HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-11-23, Page 9w THE TIMES-AOVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 195ft Page 9 POP’S Taxi Service Crcditon 18-r-ll Exeter 857 Your local cattle shipper Roland Williams Phone 44-r-t) Kirkton Phone 368-J Exeter Next Shipping Date SAT., NOV. 35 Hensail Ladies Attend Caven Circle Caveix Congregational Circle met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. A. Moir. The Vice Presi­ dent Mrs. A. Whilsmith opened the meeting and Mrs. Sinclair took the devotional exercises, One of the highlights of the evening was a talent and apron contest when each member told how theix* donation of money was procured, This event was won by Mrs, R, McInnis, Mrs. W. G. Cochrane and Mrs, E, Mitchell were in charge of the program and invited several lad­ ies from Carmel Church, Hen- sall to take part, Mrs. Ferguson gave an account of th© Pre-As- sembly Conference held in Mon­ treal in June, th© main purpose of this conference to increase in­ formed leadership, Norma Knight then favoured with a de­ lightful piano selection. Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. C. Forrest, and Mrs. C. Kennedy accompanied by Mrs. L. Baynham favoured with a trio "Waiting on Jesus." A lady, checking over hei' grocery bill, found this item: ‘One tom cat, 15 cents’. Indignant, she called up hex' grocei’ and demanded an explanation. "Oh, that’s all x’ ight, Mrs, Jones," explained the grocer. “That’s an abbreviation for tomato catsup." comes to servicing your car, there are at the South End. And may we remind H When it no short-cuts you that if you haven’t had your car winterized not to delay another day. Lambourn-Anderson Th© bride's home in Kirkton was beautifully decorated with pink and white mums and ferns for the wedding of Audrey Leone Anderson, niece of Mrs, Bertha Hodgins, and John, Ken­ neth Lambourn, son of Mrs, Dam­ bourn and the late George Lam­ bourn of Granton. Bev, Homer Bean performed the marriage which took place on Saturday, November 18 at 1 o’clock, The bride given in marrlpge by her aunt, Mrs, Hodgins, wore a white satin gown pan collar and lace med with beads and full length sleeves floor-length skirt with lace pep­ lum. An embroidered full length veil was held by a beaded head­ dress. Her flowers were Ameri­ can Beauty Roses. Mrs. Jim Flaxman, of London, sister of the groom was the ma­ tron of honor, wearing a brocad­ ed top with net over taffeta Skirt, matching headdress and ■carrying pink carnations. Little Joan McNaughton was the flowei* girl dressed in mauve taffeta with matching headdress and she carried a yellow nosegay of mums. The ring bearer was Brian Christie who wore white flannels and navy jacket satin cushion. The groomsman er of the bride, son. Music was played by Mrs. Lome McNaughton of Kirktom For the reception at Club Monetta -in Exeter, the bride’s aunt wore a black Tico Tina! dress with pink and white baby mums. The bridegrooms mother wore a grey crepe with lace, panels and a corsage of pink and white baby mums. On a honeymoon to the U.S.A, the bride wore a dress of net over taffeta skirt with black vel­ vet -bodice and matching acces­ sories, a beavei’ mouton coat and corsage of white and bronze baby mums, On their return Mr. and Mrs. Lambourn will reside in Kirkton. 1 with peter yoke trim­ rhinestones, and a full and carried a was the broths Arnold Ander- Grand Bend WX Neb $64 Frpm Sale Th© Grand Bend Women’s In­ stitute meeting was held on Thursday, November 16, in the town hall with the vice-presi­ dent, Mrs. Herb Pfile, in th© chair. Mrs. Chapman' spoke on the motto, "A stitch in time saves nine”. A sewing machine demon­ stration was given by a repre­ sentative from Seaforth, which was very interesting. A bale of used clothing and soap was donated and sent to the Save the Children Fund in Toronto. Proceeds of community sale on November? 11 amounted to $64.- 35, SHIPKA Meek of Exetei' occupied EDGEWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Joseph iSuball is spending a few days in Detroit attending a wedding. A crokinole party was held in the Revere School, Prizes for crokinole went to Launce Hud­ son, Mrs. Harvey Kennedy, Floyd Bykes, Mrs. Ivor Lindsay and Warner Hudson. In the hazaai* table was sei Perrins and the was conducted by Hardie. Proceeds amounted to $30, Little Barbara Ann Zuball is spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr. Zuball dulph, Miss Friday Quite a few have had their theii’ cattle tested the last week with good results. charge of Mrs. Hay­ fish pond Mrs, Milt1 and of Concession Betty Lou .Garrett spent and Saturday in Toronto. Bid- CREDITOR EAST Mr, and Mrs. Harold Glanville and daughters arrived- home op Monday after spending the past two weeks on the Mapitoulxn Is­ land with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. (nee Lydia Messner) of visited with their uncle, Truemnex' and cousins, Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. days since Bashwood to the west and has spent the past 15 years in Eng- 1 a n d and expects to sail for home on Thursday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Truem- ner and son of Belmont and Miss Arliss Wein of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein, Hawkins England Mr. Bon Mr., Mr. Mr. apd and and few Aaron Wein and Ito land Mots and William Motz for a last week. It