HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-12-14, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1950
Thank You
J wish to thank all those
who supported me in the
election. To those who
were elected I extend
sincere congratulations,
Henry C. Beaver
ji—-'.'Ni..- . —-—-A
Well-Known Mikheil
Bus inessman Dies
Albert W. Norris 66, of Mit
chell, died in the Stratford Gen
eral Hospital Thursday morning!
following a lengthy illness, Mr*
Norris was born in Hibbert town
ship, a son of the late Mr. and
Mrs, Joseph Norris. He spent the
greatest part of his life on that
farm and seven years ago moved
to Mitchell where he operated
the Norris Electrical Appliance
store with his son Norval,
He was married to the former
Sadie E. Jackson in June 23,
19 08. She survives him, with
two sons, Clarence A. Norris, of
Toronto, Norval J. of Mitchell;
also one sister, Mrs. Norman
(Netta) Mitchell of Centralia,
and two grandchildren, Carol
Ann and 'Beverley Norris of Tor
onto. Four sisters, Mrs. Joseph
(Margaret) Worden, Mrs. Wil
liam (Mary) Fawcett, Mrs. Her
bert (Ada) Thompson and Miss
Kate Norris all predeceased him.
He was an active member of
Main Street United Church in
Mitchell and also a member of
the Staff a cemetery board for a
number of years.
Funeral Service was held Sat
urday. ,
Do not delay—shop right
The gay, colourful, personal radio available
in your choice of six sparkling colours. The
perfect Christmas gift to bring musical delight
to any and every member of the family.
ONLY $29.75
E. L. Chaffe & Sons
Creditoh Road and No. 4 Highway
Ted and his sons have had many years* experience
and offer you
e expert Tire & battery service
Drive in today and have your cat checked over for
carefree winter driving.
Get Your Free Key Rings
JW .tfjV..g OjAlIl
"I'll Certainly Be Glad When This Six-Day Bike Race Is Over!"
Goderich Lions
Beat Dashwood
Goderich Lions downed Dash
wood "Dashers” 7-2 at Goderich
Memorial Arena on Wednesday
night- The game was featured by
'Penalties, six to Goderich and
five to the visitors, which includ
ed a pair of majors to Erskine,
the Lions defenceman, and Hay-
ter, flashy centre for the’ Dash
ers, who tangled in the second
stanza. v
Both clubs scored twice in the
first period, Johnny Merriam
counted one for the’Lions in the
second when two of his mates
were in the cooler.,. The Lions
scored four more in the filial
DASHWOOD: Goal, Hopcroft;
defence, Tieman and Musser;
centre, Kleinstiver; wings, J.
Hayter and Wein, Subs; Wilbert,
W. Hayter, W. Schroeder, W.
Regier, D. Regier, Daters, Han-
laham, J, Schroedey, Yelle.
GODERICH: Goal, Baker; de
fence, Erskine and Frit^ley; cen
tre, Merriam; wings, Dubick and
Foley. Subs; Ulrich, Fernighan,
Ellston, Broome, Muir, Goddard.
Officials: McEwan and Dale.
First Period
1— Dashwood, J. Hayter .... 4.00
2— Dashwood, Wilbert
(Hayter) ....................... 4.30
3— Goderich, Ulrich (Muir) 4.3 5
4— Goderich, Erskine
(Foley) ....................... 10.20
Penalties: Dubick, Tieman.
Exeter needs an interested
citizen to manage the second of
two teams entered in the WO A A
league this year. Anyone inter
ested should see Derry Boyle.
When you buy in the city,
your money helps city people,
But when you buy at home, you
support your friends and neigh
"Remember, scpi, the old pro-1
verb says there is no smoke
without fire."
"I guess you haven’t been
camping very often, Pa."
I r..............—■--------——m
To the voters and work
ers \vho supported me in
the election. I congratu-
late those who were
elected and wish to all
and a
Isaac Bestard
1 h ----------------- -----------“ —A'
AH Lit Up,
Usborne Promised Road Action,
Consider Township Dumping
Usborne council met in regu
lar session on Monday afternoon
December 4, with Reeve Welling
ton Brock presiding and council
lors Verne Pincombe, Harold Jef
fery, Earl Mitchell and Harold
Hern in attendance. The minu
tes of the last regular meeting
held on November 13 th last were
confirmed as printed on a mo
tion of Councillors Pincombe and
Council discussed matters per
taining to the minutes of the last
meeting and the Clerk reported:
That the Department of Lands
and Foreste had not yet forward
ed approval of the agreement
form proposed for use in connec
tion with the township reforesta
tion program;
That R. Nicholson had report
ed that he was prepared to start
work on his contract to construct
the Prout municipal drain but
that part of the area was too wet
at the present time;
That in reply to the Council’s
request for immediate action in
the matter, Charles Corbett, Eng.
had staked the line of the pro
posed municipal drain having
outlet at the upper end of the
Down drain, foi' S. W. Archi
bald England;
Correspondence from A. Y.
