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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-11-23, Page 6
Piage 6 SITUATIONS WANTED BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, fin ancial statements, income tax reports, auditing, etc, Norman Cowan, Hay P.O., phone Dash wood 4'0>-r-13. 26:2:9:16:23 DUTCH WOMAN will do work, cleaning, etc., and in Exeter. Apply at Advocate, house- around Times- 23* FOR SALE—-Man’s black over coat, size 38. Can’t be told from new. Reasonable. Phone 362-J Exeter. Apply: Norval Jones. 23* FOR SALE READY-T0-LAY pullets, all pop ular breeds. Edgar Cudmore, RR 1, Hensall, phone 171-r-14 Exeter. 2tfc THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1950 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE STRAYED MALE HELP WANTED LOST LOST-—In Exeter, a pair of child’s glasses. Finder please leave at Times-Advocate. 23* FOR SALE—Get your steel roof ing now. Just received ship ment of aluminum. Steel is scarce and expected to be higher. Scott’s Elevator, Lucan, phone 63. 23c Pedlar steel and NEW 4-R00M HOUSE, hydro. Garage, few acres of garden. In the Pinery close enough to Grand Bend for a summer home and moderately priced, —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exe ter, LOST-—One green endgate, vic inity east of Crediton. May be on Crediton road. Apply Jack Essery, Centralia, phone 40rl5 Crediton. 23c FOR SALE—Boy’s 3-piece brown winter outfit, size 6x. —Mrs. Wnt Thompson, phone Kirk ton 48-r-4. 23* GARAGE 3O’x58’ with air hoist and other equipment, 2-family dwelling with town water, 3- piece bath, extra land. W. O. Pearce Realtor, Exeter. 2 FOUND FOR RENT FOUND—Picked up by mistake at bowling £lley, a brown gabardine coat. Owner prob ably has mine. Phone Bill Higgins, 280-R Exeter. 23c FOR RENT—2 furnished rooms. Apply Times-Advocate. 9tfn FOUND—In Exeter, 7 keys on a key ring. Owner may have same by paying for advt. Ap ply Times-Advocate. 23c FOR RENT—A partment for rent, 3 rooms, bath and run ning water, insulated and ■heated. Hydro. Possession at once. •—N. Sinclair, Crediton. 23* HOUSE FOR SALE—$2,900. Im mediate possession. This pro perty has 6 rooms, well locat ed on highway. Has hydro and new hot air furnace. There is a nice lot. The whole property is in good condition. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. Exeter APARTMENT — For rent near Crediton and air station, two bedrooms, kitchen, living room and bathroom; furnished. — Phone 378-J. ($40 a month). 23c 134-ACRE FARM for sale. This farm has good buildings with hydro and water pressure. The land is in a good state of cul tivation. There is a good young bush. Located close to village and highways. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 12tfc DODGE - DE SOTO DODGE TRUCKS Cars FOR RENT—9-room house, two miles from Exeter. Apply at Times-Advocate. 23c Check our late model car values. As of now, we have 7 veliicles ranging from a ’49 DeSoto to a ’46 Dodge, all in tip top condi tion. Drop in for a demonstration today. FOR RENT—S mall furnished house in Centralia village suit able for couple with small child. All conveniences, oil heat, garage, telephone. Im mediate possession, Phone 316 Local 71 oi' Crediton 40-r-32. 23c HOUSE—Well situated, has liv ing, dining rooms, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, full basement, furnace, town water, garage and nice garden. Other houses in Exeter, Hensail and Mitchell. W. C. Pearce, Real tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter. KIRKTON 5-room li-storey brick house, hydro, hard and soft water, garage, garden. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. For Sale by Tender MODERN COLD AND DRY STORAGE WAREHOUSE OPERATED BY HURON COLD STORAGE COMPANY LIMITED EXETER, ONTARIO Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned Trustee up to 6:00 o’clock p.m, Friday, December 1, 1950, for the purchase of assets of the above company as follows:— Parcel No. 1—Land and Building at Exeter, Ontario, more parti cularly described as follows: Lot 896, Plan 20 of the Village of Exeter, save and except the easterly 90 feet thereof as recorded in the Town of Goderich, County of Huron. Building 80’x225’ on 2 floors and third floor 8O’x74’. Poured concrete floor, 