is 34 years Mrs. Hawkins moved from Portable Ar© Welding Acetylene Welding Steel Fabrication Machine Work Grinding Marshall &. Murray Machine Shop PHONE 170-J EXETER Mr. the pulpit in the United Church on Sunday, November 26. Three young men from Clinton United Church will have charge of the service at 10:15, Sunday School following. Miss Marilyn Comfort returned to Fenwick on Sunday after spending a few weeks at the the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sweitzer. Mr. Roy Ratz returned home on Sunday aftei' a week’s hunt-, ing trip north. Miss Margaret Ratz spent the week-end with relatives at Oak­ ville. Mrs. Ed Lamport, Mr, Tom Lamport, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheppard and Baisy attended the wedding of Mr. John Lamport and Miss May Knowles in Tor-’ onto on Saturday. We extend congratulations. Mr. James McNair of Ilderton spent the week-end with Mr. Ed Lamport. Congratulatons t o Mr. and Mrs. John Lamport who were married Saturday last at Toron­ to. Mr. William Bovine is at pre­ sent a patient in Victoria Hos­ pital, London. His many friends are hoping he will soon be able to return to his home again. Mrs. Milton Ratz is spending a few days with hex’ sister Mrs. M. Walper at Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keyes visited with relatives at Seaforth last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sweitzer, visited a few days in London last week with Mr. and Norman McOallium. i Ogle-Brock Yellow and white chrysanthe­ mums was the setting for an au­ tumn wedding in Zion United Church on Saturday when Irene Esther eldest daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. Wellington Brock was united in marriage by Rev. Wan- less to Orlo Thomas, son of Mrs. Martha the late Given ther the in gown, fitted bodice and train with waist length veil. She car­ ried a shower bouquet of red roses. Anna Brock sister of the bride attended wearing a gown of Hunters green satin with mat­ ching bonnet effect headdress. She carried a bouquet of Talis­ man Roses. The wedding music ered by 'Mrs. Harold Harry Hern as solist Lord’s Prayer" and during the ceremony. ■Mr. Jack Arnott of London acted as best man. The ushers were Tom Brock, brother of the bride and Stan Ogle, of Qsliawa, brother Of the groom. Following the ceremony wedding reception was held the bride’s home. Amid showers of confetti the happy couple left on a honey­ moon to the United States. Fox' travelling the bride wore a two toned blue suit with matching top coat and navy accessories. Upon their return Mr. i Mrs. Ogle will reside in London. Irene programme follow- Marion Brock and made the presenta-a at Ogle of Blenheim and Thomas Ogle. in marriage by her fa- bride wore a blush sat- was rend- Herxx and sang "The "Because" South End Service RUSS & CHUCK SNELL Exeter Phone 328 Mrs. Motor fm urn at im m n» b» w to» a» •» al» »® ffl » 8 Fertilixo Your Crops With NATIONAL well-cured, properly-bhmdod foriifesr H^Mn HINTS ON HOW TO KEEP YOUR EGG QUALITY UP (2) Remdmbfef That eggs start to germinate at around 40 degrees—and it doesn’t take much heat to teducO your Oggs to B grade. Keep your eggs in a room—or cellar*—where the temperature is Sven and took (1) Unwashed eggs look better and keep better than those that have been washed. Clean litter, clean dropping boards and clean nesting material ate essen­ tial. Wash as few eggs as possible. Keep your birds* feet clean by wiring off dropping boards or pits. "C’mon, give me a kiss." "No, ’I’ve got scruples." "That’s all right. I had ’em twice Look! Here Are Buy s-pnss. Coup* 1919 Speeia Scd 1019 n^oto CusI W 1948 Dodge Detaw. Dodge w31 St«aetok« I 19*16 19*L1 s Custom Coach dal hearse \W«.ek‘s Special , WeeK s yr „oaCh -.YMOU p r ■ owner Drb«=« Hensail Bride Showered Showers in honor of Brock whose wedding took place on Saturday were held by rela­ tives and friends at the home of Mrs. Harold Hunter; by the Zion community at the horn© of Mrs. Eph. Hern. The bride elect received many lovely gifts. A basket of gifts was present­ ed to Irene at the shower held at the home of Mrs. Harold Hunter. Shirley Coates played the wedding music while Kath­ ryn Huntex’ escorted Irene to a prettily decorated chaix' on a throne. A short program follow­ ed. The c ommunity presented Irene with a lovely wall mirror and table lampat at the shower held at the home Not Mrs. Eph. Hern. Katheline Johns read the address and Phyllis Hern tioxx. A splendid ed with readings, solos, duets, and contests. Previous to the wedding Irene was honored by several showers given by girl fx'iends in London. Ou Saturday afternoon of last and week Mrs. Wellington Brock en­ tertained at a Trousseau Tea in honoi' of hex' daughter previous to hex' wedding. Bank on Times-Advoeate Wanti Ads to draw a High Bate of In- j terest. ’ rW depend on "fresh-mix laying mash made with GOOD BIRDS plus SOUND FEED always bring top results. For al steady flow of egg money, feed your flock a “fresh-mixed*-* mash made at your local National Feed Dealer from National Concentrate, a carefolly blended “Feed Mix” of animal proteins; vitamins and minerals'— which will keep your birds healthy producers of firm-shelled, top grade eggs. See yoof NATIONAL healer today FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, /£ HKD MIX HOGS and CATTLE; WttllAM STONE sons limited * INGERSOLL,-WAftiO