McLean M. 'P. was read promis
ing further attempts to get ac
tion In regard to the matter of
the south boundary road.
By-law No. 14—,1950 provid
ing for Nomination and Election
of Reeve and Council and three
members of the school area board
for 1951, setting the date of the
Nomination meeting if necessery
on Friday December 29, was giv
en three readings and finally
passed on motion of Councillors
Mitchell and Horn.
J. W. Gardiner, Jack Duncan,
and Roy Ballantyne interviewed
the 'Council regarding the condi
tion of the Gardiner drain, the
matter of a formal request for
repairs was left over until the
following meeting in order that
a number of the ratepayers con
cerned might be consulted in the
The matter of a number of tax
rebates was discussed and Coun
cil agreed that they should be
left until the next meeting.
William Johns, Collector re-1
ported a total of §23,918.15 ill
1950 taxes collected to date.
The Hoad Superintenedent
presented his report for Novem
ber and produced vouchers to
the amount of $3,911.75 includ
ing the township road assessment
on the municipal drains collect
ed in 1950; he advised the Coun
cil that road expenditures to
date had overrun the amount of
the Road Appropriation By-law
by the amount of $1,041.72 and
advised the Council that the Dis
trict Municipal Engineer should
be notified: lie further recomend
ed that the council should make
further application to the Depart
ment of Highways for a supple
mental appropriation of $3,’000
to finish out the year.
On motion of Councillors Hern
and Mitchell the Hoad Superin
tendent’s report was accepted and
the Cleric was instructed to
make application to the Depart
ment of Highways for a supple
mental Of $3,000.
The 'Clerk was Instructed to
bill the county of Huron and the
^Department of Highways for
road assessments due on munici
pal drains.
Correspondence was tabled and
as follows:
•fl. C. Marritt, District Forester
regarding regulated townships,
Usborne not approved us such,
Kirkton Womens’ Institute
Branch regarding rubbish on
roadsides and. the necessity of a
township dumping ground. Coun
cil agreed that action should be
taken and instructed that the,
matter should be brought to the
early attention of the 1951 Coun
Village of Exeter regarding
I payment oh the District High
School debenture Council in
structed that the payment should
be made. Amount $$8,401.05.
Current accounts to the
amount of $4'10.8 8 were passed
for payment on motion of Coun
cillors Pincombe and Jeffery.
The Treasurer reported trans
fer of tax moneys from the Col
lector amounting to $23,500 and
a balance of cash of $1,247,18.
All motions were unanimously
carried and Council adjourned
to meet again for the last meet
ing of the year on Friday after
noon December 15th next.
Second Period
5— Goderich, Merriam ..... 14.40
Penalties; Hayter, Schroeder,
Third Period
6— Goderich, Dubick
(Foley) ......................... 1.00
7— Goderich, Broome ......... 6.07
S—Goderich, Dubick .......... 8.00
9—Goderich, Merriam ........ 9.09
Penalties: Fritzley, Hayter,
Kleinstriver, Foley, Erskine,
But Not Like
A Christmas Tree
gaiety in the home. We
the case in yours.
damper on your spirits for
anything but we would like to remind you that care
can spoil your Christmas. A bulb short
cigarette, or a
Christmas is a time of
sincerely hope that such is
We woudn’t put a C
lessness can spoil your Christinas,
circuited by the tree trimmings, a
candle can cause a fire that could be
Here Are Some Tips:
Clandeboye Groups |
Elect Officers
Mrs. William Darling was
hostess for W.M.S. and W.A. of
the United Church on Thursday,
December 7. Mrs. T. Collins,
president, presided.
Christmas program -from Mis
sionary Monthly was used and
five candles were- lit. Mrs. A.
Simpson read ''Christ’s Gift of
Joy”. Mrs. M. McNaughton read
"Christ’s Gift of Love”. Mrs.
Carter read "Christ’s Gift of
Light”, Mrs. Young "Christ’s
Gift of Peace” and Mrs. Art
Erskine "Christ’s Gift of Hope”.
Prayer was given by Mrs. Col
Short message by Rev. Cook
and benediction, after which he
conducted election of officers for
the year 1951.
