HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-11-16, Page 6IM THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16, 1950 For Sale by^Tender MODERN COLD AND DRY STORAGE WAREHOUSE OPERATED BY HURON COLD STORAGE COMPANY LIMITED EXETER, ONTARIO Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned Trustee up to 6:00 o’clock p.m. Friday, December 1, 1950, for the purchase of assets of the above company as follows:-— Parcel No. L—Land and Building at Exeter, Ontario, more parti­ cularly described as follows: Lot 896, Plan 20 of the Village of Exeter, save and except the easterly 90 feet thereof as recorded in the Town of Goderich, County of Huron. * Building 8O’x225’ on 2 floors and third floor S0’x74\ Poured ’ concrete floor, 12” thick. Ground floor ceiling 14’5”, othei' floors 12’ ceilings. Building tile drained for refrigeration. Property serviced by railway siding. This property subject to a first mortgage which can be assumed by purchaser if arrange­ ments can be made with mortgagee. Title to be investigated by purchaser and accepted as is with­ out any guarantee by Trustee. Purchaser to accept Trustee Deed. Parcel No. 2—Machinery and Equipment for the purpose of wash- ■ ing and waxing turnips. Refrigeration equipment subject to vendor’s lien which can be assumed by purchaser if arrangements can be made with lienholder. Parcel No. 3-—Furniture and Fixtures. Parcel No. 4—Supplies: Bags, Glass and Lumber, Terms: 15% of the tender price as a deposit and the balance upon acceptance of offer. Deal to be closed on or before Dec­ ember 31, 1950. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender deposit to be returned if Tenders for the purchase on the basis of "free of Furthei’ particulars may be Trustee’s representative who will be on the property up to Dec­ ember 1, 1950. The inventory and other information may be had by communicating with the Estate Solicitor of the undersigned Trustee. x H. M. GOODMAN, K. C. GEORGE F. GLATT, C.A., 88 Richmond St. West, 137 Wellington St. West, Toronto, Ontario. Toronto, Ontario. 16:23c REAL ESTATE tender not accepted. of the above assets may be made encumbrances”. had by communicating with the sans 44”Club Clothes Tip Top Clothes - 4950 Fleet Street Clothes 62" Then order your stripe suit tailored to your measure­ ments at Tip Top Tailors now for Fall wear. ARE THE SEASON’S BIGGEST NEWS IN for sale Whatever your build, there’s a correct Stripe for your type. Choose your Stripe from pin stripes, chalk stripes, wide and narrow stripes in the fabric you prefer. McKnight & Walper Exclusive dealer for 106.50 TIPTOPTAILORS NEW 4-R00M HOUSE, hydro. Garage, few acres of garden. In the Pinery close enough to Grand Bend for a summer home and moderately priced. —W. O, Pearce, Realtor, Exe­ ter. FARM FOR SALE—100 acres of Clay loam with good buildings, hydro throughout, close to school and Exeter. Apply Box "A”, Times-Advocate. 9:16* GARAGE 3O’x58’ with air hoist and other equipment, 2-family dwelling with town water, 3- piece bath, extra land. W. C. Pearce Realtor, Exeter. 2 HOUSE FOR SALE—$2,900. Im­ mediate possession. This pro­ perty has 6 rooms, well locat­ ed on highway. Has hydro and new hot air furnace. There is a nice lot. The whole property is in good condition. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 134-ACRE FARM for sale. This farm has good buildings with hydro and water pressure. The land is in a good state of cul­ tivation. There is a good young bush. Located close to Village and highways. —0. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 12tfc HOUSE—Well situated, has liv­ ing, dining rooms, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, full basement, furnace, town water, garage and nice garden. Other houses in Exeter, Hensail and Mitchell. W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter. KIRKTON 5-room 1 i - s t 0 r e y brick house, hydro, hard and soft water, garage, garden. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. WANTED WANTED—Just received an or­ der for 100 horses. Will 'buy any kind of a horse, heavy or light, young or old. —Frank Taylor, Exeter, phone 138. 