HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-11-30, Page 94 THE TIMES-ADVQ^ATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30, J9SQ Hold Elections For Centralia W-A, The November meeting of W.A. was held In the church basement, with Mrs, Gates lead­ ing the devotions for a '‘Re­ membrance Day” program, Mirs. N, Mitchell read “In Flanders’ Field”, after which Mrs, A. Me- Falls led in prayer, Scripture lesson was read iby Mrs. Greb. two readings were given by Mrs. Skinner, a vocal duet by Mrs. C. McCurdy and Mrs. K. Hod­ gins, a reading by Mrs. Hurtzel ■and a poem by the leader, The meeting was taken over by the president for business discussions; treasure!’ reported $138.25 proceeds from the baz­ aar, Mr, Burton took charge of the election of officers which re­ sulted as follows: President, Mrs, Jack Essery; first vice- president, Mrs. A. McFalls; sec­ ond vice-president, Mrs. C. Mc­ Curdy; secretary, Mrs. R. Hodg­ son; assistant secretary, Mrs. Gerald Godbolt; treasurer, Mrs. K. Hodgins; assistant treasurer, Mrs. Penwarden; pianist, Mrs. A. Essery; assistant pianist, Mrs. Hepburn. Scrutineers were Miss F. Hodgins, Mrs. served by Mrs. George Godbolt, Mrs. Willis and Mrs. W, Isaac, 0 the Page $ ■HindmershJdotson Wed At Ailsa Craig A wedding was isolomenlzed in. the United Church parsonage in Ailsa Craig when Rev. W. 0, Ma­ ther united in marriage Donna Doreen, eldest daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Edward L. Hotson, to George Leslie, younger son of Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Hindmarsh. The bride was charming in’ a royal blue silk velvet dress fash­ ioned with a sweetheart neck­ line and tiered skirt. She wore black accessories and a corsage of red roses and white chrysan­ themums, Her only attendant, Miss Vel­ ma I-Iughes, wore a similar dress of dark green and silk velvet and black accessories. She wore a corsage of yellow roses and bronze chrysanthemums. The best man was James Chambers. A reception followed at the home of the bride’s parents. For a wedding trip to the northern States, the bride donned a green wool suit and wine topcoat. Up on their return Mr. and Hindmarsh will reside on grooms farm in Biddulph. Hensall Auxiliary Mrs. F, G. Bonthron was host­ ess on Monday evening for the November meeting of the Eve­ ning Auxiliary of Carmel Pres* byterian Church. The president, Mrs. William Brown, presided. Mrs. H. C. Bell conducted the worship period, Mrs. Gienn Bell read the scripture. Mrs. Robert Simpson contributed a reading. Mrs. Roy Bell ^ave an interest­ ing article from the Glad Tidings dealing with the recent counsel held in Guelph, Mrs. Fred Peters gave an article from the Pres­ byterian Record, 'Mrs. A. W. Kerslake presented remarks op the “Glad Tidings”, its contents and renewals. The December meeting will be held at the manse on December 11. The meeting closed with prayer iby Mrs. H, C. Bell. Have You Tried Us Yet? HAVE YOU DELIVERED CREAM TO OUR NEW CREAMERY? If you have not then try us the next time are in town. We will give you good quick service, and will like our price. Try and See for Yourself you you Canada Packers Creamery EXETER ONTARIO the home bring the a were and ExeterPhone 50 'SB Neuhauser Chicks PS Jfl B Qearanc® Sale (Standard Speed) At Home Robertson’s Copeland, Kirkton number of guests tea on Wednesday in honor of her things around the kitchen after which lunch was served. hand­ utility Trusses, Belts, Supports of All Kinds Shop Early SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Over 15 Years’ Experience Hatching Weekly Setting All Breeds Order December and January Chicks Now leader. The closing hymn worship service was “In There Is No East or The president took the Neuhauser Hatcheries 81 King Street LONDON, ONTARIO Tel. Met. 7482 Stamp Out TB — Buy — Christmas Seals Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop. PHONE 71 EXETER Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (North of Bell Telephone) ’ Naturelie Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave - Open Wednesday Afternoon - Chests By BOSHARTS Are You Ruptured? Our Service Is Different We Sell You A Fit In Our Private Truss Room Mrs. New JlwavueA, tn MANY COLLECTORS’ ITEMS • CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED • MONTREAL 1N-SM Phone 18-W Tune in “Singing Stars of Tomorrow”, Sunday Evenings Dominion Network assistant pianist, to count ballots Davey, Mrs. K. Greb.' Lunch was O. Langford, Mrs.Centralia W.M.S. Elects Officers The regular meeting of W.M.S. was held in the school room of the church. The theme of the meeting was “One in Christ”.. Scripture reading from John was read by the leader, Mrs. Penwarden. The hymn “The Church’s One Fonudation” was sung together. Three short poems were read from the Missionary Monthly. The study book chap­ ter was given in dialogue form Mrs. Lome Hicks and Mrs. Bowden assisted by readings the ‘ this by F. by of Christ West”, business. Minutes were adopted as read. Roll call was answered by a verse on peace. The treas­ urer’s report was heard. Nine sick visits were reported. Mrs. Hepburn reported on the stew­ ardship committee. Mrs. Hepburn and Mrs. Burton gave short talks on the Grand Bend convention. Election of officers was conduct­ ed iby Mr. Burton. A delicious lunch was served at the close by Mrs. P. McFalls, Mrs. Wickwire and Mrs. W. Skinner. Following are the officers elected: Honourary president, Mrs. Lome Hicks; first vice- president, Mrs. M. Elliot; second vice-president, Mrs. G. Burton; recording secretary, Mrs. W. Skinner; corresponding secretary, Mrs. F. Penwarden; treasurer, Agnes Anderson; assistant, Mrs. George Hicks; stewarship secre­ tary, Mrs. L. Hodgson; friend­ ship secretary, Mrs. Elmer Wil­ son; Baby Baud secretary, Mrs. A. McFalls; supply secretary, Mrs. O. Brown; Mission Band secretary, Mrs. F. Bowden; as­ sistant, Mrs. George McFalls; literature secretary, Mrs. A. Mc­ Falls; pianists, Mrs. George Hep­ burn; assistant, Mrs. Penwarden; temperance secretary, Mrs. Elmer Wilson; Associate Helpers’ sec­ retary, Mrs. George Baynham; Missionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. M. Elliot. Visitor (looking over nephew) —“He has his mother’s eyes.” Mother — “ and his father’s nose.” Little boy—'“And his big bro- the’s pants.” 78 R.P.M. Record Albums POPS — STANDARDS — CLASSICS over 100 ALBUMS to choose from Yes, it’s the list that comes first and we’ve got the solution to some of those list problems. Gifts for year-round pleasure. IT’S A SECRET FOR BROWNIES ONLY — Girl Guides in the Preston (Ontario) district have remodelled an old barn into a smart clubhouse and now carry on their activities on a large scale. Holding a convention there they invited Guides and Brownies from other districts, mapped out an intensive training scheme. These Brownies, guests of their big sister Guides, have a secret they won’t tell in the meaning of the toadstool and the owl. You have to be a Brownie to find out. —Central Press Canadian Honors Daughter With Trousseau Tea Mrs. Arlow entertained a at a trousseau November 2i2 daughter, Marian, a bride of last week. Friends of Marian who helped in the afternoon were: Mrs. H. Hodgson, Ailsa Craig, displayed the trousseau; Miss Dolores Allison, Exeter, the gifts Miss Adele McCurdy, Kirkton, at the door; Mrs. Glen Allen, Kirk­ ton, the china; Mrs. John Orr, Atwoo'd and Miss Christine Dob­ son, Kirkton, .the linens; Mrs. Allan Berry, Woodham, the Kit­ chen ware; Mrs. Erie Thornton, Sebringville and Miss Jean Hum­ phries, Kirkton, served tea. Tea pourers in the afternoon Mrs. Robt. Elliot, St. Marys, Mrs. Will Bayne St. Marys, Mrs. Wil­ liam Thomson, Centralia Mrs. George Jaques, Exeter. Helpers in the evening were: Miss Dolores Allison, Exeter dis­ played the trosseau; Mrs. How­ ard Hodgson, Aila Craig, the gifts; Misses Shirley Skinner, Munro, at the door; Mabel Sel­ ves, Thames Road, the china; Jean Humphries and Ruth Hard­ ing, Kirkton, the linen, Dorothy McNaughton, Hensall the kitch­ en ware; and Christine Dobson and Gladys Switzer of Kirkton served tea. Tea