HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-12-14, Page 12DODGE & DE SOTO
Offers You These Bargains
e d was
Portable Arc welding
Acetylene Welding
Steel Fabrication
Machine Work
Open this Sunday, Wed
nesday afternoon, and dur
ing the evenings through
out the week!'—
Evening Service
One garage will be open
in Exeter on Sundays, Wed
nesday afternoons and dur
ing the evenings through
out the week.
Service Station
Marshall & Murray
Machine Shop
City Wages Draw
Labour From Farm
Says Fairfield Forum
Fairfield .Farm Forum met
Monday night at the home
Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Wilson with
21 members present. An interest
ing discussion was held on tlie
question of farm labour.
Seme wondered where first
class farm help could be ob
tained. The government was
blamed for boosting labour wages
of past years so high that farm
ers could not compete and the
high wages for other labour en
ticed all good labour from the
farm. But if, and when, first
class’ labour could be obtained,
it was agreed that good wages,
good machinery and efficient
management, modern homes on
the farm and a good community
were all essential to
helpers content and
A signed contract
employer and employ
thought needful.
Then the Forum wondered
what hundred-acre farm could
provide all this, and that per
haps it would be better to settle
down without help to accomplish
what was possible and. let the
rest go. But would this be bene
ficial to the agricultural indust
ry dr to the country as a whole?
As to farm labour unions it
was suggested a union of farm
ers plus labourers be organized
and farm prices boosted one-third
to meet the necessary expense.
Games were played and lunch
served. Next meeting will be
held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wellington Haist and will
takes the form of a Christmas
social, with the-recreation com
mittee in charge.
News of Hensail
Ward Fritz
DODGE Sedan, Brand New, Black.
DODGE SEDAN, Grey, Demonstrator.
CHEVROLET, Sedan, Green, Radio, Heater,
Low Mileage, Loaded with Extras, One of Our
Smartest Cars.
CHEVROLET Coach, Black, Heater, an Excep
tional Car and We Eeel an Exceptional Price
................................................................. $1,250.00
MERCURY Sedan, Radio, Heater. We feel that
you cannot compare this car anywhere for
either the condition or price.
DODGE l/2-Ton Pick-Up. This truck must be
seen to be appreciated.
DODGE Sedan, Black, Mopar Heater. An ex
cellent buy,
PLYMOUTH Sedan, Black. Good condition, top
running shape.
PLYMOUTH Sedan, Heater, New Motor.
FORD Coach. Mechanically good.
CHEVROLET Sedan. Good condition. Make
CHEVROLET Sedan. Make offer.
Phone 78
FORD Coach, Black, Runs O.K, This car has
been reduced purely because we need the room
for later model cars. Sacrificing for $250.
ZURICH Phone 182
St. Paul’s W.A.
Elects 1951 Slate
St. Paul’s Anglican Church
W.A. held their annual meeting
at the home of Miss Logan,. The
secretary-treasurer, Mrs. W.
Goodwin, gave a report of the
work done during the year.
The election of officers took
place with Rev. C. L. Langford
in the chair, resulting as fol
lows: President, Mrs. R. H. Mid
dleton; vice-president, Miss Mary
Fee; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. W.
O. Goodwin. Refreshments were
served at the
A Christmas
All Glorious”, is UWUS propajeu
by the choir of the Hensail Unit
ed Church. The presentation will
be held in the church on Sunday
evening, December 24, at 7:00
o’clock. Special numbers by the
juniors, and solos, duets, trios,
quartettes and choruses by the
choir, will be featured.
Next Sunday evening, Decem
ber 17, at 7 o’clock. Rev. W. J.
Rogers will conduct a Christmas
carol service. Miss Greta Lam-
mie will
under the
The monthly meeting of the
Wohelo Class will be held in the
school room of the United
Church on Monday night, Decem
ber 18.
A Christmas party is being
planned under the convenership
of Mrs. Jack Corbett and Mrs.
Lillian Hyde. Plan to be present.
Sirs. John Passmore
Mrs. John Passmore, promin
ent resident, died
home on Thursday evening in
her sixty-sixth year.
The former Olive Pearl Cann,
she had been a resident of Hen
sail since 1911 when she came
here from Stratford. Her hus
band is the local superintendent
of hydro and a well known resi
Mrs. Passmore was a member
of Hensall United Church, Wo
men’s Missionary Society, Wo-
close by Miss
cantata, “King
being prepared
provide organ accom-
assisted by the choir
direction of Mr. S. G.
suddenly at
be held on Friday evening, Dec
ember 22, in the school room. A
good program is being arranged
by the teachers.
Arnold Circle
Officers Named’
Mrs. P. A. Ferguson was host
ess for the December meeting of
the Arnold Circle Monday eve
ning. President Mrs. William
Brown took the chair. The roll
call was answered with a Christ
mas verse. Mrs. J. K. Irvin was
in charge Of the worship service.