5tfn Up to each for Dead or Dis- Horses, Cows, Hogs, at farm. Prompt service, collect Execer 2S7-W. LIVESTOCK WANTED 85.00 abled your Phone William Stone Sons. Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. 5:12:19:26c HORSES WANTED—I am in the market horses up to want i Dow. ; for any number of of all kinds; will pay 3 cents per lb. Also bush horses. —G. J. IGtfc WANTED—One- or two-car gar­ age in Exeter. Apply Box L, Times-Advocate. 16* WANTED TO RENT—-House or apartment, 5 rooms or more, unfurnished. Apply Box L, Times-Advocate. 16 * FOR SALE—1939 Ohev coach, original mileage 69,000, win­ terized, good running condi­ tion, heater, slip covers, new battery, 2 new tires, lifeguard tubes. Make offer. D. Grayer, 19 Ann St., Exeter. 26tfc WANTED TO RENT—Unfur­ nished 4-room apartment or house by three adults. Apply Box K, Times-Advocate. 16* FOR SALE — Fairbanks-Morse hammermills; New Idea spread­ ers, corn pickers, etc.; Minne­ apolis Moline tractors, corn pickers, and equipment. Write or phone for information and price list; New Idea Distribu­ tors, Goderich, Ontario, phone Carlow 2821. 2; 9:16* WANTED TO RENT—Air force couple with 6-year-old daugh­ ter require 3- or 4-roomed apartment or house, unfur­ nished, with conveniences. Ap­ ply Box "M”, Times-Advocate. 16c It’s really fun to read the Want Ad page, especially when you have an ad of your own there WEDDING CAKE BOXES—Good quality. Per dozen, $1.00. — Exeter Times-Advocate. 2tf* — Half manure ATTENTION FARMERS price for tractor, spreader and wagon tires,' while they last. No. 1 fully guaranteed. —Maple City Gas, 135 York, also Horton at Waterloo, London; 1 Harvey St., Chatham. N2:9:16:23:30, D7:14:21;2Sc SCRATCH PADS—Small size of newsprint, 3 for 5tf. —Exeter Times-Advocate. 2tf* FOR SALE—L a r g e space oil heater, one year old. Looks like new, Reason for selling— installing furnace. Apply Free­ man Horne, R.R. 1, Woodham. 9:16* FOR SALE—Cream and green enamel Petang, range, good condition, $50. Apply: Times- Advocate. 9 tfc FOR SALE—Pressure water bowls, pipes and fittings; and litter carriers on hand at the old price. —<R. B. Williams. 9:16* OIL BURNER for sale, good as used two years; also one of ladies’ black skates, 6. Apply Freeman Horne, 1, Woodham. 9:16* new, pair size R.R. FOR SALE—Cabbage $5.00 per ton. Apply William Walters, Winchelsea, telephone 14-r-16 Kirkton. 16* -Reg. Hereford T.B. Hereford bulls, service- ageT—price'd for imme- sale, short of barn Ernie O’Neil, Denfield phone Granton 27-r-15, FOR SALE- tested able diate room. P.O., _ 2 miles south of Elginfield, U east 16:23:30c FOR SALE—Child’s steel drop side crib, complete with springs. —C. A. Cann, phone 3 5-J. 16c FOR SALE—Reg. Hereford bull, 15 months old, —Bill Turkey, 174-r-2 Exeter. 16* FOR SALE—Boys’ winter coat, size 10-12, in good condition. —Phone G16-r-3 Ailsa Craig, Mrs. Fred Fenton. 16c MALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED WANTED—Part time time waitress. Monetta Men­ ard, • 16c ACTIVE MAN, between 25 and 55 years of age, with car, wanted for profitable Watkins Route, Credit supplied to right man. Free training. Pleasant,^ profitable and permanent. Write The J. R. Watkins Com­ pany, Dept. O-E-6, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal, Que. 9;16:23;30c miscellaneous BABY SITTER available. Phone Mrs, Lome Hayden, 418-M Exeter. 16* NOTICES i NOTICE — Whitewashing, Ar­ rangements can be made. — . Bill Watson, phone 35-r-19 Dashwood. A24-N23* TO CERTAIN RESIDENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD Unless deliberate untrue rum­ ours cease concerning my char­ acter, I have been advised to take legal proceedings to protect my name. —Mrs. Wm. Musser Sr„ Dashwood. 16:23c CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ List, 1950, Municipality of Village of Exeter, County of Huron Notice is hereby, given that I have complied with Section 7 of The Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Exeter, Ont., on the 4th day of November, 1950, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Muni­ cipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon voters to have any errors omissions corrected according law, the ing the 1950. Dated •ber, 19 50. C. V. PICKARD, CLERK 9:16:23c last 18th this day for day of 4th day AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. Sept. 14* tfc For your AVON representatives, phone; Mrs. Pym, 338-J, East side; phone:, Mrs. Smith, 351- R. west side,16:23:30* CHRISTMAS Gift Subscriptions for all magazines available at special rates. —• .Harry Buston, phone 461-j Exeter. Authorized representatives for the Davis Agency 9tfc TENDERS WANTED FOR SALE-—Thoroughbred brown •Cocker Spaniel puppy, about six months. Reasonably priced. Apply Box 129 Zurich. 