HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-11-30, Page 8THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30, 19S0 Tomi inson’s Jinks The the 21, with from Exeter Charles period. Geiger read Turn those articles now stored in your attic or basement into cash. Someone is looking for the very thing for which you have Exeter Radio ^Electric Phone 187-WDon Jolly It's Your Last Opportunity To Arrange A Sitting For A A. WEEKLY- l^lFOR.MAT'Co’N.t’S^R^CE;. W.C.T.U. Hears Convention Report The November Women's Chris­ tian Temperance Union was hold at the homo of Mrs. R. Geiger Tuesday November a fair attendance and Hensail, Mrs. led in devotional President Mrs. R. letters received from Mr. A. Y, McLean M. p. and the Honour­ able Stewart Garson, in reply to a petition recommending blood tests for drunken drivers. The visiting speaker Mrs. T, Dougerty gave a splendid report of the Provincial Convention held in Toronto in September, Conned from the report are a few terse questions. “Why the present adverse attitude of pub­ lic opinion toward Prohibition?” “Has there been any change in the 4ast twenty years in the chemical effect of alcohol on the human body?” Any change” in the social consequence of the Drink habit as evidence by brok­ en homes, neglected children and crimes?” Any law that could re­ duce crime by 3T% is not a failure.” i ■ It was voted to send., seme $20.00 to the Budget Fund. Ladies It is our aim To lieli) you share In the many phases Of our beauty care. Call: V’s Beauty Shoppe AU Lines of Beauty Culture Vera C. Fraser, Prop. PHONE 112 EXETER. Hairdressing - Featuring - All Lines of Beauty Culture - Specializing In - THE NEW “FLUID WAVE” With Exclusive Magic Phis The Greatest Permanent Wave Advancement in Years ' '' M PRESENT CONCERT WEDNESDAY — The, Earle Terry Singers, London’s all-girl choir, will present a festival of Christinas music in James Street Church next Wednesday. Ac­ claimed by press and public as one of the outstanding Canadian choirs, these forty young singers made their debut last fall in Eaton Auditorium, Toronto, and have since been en­ gaged by the Provincial Department of Education for a series of concerts throughout On­ tario. The conductor, Earle Terry, is Director of Music for the London Board of Education and is nationally known in the radio and concert field. -—-Free Press Engraving Radio Repairs and Electric Wiring SUGGESTED GIFTS: Table Lamps — Bed Lamps — Radios Toasters — Fan Heaters — Children’s Lamps Kettles — Heating Pads — Clocks Lighting Fixtures MONTREAL—Such a grand opportunity for you to try one of those marvelous new C-I-L SPONGES in the handy dishwashing size I Simply write to me —Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q. -—enclosing 10c in coin or postage stamps and I*U mail your “dishwashing” sponge to you, to­ gether with a folder describing all the cleaning uses of C-I-L cellulose Sponges. You’ll love this sponge! It makes dishwashing so much easier. It’s velvet- soft when wet—nice to handle—nice to your finest china, too. Its square shape makes it easy to get dirt out of comers. And this wonder-sponge floats—no fumbling around in the bottom of the dishpan. So easy to keep clean, too! —just boil in baking soda and water to sterilize. Better write now for yours! Your Money Won’t Grow Wings and fly away when you have an account at the BANK OF MONTREAL! When you pay your bills by BofM cheque your stubs are an exact record of your expenditures. And the cancelled cheques, which the B of M will send you every month, act as your receipts. It’s such a neat 'n’ tidy—such a convenient way of keeping your finances in. order,.. no wonder it appeals to so many women I know! What’s more—it’s safe! For there’s no need to keep loose cash lying around the house or in your purse. So why not open your account tomorrow at your nearest BofM branch? You’re sure to find friendly people, eager to help you, on the other side of the BofM counter. Here’s A Special Offer, Mother! Handy Plastic Cap Covers that fit over the tops of HEINZ BABY FOOD tins when baby doesn’t eat a full tin at one meal­ time. Simply leave the balance of the Baby Food in the tin, cover it with this plastic cover and store it in your refrigerator. Good Heinz Baby Foods are well worth saving to the last, tasty morsel! M-mmml How baby loves those luscious Heinz Cereals and the extra- appetizing variety of strained meat products, soups, vegetables and desserts! So don’t waste ’em! .. . simply write to me—Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Mont­ real, B.Q.