Secretaries’ reports were present
ed. Rev. P. A. Ferguson ad
dressed the meeting basing his
thoughts from the theme* “Arise,
So Let Your Light Shine”. Mrs.
C. Kennedy rendered a vocal
The following list of officers
will form the 1951 slate: Presi
dent, Mrs. William Brown; vice-
president, Mrs. C. Forrest; sec
retary, Mrs. Stewart Bell; treas
urer, Mrs. R. A. Orr; assistant,
Miss Jean McQueen; Home Help
ers secretary, Mrs. E. Fink;
supply secretary, Mrs. George
Tinney; Welcome and Welfare,
Mrs. H. Bonthron; Literary, Mrs.
A. W. Kerslake; press secretary,
Mrs. Roy Bell; Mission Band,
Mrs. C. Kennedy, Mrs. Hyde,
Mrs. P. A. Ferguson., The Jan
uary meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. E. Fink.
Girt Suggestions
Pyrex Ware
Enamel Ware
Corone Stainless
Steel Ware
See th® Wonderful
Horg® Appliances
A Family Gift Idea!
Exeter District Co-Operative
Phtme W*W
Mrs. Clarence MeFadden and
Bennie of Chatham spent Sunday
everting with. Mr. and Mrs, Roy
Moore and family,
Mr, and Mip. Joseph Zuball
and Barbara spent Tuesday with
Mr. and Mrs,
Mr. Douglas
don called on his parents,
and Mrs, Harold Westman,
Mr, and Mrs. Roljie Carty and
baby moved to London on Mon
day evening.
Mrs. Victor Westman has been
sjck with,a cold.
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Garrett
Jr. of London spent the week
end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Garrett Sr,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore and
Leslie spent Monday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rath-
Mrs. George Clark .and girls
have had the flue the past week.
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Parnell
and Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Carty
and baby, all of London, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Clare "Dunlop.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold West
man, Don Middleton, Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Bowman, Mr. and Mrs.
Haysell Perrino were among
those who attended the Agricul
ture Federation.
The Oddfellows held an oyster
supper and dance in Granton.
The Revere School is holding
their Christmas Concert on Dec
ember ""
John Kabat of
Westman of Lpn-
lows. President, Mrs. Thomas
Scott Sr.; first vice-president,
Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl; second vice-
president, Mrs. T, Laing; secre
tary, Mrs, T. L. Scott; assistant
secretary, Mrs. K, McKellar;
treasurer> Mrs, W, Harper; as
sistant treasurer, Mrs, E. Allen;
Home Helpers' secretaries, Mrs.
Houghton and Mrs. James Scott
Jr,; exchange secretary, Miss
Currie; Glad Tidings secretary,
Mrs. R. J. Scott; press secretary,
Mrs. D. McKellar; pianist, Mrs,
William Miller; assistant, Mrs.
Sorsdahl; welcome and welfare,
Mrs. Laing and Mrs. Allen. The
president closed the meeting
with prayer and a social hour
was enjoyed.
Dead Animals
Ilogs and Small Calves
Removed Free
H. Butl er & Sons
Lucan, Ontario
Phono 180-J, 130-W Collect
Also Buyers or Scrap Iron,
Bags, Horsehair, Batteries
Gordon Houghton and
Shirley Gale 6 of London
the week-end with Mrs.
lex McDonald & Sons’
From our new location we shall continue to serve you
promptly and courteously
Carmel W.M.S.
Elects Officers
The annual meeting of
Women’s Missionary Society of
Carmel Presbyterian Church was
held in the school room of the
church, Mrs. C. S. Hudson, pre
sided. The meeting opened with
the. singing of Christmas carols.
Mrs. A. Logan read the scripture
lesson. Secretaries reports were
received. Rev. P. A. Ferguson
addressed the meeting on “Christ
mas Message.”
The following slate of officers
will comprise the 1251 list:
Honorary president, Mrs. H. Arn
old; president, Mrs. C. S. Hud
son; vice-presidents, Mrs. G,
William Houghton.
Misses Helen Walker and
Frances Hamilton of London en
joyed the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. O, Walker.
Miss Betty McKellar enter
tained a few friends at her
home on Saturday evening.
Mrs. D. M. Fishei' of Guelph
visited last week with her bro
thers, Messrs.
We extend
Mr. and Mrs.
in the loss of their infant daugh
Mr. William McKaig of Sud
bury attended the funeral of his
aunt, Mrs. Angus McKaig, of
Hensail, which took place on
Thursday with burial in Crom
arty cemetery. Mr. McKaig also
vited with his brothers, Calder
and Angus McKaig.
Miss Olive S p e a r e , accom
panied by her sister, Mrs. E. Mc
Donald, of Exeter, is spending a
few days in Toronto with their
brothers, Gersliam and Charlie.
The sympathy of the cpmmun-
ity is extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Lome McKellar and family
whose son, Roy Laverne (Man
ny) met tragic - death while
working in a mine at Dupar-
quet, Quebec, on Saturday.