16:23c FOR SALE—Dark blue chin­ chilla overcoat in excellent condition. Size 42. Apply at Times-Advocate. 16* all or to appeal be- November, of Novem- COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN A Court of Revision of the Voters’ List of the Township of Stephen for the year 1950 will be held in the council chambers, Crediton, on Monday, November 20, 1950, at 10 a.m. FREEMAN MORLOCK Clerk of the Township CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ List, 1950, Municipality, of Township of Usborne, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office in the Township of Usborne on the 15th day of "November, 1950, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal elections, and that such list remains there for in­ spection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro­ ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day of ’the appeal being the 29th day of November, 1950. Dated this 15th day of Nov­ ember, 1950. H. H. G. STRANG, Clerk, R.R. 1, Hensail. , 16:23c FOR SALE—Nine pigs, eating now. Phone Dashwood 164-r-6. 16* FOR SALE"—Heintzman piano and bench in good condition. Phone 161 Exeter. 16c $• STRAYED FOR SALE- Feed cabbage and turnips. Phone 177*r-21 Exe­ ter. 16c FOR SALE--Blue box-style coat, blue coat with wolf collar, size 17, 18; Quebec heater 3 x 36. Apply 4 Huron Street, phone 487-W. 16* “Winter Pine” arid ’‘Christmas Bells”, two matched sets of Papera, Seals arid Ribbon. Attractive, quality liries by Coutts! FOR SALE—Man’s overcoat, black, size 40, good condition, will sell cheap. Phone 19-r-13 Crediton. 16* We’ve said it before and we say it again: Yon just can’t beat tlie Coutts boxed Christmas Card line and once again we have an outstanding selection, Following the many fine comments we received last season we have again stocked heavily to give von a wide choice, TWO BOXED SETS From the Original Paintings of Winston Churchill FOR SALE—Used Hecla furnace in good condition, suitable for heating shop. Apply Times- Advocate, 16c I 1 FOR SALE—Canary singers. Beautiful birds. Call and see them. —Mrs. Silas Stanlake, next to Roller Skating Rink. 16* FOR SALE - Bargain for some­ one: Silver King tvactor on rubber; double - furrow Oliver tractor plow, 2 years old; rubber-tired wagon; also a single cultivator, new this spring. No use for them—all for $756.00 cash. Apply: Joe Couckuyt, R.R. 2, Grand Bend 16:23* FOR SALE—One sow, due in 2 weeks. Apply Elmore McBride, 206-R Exeter. 16* READY-TO-LAY pullets, all pop­ ular breeds. Edgar Cudmore, RR 1, Hensail, phone 171-r-14 Exeter. 2 tfc STRAYED—on to Lot 21, Com 4, Carly in season, steer 2 years old. Owner can have same by proving and paying expenses. -Dan Finkbeiner, 2-r-25 Crediton. 16:23* Snow Plowing Tenders for snow plowing will be received. by the Township of Stephen. Truck to be 3 tons or more. Contract to furnish snow plow; to state rate per hour; to plow at such times as requested by the road superintendent. Marked cheques of $200 to ac­ company tender. Successful ten­ der’s check to be held ‘ as bond until work is completed. Lowest or any tender not necessarily, accepted. Tender to be in hands Of clerk on or before the 24th day of November. F. W. MORLOCK, CLERK 9:16c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM THOMAS BEAN, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of William Thomas Bean, late of the Town­ ship of McGillivray, in the County of Middlesex who died on or about the 31st day of July, 1950, are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, K.C., Solicitor)- of Exe­ ter, Ontario, <by the 9th day of December next, after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of •which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, ICC., Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. 