—for this special offer! . . * 3 Plastic Cap Covers AND 3 Baby Food Savers (for scooping out the last good morsels of Heinz Baby Food from the tin) are yours for just 10c in coin or post­ age stamps and S Heinz Baby Food labels. and 3 Heinz Baby You’ll Feel Dike Singing .. ■ you’ll feel “human” again when SLOAN’S LINIMENT gives you almost instant, welcome relief from "eore muscle” pain! Sloan’s is a wonder J ..»it’s such a com­ fort When you’re suffering from sore muscles or rheumatism — neuralgia, stiff neck or sprains ’n’ bruises! Just pat it on for quick relief. Its soothing, penetrating heat gets right to the heart of the hurt. And Sloan’s is not expensive —just 40e a bottle at drugstores everywhere. Tricky, Even Dangerous to handle—the China Clippers were the fastest and most beautiful sailing ships engaged in the tea trade in the nineteenth century. They were built for speed and not for safety and many of them put out to sea and were never heard of again. But their speed was all- important to meet the demands of tea-lovers who paid the best price for the first and freshest cargo brought to the home port. Today, the choice of tea-lovers every­ where is RED ROSE TEA. Its piquant flavour — its satisfying goodness—make it the favourite in thousands of Canadian hemes! Try it today for your afternoon tea and I’m sure you’ll make it a mealtime favourite. For, truly. Red Rose Tea is good Tea! And Red Rose Coffee is as good as Red Rose Tea. Where’s The Youngster who doesn’t like to be right in the centre of things? But it takes lots of pep to keep up with the young Joneses . . . the kind of good health that , comes from nourishing foods like milk, So . , here’s a tip, mother! . », Milk is specially good in JELL-O BUDDINGS—and how the youngsters love ’em! Creamy-rich Caramel and Butterscotch _Jell-0 Buddings _..h--------A —'A —full-flavoured Chocolate ». , and the tempting Jell-O Tapioca trio . * * Orange Coconut, Vanilla and Chocolate. You’ll like this about Jell-O Buddings, too—they take just 5 minutes to prepare. And they’re wonderfully economi­ cal! satin-smooth Vanilla Wonderful For A Party—a special treat for youngsters and grown-ups, too * . . delicious home-made fudge! Especially jf it’s fudge, made rich-flavoured and Creamy smooth with BAKER’S UNSWEETENED CHOCO­ LATE. When you use Baker’s Chocolate, you get real, honcst-to-goodness chocolate flavour, for there’s nothing added, nothing taken away!TUftl-FRUTTI FUDGE 2 squares Baker’s Unsweetened 1 tspn. vanillaChocolate 4 tbspris. (each) finely cat can-3/4 cup milk died cherries, candied pine- 2 cups sugar , apple, figs aha nutmeats, Dash, of salt 4 tbspns. raisins (rinsed, thor-2 tbspns* butter , « oughly dried and finely cut).Add chocolate to milk; place over low heat. Cook until mixture is smooth and blended, stirring constantly. Add sugar and salt; stir Until sugar is 'dissolved sand mixture boils. Continue boiling. Without stirring. Until a small amount of mixture forms a very soft ball in void water (tempera­ture of syrup—232 deg. F.). Remove from heat. Add butter and vanilla. Cool to lukewarm (110 deg. F.); then beat until mixture begins to thicken and. loses its gloss. Add fruits and nuts. Turn at once into greased pan, 8X4 inches. Decorate with additional fruit. When cold cut in squares. Makes is large pieces. Hello Homemakers! “Time” waits fox* no man. Before we get down to polishing and repairing the necessary equipment and fur­ nishings, Christmas will be here. Everyone likes a spic and span house for the festive season and there are instances when a good patch-job can be done successful­ ly. For example, the floor which requires polishing may be waxed only in the traffic area if you remove tracked part of the floor with a floor cleaner. Then two thin coat- es of fresh wax is better than a heavy coat. Polish well after* each application, may have already been ed or dry-cleaned —- if cleaning plants will not same rush now as later. Perhaps the curtains, rugs, and blankets can be cleaned within a limited time. The lampshades of stitched silk material can be successfully washed in warm suds, rinsed and hung to dry. The glued silk shades may be sponged with a dry-cleaner. For genuine parch­ ment shades some believe that only neat’s foot oil or a blend of ten parts mineral oil and one part turpentine can be used safely. Others claim that liquid wax or turpentine should be used to clean vellum or imita­ tion parchment. It is also safe to brush thermoplastic shades In cold water with pure soapflakes, then rinse each small portion and dry before proceeding to the next. Pictures and mirrors must be dusted frequently. The work can be done more easily if you take a moment to lift them down. Don’t let the picture frames or the back of tire mirrors get wet use a slightly damp cloth. Isolated stains which may ap­ pear on painted walls or wood­ work in rooms can bo removed With a light application Of com­ mercial paint cleaner. Smudges will often disapear if they are rubbbed gently eraser. For the benefit want Santa Claus a new electric vacuum cleaner, can rent one to quick order. TAKE A TIP 1. Attach rubber washers to bottom of the dishpan avoid leaving black marks on the sink and drainboard. A waterproof, glue, shell as aero­ plane cement, will hold the washers. 