HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-12-07, Page 12*'
Ray Lammie New
TW» card i* only one of many charming
Ssrigns by Marjorie Cooper In tMj
Adorable Cards
look for THIS
BOX when yoy
come In
Advertised in Woman's Home COMPANION
Regardless of where you
buy your gift, Het us wrap
it for you. Inexpensive and
Our Specialty
Special Service on Exquisite
Your Drugs At
At Centralis
Mr* Ray Lammie has
appointed postmaster with,
to commence in the New . ..
Mr. Lammie recently purchased
the post office from Mrs. IV. J,
Parsons and is’"ma.king some im
Miss Margaret Cook, who has
accepted a position in London
fox* the Christmas season, spent
the week-end at her home.
Mrs, Lome Hicks and Donna
Bowden attended the teachers’
meeting in the Eden School on
Monday evening.
The members of the choir
were invited to the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald God'bolt on
Wednesday evening of last week
for theii’ practice.
Miss Butler is a student teach
er at the school this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks
were Saturday evening guests
with Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Paul
in Kirkton.
Messrs. James Cook and Ken
neth Hodgins were in Toronto
last week attending the
men’s Convention.
Anniversary Service
The anniversary service
Sunday School was held
church on Sunday morning with
the pastor in charge. Special
music was provided by the choir.
Douglas Wilson read the scrip
ture lesson. Rev, Burton
preached a very fine sermon,
stressing the importance of the
work in the Sunday School and
the need for world-wide Chris
tianity in order that the ■world
may be restored to lasting peace.
The minister complimented the
choir on their good work. The
attendance was a disappointment
to the minister as well as the
Sunday School superintendents.
Choir members are reminded
of the pratice in the church on
Thursday evening of this week.
The Y.P.U. will meet in the
church on Monday evening, Dec
ember 11. A good attendance is
of the
in the
The agency is open in the Exeter district for a
nationally advertised brand of livestock and poultry
feeds produced by one of Canada’s leading feed
manufacturers. An alert salesman should find little
difficulty in merchandising this line ■which has been
developed with the assistance of highly qualified re
search men and which has proven to give outstanding
feeding results.
Save Money
Many folks find profits In
classified ads.—You can too.
Offers You Quality
Used Cars and Trucks
Mr, and Mrs, Russell King and
Wayne, of Crediton, Mr. and Mrs.
Horace Delbrldge, Bruce and
Fred, of Winchelsea visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Miss’ Shirley 'Jaques, of Zion,
spent a few days with Mr, and
Mrs.' Harold Bgll/
Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner
and Frances, Mrs. Ed. Johns of
Exeter visited on Tursday with
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Margison,
of London,
Miss Donna March; Mr. Frank
Walsh, of London, visited over
the week-end, with Mr. and Mrs.
Phylis March.'
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Robinson
and son, Mr. Laurie Stephen
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Stephen. Mrs, Rob
inson and infant son are are
spending a few days' here. **
Miss Hazel Dilling, of London,
-‘spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr,' and Mrs. Austin Dil
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robinson,
of Kirkton, visited on Sunday with Jackson1
By Buying
Phone 418-M
the memory of residents of houses bordering on Lake Ontario, near Hamilton, wrecked
scores of homes, had hundreds of volunteers filling sandbags to protect the houses that
remained. The group worked through a 90-mile-an-hour gale building dykes. Radio appeals
for aid brought an offer from the Blue Bomber rugby team awaiting return to Winnipeg’
after the Grey cup finals. v —C..P.C.
feeding of cattle for
not difficult for the
feeder but for the
the com-
the proportion of baley or wheat
to two pounds for each of oats.
The roughage at this stage is
often one pound to four pounds
of chop in hand feeding, but in
self-feeding the amount K depends
upon the quality and kind of
Loose salt and plenty of clean
water from which the chill has
been removed are essentials.