President, Mrs. T. Collins;
vice-president, Mrs. W. Scott;
secretary, Mrs. Rupert Williams;
associate secretary, Mrs. Rae
Neil; treasurer, Miss A. North
grave; Friendship secretary, Mrs.
C. Carter; Temperance secretary,
Mrs. William Lewis; pianist,
Mrs. R. Schroeder.
President, Mrs. M. McNaugh
ton, presided for W.A. meeting.
It opened with "O Little Town
of Bethlehem, roll call, minutes
and Lord’s Prayer.
Mrs. Wilmer Scott and Mrs.
Rupert Williams are to be in
charge of Sunday School Christ
mas party. The January meeting
Is to be at Mrs. Scott’s.
Election of officers for 1951:
President, Mrs. M. McNaughton;
vice-president, Mrs. R. Schroe
der; secretary. Mrs. Art Hodgins;
treasurer, Mrs. A, Simpson; Sun
shine Fund, Mrs. Art Hodgins.
Meeting closed by hymn "Silent
Night" and benediction by Rev.
Cook. Refreshments were served.
Personal Items
Rev. Nelles of London will
take the service on Sunday, Dec
ember 17, at St. James Church,
due to Rev. Harrison being a
{patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Rae Neil called
at St. Joseph’s Hospital on Fri
day to see the former’s brother, j Alton Neil, of Whalen, who is a
J patient there following an opera
tion. We wish him a speedy re-
• covery.
Miss T. Finkbeiner of Credi-
ton, teacher of Clandeboye School
4 and 12, Mr, Wigley, music
teacher of London, and the
•pupils held their Christmas con
cert Wednesday, December1 6, in
the school. A splendid program
consisting of carols, patriotic
songs, recitations, piano duet and
humorous dialogues was enjoyed
by a large crowd. Rev. Cook of
Lucan acted as chairman. Re
ceipts amounted to $27,40. Sev
enty bags of treats Were distri
buted to pupils and small child
ren of the section.
LAC Sholdice, Mrs. Sholdice
and family are moving this week
to a new home at R.C.A.F, Cen
The members of the W.A. of
St. James’ Church sent a box of
treats to Miss Paul, Keg River,
Alberta, where she is a teacher.
Mrs. Max Bloye was hostess
on Monday evening for a plastic
The sympathy of this com
munity is extended to Mr. Fred
Waghorn and family in their
Miss Patricia Chambers of
London spent Sunday with Miss
Beverley Neil.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wilson
and family of. Fairfield spent
Sunday \vith Mr. and Mrs. Mur
ray Neil and Beverley.
Mr. and Mrs. James Layne and
Bobby of Parkhill spent Sunday
with Mr. Sam Sims.
Mr. Mark Mitchell of Exeter
is visiting at the Anderson
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Caudle
and Bobby of Sarnia visited on
Wednesday with their aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson
and family of London spent the
week-end at the Anderson home.«-
until a few days
hazard. Do not
tree in water.
so that standing or fallen it cannot block
as far as possible from radiators and fire-
Do not bring your tree into the house
before Christmas.
Get it outside afterwards, as soon as
The larger the tree, the greater the
buy a larger one- than you need.
Check your strings of lights.
•Do not connect too many strings of lights to one
Do not allow electric bulbs to touch tree branches.
Use only fireproof decorations.
Do not allow children to play near the tree with elec
tric toys or with clockwork toys which spark.
Turn off the tree lights when you leave the room.
NEVER leave tree lights on when out.
Leave nothing to chance —
fire may leave you nothing!or
Trust You
Office 24
Res. 16 2-J
Will Have A Merry, Fire-Safe Christmas
W. Herm an Hodgson
The Insurance Man
is your
. . . There are as many good rea
sons for you -to plan on doing all
your Christmas shopping right here
in South Huron as there are wonder
ful gifts in the pack Santa has brought
to our stores. For proof of the puddin’
just take a walk downtown and see
for yourself.
... No need to take a day off to
travel out of town in search of the
very things you’ll find easier here.
No sense either in wasting money
from your Christmas budget to buy
gasoline for travelling out of town.
Save that money. Use it for better
and more gifts this Christmas.
. . . Shopping in your own Christ
mas Centre means most of all that
you’ll be shopping among friendly
merchants who want to help and
please you and who want to see you
come back again after Christmas. So
shop at home and make it a merrier,
thriftier Christmas for all of your
loved ones this year.
--------Shop at Home First------—-
Space (contributed in the
service of the community
by John Labatt Limited brewers