2. A child’s plastic bank is a handy container for discarded razor blades. 3. Ordinary .plaster will not hold the screw hooks that are used in hanging pictures, but if a hole has been drilled In the wall filled with plastic wood which has hardened for an hour then the wood will hold the hooks firmly without any cracks or chips in the piaster. 4. Spread a thin coat of colour- the old wax from the 30 mins. Curtains launder- not, the have the with artgttm of those who to bring them polisher or a remember yon do the job in the to less nail polish Over a band­ aid on a cut finger. You can then wash the dishes without it coming off. 5. When the motor pulley on a sewing machine becomes worn and glazed, it can be repaired by slipping On a new sleeve. 6, Bibb washers can worn rubber feet on toasters using a hollow rivit which can be punched through the corners. THE QUESTION BOX MRS. B. K* asks for fruit flavoured Cheese Cake. Answer : FRUIT 0 H E E-S E CAKE. 2 % 1 rubber replace electric 1 % U % V* 2 1 % 2 1 2 1 tablespoons gelatin cup cold water cup finely rolled Graham crackers teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon allspice teaspoon nutmeg cup fine white sugar cup softened butter eggs, separated teaspoon salt cup milk cups cottage cheese teaspoon grated orange tablespoons lemon juice can drained crushed pine­ apple cup whipping cream (35%) rind 1 Soak gelatin in cold water for minutes. Combine crumbs,5 spices, Ucup sugar and sofened butter; blend well; save out % cup for topping. Press remaind­ er on buttered sides and bottom of loaf pan 9 inches by 5 inches by three inches. Beat egg yolks slightly; add remaining cup sugar, salt and milk* Cook in top of double boiler, over boiling water, until thickened (about 5 minutes); add softened gelatin, stir until disolved* Cool slightly; add beaten cheese, grated 'orange rind, lemon juice and pineapple. Chill until mixture begins to set. Fold stiffly beaten egg whites and whipped cream. Pour into crumb-lined loaf pan; top with reserved % Cup crumbs. Chill until ready to serve (at least 3 hours), Unmoid; cut in slices. Serves 12. MRS. J* L. asks:, HoW Can you make broiled cheese Squares without broiling element? Answer: BAKED CHEESE APPETIZERS. Remove crusts from 6 slices day-old bread; spread with chili sauce. Dice bacon; sprinkle on slices, then top with grated cheese. Place on oiled cookie sheet. Bake in preheated oven of 450 degrees until cheese is melt­ ed, about TO1 minutes* Cut in squares and MRS.L.N, of cheese is cooking? Answer: If a pound of Cana­ dian Cheese costs 47 cents the loaf cheese Is usually about 54 cents. Grated, the old cheese gives you about four cups, the loaf cheese diced gives you about three cups. serve hot. asks: Which kind the best to buy for Phone 343-W Oharleton completed ACCOMMODATION—For Clas­ sified Ads in the Times-Advocate —Sure-fire results 1 diapers to W, M. S. Owning to the large number of people who are giving portraits again this Christmas we find it necessary to accept*sittings for only a few more days. Christmas Portrait Junior Auxiliary Packs Bale, Make Donations The November meeting of the Junior Evening Auxilary of James Street Church was held on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. K. Hockey. The president Mrs. C. Mc­ Naughton opened the meeting. The roll call and minutes of the last meeting was read by Mrs. R. McDonald, The business part of the meeting followed and it was decided to make a donation of twenty-five dollars to the and also to spend twenty-five dollars for flannelette send toto make Greece. A bale to be sent to Station Ontario was during the evening. Each mem­ ber present brought a gift wrap­ ped toy to send in the bale. Mrs. J. Creech conducted the worship service assisted by Mrs. G. Farrow. Mrs. Jamoson then introduced Mrs. Lynn who gave a very interesting talk on “Goth­ ic Cathedrals” A dainty lunch was served by the group in charge. It is not our policy to sacrifice the quality of our workmanship and for this reason we urge you not to delay if you are considering the giv­ ing of portraits this Christmas. PHOTOGRAPHER