Write Box A, Times-Advocate
Bake something special for Christmas
callers.,»melt-ln-your-mouth butter
cookies. The same easy recipe can be
varied endlessly with different shapes
and gay decorations. But always,
the flavour is rich, and unmistakably
butter-sweet. You just couldn’t
duplicate that delicious, dairy-fresh,
flavour. Put golden buttery goodness
in all your holiday baking and you’ll
be Santa’s favourite hostess!
Leaders of Oalf Clubs have
stated on many occasions that
some of their members have had
trouble in getting their calves to
eat sufficient chop with the re
sult that the calves are not fat
enough to do themselves justice
on the day of the show. In such
cases the calf may lack good
beef type, but the feeding may
be at fault.
The hand
fattening is
inexperienced person,
mon pitfall is to feed to liberally
particularly at the start, or to
make changes in quantity or mix
ture too rapidly. Such feeding
leads to reduced consumption and
slow gains. In hand feeding, any
chop left in tne trough twenty
minutes after feeding should be
If the same person does the
feeding each day, there is little
difficulty, However, if different
persons are to do the feeding, or
if the feeding schedule is not
regular, the self-feeder method
offers a solution as to quantity,
says E. Nice, Experimental Sta
tion, Scott, Saskatchewan. It is.
however necesary to make chang
es in the mixture gradually.
Once the self-feeder is on lull
feed, he remains on full feed for
the entire period without the
risk of ever feeding at any time.
During the winter of 1949*50
at the Dominion Experimental
Station at Scott, Saskatchewan,
three steers and one, heifer ave
raging 598 pounds at the start
were self-fed individually for 171
and made an average gain of
328 pounds per head. After careful starting for a few’ weeks, this I
was done without anxiety as to |
when, and how much the chop
A calf, just off pasture, which
has never eaten chop should tor
the first two weeks be given
only about a half pound twice a
day and many feeders favour the
use of equal parts of whole oats *
and bran at first. The cal.
should eat approximately two :
pounds of hay to one of chop.
After two or three weeks the
calf should be given straight
oat chop and nearly all that it
wants. If the self-feeder is to be
used, a little more oat and chop,
may be given daily until at the’
end of the three-week period,1
the chop is before the calf con
tinually in the self-feeder, then
a supply for a week or more
may be given. It has been found
that a medium coarse grind is
more suitable than very fine
After the calf is well started
on the self-feeder, a small quati-
quantity of barley or wheal chop
may be introduced and well mix
ed with the oat chop. This pro
portion may be gradually in
creased until* at the end of two
or three months the mixture
consists of barley and oat chop
equal parts by weight, for a high
finish add five per cent linseed
oil meal to the end Of the feed
ing period and slowly increase
•Mr and Mrs. Murray Webber,
of Holyrood galled on her aunt,
Mrs. Roy Moore on Wednesday
Mr. Alton O'Neil, of Whalen,
called on Mr, R. Moore on Satur
day afternoon.
Quite a few in the community
attended Nigh-t. School at Arva.
Mr. and Mfs. Gordon Mitchell
and girls have moved into their
new house following the fire of
last week. ;
Miss Marie Dunlop spent the!
week-end with Marion Morley, of I
Whalen. !
Revere Farm Forum was held I
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j
Stewart Keith, on Monday even-'
ing. There were 15 in attendance. ?
The Euchre winners were: Mrs. I
Hoysel Perrins, Hazel Perrins, ;
Mrs. Oscai* Mittin g, Harvey Ken-;
nedy. j
Miss Anna Westman spent the | weekend in London with her’ sis
ter, Mrs. Jimmie Zilinsky. |
The Federation Meeting was
held in the Oddfellows hall on
Thursday night. Mr. Harold
Westman was the Chairman for
the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore and
Olla and Evelyn spent Tuesday
afternoon in St. Mary's with Mrs.
| Bill Bendall.
i Mrs. Joes ph Zuball and Bar
bara Ann spent Thursday after
noon with Mrs. Jimmie Suja in
The Revere school Is practic
ing for their Christmas concert
Crop Report
For Huron County
Almost every day we are re
ceiving inquiries from local far
mers as to where they can se
cure dairy cows to replace those
which have been lost in the
T, B. Test.
