The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-12-21, Page 8Brinsley Groups Christmas Theme Elect Officers Of Creditor? As­set r® Mission- G. business spending daughter and and few and •week. of Wind- weeks in to an ac- chambers 3 6. Mrs. was in answered 'Some” was this.” “O.K. you win. one I’ve seen first time.” Hatching Weekly Setting All Breeds Order December and January Chicks Now Neuhauser Hatcheries 81 King Street LONDON, ONTARIO Tel. Met. 7482 Church held on 22, Mrs. T. Mrs. E. <w Hornet Sales & Service THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1950 R. B. WILLIAMS EXETER ONTARIO To our friends and patrons May your days be filled with notes of good cheer... for the holiday and coming year! MclCnight & Walper A million thanks for your friendship and patronage in the past year! May the holidays bring you as many happy tokens in the bright year a-coming! Beavers Hardware W. G. Simmons GODERICH POSTCARD FROM GIBRALTAR There’s no mistaking’ the background in this photo taken of ground crew members of the Royal Canadian Navy’s Nineteenth Carrier Air Group on the airfield at Gibraltar. The group’s aircraft made use of the airfield facilities during the visit to the fortress of H.M.C. Ships Magnificent. Micmac and Huron. —C.P.C. W.A. Name Executive . Officers of the Women's sociation of Brinsley United Church for 19 51 are: President, Mrs. Wes Wratson; vice-presi­ dents, Mrs. Roland Neil and Marwood Prest; treasurer, Wes Morley; secretary, Stanley Steeper; assistant retary, Mrs. Wilbert Lewis; ists, Mi's. Dan Lewis and Jim Trevethick. Flower and Fruit Committee: Mrs. L. Craven, Mrs. B. Dixon, Mrs. William Watson, Mrs. R. Neil. Parsonage Committee: Mrs. B. Sholdice, Mrs. W. Morley, Mrs. Wes W’atson, Mrs. Roland Neil. Billeting Committee: Lee, Mrs. D. Morley, Morley. W.M.S. Elections Officers of Women's ary Society of Brinsley United Church for 1951 are: President, Mrs. Mac Allison; vice-presidents, Mrs. William Watson and Mrs. David Morley; secretary, Mrs. Karl Pickering; assistant secre­ tary, Mrs. Jack Hodgson; trea­ sure, Mrs. James Trevethick; as­ sistant treasurer, Mrs. Earl Mor­ ley; Group Leader No. 1, Mrs. Thomas Lee; Group Leader No. 2, Mrs. Earl Lewis; Group Lead­ er No. 3, Mrs. Stewart Weather­ spoon; Group Leader No. 4, Mrs. Harry Tweddle; pianist, Mrs, Jack Trevethick; assistant pian­ ist, Kathleen Morley; corres­ ponding secretary, Mrs. Stanley Steeper; Baby Band Leader, Mrs. Stanley Steeper; Assistant Baby Band Leader, Kathleen Morley; Christian Stewardship Secretary, Mrs. Earl Morley; Temperance Secretary, Mrs. Dan Lewis; audi­ tors, Mrs. Fred Fenton and Mrs* Wesley Watson. Personal Itexns Mrs. Ellen Maguire is spending some time with her neice, Mrs. Wesley Morley. Mrs. Murray Mackey of Sylvan and Mrs. Orval Sutherland of Mount Brydges spent a few days with their mother, Mrs. Fred J. Neil. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banting 'of Lucan called on Mr* and Mrs. Albert Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton on Saturday last, Mrs. John L. Hotson is con-1 Lamport and Miss Mary Cham- fined to her bed again with a. relapse of the flu. ( Mrs. Fred Fenton and Mrs. Howard Fenton spent Saturday afternoon in Exeter. ; Mrs. Ed Faulder entertained a| number of ladies to a quilting} on Wednesday afternoon last, | Congratulations to Mr. and 5 Mrs. Donald Scott on the arrival | of a son. | Mr. and Mrs. William Maguire? visited over the week-end with | friends in Paris. Mr* John L. Hotson assisted the orhestra at a dance in Drys-j dale on Saturday evening_lMt. Lay. piaMS ot Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood 1 C|oseg spent Tuesday evening with Mr J The* annual and Mrs. Lin Craven. School concert A large number from the J Friday evetting, Mrs. Mrs, Mi’s, sec- pian- Mrs. SHiPKA Election is over and *‘| are still wandering what is all about, Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Ratz Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Godbolt family of Centralia spent a days last week with Mr. ‘ Mrs. Rawden in Windsor, On Sunday, December 24th the United Church will be combined with the S.S, at 10.15. Rev, W, Parrott in charge. Everybody welcome. Cannibal chief (to man in boil­ ing pot): “You „have one last thing to say?” Man in pot (flicking open cig­ arette lighter): “If you’ll let me go you can have Cannibal chief: That’s the only that’ll work the Mr. Young, prior to leaving for Detroit, where she will spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs, Lester Maclsaac. Miss Gertrude Rata returned to her duties in London, after a three week’s vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ratz. Mrs. Margaret Gallop of Staffa visited last week with her daugh- , and Mr.ter, Mrs. Lome Hodge, Hodge. Mrs. A. M. Berry