HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-12-21, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, ‘THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER £1, 1950 Page f
Christmas Concert
At S.S. 6 Hibbert
A Christinas concert was held
on Wednesday evening in the school of S.S. No. ft MX Lloyd
Sorsdahl was master of cere*
The programme consisted of
recitationp by the younger pupils
and dialogues hy the older
pupils, also a Christmas Pageant
and drills, Mr, Smith, the music
teacher, was the accompanist .for
the community singing.
Santa Claus was also present
at the close of the concert and
faithfully performed his duties.
Much credit is due the teacher,
Miss Lucille Boyce, and Mr,
Smith for the success of the
evenings entertainment,
Buy at home and save money.
When you go to the city
Litter Carrier Pipes
Truck Wheels for
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Angie Irons in All Sizes
Also Buy
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Bring the Scrap
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Exeter Salvage Co.
CHECK—and you’ll choose this Gar Wood unit
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GAR Wood counter
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Clean sunburst flame
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Quiet, efficient
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Engineered for
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Write, phone or visit us for a
demonstration or full information
Fairfield Town
Christmas Social
A very pleasant evening
held at the home of Mr.
Mrs. Wellington Haist when Fair
field Farm Forum met ter their
annual Christmas social, with 44
The recreation committee in
charge provided a splendid pro
gram of music, contests and
games. Winners were: Mrs, Gord
on Wilson, George Hepburn.
A most beautiful lunch was
served, The next meeting will be
held January 8, at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, George Hepburn.
Clinton, Seaforth
Ju niors Visit Exeter
Members of the Clinton and
Seaforth Junior Institutes were
the guests of the Exetei’ Junior
Institute at their December
ing. The Home Economics
of the E.D.H.S. was the
decorated setting for this
ing. The president, Lucille Boyce,
expressed a welcome to the visi
tors. The motto for the evening,;
"A thankful heart is not the.
greatest of virtues but the par
ent of all virtues”, was given by
Kathleen May.
Donna Bowden introduced
Shirley Taylor who gave an ex
cellent demonstration on gift
wrapping. “What does Christmas
mean to you?” the theme of;
the evening was given by Dolores
Allison, Donna Bowden demon
strated several Christmas table
decorations, Following a sing
song of Christmas carols the
girls met with the bbys for the
joint meeting.
Joint Meeting
The joint meeting of the ’South
Huron Junior Farmers and Jun
ior Institute was held in the
E.D.H.S. with members of the
Seaforth and Clinton clubs as
guests. Following business a
short programme was presented
by the visiting clubs. The Clin
ton Junior^ presented several se
lections of old-time music.
Ruth Keyes of Seaforth played
an instrumental and Gladys
Chapman gave a monologue. Ro
bert Hern and Anna Brock con
ducted the group in several
games, Lunch was served and
this brought a very enjoyable
social evening to a close.
Because it's Christmas,
and you're all so nice to know,
From our firm to your home,
our friendly v/ishes go!
R. E. Russell
Posted To Zurich
Rev. D. P. Monaghan, of Hes-
son, has been transferred to
Zurich to fill the vacancy caused
by the death of Rev. Aubrey J.
Father Monaghan, who was
•pastoi' at the Roman Catholic
Church at Hesson for six and a
half' years, is a native of St.
Thomas. He was educated at
Assumption College and St.
Peter’s Seminary at the Univers
ity of Western Ontario. He
served in Sarnia, London
Windsor before moving to
Present Concert
On Sunday evening the choir
will present their Christmas can
tata “The Manger Prince”. To
prepare a Christmas cantata re
quires a great deal of time and
effort on the, part of the leader;
Mrs. Penwarden, and the choir
members, and it is hoped that
all church members and friends
will show their appreciation by
turning out in large numbers.
There will be a special Christ
mas service in the morning with
the pastor, Rev. Burton,
charge. Services at 10:,30
and 7:30 p.m.
Mrs. Norman Mitchell
able to return home from
toria Hospital on Sunday and is
recuperating at the home of
daughter, Mrs. Ken Hodgins,
hope to see Mr. Mitchell
again in the near future.
. Mrs. Ken Greb entertained
Sunday School class to dinnei' at
her home on Wednesday evening
of last week followed by a thea
tre party.
Sunday guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt
were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey God
bolt, Maxine Godbolt, Miss Helen
McFalls and the members of
Mrs. Godbolt’s and Miss McFalls’
Sunday School class.
A number of choir members
motored to London a week ago
and attended the Sunday evening
service in the Metropolitan
On Friday evening of this
week the Sunday School a,nd Day
School are joining forces for the
annual Christmas entertainment
and Christmas tree. The pro
gram will be presented in the
school room of the church, start
ing at 8 p.m. Everyone is wel
and visitors met in the school
room of the church on Tuesday
evening for theii* Christmas
meeting. Mrs. Hepburn was at
the piano and played quiet music
as an opening number. Mrs. A.
