HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-11-23, Page 12THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 19S0 THEATRE Phone 431 Previews its Coming Attractions Continuing every Saturday until further notice, the first show will start at 6:00 p.m. Box office opens at 5:30 p.m. f FRIDAY and SATURDAY November 21 - 25 ‘Curtain Call At Cactus Creek’ ★ Donald O’Connor ★ Gale Storm All’s Riot on the Western Front 5$ is' iii MONDAY and TUESDAY 27 - 28November JUNE HAVOC Directed by Produced by CLAUDE BINYON • FRED KOHLMAR Screen Pley by CUUDE BINYON • From the Book "The Doctor Wear* Three Face*" by Mary Bard WEDNESDAY and /THURSDAY November 29 - 30 r—------ -—...... — ' The Picture With All the Hilarious Answers WARK8 AND REAL AS TWO PEOPLE 9N LOVE WHAT j j He tried the moon ; light-tropic-beach ... : and-you approach! He used the you’ve- /tgot-everything-l- wantline! Mr. and Mrs. Moodie Presented With Gift Friends and neighbours of the 4th and 5 th concession of Us- borne took advantage of the fifty-eighth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Moodie to honor the occasion and at the same time present them with a token of remembrance on their leaving the farm and moving to Exeter. They presented them with a Sunbeam pop-up toaster. The address was as follows: November 9 1950. Mr. and Mrs. .Moodie: After living in this neighbour­ hood ifor sixty years we could not let you slip away from oui’ midst without showing you in a small way how much we esteem and regard you, Mrs. Moodie, we have found you a good reliable friend and neighbour ready and willing to do your share in any way that might be of benefit to the com­ munity. We deeply regret your leaving oui’ midst but you have well earned a rest town life will bring piness to you. Mr. Moodie, you position of honor and respect in our neighbourhood for a good many years. You will be sincer­ ely missed not only by your neighbours but by the whole community. We know that wher­ ever you go you will always be ■a great asset and have a host of friends. Whenever there was sickness or trouble in the neighbourhood we could always ’depend on Mr. Moodie to help in any way pos­ sible in his own kind way. There are many more things we could say but, “Brevity is the soul of wit.” x We certainly offer our very heartiest congx’atulations today on this your fifty-eighth anniv­ ersary and wi^h you great hap­ piness and many more years of happy married life. Please accept this gift not for its intrinsic value but the spirit in which it is given and we hope you will be able to use it every day and each time may it re­ mind you of your neighbours and friends on the fourth and fifth concessions. •—- Youi’ neighbours and friends. and perhaps greater hap- have held a Thames Road Native Prominent In West Word was received in Exeter Wednesday of last week of the death of Mr. William J. Allison, of Regina, Sask. He passed away in hospital, at the age of 73, Mr, Allison along with his son John and wife of Vancouver, and his brothei’ David and wife of Roland, Man,, visited for several days in this community return­ ing to the West weeks ago. Mr. Allison was and Foreign Bible about four and and ■chairman of its city campaign .when he was taken ill. He was president of the Regina Curling club in 1948-49 and a member of the Saskatchewan Liberal Association. Predeceased by his wife, the former Jeanette Strang Gardiner, Mr. Allison is survived by one son, John, of Victoria; one daughter, Mrs. Sutherland, of Calgary, two brothers, John W., of the Thames Road; David, of Roland, Man.; two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Kydd, of London and iMrs. Annie Montieth, of Exeter and three grandchildren. Mr. Allison was . born and raised on the Thames Road and in 19 0 6 went to Regina. For a time he was employed by two farm land operators, D. M. Hackney and Steele & Bell and then joined the Cockshutt Plow Co. For three years he was man­ ager of the National Fire Insur­ ance Co., of Vancouver. In 1911 with A. T. Brook he founded the firm of Brook and Allison, Real Estate, selling out his interests in 19 47 when he and his daugh- born society ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS’ FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS Firemen Called To Creamery Firemen were called around 3 a.m. Tuesday night when a blaze broke out in the Exeter cream­ ery. Responding quickly to the call the men were able to con­ fine the fire to a small section. About $200 damage was done, .Mrs, Bessie Taylor turned in the alarm. LOOKING for something? A Classified Ad would bring results. ter, Mrs. R. D. Sutherland took a trip to Europe. Mr. Allison was prominent in Church work. In 1933 he was appointed clerk of the session of Westminster United Church. He was a. member of the British COMING EVENTS COMMUNITY NIGHT —in Town Town Hall, Hensail, on Friday, November 24. Card games and dancing. Good lucky draw prizes donated by merchants. Tickets at door. Sponsored by’ Women’s Institute. Seamons Orch, Booth in hall. General admission 75c. 23c HOME-MADE BAILING SALE — The C.W.L. of St. Peter’s Church are holding a Home-Made Bak­ ing Sale at Jensen's Store on Saturday, November 25, at 3 o’clock, 23* w Legion Bingo GEESE AND CHICKENS THIS WEEK Jack-Pot Prize - $15 Door Prize - Goose Thursday, November 23 OPERA HOUSE Admission 500 ■ Everard Myers Mr. Everard Myers, passed away at his home at Grand Bend and a private funeral sevice was held from the Harry Hoffman funeral home at Dashwood Tues­ day afternoon and interment was made in the Grand Bend ceme­ tery. He was born in England and came to Canada in 1907, locat­ ing in Toronto where he was in the electrical business and did a deal of work for the Toronto Transportation Com. He came to widow is the former Irene Hand- Grand Bend eight years ago. His ford, a native of Exeter. Thrce-Act Comedy ‘Abigail Goes Haywire’ Main Street Church TWO FRIDAY and SATURDAY November 24 - 25 SHOWS - 7:30 AND 9:30 ‘Rogues of •2.