12” thick. Ground floor ceiling 14’5”, other floors 12’ ceilings. Building tile drained for refrigeration. Property serviced foy railway siding. This property subject to a first mortgage which can be assumed by purchaser if arrange ments can be made with mortgagee. Title to be investigated by purchaser and accepted as is with out any guarantee by Trustee. Purchaser to accept Trustee Deed. Parcel No. 2—Machinery and Equipment for the purpose of wash ing and waxing turnips. Refrigeration equipment subject to vendor’s lien which can be assumed by purchaser if arrangements can be made with lienholder. Parcel No. 3—Furniture and Fixtures. Parcel No. 4—Supplies: Bags, Glass and Terms: 15% of the tender price as a upon acceptance of offer. Deal to be ember 31, 1950. The highest or any tender ’not necessarily accepted. Tender deposit to be returned if tender not accepted. Tenders for the purchase of the above assets may be made on the basis of “free of encumbrances”. Further particulars may be had by communicating with the Trustee’s representative who will be on the property up to Dec ember 1, 1950. The inventory and other information may be had by communicating with the Estate Solicitor of the undersigned Trustee. H. M. GOODMAN, K. C. 88 Richmond St, West, Toronto, Ontario. FOR SALE—Brand new fully modem house, 6 rooms and bath, 2 rooms upstairs finished. Full sized basement, air-blown furnace; large water heater, gleaming tile, bath room and kitchen, large mas ter bedroom, prime oak floors, large picture window. Will decorate as desired. Open for inspection this week-end at Huron and Marboro Streets or call at 8 Ann .Street. 23c un- FOR SALE—14 acres choice land. All kinds of fruit. Good brick house. Metal barn. Hy dro and good water supply. Priced to sell. Apply: Dickey, R.R. 1, Lucan, W. J. 23* FOR SALE—150 acres good for cropping or pasture, handy to town. Apply to Mrs. Andrew Buchanan and Jennie, Hensall 23c WANTED Lumber. deposit and the balance closed on or before Dec- WANTED—Just received an or der for 100 horses, Will 'buy any kind of a horse, heavy or light, young or old. —Frank Taylor, Exeter, phone 138, 5tfn LIVESTOCK WANTED $5.00 abled Horses, Cows, Hogs, at your " Phone William Stone Sons. Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. 5:12:19:26c Up to each for Dead or Dis- farm. Prompt service, collect Exeter 287-W. GEORGE F. GLATT, C.A., 137 Wellington St. West, Toronto, Ontario. 16:23c HORSES WANTED—I am in the market for any number of horses up to want Dow. of all kinds; 3 cents per bush horses. will pay lb. Also —G. J. 16tfc PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with By-Law No. 17» passed October 16, 1950, under authority of Chapter 266, Section 76 of the Municipal Act, a meeting of the Electors of the Township Of Hay Will be held in the WANTED TO RENT—Air force couple with 6-year-old daugh ter require 3- or 4-roomed apartment or house in Exeter, unfurnished, with conveniences. Apply Box M, Times-Advocate. 23c BOARDERS WANTED — Write Box X, Times-Advocate. 23* WANTED—Team of good work^ horses. Gordon Prance, phone Kirkton 37-r-22. 23* Township Hallz Zurich, Ontario Friday, November 24, 1950 WANTED—Standing Timber. Write full particulars to White & Brooks, R.R. No. 2, St. Thomas, Ontario, or pfione collect Aylmer 721-r-Gl. 23C will he in the Township Hall, Zurich, from receive dominations for one Reeve and four the year X&51; also tor three Hay Township The Clerk 1 to 2 p.m. to Councillors for _ . ...... School Area Trustees for the years 1951 and 1952; and one Trustee for 1950, due to resignation of one member of the Board of Trustees. When a proposed candidate is not present, his nomina tion paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence sents to A satisfactory to the Returning Officer be so nominated. Meeting of the Electors Will Be Held Township Hall, Zurich, at 2:00 p.m,, that he con* in the on Friday, November 24, loso proposed Candidates, and in case more than I _ _ number of candidates to Till the Office are nomin ated, and a vote demanded, a boll "will be held on Monday, December 4, 1950 to hear required the from 9:00 a.rn. until 5:00 p.m., at the following plates Pell Foiling Place House No, House 'No. Town Hall Town Hall House NO. School School Zurich Zurich I. School 6,. Earl Guenther Block 7. School House No. 3 8. .Tas. Masse Residence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 14 12 D.R.O. Leroy O’Brien Wm. R. Bell Percy Campbell Albert Hess Hilton Truemner Clayton Pfile Jas. McAllister Fred Ducharme Poll Clerk Gordon Surerus Hugh McEwen Lome Chapman Lome Klopp Ed. J. Stir© Rhein. Millet Garnet Jacobo Ed. Corriveau MISCELLANEOUS SEWING machines bought, sold and serviced. Phone Bob Mc Lean, 524-j Exeter, 23c DRESSMAKING and alterations. Mrs. Alvin Willert, phone Exe ter 457-r-2. 