McFalls presided over the wor
ship service.
A piano solo was played by
Mrs. W. Skinner. A Christmas
reading was given by Mrs. Hep
burn. Prayers were offered by
Mrs. Lome Hicks ter our soldiers
and all refugees; by Mrs. Hep
burn ter the Gift of the Son; by
the leader for Our Church, Our
Society and individuals. A duet
was sung by Mrs. 0. Brown and
Mrs. L. Hodgson with Mrs. Hicks
at the piano.
The Christmas program was
followed as printed in the month-,
ly with Mrs. O. Brown, Mrs, L.!
Hodgson, Mi's. George Hicks and
Mrs. CL Skinner taking part.
Several Christmas hymns were
sung. There was a short business ____
session with the president in the cook who Spoke on Christmas
and its customs. Piano duet by
Mrs. C. Hardy and Helen.
children were enter-
at a theatre party in
on Tuesday afternoon.
members of the W.M.S.
We wish all our readers
this column a Merry 'Christmas.
6The service at St. James
Church will be at 2.30 p.m. Sun
day December 24th, when Holy
Communion service will be tak
en by Rev. A. W. Richardson of
London. A special Carol service
will be at 11 p.m. Sunday night
at Holy Trinity Church, Lucan
when Rev. Vollick’ of Ailsa Craig
will have Holy Communion ser
vice too.
The service at United Church
will be held at 2.30 p.m. Sunday
December 24th, a joint service
with Sunday School. Rev. Cook
'Minister in charge.
Mr. Ross O'Neil is driving a
new Dodge car.
Several from the village at
tended the Bingo at R.C.A.F.
Centralia last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Worthington
and Helen, have moved to Mr.
and Mrs. Hodgins house.
Miss Bernice Conlin R. N., of
Westminster Hospital, London,
bride elect of December was
honored by a shower at the
•home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Con
lin by neighbours and friends.
Many gifts were received.
Mr. Elias Blake, who is tak
ing treatments in Toronto, spent
the week-end with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Blake.
Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Hendrie
Mi*, and Mrs. Mae McNaughton,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Downing Chatham.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Raton,
spent Friday with their daughter
Mrs. Wilfred Logan, Thorndale.
Mr. Hyslop of Sarnia spent a
few days with his daughter, Mrs.
L. Reycraft. lust week.
Mr. and Mrs. Pyke and Pris-
cillia spent Friday in London
visiting Mrs. Pykes Mother.
Imsltnte Meeting
The December meeting of
Clandeboye W.L was held at
the Lucan Arona December
| Mrs. Wilmer Scott, president, I ■ presided. Scripture was read by I
Mrs. George Young. Roll call
answered by a white gift which
later were given to the Wilson
family. Guest speaker was Rev.
You re sure to find our best wishes
for your happiness and joy — May
everything wonderful be yours in
the New Year , . . and always!
Lots of cheer
and jolly good fun
May your holiday be
A Merry one I
For your splendid patronage dur
ing the year we say
Studio Closed
From Christmas Until January 8
A delicious lunch was served I ...... .____*
by Mesdames Brown, Raynham, I Christmas Carols were sung by
McAllister and Skinner. All mem- members,
bers ate requested to have their thankful boxes in the hands of'
the treasurer before the end of
the year. A very pretty tree and
other nicely arranged Christmas
decorations made an attractive
background ter the meeting.
Mission Band
The Alert Mission Band met
in the basement of the church;
on Tuesday after school. There,
were ten members and one visi
tor present. The meeting opened
with the members* purpose in
unison. Patsy Isaac led the ser
vice. A story was road by Mrs,
George McFalls. A piano duet by
Keith and Catherine Hodgins
was appreciated by all. Readings
were giveh—’’The Christmas
Story” by Margaret Rose Bow
don and "The Innkeeper’s Mis
take by Patsy Isaac. Prayer was
i offered by Wroatha Sholdice.
Christmas carols were sung with
Eleanor Mae Hodgins at the
The members of the executive
are to sponsor a euchre party
the arena early in January.
Current events were given
Mrs. L. A. Keim er.
The prize ter a contest
flower whs Won by Mrs. L.
Helen Hardy played Chrismas
music and refreshments were
served by committee, Mrs. Rea
Nell, Mrs. X H. Baton Mrs.
Ernie Lewis and Mrs. L. A. Kil
’'Why won’t you marry me?”
he demanded. ’’There isn’t any
one else, Is there?”
“ Oh, Edgar, ” she sighed.
’’There must be!**
piano. The study book was taken
by Mrs. F< Bowden, Games wares
played and Mrs. McFalls treated
dll with home-made candy.
iKc o| jkicncUltip cwtdL Witt
tiial io ClvuAtmoo .•. iRcvnlo
cuitomcTA Imut continued polaonticje!
atm moil otncwa KteRco jLozt floft