HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-12-14, Page 14THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1950 Mr. and Mrs. Orby Kestle of Detroit visited with relatives in Exeter over the week-end. Master Thomas Kestle had his tonsils removed Monday at the Hooper Nursing Home. FRIDAY & SATURDAY December 15 and 16 Mrs. Mary Bettis, Mr. end Mrs. Bill Bettis and Byron from Tor­ onto and Mr, and Mrs. Percy Lunsford, Mrs. Ralph Genttner and Shirley were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trieb- ner, Mrs. Jessie Phillips and son Harry of Stratford, spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. Ed­ ward Coombs. Rev. E. Grigg, of London, is visiting at the home of W, G. Pearce and is calling on friends in and around Exeter. Mrs. John Carnie and son Johnny, of Lucan, spent last Fri­ day visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William Cutting of town. COMING EVENTS EUCHRE PARTY — Watch for Hurondale W.I. Euchre Party in the second week in January. 14ctfn ‘Under My Skin’ -k John Garfield ★ Micheline Presle Told with that Hemingway wallop . . , Pride of Huron Rebekahs MONDAY & TUESDAY December IS and 19 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY December 20 and 21 ‘Frightened City’ (Adult) -fc Evelyn Keyes W Charles Kowin One woman brings terror to 84000,000 people! Remember Your Christmas Party Wed., Dec. 20 Usual Exchange of Gifts Barclay’s Square Home of OLD TIME DANCING Every Thur, and Sat. Nights A Special Holiday Dance Sunday Midnight 12:05 to 3 WITH THE WESTERNAIRES STRATFORD 37 Market Place MATINEES SATURDAY AND HOLIDAYS AT 2130 P.M. IT Tom Fisher Gets Fifty-Year Jewel Two carloads, members of Le­ banon Forest Lodge A.F. & A.M. motored to London Sunday after­ noon and presented Mr. Thomas Fisher with a fifty year jewel. Mr. Fisher, the oldest member of the lodge, is at present a pat- tient in the Masonville Hospital where he has been for the past two and a half years. When the party arrived he was reading a copy of the Times - Advocate which at the age of 88 he was able to do without spectacles. W. M. Bro. Ted Pooley called on Rt. Wor. Bro. Cann who con­ gratulated Mr. Fisher on his long and faithful service to the lodge and he in turn icalled on Bro. R. N. Creech to pin the j ewell on Mr. Fisher, Mr. Fisher, foi’ over thirty years, took great pride in the work of the third degree and there are a few candidates who have joined during that time who have not received some part of the work from him. He expressed W. Dickey Heads Woodham L.O.L. The annual meeting of the Woodham L.O.L. 492 was held in the lodge room on Dec. 7. Worshipful Master 0. Jaques was in charge and conducted the meeting. Reports showed the lodge had a very succesful year, with four pew members initiated into the order, County Master George Davis took the chair for the election of officers, t The following brothers were elected for 1951: Worshipful Master, W. Dickey; Deputy Master, Max Switzer; Chaplin, E, Robinson; Recording secretary, R. MorrisQn. Finan­ cial secretary,, L. Hern; Treasur­ er, H. Hopkins; Marshall, R. Robinson; 1st Lecture F. Jame­ son; 2nd Lecture, B. Blackler, Committee men—H, Berry, R. Mariott, M. Hooper, 0. Camn, and W. Elston, Tylers—H. Dav­ is and C. Switzer. Auditors—0. Jaques, E. Paton. -Sick and#Visit­ ing—M, Hooper, H, Berry, H. Hopkins, and G. Davis. The meeting closed with the National Anthem. Lunch was served. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon of Galt, spent tlie week-end with Mrs. Rose Russell. Reception and Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. JACK COATES EXETER OPERA HOUSE Fri.? Dec. IS Shamrock Orchestra Admission 500 Annual Meeting South Huron Plowmen’s Association TOWN HALL, EXETER KI Exeter Public School (The one for which you’ve been waiting) S.H.H.S. Gynritorium Friday, December 15 8:00 p.m. A FULL 2%-HOUR PROGRAMME OF VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT Admission 500 Exeter Couple Marks Anniversary A .pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kestle Saturday on the occasion of their 5 th wedding anniversary. Dinner was served followed by a social evening and cards. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodgert, Brian and Karol, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hodgert, of London, Mrs. Lily Hodgert and Roy, of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hod­ gert, of Kirkton and Mrs. Etta Hodgert, of town. Mr. and Mrs. Kestle were pre­ sented with a combination sand­ wich toaster and waffle iron. The presentation was made by Charles Hodgert and Mr. Kestle expresed their surprise and ap- pretiation for the beautiful gift great pleasure and satisfaction at being thus honored. A turkey was presented to the Home to be served to the men in the home the following day. Move To Gimli Cpl. and Mrs. Edward Den- roclie (nee Doris Mitchell) are among those of the RCAF who have moved to Gimli, where they not only experienced a change of scenery but also a change of temperature. The thermometer showed 20 degrees below. Attends 102nd Birthday Mrs. C. E. Zurbrigg was in New Hamburg on Sunday, the occasion being the 102nd birth­ day of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Barbara Zurbrigg. Although an invalid and spends the greater part of her time in bed, the elderly Mrs. Zurbrigg is cheerful and enjoys singing. Her favourite hymns are “The Lord Is My Shepherd’’ and “Silent Night”. a-..