16:23:30c Township of Stephen NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Township of -Stephen will be held in the Town Hall CREDITON on MONDAY, DECEMBER 4 at 1 o’clock in the afternoon for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Councilmen, and also for Trustees of the Town­ ship School Area Sections 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, Union 8, 12 and 14, elected. And further notice given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular of­ fice, than required to be elected, tlie proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1950 when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m.’until 6 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by township iby- law viz.—Poll 1, Mrs. Shop, Lot 28, Con. 1; Wilson, D.R.O.; Ralph P.C. Poll 2, Davey’s Kitchen, Lot 17, Con, 3; Preston *Dearing, D.R.O.; George Walker, P.C. Poll 3, Wenzel’s Barber Shop, 'Credi­ ton-; Chas. Anderson, D.R.O.; Chas. Green, P.O. Poll 4, Town Hall, Lot 10, Con. 7; Alvin Baker, D.R.O.; J. H. Gaiser, P.O. Poll 5, O’Rourke’s Kitchen, Lot 10, Con. 12; Pat Sttllivan, D.R.O.; James Mawhlnney, P.O. Poll 6, Club Rooms, Lot 24, Con. N.B.; Otto Willett, D.R.O.; Ches­ ter Gaiser, PC. Poll 7, Sweitzer’s Kitchen, Lot TO, Con. 17; John Houlahan, D.R.O.; M. O. Sweit­ zer, P.O. Poll 8, Pollock’s Store, Lot 40, Con. S.B.; Mansell Hod­ gins, D.R.O.; William Hicks, P.O. Poll 9, Warner’s House, Coh. Sauble; Colin -Love, Leland Desjardine, P.O. And all electors- are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. - FREEMAN W. MORLOCK, Returning Officer Crediton, November 11, I960, comprising 7, 10 and two to be is hereby Mill’s Gordon Gates, heating pad: 8-day -mantle clock in good condition; oak hall tree; number of rocking chairs; small tables; kitchen extension table; sideboard; card table; drop-leaf table sewing machine, in first class condition; wooden bed com* plete with springs and mattress; dresser and commode; solid oak bedroom suit with spring-filled mattress; dresser and commode; steel bed with springs and mat­ tress; 2 large feather ticks; 2 small feathei' ticks, like new; quantity of goose feathers; writ­ ing desk; 2 picture stands; 2 fancy toilet sets; antique clock; antique centre table; electric heater; vacuum cleaner, in new condition; Masterpiece kitchen range for wood or coal, in good condition; 3-burner gas stove; buffalo robe; numerous hooked mats, nevei* been used; dining room heater; small Quebec heat­ er; coal oil stove; pictures and. picture frames; wash stands; electric plate; toaster and iron; small bench; fancy bedspread; complete dinner set, like new; lovely antique style pitcher with 6 glasses to Match; half-dozen wine glasses ; flower vases; silverware; fancy pitcher with glasses to match; Trait bowl with 12 sherberts to match; all kinds of fancy dishes; Marge as­ sortment cellar jugs; ■pan; lawn tools; tools; hedge of kitchen utensils; table; wine barrel; crocks; clothes baskets; roasting kettles; step ladder; 2 mowers, one new; garden coal scuttle; carpenter barrels; boxes; odd doors; clipper; mops; chicken feeder and fountains; 25-ft. rub­ ber hose; c ‘ many articles mention. Everything condition and out reserve, weather, sale will be held in the church shed. TERMS: Cash. Aaron Restemeyer, Leonard Restemeyer, executors of the estate of the late Clara Restemeyer Milford Merner, Clerk Alvin Walper, Auctioneer 16:230 4 bags potatoes; and too numerous to is in first class will be sold with­ in case of bad In the Estate of WILLIAM HENRY COOPER, deceased. Take notice that all persons having claims against the estate of William Henry Cooper, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 3rd day of September, 1950, are re­ quired to file the same with the j undermentioned solicitor on or before the ISth day ’of Novem­ ber, A,D. 1950, after which date the estate of • the said deceased will be distributed with regard only to those claims notice shall then have ceived. Dated at Exeter this October, A.D. 1950. ELMER D. BELL, ICC., Solicitor for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. of which been