23* BABY SITTER available. Phone Mrs. Lome Hayden, 481-M Exeter. 23* AVAILABLE NOW for inside work. Plastering, brick work. —Jhone Webster, phone 423, Exeter. 23:30* I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. .—G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. Sept. 14* tfc For your AVON representatives, phone: Mfs. Pym, 338-J, East side; phone: Mrs; Smith, 351- R. west side. 16:23:30* CHRISTMAS Gift Subscriptions for all magazines available at special rates. — .Harry Buston, phone 461-j Exeter. Authorized representatives for the Davis Agency Otfc FOR SALE—Beach range, wood or coal, good condition, pipes included. Phone 379-M after 5. 23* WEDDING CAKE BOXES—Good quality, Per dozen, $1,00. — Exeter Times-Advocate, 2tf* ATTENTION FARMERS — Half price for tractor, manure spreader and wagon tires,' while they last. No. 1 fully guaranteed. —Maple City Gas, 135 York, also Horton at Waterloo, London; 1 Harvey St., Chatham. N2:9:16:23:30, D7:14:21:28c FOR SALE—Cream and green enamel Petang. range, good condition, $50. Apply: Times- Advocate, 9tfc FOR SALE—Reg. Hereford T.B. tested Hereford bulls, service able age—priced for imme diate sale, short of barn room. Ernie O’Neil, Denfield P.O., phone Granton 27-r-15, 2 miles south of Elginfield, % east. 16:23:30c FOR SALE-—Thoroughbred brown Cocker Spaniel puppy, about six months. Reasonably priced. Apply Box 129 Zurich. 16:23c FOR SALE—Heintzman piano and bench in good condition. Reasonable. Phone 161 Exeter. 23c FOR SALE.—Used Hecla furnace in good condition, suitable for heating shop, Apply Times- Advocate. 23c FOR SALE—Bargain for some one; Silver King tractor on rubber; double - furrow Oliver tractor plow, 2 years old; rubber-tired wagon; also a single cultivator, new this spring. No use for them—all for $750.00 cash. Apply: Joe Couckuyt, R.R. 2, Grand Bend 16:23* FOR SALE—Two-lid laundry stove. Apply: Wes Hackney, Exeter North. 16:23* FOR SALE—’49 Deluxe Meteor, 2-door, white-wall tires. Phone 112 Kirkton. 23* FOR SALE—One five-foot long upper and lower section of kitchen cupboards with sink built into unit; also a walnut drop leaf dining table with 2 extra leaves. Phone 118-R. 23c FOR SALE—2 purebred Short horn bulls, TB tested, dark red, one a year and a half old, the other 5 months. Also 2 purebred yearling heifers and a young York hog 6 months old. George Allen, phone 27r7 Kirkton. 23c FOR SALE—Lady’s grey cloth coat, full silver fox collar, chamois lining, size 40. Only worn four times. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners, 23* FOR SALE—One Princess Pat cook stove; 1 large wardrobe with shelves and drawers; din ing room suite in good con dition; other furniture. Apply to John Ridley, Elimville, tele phone 25-r-9 Kirkton. 23* FOR SALE—Small kitchen coal range, white enamel front. $25. —Eric Sutherland, phone 466 Exeter, 23* FOR SALE—Hereford bull, ris ing two; steer, rising two. — Phone 48-r-ll Parkhill. 23:30 FOR SALE—Good young cow and calf. Phone 80-M Exeter. —Simon Greb. 23* FOR SALE—Weaner pigs, feed ing well. Apply: Wm. Ford, R.R. 1, Centralia. .23*, FOR SALE—1%-h.p. gas engine as new. Trailer, less box. Metal rack for half-ton truck. What offers? —John Webster, Well ington St., west Side of track, Exeter. 23* FOR SALE—10 tons of foaled clover hay, Wally Wein, Dash wood, phone 25-r-l. 23* FOR SALE—’47 Chev coach in excellent condition; *39 Pon tiac sedan in excellent condi tion; *30 Plymouth sedan. — Broderick Bros., Exeter, phone 277. 23* FOR SALE—Cod liver oil, 2400- A and 400-D. Bring your own containers. Sprayed apples, a limited quantity. —B. V. Ho garth, phone 266 Exeter. 