Heavy snow felts have held
up the completion of corn pick
ing and during the past week
little has been done in harvest
ing the turnips that are Still
out, Farmers report having
plenty of hay and grain supplies
On hand.
Ailsa Craig Parish
Girls Form W.A. s
On Saturday, December 2, at
the home of Mrs. Dave Thiriwall,
the girls of the Ailsa Craig
•parish were given an interest
ing talk on Jr. W. A. work by
Miss Bugler, Diocesan Junior
Secretary from London.
All were amazed to learn that
there are 1,000 Juniors in Hur
on Diocese alone. Miss Bugler
showed the attractive* member
ship card which can be hung in
one’s room, and also fctlie stripes
and badges for which the girls
can work.
In the organization meeting
(future name to be juioi’ W. A.)
Elda Morgan was chosen as pre
sident, Elaine Hamilton as sec
retary and Lenore Ryan as trea
surer for the coming year.
1950 DODGE Sedan, heater, demonstrator.
1947 MERCURY Sedan, blue, heater, radio, spotless
1935’ FORD Coach. Extra good throughout. Only
............................ $275
...... $1,250
CHEV Coach, black, 4 new tires, good appear-
...................... .... $1,250
DODGE Sedan, black, one owner, clean interior.
CHEV Sedan, good interior, tires like new $750
CHEV Coach, black, original finish, clean in-
PLYMOUTH Sedan, black, new motor,
FORD Coach, price slashed ........
CHEV, asking 165—make offer.
FORD Sedan. As is at your price. Asking $75
CHEV Sedan, in good running order $90
Ford Coach. Make offer.
Phone 78 ZURICH Phone 182
1944 DODGE -Ton Pickup, above average.
CepL Adnflu»f>
Pressure Cookers
is on December the 15, at
The Crediton Womens’ Insti
tute will meet in the council
chambers on Monday evening1
December 11. There will be an
exchange of gifts and members
are reminded to bring donations
to the ’"Canadian Save the Cild-
ron Fund.” • ’
Rev. and Mrs. W* Parrott and
son David arrived in town last
week-and have settled ip the
United Church parsonage. Rev.
Parrott conducted initial ser
vices on the three charges on
Sunday and on Monday was call
ed to his former charge ill Grand
Valley to conduct a funeral.
Relatives from a distance who
attended the funeral of the late
Mrs. Conrad Kuhn were: Mr.
Ezra Oestreicher, Miss Matilda
Oestreicher, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. French of Windsor, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Smith and Mrs. Ada
Kuhn of Kitchener, and Rev*
and Mrs. John oestreicher of
Mr. RusselClark of Detroit
and Mrs. Harry Dale of Bramp
ton visited during the week-end
With Mr. F. W. Clark and with
Mrs. Clark in Victoria Hospital,
London. Miss Mery Chambers
accompanied Mrs, Bale to Bramp
ton Sunday evening. We are glad
to report that Mrs, Clark’s condi
tion is much improved,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gratton of
Grand Bend, visited on Saturday
With Mrs. Eilber.
Miss Finlayson of Seaforth
teacher in the Public School has
taken up residence in the home
of Mrs. II. Morlock.
• Our congratulations to Mr.
: and Mrs. Alvin Finkbelner oh
the arrival of a daughter.
Can Opener
Meat Grinder * $19.95 extra
Traquair’s have toy iri plenty
arid every one is tops of its
Aluminum Enamel
With Stag Handle * $16.2Sc
With Plastic Handie $10.00
Ml'Ml wMf ,MMMfMl MHl® " ■ ■“... ..........•
Wr mm *.. *
THONE 27 ' EXETERlbMM.ib.dHi , ..............„ ■> r-iy'VAU V;..;