pourers in the evening were Mrs. Jack Selves, Thames Road and Mrs. George Arksey, Whalen, Mrs. Johnston Robertson, Rannock assisted in the kitchen. Bride Showered On Thursday evening. Novem­ ber 16 Miss Marian Copeland was honoured by a shower giv­ en by the ladies of the line at the hojne of Mrs. Glenn Allen. After a social time of games and laughs Marian was presented with a wagon of miscellaneous gifts. Following the opening of the gifts lunch was served. On Saturday evening, Novem­ ber 18, the Sunday School class honoured Marian by a Shower. The groups made Brides Books and later presented*the bride-to- be with a tub full of handy Jaques-Copeland Wed In Kirkton Ceremony The home of the bride’s par­ ents was the scene of a pretty wedding at 1.00 p.m. on Satur­ day November 25 when Marian Kathleen Copeland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arlow Copland of Kirkton became the bride of Lloyd Arthur Jaques, son of Mrs. Jesse Jaques and the late Mr. Jaques of Woodham. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Homer Dean, of Kirk­ ton, against a background of fern and chrysanthemums. Mrs. Fred Switzer played the wedding mus­ ic. Miss Grace Collier, soloist sang “Always” ^and "Because”. The bride given in marriage by her father, was gowned in egg­ shell white satin, with a fitted bodice, lily-point Sleeves and a stand-up collar trimmed with seed pearls. Small caps over the shoulders matched the delicate neck-line. The skirt featured a bustle at each side, which ex­ tended into a. slight train. A lace fingertip veil fell from a Dutch cap trimiped with seed pearls. Her bouquet was of red roses. Miss Dolores Allison of the Thames Road was her only at­ tendant. She wore green moire taffeta with nylon net yoke and matching mitts. Her headdress was styled similar to that of the brides and she carried a bouquet of yellow mums. Edwin Ross, London, was the groomsman. Glen Copeland, cou­ sin of the bride ushered. A reception followed the cere­ mony at the Club Monetta, Exe­ ter, and later the couple left on a wedding trip to the United States, the bride wearing a tra­ velling suit of brown wool gabar­ dine, trimmed with mouton. fur and a winter white shortie coat with brown and copper accessor­ ies, and a corsage of bronze mums with a red rose caught in the centre. On their return they will reside in woodham. Safe, practical protec­ tion for thosb valuable things. Every genuine Boshart is carefully constructed to give complete assurance from moth damage. Beautifully designed and finished for ap­ pearance. Luggage Dominion Luggage is some line that combines with excellent wearing qualities. Rufhide is resistant to scuffing wear, weather, water and grease. Colours are permanent. Play Santa with a NORDIC The Sewing Machine of the Century Eighty years of constant research have made this product of Sweden a stand­ out in a highly competitive class. Its sturdy construction, combined with its noiseless operation, make it a machine that the lady of the home will proudly own. The Nordic offers you a life-time guarantee and parts are always obtain­ able. Model 10 Portable — $99 Model 12 Portable — $149 Lowboy Cabinet Design — $179 I 1 I I Inopper-Hockey. FURNITURE STORE PHONE 99 EXETER OST5 ■'.y-l Your grandfather would be amazed at modern methods of travel. The trains, planes, buses, cars and boats of today provide Speed and comfort undreamed of before the “Machine Age’-’—or the “Chemical Era” as it is sometimes called. For no matter how or where you go, your path is cased by the magic of Chemistry ... a science that contributes to travel comfort in countless ways. Plastics in many forms, Paints and Varnishes, Nylon, Chemicals, “Fabrikoid” and "Fabrilitc” (luxurious yet practical upholstering materials) all play an important part in the building, equipping and maintenance of all types of modern transportation. Yes, Chemistry, as identified by the C-I-L Oval, is a symbol of pro* gress in the transportation industry, an example of C-I-L “Serving Canadians Through Chemistry”.