23:30:7:14c DO YOU READ the “For Sale” advertisements? In order to prove this we are offering 4 Boys* Bicycles on which, you can save $12.50; Christmas delivery. —W. Martin, Exeter South, phone 43, 23* FOR SALE—-Pair of girl’s rub bers and r ubber overboots, size m and 5, like new; 2 pair living-room drapes suit able" for high windows. Apply at Times-Advocate. 23* APPLES FOR SAL® — Domestic Spies $1.25 per bushel, while they last. —Wm. McKenzie’s General Store, phone 437-W Exeter. 23* FOR SALE—Used piano In good condition. Apply Exeter Times- Advocate, 23c STRAYED from Lot 11, Con, 10, Stephen, 5 head red and roan cattle. My mark in bottom of right ear. Any one run or herd of. Please call Dashwood 164-14. 23c FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESSES for work in OffL cers’ Mess, R.C.A.F. t Centralia. Apply Chief Adminstrative Of ficer, 23c ACTIVE MAN, between 25 and 55 years of age, with car, wanted for profitable Watkins Route. Credit supplied to right man, Free training, Pleasant, profitable and permanent, Write The J, R. Watkins Com pany, Dept, O-E-6, 350 St, Roch St,, Montreal, Que, 9:16:23:30c »■■■<■ -V.' J. ", This property is well situated and in first class condition. TERMS of Real Estate: 10%' on day of sale, balance in days. Will be sold subject reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: piece antique style settee; ---- table; Philco ck- couch; odd dresser; springs; I ... centre table; kitchen clock; 3 ice-boxes; electric rangettes, 30 to 5- ex- Philco electric organ; 3 beds; 2 JrpoSpi; 2 single 3-piece bedroom trouble kitchen kitchen in NOTICES WANTED—Hired man, single, for modern farm. Must foe re liable and experienced. Good wages, steady employment for right man. Apply The Times- Advocate. 23* Dated at Zurich, Ont., November 4, 1950. H. W.BROKENSHIRE, Returning Officer, w««-w It’s really fun to read the Want Ad page, especially when you have ah ad of your own there NOTICE—Owing to repairs be- . ing made in the heating sys tem, the Exeter Public Library will be closed until Saturday, December 2. 23c NOTICE — Whitewashing. Ar rangements can be made. — Bill Watson, phone 35-r-19 Dashwood. A24-N23* TO CERTAIN RESIDENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD Unless deliberate untrue rum ours cease concerning my char acter, I have been advised to take legal proceedings to protect my name. —Mrs. Wm. Musser Sr., Dashwood. 16:23c CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ List, 1950, Municipality of Village of Exeter, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of The Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Exeter, Ont., on the 4th day of November, 1950, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Muni cipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to have any errors omissions corrected according to law, the ing the 1950. Dated ■her, 1950. C. V. PICKARD, CLERK 9:16:23c last ISth this or TENDERS WANTED Snow Plowing be accepted at Clerk for snow streets of the the Village of Tenders will the office of the ploughing the Corporation of Exeter during the coming win ter. Contractor is to use plough with wing and must accept (Ploughing of village streets as first responsibility. Tenders to foe made at rate per hour and to be received not later than 5 p.m. December 4, 1950. C. V. PICKARD, CLERK 23:30c tension radio; springs; bed suite; lamp; cabinet; table; 2 , .good condition; new white enamel kitchen sink; toaster; tea pot; double boiler, new; 3 galv, tubs; Quebec heater; bicycle, like new; stepladder; pictures and picture frames; galv, pails; garden hose; 2 heavy milk cans; quantity of sewer pipes; ice-saw; shovels; axes; can’t hook; logging chain 14 ft, long; many articles too numerous to mention; 2 ton and 200 lbs. of No. 4 hard coal; Model T Ford truck in good condition. TERMS: Cash. Norman Turnbull, Mrs. Eugene Allen, executors of the estate of the late Sarah Turnbull Isaac Bestard, Clerk Alvin Walper, Auctioneer 16:23c AUCTION SALES day for day of 4th day appeal be- November, of Novem- CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ List, 1950, Municipality of Township of Usborne, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office in the Township of Usborne on the 15 th day of November, 1950, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal elections, and that such list remains there for in spection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day of ‘the appeal being the 29 th day of November, 1950. Dated this 15th day of Nov ember, 1950. H. H. G. STRANG, Clerk, R.R. 1, Hensall. 