W.M.S. Elections
The annual meeting of the
Women’s Missionary Auxiliary
was held on Thursday afternoon
at the
Mrs. R.
ture lesson and also led in pray
er. Several Christmas h y m n s
were sung. Mrs. T. Laing and
Mrs. K. McKellar read the last
chapter of the study book. The J
president .gave a short paper <
which was well chosen for the ’
occasion. The reports given by
the different secretaries were
most gratifying.
Mrs. Duncanson presided to
the election of officers as fol
Bert and Russell
our sympathy to
Fergus McKellar
We have just w.hat the boys and girls
are looking for—the famous
clearing lines.
Figure and
Tube Skates
At Special Prices
We have a few
Ladies’ White Tube Skates — $7.49 While They Last
Several Pairs of Used Boys’, Girls’ and
Men’s White and Black Skates — 50$ to $3.50
Rubber Golashes, 4-buckle, all-rubber, for men and
All-rubber, zipper Golashes for dress.
J men’s Association and W.C.T.W. Walker and Mrs. James A. Pat-
besides her husband er son; secretary, Mrs. R. Y. Mc-
j trea8ttrer| Mrs, A, D. MC-
"Ewan. Secretaries: Home Help
ers, Mrs. W. R. Davidson;
, Miss Minnie Reid:
Tidings, Mrs. B. Edwards; Lit-
». Mrs. J. Forrest.
Surviving 1
are two daughters, Mrs. W. .
1 McLean and Mrs. Lome Elder,
Hamilton; four sons, Rev. R.
5 A. Passmore, Salford, Ont., Ken- piy,
■ noth and Albert of Aylmer, and C™..„„I John, Delhi; two sisters. Mrs. erature.
TheI , George Dunn, Hensan, and Mrs. | meeting closed with the singing
'Roy McDonald, Exeter; and ono’of a carol and prayer by Rev.
’brother, Orville Fann, Exeter, I A son, F/O Gerald Passmore,
‘ was killed in action in air oper-
j aliens over Germany in World
i War II and another son. Carl,
jwas killed in an auto accident a
1 year ago.
j Public funeral service was
held from the United Church on
; Saturday at 2 p.m. conducted ’by I Rev. W. J. Rogers, assisted by
Rev. R. A. Brook, of Bluevale.
Interment was in Exeter Ceme
Beautiful Flowers At Services
On Sunday at the 11 o’clock
service in Hensail United Church
Rev. W. J. Rogers gave an in
spiring address “Keeping Sane
in a Mad World”. Beautiful
floral tributes in loving memory
of Mrs. Mary McKaig and Mrs. j
John Passmore, recently de- 5
ceased members, were placed by |
members of the respective fam-1
ilies. j
At the evening )
minister used as his theme “Let
Your Light So Shine”.
I On Sunday morning, December
',17, during the Sunday School
session starting at 10:20 a.m, a
missionary will be presented. A
White Gift collection will be re
ceived. ’‘ The Sunday School Christmas
j Concert will be held Tuesday
. night, December 19, in the school
’ room of the church. An interest
ing program under the direction
! of the teachers Is being planned.
I The Sunday School Concert of
P. A. Ferguson.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Neeb and
Mrs. Martin Woelfe and Jimmie
of Tavistock spent the week-end
with Mr, and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNaugh
ton spent a few days this week
visiting with relatives in Tor-
; Miss Helen Moir of London is
j spending the winter months at
the home of her brother and
‘■sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Raynham.
Mrs. Pearl Passmore under
went a tonsil operation in St.
Joseph’s Hospital, London, on
Tuesday. Her many friends wish
her a speedy recovery.
, . Mrs. Lottie Mollard of Lucan
service the .spent a few days with her
FresbytwJim Church will
brother, Mr. Clifford Sherritt
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mellin of
Corbett visited on Sunday eve
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
'Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Mc
Gregor spent the week-end in
Mr. William Eagleson’s homo,
opposite the school.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Dotson
and family of Grand Bend visit
ed at Mr. Joseph Carruthers on
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. F. Morloclc of Creditor
: called at Mr, Mansell Hodgins’
on Friday evening.
home of Mrs. William
with the president, Mrs.
Scott Sr., in the clmlr.
J. Scott read the scrip
and the
to $9.89
Gift Suggestions
FLIGHT BOOTS — for dad
lad. All shearling lined, $7.29
Overshoesj 1-, 2- or 4-buckle or zipper.
of dia-
See our line
mond wool socks and
work socks for men
and boys.
Skates Sharpened Lengthwise or Crosswise
Rubber and Leather Repairing Neatly Done
You’ll Say 'Mfcrry Christmas
Fifty-Two Times With A
Your friends will be reminded every week
throughout the year for your thoughtful
See Our Wonderful Selection
Paper «- Seals —- Cards