is a few weeks with her in Strathroy. Messrs. Lome Hodge and Fraser Brown made a business trip to Kitchener on Thursday. A large crowd attended the sale on Saturday of the house and household effects of the late Mrs. G. Kuhn and good prices were realized. The house was purchased by Mr. Wilfred Mack. The sale continued from 1:30 to 7:00 p.m. and was successfully handled by auctioneer William Smith. Church Groups Crcditon W.I. A gaily decorated Christmas tree displaying an eastern star, which shone down upon a de­ picted manger scene, was an ap­ propriate setting for the Christ­ mas meeting of the Crediton. Women’s Institute. Meeting was held in the council with an attendance of H. Schenk, pesident, charge. Roll call was by naming a Christmas custom. Mrs. W. Mack reported on suc­ cess of Library Night. Mrs. Wil­ liam Gaiser reported on District Executive Meeting. Gifts were brought in for “Canadian Save the Children” Fund and plans made to bring cheer to needy families at Christmas. Mrs. W. Weber presided for program, when vocal selections were given by Mrs. L. Hey, Mrs. W. Smith and Mrs. E. Fahrner* A reading on Christmas was given by Mrs. G. Morlock. Fol­ lowing the program refreshments were served by the committee in charge—Mrs. W. Weber, Mrs. Ayotte, Mrs. W. Smith, Mrs. N. Schenk, Mrs. E. Ghambers, Mrs. Gordon Morlock and Mrs. Zwicker. Crcditon W.A. Members and visitors ing 90 attended the Christmas party held Sunday School rooms United Church under pices of the Women’s tion. A short business was presided over by President Mrs. G. Zwicker, when reports were given by the different com­ mittees. Appreciation was ex­ pressed by Mrs. E. Chambers to the retiring secretary, Mrs. Jas. Mawhinney, for faithful service rendered. A brief W.M.S. business meet­ ing was conducted by Mrs. G. HilL after which a Christmas program was presented. A very ! fine address was given by Rev. W*. Parrott, who chose as the basis of his remarks “There was | no room for Him ifi the Inn”. I i Solos were sung by Mrs, R. Rob- I bins and Mrs. C. Pratt. Scripture ■portions were read by Mrs. Ed number­ annual in the of the the aus- Associa- meeting hers. | A candle-lighting exercise was Aed by Mrs. Woodall, partieipat- ‘ ing in the exercise were Mrs. ; William Schroeder, Mrs. G. Hill, ’ i; Mrs. M. King, Mrs. H. Lightfoot , and Mrs. R. HUI. ‘BenedictionI was pronounced by Rev. Parrott. Ian exchange of gifts followed land lunch was served by the following committee. Mrs. W. ’Mack, Mrs. E. Lawson, Mrs. R. Mots, Mrs. M. Neil, Mrs. Parker aid Mrs. F. Kerr. | Personal Items Tuesday, December 26, Boxing Day, will be observed as a boll- will be United will be _ ___ %community attended the shower I commencing at 8 o’clock. held at the home of Mr. Joe j Mrs. F. W. Clark who has been Conlin in honour of Miss Bea-1 a patient in Victoria Hospital, trice Conliir, whose we d d i ng (London, for the past few weeks, takes place on Saturday, Decern- i has made favourable progress her 30. I " “ * - - - - Corn picking* has been the order of the day In the district. Mr* Oscar Gilbert is at present visiting his son Tom in Detroit. Neils School, McGillivray, had. a very successful euchre on Wednesday evening last. When a public speaker asked the chairman how long he should speak, he was told to watch the audience’s reaction. “If you haven’t struck oil in i five minutes,” the chairman said “quit boring?* land her many friends are pleased to learn that she expects to re­ turn to her home this Mirs. Charles Mason Sot, who spent some Windsor Hospital, due cident in which she suffered a broken hip, is convalescing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Wright. Mrs. Wesley Sisson and daugh­ ter Sheila of Montreal are visit­ ing with the former* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd England. Mrs. I). Maclsaac is visiting this week in London with her daughter, Mrs. E. Young and Neuhauser , Chicks Her®’$ to a Happy Heliday»»»a wendraas New Year! Snell Bros. & Co. G •azF-l! -FOR SAFE WINTER DRIVING Slippery road surfaces, unfavourable weather conditions, and early darkness, combine with thoughtless driving to make the late Fall and Winter months the most dangerous period of the year. For your own safety and the safety of other road users— pedestrians and motorists-—observe the following sug­ gestions: 1, On wet, snowy or icy road surfaces drive at reduced speed. 2. When stopping, apply brakes lightly and intermittently. Jamming on the brakes may bring about a skid. 3# Keep windshield and windows free of Snow and ice outside, and fOg and frost inside. 4. Be sure that brakes, steering mechanism and fires are in safe condition to help offset the extra hazards of Winter driving. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS GEO. H. OOOCETT Minister