16:23c Township of Stephen NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Township of Stephen will be held in the Town Hall CREDITON on MONDAY, DECEMBER 4 at 1 o’clock in the afternoon for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Cohncilmen, and also for Trustees of ship School Area Sections 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, Union 8, 12 and 14, elected. And further notice given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular of fice, than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until Monday, December 11,1950 when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 6 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned Officers in charge as fixed by township by law Viz.—Poll 1, Mrs. Mill’s Shop, Lot 28, Gon. 1; Gordon Wilson, D.R.O.; Ralph Gates, P.C. Poll 2, Davey’s Kitchen, Lot 17, Con. 3; Preston Dearing, D.R.O.; George Walker, P.O. Poll 3, Wenzel’s Barber Shop, 'Credi ton; Chas. Anderson, D.R.O.; Chas. Green, P.C. Poll 4, Town Hall, Lot 10, Con. 7; Alvin Baker, D.R.O.; J. H. Gaiser, P.C. Poll 5, O’Rourke’s Kitchen, Lot 10, Con. 12; Pat Sullivan, D.R.O.; James Mawhinney, P.O. Boll 3, Club Rooms, Lot 24, Con. N.B.; Otto Willert, D.R.O.; Ches ter Gaiser, PC. Poll 7, Sweitzer’s Kitcheii, Lot 10, Con. 17; John Houlahaii, D.R.O.; M. C. Sweit zer, P.C. Poll 8, Pollock’s Store, Lot 40, Con. S.B.; Mansell Hod gins, D.R.O.; William Hicks, P.O. Poll 9, Warner’s House, Lot 1, Con. Sauble; Colin Love, D.R.O*; Leland Desjardins, P.O. And all electors are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. freeman w. MORLOCK, Returning Officer Crediton, November 11, 1950. the Town comprising 7,- 10 and two to he is hereby Clearing AUCTION 3AJLE of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items ON THE PREMISES, Main Street, in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25 commencing at 1:00 p.m. sharp Oak dining room extension table; 6 dining room chairs; buffet; antique style parlor set tee with rocker and chairs to match; studio couch, like new; various oak centre tables; 3 walnut fern stands; 3 odd fern stands; electric table lamp; bridge lamp; tapestry rug, 10 x 10 ft.; small radio lamp; bed lamp; Philco electric radio, like new; 2 upholstered couches; antique style bedroom lamp; small mirror; 2 large hall mir rors; Kelvinator electric wash ing machine, like new; electric heating pad; S-day mantle clock in good condition; oak hall tree; number of rocking chairs; small tables; kitchen extension table; sideboard; card table; drop-leaf table sewing machine, in first class condition; wooden bed com plete with springs and mattress; dresser and commode; solid oak bedroom suit ‘with spring-filled mattress; dresser and commode; steel bed with springs and mat tress; 2 large feather ticks; 2 small feather ticks, like new; quantity of goose feathers; writ ing desk; 2 picture stands; 2 fancy toilet sets; antique clock; antique centre table; electric heater; vacuum cleaner, in new condition; Masterpiece kitchen range for wood or coal, in good condition; 3-burner gas stove; buffalo robe; numerous hooked mats, never been used; dining room heater; tsmall Quebec heat er; coal oil stove; pictures and picture frames; wash stands; electric plate; toaster and iron; small "bench; fancy bedspread; complete dinner set, like new; lovely antique style pitcher with 6 glasses to match; half-dozen wine glasses; flower vases; silverware; fancy pitcher with glasses to match; fruit foowl with 12 sherberts to match; all kinds of fancy dishes; large as sortment of kitchen cellar jugs; pan; lawn tools; tools; hedge clipper feeder her hose; many Articles mention. lEverything condition and out reserve. ... ___ weather, sale will be held in church shed. TERMS: Cash. Aaron Restemeyer, Leonard Restemeyer, executors of the estate of i late Clara Restemeyer Milford Merner, Clerk Alvin Walper, Auctioneer 16:23c . AUCTION SALE Pure-Bred Cattle Farm Machinery The undersigned has received instructions