The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-11-16, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER J6, 1950 Exeter Tops Badminton League | By Wins Over Stratford, Clinton The Exeter team in the Wes-1 and Mode vs. Symons and Hart- tern Ontario “B“ League got ottjley, Exeter 15-8, 15-10; Dinney to a good start this year when J and Morley vs. *Atkey and Gib* bon, Clinton 15-5, 15-9; Hodgins and Reynolds vs, Connell and Beale, Clinton 18-17, 15-6. Mixed Doubles: M. Mode N. Armstrong vs. Johnson Gibbon, Clinton 16-18, 17-16, 15: Harris and A. Dinney Hale and Atkey, Clinton 18-15, 15-5; DenBor and Reynolds vs. Elliott and Symons, Exeter 15-9, 15-7: Knowles and E. Mode vs. Symons and Connell, Exeter 15- 4, 15-18, 17-16; ’ ‘ and Morley vs. Hartley, Exeter Wuerth and Hodgins vs. Soren­ son and Beale, Exeter 15-9, 15- 7. Exeter is tied for first place in the league present time.♦ * it defeated Stratford in 11 of the 12 matches played lust Thursday night. The team was made up of Bob Dinney, Ernie Harris, Doug Knowles, Harry DenBor, Ray Wuerth, Jud Arm­ strong, Nell Armstrong, Ethel Mode, Ada Dinney, Dean Morley, Eileen Hodgins and Marion Rey­ nolds. Following are the scores: L a d i e s’ doubles—Armstrong and Mode vs. Griffiths and Sandey, Exeter 15-11, 15-0; Dinney and Morley vs. Woodcock and Gladding, Exeter 15-4, 12- 15, 15-9; Hodgins an‘d Reynolds vs. Davidson and Hildebrand, Stratford, 15-6, 15-4. Men’s Doubles—«H arris and Dinney vs. Wrannick and Mul­ holland, Exeter 15-12, 15-9; DenBor and Knowles vs. Griffith and Woodcock, Exeter 6-15, 15- 4, 15-6; Armstrong and Wuerth vs. Heysa.1 and West, Exeter 15- 13, 15-6. Mixed Doubles; Dinney and Armstrong vs. Wrennich and Griffiths, Exeter 15-11, 15-11; Harris and Dinney vs. Mui- holland and Davidson, Exeter j 15-12, :“y". - ‘ ■___ _ ______________ . . vs. Woodcock and Woodcock,«arena against Zurich, followed Exeter 4-15, 15-12, 15-6; Ann-'by a match at Clinton against strong and Morley vs. HeysalBayfield next Monday night, and Gladdin, Exeter 15-12, 15-1 The Seaforth “B” team will play 12; Den Bor and Reynolds vs.! here next Wednesday or Thurs- West and Sandey, Exeter 13-18,- day night. tt-js Round Robin will be held on the local courts next week. The announced later. and and 17* vs. first vice-presi- | dent, Mrs. Cecil Squire; second ........ _ ... - „ . -m rs. R o n a 1 d went to iDtchener on Tuesday Iggyjre. recording secretary, Mrs. with the Elimville W. C. L. on^Qordon Johnson: assistant, Mrs. their tour.........................................jfieorgfi Arksey; corresponding Miss Elva Morley returned home Friday eveningt having visited in Detroit and Hazel Park for the past two weeks. 5V.A, And W.M.S. Elect Officers Mrs, Cecil Squire was hostess tor the November meeting on Thursday afternoon. Sixteen members were present. Mrs. F. Squire was in charge of the W.A. “Fellowship” was the theme of the meeting. Scripture ______ w__ lesson was read by Mrs, William Ipiade cooking amounted to $5.- Family, Burgessville; and Mr. iliam Hodgson: and Mrs. Huebner, Detroit. L„,A. Mrs. William Morley and Elva | yjee-presidentJ WHALEN Mrs. E. Rea, London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Freeman Arksey. Mr. and Mrs. Heather family. Mr. and Mrs. Alton les and family, Mr. and Milne Pullen and Donald attend­ ed “Open House’* at St. Marys Collegiate on Fridav evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Arksey were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Thomson, of Ex­ eter. Miss Jean Arksey was a week­ end visitor with Miss Audrey Arksey, London. Mrs. William Duffy, Hamilton ‘Mr, and Mrs. Andy Langton, London, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield. Bert Duffield “Royal Winter this week. Mi’S. 011 Gordon Johnson: assistant, jfieojgs Arksey; correspoudim secretary, Mrs, William French, treasurer, Mrs. Duffield; temper­ ance secretary, Mrs. Klhare; community friendship, Mrs. Pul­ len and Mrs, Allan Neil; pian­ ists, Mrs. Pullen and Mrs. Wil­ liam Morley Jr»; Missionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. F. Squire; supply secretary, Mrs, Melleville Gunning and Mrs. Ken Hodgson; Christian stewardship, Mrs. William Morley Jr. Rev. Burton closed the meet­ ing. A sale of plants and home- Exeter Farm Equipment J, I, CASE SALES & SERVICE Corner of William and Mill Streets One block west of Main, one block south of Huron SEE US FOR SERVICE thestandingat $ Frank * "C” Exeter Enters Two Teams or i WE DELIVER Ice I i Pullen, Ronald L 0 0 1 1 2 (I E. R. Witmer & Son Telephone 255-M Exeter up the team, except Mode came out of retire- to fill in for Boh Dinney, was unable to make the 25. A ten-cent tea was served by the hostess and her assistants. won close that week that Roland Williams Phone 41*r-9 Kirk ton Phone 3C8-J EXoter Next Shipping Date: NOV. 18 or for the J. Armstrong Hartley and 15-1, 15-10: Ronald Squire: tors with Mr. J New Phone Number • B PHONE 100 WILT IN :CWN ADAVour Dominion Tire Dealer P 4 4*> 0 0 0 ^Exeter ........... ’ RCAF Clinton Stratford ........ Kincardine ..... Clinton ......... Seaforth ...... * * . On q'hursday night our15-9; Knowles and Mode beam plays its frist game at the TXT/Iz*nIr x — vi ii mh, 15-11, 15-8; Wuerth and Hod­ gins vs. Griffiths and Hilde­ brand, Exeter 15-8, 15-13. The team was again victorious on Tuesday night when it from Clinton 7-5 in a very match. The same players defeated Stratford last made Merl ment who trip. Following are the results of the sets Men's DenBor Clinton Knowles son, Exeter 15-11, strong and Wuerth vs. Elliott and Hartley, Exeter 15-6, 17-14. Ladies’ . Doubles: Armstrong played: Doubles: Karris and vs. Hale and Johnson, 15-10, 15-8; Mode and vs. Symons and Soren- 15-11; Arm- Mr. and Mrs, are attending the Fair” in-1 Toronto Mr. and Mrs. were recent visitors with and Mrs. Lloyd Flannigan, Lon­ don. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gunn­ ing Granton, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ old Bell, London, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson. .Mr. and Mrs. Milne Mrs. Bert Duffield, Mrs. Squire and Mrs. F. Squire atten­ ded a trousseau tea at Mrs. Wel­ lington Brocks at Zion on Sat­ urday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Irene. Mr, and Mrs. E. Foster, St. Marys, were recent visitors with Mrs. F. Squire. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Senior were; Mrs. Russell Brock and Your local cattle shipper In Hockey Loop Exeter will enter two teams in the district hockey league this winter according to manager Derry Boyle whose charges play­ ed their first exhibition, game with Atwood Tuesday night. With a surplus of talent out to play in pre-season practices and more expected to join the club later, Boyle will split the Squad into two full teams: enter one in W.O.A.A “B”, and the other in “C” competition. Pro­ vincial Constable Bill Coxworth will handle the second squad. Atwood trimmed the local squad by 5-3 thanks to the abil­ ity of a major league prospect who scored four of the five goals. The game was mostly a try-out affair as both managers switched lines to find the best combina­ tions, Exeter goals were scored by Lome Haugh, Jack *Ford, and Uel Schoeder. Tentative lineup of the squad is as follows: Doug Brintnell will centre between Gerry Lawson and Har Brintell. Art Whilsmith between wings Gien Robinson and Keith Brintnell: Lome s Haugh between: Bill Fisher and » Jack Ford and Bill Musser with | Cel and Reg Schroeder. Veteran-captain Wes Ryckman ; will lead the defence, with sup- ' port from Ross Turkey, Pete El- i lis and Em Penhale. In goal both J Bob McFarlane and Gord Ebel, ‘ from R. C. A. F. station centra- lia. looked good between the 3 .. POStfi. ‘Morley Jr. and Mrs. Milne Pul­ len led in prayer, Mrs, William Hodgson gave a reading. A short business meeting was held. It was decided to have a bazaar in a few months. Mrs, William Hodgson closed the meeting. Mrs. Duffield presided over the W.M.S. Theme was “One in Christ”, Mrs. Ronald Squire as­ sisted Mrs. Duffield in the de­ votional part of the meeting. At this time a short business meet­ ing was held. Mrs. William Hodgson offered her home for a ;quilting on Tuesday. Special W.M.S. Sunday service will be on the 19th of this-; month. It was decided to bring fruit eggs to the next meeting “Orphans’ Home”. At this time Rev. Burton pre­ sided over the election of offi­ cers which were as follows: 1 Honourary president, Mrs. J. I 'HazelWood; president, Mrs. Wil- A GENERAL MOTORS VALVE k# io ys'i MOTORISTS. ..PEDEST R I ANS HURRY that KILLS The high reputation and its dealers . . . DEPARTMENT OF H. DOUCETT, Minhfor of Chevrolet its makers were three main reasons why Chevrolet led al! other makes in i according to recent impartial surveys among automobile owners I What safer guide can there be than repu­ tation, when it comes to choosing a motor car? For reputation is based on the day by day and year by year experience of Cana­ dian motorists — driving their cars in every Canadian season, on every kind of Cana­ dian road. Every Car can claim top quality. But only one car can be Canada^ favorite the country » » » and that's the car to buy! Recent nation-wide surveys among auto­ mobile owners have established beyond question that Chevrolet is the leading car in reputation, three ways—-the high reputat­ ion of the car itself; the high reputation of its manufacturers, General Motors; and the high reputation of Chevrolet Dealers. What safer in popularity, in sales, in value *- with the highest reputation in all parts of guide can there be? You simply cartel go wrong when you buy the leader Chevrolet 1