re- of 26 th day in the Estate of JOSEPH DANIEL WILDFONG All persons having claims against Daniel Village County ceased, ddy of notified to send in full particu­ lars of their claims to the under­ signed on or before the 27th day of November, 1950, after which date the assets will be ed, having regard only then received. Dated at Seaforth, day of November, 1950. mcconnell & hays, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors 9:16:23c the Estate Wildfong, of Dashwood of Huron, Gentleman, de- who died on the 22nd August, 1950, are hereby of Joseph late of the in the UisWibnt- to claims this 1st AUCTION SALES ,.,r. : ........... Av.'-..-.., ■■ Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Household Effects ON THE PREMISES in the VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND (First place north of the Brenner House) The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 at 1:30 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists of part Lot No. 1 L.R.E. H acre of land on which is situated a fine cement block two-storey house, consisting of 4 bedrooms, 3-piece bathroom, large living room, modern kitchen, full base­ ment with furnace and pressure system. This property is well situated and in first class condition. TERMS of Real Estate: on day of sale, balance in days. Will be sold subject reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: piece antique style settee; tension table; Philco tL. radio; couch; organ; springs; odd dresser bed springs; suite; lamp; kitchen clock; kitchen cabinet; 3 ice-boxes; kitchen table; 2 electric rangettes. in good condition; new white ena­ mel kitchen sink; toaster; tea­ pot; double boiler, new; 3 galv. tubs; Quebec heater; bicycle, like new; stepladder; and picture frames; galv. garden hose; 2 heavy cans; quantity of sewer ice-saw; shovels; axes: hook; logging chain 14 ft. long; many articles too numerous to mention; 2 ton and 200 lbs. of No. 4 hard coal; Model T Ford truck in good condition. TERMS: Cash. Norman Turnbull, Mrs. Eugene Allen, executors of the estate of the late Sarah Turnbull Isaac Bestard, Clerk Alvin Walper, Auctioneer 16:23c 10%’ 30 to 5- ex- electric beds; 2 2 single bedroom trouble clock; ice-boxes; electric rangettes, 3 3-piece centre table; kitchen pictures pails: milk pipes: can’t AUCTION SALE Pure-Bred Cattle Farm Machinery The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction 5 MILES WEST OF EXETER on Highway 83 and first farm north, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30 at 1:00 o’clock p.m. CATTLE: Pure-bred accredited Ayrshire cattle, 7 vaccinated, 4 are not; cow, 9 years; cow, 5 years; 5 heifers, 3 years, pas­ ture bred; 3 heifers, 2 years, pasture bred; calf, 6 months. t Sow, due to freshen; 3 sows, bred 3 months; 2 sows, bred 1 month; good serviceable boar. MACHINERY: 70 Cockshutt Oliver tractor row crop and 2 row corn cultivators; Massey- Harris 6-ft. combine nearly new; 3 furrow (i HO) plow on rub­ ber; 4 section spring tooth har­ rows; 14*16 Bissell disc; John. Deere corn planter on rubber (new); Massey Harris rubber- tired wagon; (1 IlC) manure spreader on rubber; Massey Har­ ris rope hay loader; Massey Harris mower; Massey Harris binder; Universal Co-Op milkers, 2 single units and line for 16 heads; milk can. TRUCKS: 1947 1-ton Ford express; 1940 %-toii Choy. TERMS: Gash. Ward Mac.Vicor, Prop. Miltoh Brock, Auct, Clearing AUCTION SALE of Household Effects arid Miscellaneous Iterris ON THE PREMISES, Main Street, in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer lias been instructed to sell by public auction oh SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25 commencing at 1:00 p.m. sharp Oak dining room extension table; 6 dining room chairs; buffet; antique style parlor set­ tee with rocker and chairs to match; studio couch, like new; various oak centre tables; 3 walnut fern stands; 3 odd fern stands; electric table lamp; bridge lamp; tapestry tug, 10 x 10 ft; small radio lamp; bed lamp; Philco electric radio, like new; 2 upholstered couches; .antique style bedroom lamp; small mirror; .2 large hall mir­ rors; Kelvinator electric wash* Ing machine, like now; electric I Lot 1, D.R.O.; hereby SOWS: