”; recita­ tion by Judy Elder. The girls of Miss Consitt’s and Miss Betty Mickle’s class recited part of Matt. 2; piano solos by Audrey Richardson and Jane Horton, Song by Maryanne Rannie and Gwen Spencer; a dance by Joyce and Florence Whittaker. A dialogue, “Reading the News”, was given by Mrs. Pass­ more's class. “Final Rehearsal” was a skit 'by Miss Lammie’^ class. The scene is the school room of the Hensall United Church on the night before the Christmas concert. Santa Claus arrived and distributed the gifts from the true. On Sunday, December 17, at the afternoon service in Chisel­ hurst United Church, conducted by Rev. W. J. Rogers, carol­ singing was a special feature. Mr. J, Horton provided violin accompaniment throughout the service. A beautiful violin solo, offered by Mary Scane, Bruce Nancy Kyle; solo by Mickle; recitations by McNaughton, Ruth Ann of of JAN, 8 AND 9 IN EXETER JAN. 10 IN LUCAN with a beautiful table >cup and saucer in ro­ of their long associa­ tive Church and cpm- and Mrs. Djckins for 1951. Turner moved a vote of to Mrs. (McDonald for the her home and a dainty Junior Auxiliary Holds Christmas Meeting The December meeting of the Junior Evening Auxilary was held mn Monday evening at Mrs. L. Snider’s home. The president Mrs. C. Mc­ Naughton opened the meeting by having the group sing two Christmas carols "Silent Night” and “It Came upon a Midnight Clear”. Mrs, Jamison began the devotion­ al by reading a prqyer. The Scripture was read by Mrs. R, McDonald followed by the group singing the carol “Come all Ye Faithful". The Christmas story was read by Mrs. L. Wein. Mrs. Delbridge, Mrs, Shroeder and Mrs.Mickle then took charge and a numbei’ of games were enjoyed by the group. A lovely lunchwas served with each group providing part of the lunch. The roll call was read and as each member’s name was called they received a gift. John W. Orchard Optometrist - Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company Applications are invited for the position of Agent for this Company in the Town­ ships of Hibbert, McKillop, Blanshard and Tuckersmith. Applications should be in writing and mailed to the Secretary-Treasurex* USBORN® & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Exeter, Ontario, before January 6, 1951. Lady: “My cat got caught in the engine of one of your refri­ gerators, and Its tall was cut off?’Manager: * “Sorry Madam. I can’t do anything about that. You’ll have to go to the Retail Department?*« «■ ft ■# A Tree: Somthitig that stands perfectly still for years, then all of a sudden jumps right into the path of a woman driver. “Meditation”, was also by Mr. Horton. Wohelo Class Mr. Blackwell presided Christmas meeting of the Class which was held United Church School room on Monday night, December 18, The opening hymn was “O Come All Ye Faithful", after which Rev. Rogers led in prayer. Mrs. Rogers read the scripture lesson. Rev. and Mrs. Rogers kindly in­ vited the group to hold the next meeting at their home on Wed­ nesday night, January 3. The election of officers will take place, Other important items will be discussed. Beginning in February, the class will meet on the first Monday in each month. Mrs. Mack favoured with an acceptable solo, “A Star Was His Candle". Mr. D. Kyle and Mr. Ed Cor­ bett contributed a musical selec­ tion. Miss Gray gave an interest­ ing reading. An enjoyable feature was carol singing with Gladys Luker at the piano and Mr. J. Horton pro­ viding violin accompaniment. Contests followed under the supervision of Mrs. J. Corbett and Mrs. Lillian Hyde. Refresh­ ments were then served. On Sunday December 17, at the morning service in Hensall United Church, Rev, W. J. Rod­ gers chose the theme “A Day of Glad Tidings,” The Choir rend­ ered the anthem “Draw Nigh to God”, the solo being taken by Miss Mary Goodwin. A Christmas Cantata “King all Glorious” is being presented by the Choir, This presentation will be held in the Church oil Sunday evening, December 24th at 8 o’clock. Special numbers by the Juniors also solos, duets, trios, quartette and choruses by the Choir will be featured under the leader of Mr. s. G. Rannie, Choir leader and MisS Greta Lammie, Organist. The Christmas Tidings of great joy will be told in sermon and sohg at Carmel Presbyter­ ian Church, Sunday. Special musical selections are being pre­ pared by the Choir. The evening service at 7 o’clock will feature Christmas music throughout, with carols and anthems by con­ gregation and choir with Mrs. Robt. Middleton as guest soloist, singing, “Gesu Bambino", At the morning service the guest soloist well be Jean Henderson. Largo congregations are expected at both services which will be con­ ducted by the minister, Rev. P. A. Ferguson. The Sunday Christ­ mas party will be evening December o’clock, A splendid being prepared. It there will be the gathering on Friday Personal. Items Mr. and Mrs. A. turned home after few davs in Detroit. The many friends of Mrs. ' William Foster regret to hear she is confined to her room ow­ ing to illness.1 The concert . Church school j Friday I for the Wohelo in the on Friday 52, at 8 program Is is expected usual large evening. L. Case re­ sponding a J annual Sunday School' of Carmel Presbyterian will he hold in the ■room of the church on evening, December 22. president; Mrs. secretary; M r s. treasurer; Mrs. C. D. J. At-V* 'll ) Al* A V* *XV extra cent treasurer; Weiburg, treasurer of Box, Canon James no time like CHRISTMAS for extending our sincere wishes foe fl best of everything in the coming year! Dr. Salsbury’s Laboratories EXETERJ. W. WEBER STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Due to Boxing Day Being a Holiday this Store Will Be OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27 We Wish You All a Merry Christmas We still have a large stock of Christmas merchan­ dise for last minute shopping. Let us help you solve your gift problems. Nylon Hosiery We have just received late shipments of Supersilk and Orient nylon hosiery—all sizes and popular shades to choose from. lADIBS’ AND MISSES' Station Wagon Coats Satin finish, quilted linings, popular shades. Regular price $32.95, ON SALE AT ........ $2S.95 Ladies', Misses’ and Girls’ Winter Coats 10% off Regular Prices Lingeries, Hand Bags, Gloves, Linens, Handkerchiefs, etc. for Gift Purposes Chenille Spreads See our exceptional values in new patterned chenille bed spreads at FROM ................ $9. S3 to $18.95 each. /• SPECIAL Seven dozen men’s ties —- broken ranges of patterns. Reg. 1.50 980 MEN’S SMOKING JACKETS AT .......... $9.50 to $13.95 MEN’S DRESSING GOWNS Wool and rayon .... $11,95 Men’s Wool Plaid Jackets at greatly reduced prices! BOYS* HOCKEY SWEATERS All wool „ $2.49 and $3.50 BOYS’ HOCKEY SOX All wool ..... ?1.V5 ALSO A COMPLETE RANCE OF Shirts Pyjamas Ties Sox Belts Suspenders Scarves Gloves Handkerchiefs Sweaters Tie Bars Cuff Links Superior Store Specials for Dec. 21, 22, 23 LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS Shirriff’s? all flavours 3 pkgs. 260 GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN Always popular ......... 2 tins 330 NABOB COFFEE I-lb. bags -5*. each 930 BOWE’S MINCEMEAT A quality product. 28-oz. tins each 380 RINSO AND SUNLIGHT SOAP DEAL One of each ........................... ah w ALLEN’S APPLE JUICE Large 48-oz. tins each 250 J