— ...........— ——— —s Legion Bingo TURKEYS AND DUCKS THIS WEEK Jack-Pot - $30.00 Door Prize - Turkey Thursday, December 14 OPERA HOUSE Admission 500 a..... ...........................-........ ....... a H—..................- —-—------------------- --------- -----------------n Make Your Reservation Now for New Year’s Eve • SPARKLING FLOOR SHOW • ENTERTAINMENT DELUXE and Christmas Dinner With All The Trimmings FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE 88-R Monetta Menard’s | Exeter — Ontario g—„ ■■■ 'A Monster Opening Bingo to be held in the Canadian Legion Memorial Hall, Exeter 8 O’clock Sharp Jack-Pot Prize $50. - Door Prize CHICKENS AND TURKEYS SEVERAL SPECIAL PRIZES ADMISSION 50<! Saturday, Dec. 18 2:00 p.m. AIL Interested Are Requested to Attend A. J. Penhale, Earl F. Sliapton, President. Sec.-Treas. Centralia Edges Maroons, 48-47 Exeter Maroons were edged by a 48—-4,7 score hy Centralia R.C.A.F. in an Intermediate “C” basketball - game in the Exeter Arena Monday night. The Centralia quintet held a 25—19 lead at half time but the Maroons staged a third quarter rally to overtake their rivals. With 6'0- seconds to play, Exeter led the flyers by three points. A foul was called and two free throws cut the led to one point. Twenty seconds before the final whistle Centralia scored a field goal to put them one up. Exeters last ditch stand was unsuccess­ ful. Boon was the big (gun for Cen­ tralia netting li9, with McLeod scoring 16 and Tettmer 12. Gord Cann led the scoring for the locals scoring 15, with J. Kether netting 13 and Bill O’Brien 11. Centralia — 48 Mcleod 16, Conte, Andrews 1, Gundy, Boon 19, Nigal, Macin­ tosh, Bain, Tettmer 1'2, Boudreau Maroons — 47 J. Rether 13, Gord Cann 15, Darrow 1, G. -Schroeder 2, Mat- son 2, G. Dobbs, O’Brien 11, U. Schroeder 1, G. Rether, G. Gal­ ley 2, Call. ’Referee -— Sasso, Centralia. Euchre Party Proves Jolly Evening The Exeter town hall was the scene of a jolly evening Friday when the ladles of the Elimville Women's Institute held a pro­ gressive euchre party. Twenty- four tables were in play. Three of the ladies were tied for high prize with 76 joints. They were: Mrs. Whitney Coates, Mrs. J. N» Willis and Mrs. Harold Bell. Inj the cut the prize went to the lat­ ter. Ross Skinner won the lone hands and men’s high prize. Mrs. Otto Brown was awarded a lovely Christmas cake for sit­ ting in the lackey chair. In the draw for Xmas cakes the lucky winners were Sani’l Skinner and Stanley Pym, Thedford. At the close of ten rounds lunch was served. Mrs. Kenneth Johns and Mrs. Will Johns were In charge of the evening. The Elimville institute recent­ ly concluded §3 performances of their play “Coveralls’*. They travelled 1460 miles, raised $906 and after meeting expenses de­ pleted their treasury by present­ ing $600 to the South Huron Hospital. The euchre was held to start the treasury off with some workable funds. Fred J. Neil Mr. Fred J. Neil, a highly es­ teemed resident of McGillivray Township, passed away suddenly at his home on Saturday in his seventieth year. Surviving are his widow, the former Lila Shet- ritt; three daughters, Mrs. Giles Thompson, Mrs. Orville Suther­ land, Mrs. Murray Mackey; and four sons, Roland, Clarence, Merton and Earl. A private fun­ eral Service was held at the home Monday afternoon followed , by a service in Brinsley United Church under auspices of the Ailsa Craig Masonic Lodge, In­ terment was in Mar’s Hill Ceme­ tery, Christmas Bingo - Dance Town HENSALL Hall Monday, Dec. 18 Sponsored by Legion 15 Regular Games Chickens and Hams 10 Special Games Turkeys and Geese Door Prize SHAMROCK ORCHESTRA Booth in Hall General Admission 650 ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY and SATURDAY December 14 - 15 TWO SHOWS - 7:30, 9:30 ‘Key to the City’ ★ Clarke Gable ★ Loretta Young They Click Like a Clock in a Riotous Romance MONDAY and TUESDAY December 18 - 19 ONE SHOW 8:30 p.m. * Gene Tierney * Richard Conte * Jose Ferrer and Can a Man Make a Woman Do Things She Does Not Want to?, NEWS REEL and SHORTS in Commencement Exercises High School Auditorium Wednesday, December 20 8:15 p.m. ★ SPRING FANTASY ★ WINTER WONDERLAND , (Pantomine and Music) ★ XMAS AT HOME AND IN KILLARNEY ★ HIGH SCHOOL DAZE (We’re in It Now) ★ DANCES AND GYMNASTICS ADMISSION 500 Santa’s Coming to Exeter Santa Claus Parade at 1 p.m. Tuesday, December 19 FREE SHOW! FREE TREATS! For All Public School Children And Younger EXETER SCHOOL SHOWING AT 1:30 DISTRICT SCHOOLS SHOWING AT 3:45 Tickets Are Being Distributed at the Schools Any Child Who Hasn’t Got a Ticket May Call at The Times-Advocate SPONSORED BY EXETER LIONS, LEGION AND KINSMEN MONSTER New Year’s Eve Dance Canadian Legion Memorial Hall, Exeter Sunday Midnight Till ? Music by the Rhythm Jesters Featuring Beautiful Lynn Russel, Vocalist* FUN FOR EVERYONE Hats —- Horns — Sirens —* Balloons — Whistles Streamers Advance Tickets Now On Sale From Any Legion Member SPECIAL NOTICE:—No tickets are allowed to be sold Sunday night until 12:00 o’clock, so to avoid waiting outside please buy advance tickets now.