“> Sherwood Forest’ In Glorious Technicolor ★ ★ John Derek Dianna Lynn Andy Hale — Shorts — ‘HIS X MARKS THE SPOT’ ‘HAPPY TOTS’ MONDAY and TUESDAY November 27 - 28 ONE SHOW - 8S30 ‘Slattery’s Hurricane’ Adult Entertainment ★ Richard Widmark ★ Linda Darnell ★ Veronica Lake A 20th Century standout NEWSREEL and SHORTS 1 THREE-ACT PI;AY Coveralls Elimville United Church M-G-M’s Romantic Comedy Hiswasthemillions- minks-and- man- ’ $ion$ technique! CHASE/ Peter Lawford is very dose but does he win her?? Friday, December 1 8:00 p.m. Presented by Belgrave Y.P.U. Sponsored by Local Y.P.U. i I | Sponsored by Elimville Young People’s Society . ....-............'............... .... at $ p.m. i with JAMES WHITMORE • J.CARROLWAISH; .. ........................... .........----- I matinees SATURDAY AND HOLIDAYS AT a:30 PM Barclay’s Square Home of OLD TIME DANCING Every Thur, and Sat. Nights A Special Holiday Dance Sunday Midnight 12:65 to 3 WITH THE WESTERNAIRES STRATFORD 37 Market Place Tues., Dec. 5 - 8:30 p.m Stephen Fed. of Agriculture Annual Meeting CREDITON TOWNSHIP HALL HI EXETER ARENA Free! a For satisfying results, try the Want Ads. The Ralston Purina Company Presents an Enjoyable & Educational Film in Colour London’s All-Girl Choir will present A Festival of Christmas Music Guest Speaker: Mr. Roy Jewell of CFPL, London. Please Bring Lunch Coffee Will Be Served James St. United Church EXETER Exeter Badminton Club’s Snow-Bird Dance Friday, December 1 ROSS PEARCE’S ORCHESTRA Dress Optional Advance Tickets 750 Community Concert CREDITON TOWN HALL Friday, November 24 at 8:15 p.m. Moving Pictures, Musical Numbers by Local Artists, Home-Made Candy on Sale Lunch Available at Nominal Fee Following Concert Admission: Adults 250, P.S. Children Free Sponsored by Crediton Women’s Institute and Library Board - Proceeds to Be Used for Library Work - Assist this worthy cause by purchasing your ticket from a local school pupil *$■ w at 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Women’s Association TICKETS 500 Trip Through a Pig Factory’ Exeter Town Hall Wed., Nov. 29-8 p.m. Farmers and feeders will enjoy this educational and instructional film in colour. It shows actual pictures of the growth of pigs during the gestation period. It answers the question why many pigs never are horn and why others are born weak. Here is a world of information for breeders and feeders of pigs. It illustrates Better Management, Sanitation and Control of Disease. MONDAY NIGHT, NOV. 27 Will Be An’ Outstanding Night in London as an Outstanding Choir Will Make Their Appearance. COSO H1SPANIC0 OF MAJORCA (Thomas Choir) UNDER THE PERSONAL DIRECTION OF JUAN MARIA THOMAS Unlike any choral group ever heard before, the Coro Hispanico grew out of the magic soil of the lovely island of Majorca, reflecting its sun-drenched moods as wefi as the mystical promptings of the Mediterranean soul — at tunes ethereal and almost unearthly in its lyricism and at times penetrating to the veiy mar­ row in its passionate utterances. The singers are drawn from the sturdy working people of Palma, captial city of Majorca. Under the inspired genius of Juan Mana Thomas, Who is steeped in the magnificent traditions ----------------------------------- of the great art of Spanish singing, these men and women have been transformed into an amazing vocal orchestra that has stirred all listeners. Great musicians come to Majorca for the express purpose of hearing this incredible chorus—and leave the island bewitched by its magic art. CORO HISPANICO COMING MONDAY, NOV. 27, TO THE ALL SEATS RESERVED NOW OS SALE $2.00 Sl.SO $1.00 Tax Inf* Mail Orders Accepted Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope far return of ’ tickets. Out of town checks must include ex­ change.ton Outstanding Speakers will be there to give you up-to-date knowledge and information. FRANK KING — Purina Sales Manager of Ontario, who has a great sense of humour, will present the film with many practical points of interest. DAN LURCH —- has had 20 years or more of prac­ tical experience in hog raising with Purina Co. Mr. Lurch judged the hogs at Exeter Fall Fair for the past two years and will be on hand to bring you valuable and practical information and suggestions. AL MORGAN — graduate of O.A.C., Guelph, and Putina’s personal service man for Exeter and district, will be available to offer good advice on livestock problems. Free Draws - Free Prizes PURINA EVERSHARP PENCILS AND PURINA JACK-KNIVES You may obtain tickets on these two attractive prizes at either the Exeter or Whalen Mills Trip to St. Louis There’s a wonderful trip to the Purina Research farm and laboratories at St. Louis available to Purina feeders next spring. Come to this meet­ ing and learn how you can be elligible. Come and enjoy an evening of instructional entertainment SPONSORED BY — CANN’S MILL LIMITED EXETER WHALEN —-HI