to sell foy (public auction 5 MILES WEST OF EXETER on Highway 83 and first farm north, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30 at 1:0 0 o’clock p.m. CATTLE: Pure-bred accredited Ayrshire cattle, 7 vaccinated, 4 are not; cow, 9 years; cow, 5 years; ’ . * ture bred; 3 heifers, pasture bred; calf, SOWS: Sow, ' 3 sows, bred 3 months; 2 sows, bred 1” month; boar. MACHINERY: Oliver tractor row crop and Z row corn cultivators; Massey- Harris 6-ft. combine nearly new; 3 furrow (1 HC) plow on rub ber; 4 section spring tooth har rows; 14-16 Bissell disc; John Deere corn planter on rubber (new); Massey Harris rubber- tired wagon; (1 HC) manure spreader on rubber; Massey Har ris rope hay loader; Massey Harris mower; Massey Harris binder; Universal Co-Op milkers, 2 single units and line for 16 heads; milk can. TRUCKS: 1947 1-ton Ford express; 194 0 %-ton Chev. TERMS: Cash. Ward MacVicor, Prop. Milton Brock, Auct. cow, 9 years; cow, 5 5 heifers, 3 years, pas- .2 years, ', 6 months, due to freshen; good serviceable 70 Cockshutt utensils; table; wine barrel; crocks; clothes baskets; roasting kettles; step ladder; 2 mowers, one new; garden coal scuttle; carpenter barrels; boxes; odd doors; ; mops; chicken and fountains; 2 5-ft rub- 4 bags potatoes; and too numerous to is in first class will be sold with in case of bad the the Clearing AUCTION SALE of Meal Estate and Household Effects ON THE in VILLAGE OF (First place Brenner House) The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 at 1:30 p.m, sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists of part Lot No. 1 L.R.E. % acre of land on which is situated a tine cement block two-storey house, consisting of 4 bedrooms, 3-piece bathroom, large living room, modern kitchen, full base* ment with furnace and pressure sybtem. PREMISES the grand bend north of the Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Implements, Feed and Household Effects ON THE PREMISES in the Township of Stephen 1% miles east and 2 miles south of Dashwood, or 2% miles west and 2 miles north of Crediton The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5 commencing at 1 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Consisting of Lot 17, ship of Stephen; land on which is situated a 2- storey brick dwelling and a good sized bank barn in good condi tion; 50 acres of loam tillable soil, remainder 50 acres of good mixed bush including some valu able timber. Terms of Real Estate: 10 per cent of sale price on day of sale, balance in 30 days, when possession will be given. Win be Sold subject to a reserved bid. IMPLEMENTS, ETC.: Massey Harris 11-hoe disc drill in good condition; 3 - h o r s e cultivator; rake; McCormick mower, 5-ft. cut; Maxwell hayloader; John Deere manure spreader; Oliver bean scuffler and puller; binder; binddr truck; 3-drum steel roll er; 3-section diamond harrows; 2,000-lb. scales; Chatham fan-* ning mill, complete with sieves; cutting box; steel truck wagon; steel tired wagon; 16-ft. hay rack; disc; 11-hoe drill; . 2 walking plows; 3 sets of boh sleighs; 1^-h.p. gasoline engine; gravel box; quantity of lumber; hay fork rope; set of sling ropes; hay fork; good set of double harness; root pulper; 2 logging chains; chop boxes; numerous carpenter tools; doh- bietrfees; 2 double barrel shot guns, like new; etc. GRAIN & HAY: 600 bushels of choice mixed grain, barley and oats. A quantity of mixed hay, alfalfa and timothy HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Do herty kitchen range; battery radio in good condition; exten sion table; kitchen chairs; rock* ing chairs; small heater; galvan ized tubs; bedroom cot; bed* steads; drop leaf table; side board; chest of drawers; 2 rolls of new linoleum; roll of felt Wet; 3 trunks; Wash stands; 2 toilet sets; 4 ’dining room chairs; sideboard; £ kitchen cup boards; large mirrors; 2 lan terns; new lawn mower; 28 bags of potatoes; bottle Capper; large assortment of dishes; glassware; chinaware; silver* ware; numerous kitcheii utensils; crocks; garden tools; and many articles too numerous to mention. Terms: cash. Harold Higgins, Eileen Higgins,, executors of the estate of the late Reuben Davey Milford Merner, Clerk Alvin Walper, Auctioneer 23:36o Concession 10, Town- 100 acres of