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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1950-11-16, Page 3
t 1 f < < 1 t f r < r r < t •f ■< r THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16, I960 Page 3 For Sale A Number of Queen Oil Burners ‘ to ;■ Fit Any Type of Cook Stove Prices Reasonable $35 outright or $45 installed Phone Exeter 427-W or Box 213 HIGHEST CASH z PRICES FOR Dead Stock $5.00 eacli $5.00 each .50 pei* cwt. HORSES CATTLE HOGS According to Size and Condition Call Seaforth 15 Collect Exeter 235 i i The Christmas spirit has in vaded the Exeter Public School and practice for Christmas carols, cantattas and drills are being sandwiched in between regular classes. The Christmas concert is being held December 15 in the high school auditorium so underline that date in red and remember to spend the eve ning with us. The Grade 6, 7 and 8 classes are having a pre-Christmas treat November 24 in the form of a trip to Toronto. Mr. Blowes and Mr. Wilson are accompanying the students who are leaving around 5 a.m. by bus. (It’s early or never that morning, Pat Hen nessey). Their itinerary includes a tour of the Parliament Build ings accompanied by our local M.L.A., Mr. T. Pryde, a visit to the Museum, Attendance at the Happy Gang program and, if possible, a tour of a factory. A trip such as this is “painless education’’. Without realizing it, the students will absorb more( knowledge of a wide range of BETTER THAN EVER! THE HEW HORNET POWER CHAIN SAW It was GOOD before, now it’s even BETTER! See one, try one, we’re sure you’ll agree that the NEW HORNET MODEL DJ is the BEST chain saw value on the market. NOTE THESE NEW IMPROVED FEATURES:CONTROL HANDLE—with, well-located clutch and ’ throttle control. Positive lock and quick release on clutch lever ® REINFORCED BLOWER HOUSING— incorporating an improved rewind mechanism. Left hand rewind leaves right hand free to operate controls © SPARK PLUG GUARD — prevents plug breakage and shut-down time © CARBURETOR GUARD — prevents damage to Hi-speed needle valve ® CHAIN TENSION — easily adjusted chain tension device provides constant chain tension ® SPROCKET AND CHAIN — designed for more pos itive drive and more efficient cutting. .<90* 7*WAT MEANS * subjects in one day, than could be pounded Into them in two weeks’ class work. Lorn© Keller learned a pain ful lesson last week while chas ing some girls. He fell and cut himself above the eye, the wound requiring several stitches. It could have ibeen worse—many a grown man has "lost his whole head over a woman, Marghiet Mahoney has a new type of make-up on her face, the result of applying it rather forcefully to the sidewalk. On Friday, November 17, the Ontario Safety League is pre senting a film in connection with the current safety campaign. There will be three showings— 9 and 10:30 a.m. and at 1:30 p.m. Parents and all interested friends are cordially invited to the 1:30 showing. The council members are to be complimented on the new “School Slow’’ signs for the middle of Main Street at Victoria. Any driver now failing to recognize this intersection as a school crossing had bettei* check his eyesight—he’s blind! There was an addition to the Kindergarten this week—Rickey Caddey. The first day he was there the teacher told the class the story of a mother hen and her struggle to keep her large family of fifteen chickens to gether. Trying to impress upon the children what a difficult task this was for the mother hen she asked Ricky how many children there were in his fam ily. “Two,” came the reply. “How about you, Johnny Snell?” “Two,” answered Johnny. “And you, Tommy Ellerington?” “Oh, we can't keep track of them, they just keep coming all the time!” Obviously Tommy was still thinking about the chickens. Attention graduates and pres ent pupils of the E.P.S.!—There are thirteen copies o,f our 1949- '50 Annual for sale, priced at $1.00. We are anxious to dis pose of these before the advent of the New Year. Kindly con tact the principal for purchase of same. Hay To Place Controls On Lake Subdivisions Hay Township will seek to place controls on land subdivi sions along the Lake Huron shore of th© township. Hay council authorized the township solicitor to prepare a by-law under the Planning Act for areas of subdivision control on all lands west of the Blue Water Highway. Council met for its regular meeting last week with Reeve Earl Campbell, and councillors Wlllert, Roche, Becker an"d Rader present. Two complaints' about drains were ordered investigated by council. A landowner who has land draining into the Schwalm open drain demanded that coun cil proceed to repair the drain. The township engineer, Col. S. W. Archibald, was authorized to present a report on conditions. Several landowners along the Zurich drain south requested re pairs as soon as possible. This was also referred to the engin eer. A by-law authorizing the bor rowing of $3,5 00 upon deben tures for the Township of Hay Memorial Community Centre was given final reading. ■ Grants of. $15 and $25 were granted to the Dashwood and Zurich Public Libraries. Allan Miller’s 1950 taxes amounting to $23.40 were can celled since the land was doubly assessed. Relief for John Suplat was withheld until authorized by council. Honored By Friends Friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. William Moodie on the fourth and fifth concession ga thered to honor them on Thurs day night before they retired to live in Exeter. The occasion was doubly significant, being the fourty-eight wedding anniversary of the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Moodie have spent an active life in the com munity and in the work of the Thames Road Church. They re sided in the district for sixty years. A social evening was en joyed and the honoured couple were presented with a gift on behalf of their neighbours. FOR FULL INFORMATION WRITE, PHONE OR VISIT: R. B. Williams here’s ZION Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques of Exeter visited on Wednesday with Mrs. H. Kyle at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern. A shower was held at the home of Mrs. Ephraim Hern on Friday evening in honour of Miss Irene Brock, bride-elect of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Adamson of Blanshard and Miss Rosiland Adamson of Kitchener visited on Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paton of St. Marys and Mr. Ralph Mc Lean of Science Hill were Satur day callers at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern’s. Messrs. Robert Hern and War ren Brock left last week-end for Toronto where they are showing cattle at the Royal Winter Fair. Mrs. Allan Westcott and Rich ard of Eden visited at the home of Mrs. Ephraim Hern on Thurs day. Mr. Harold Hern attended the Royal Winter Fair on Tuesday. The Reader Comments ❖ Letterw (editor published hereunder represent the viewH pl' individual person*. We invite our readers to make use of this column, Dear Editor: I hope you may find room in your column “The Reader Com ments” for one woman’s opinion of Exeter’s observance, of Re membrance Day, The service held on Sunday, November 12, was reverent and fitting in every respect. My complaint is that it was not held on November 11. On that day business as usual seemed to be the order of the day while in surrounding vill ages stores remained closed all or part of th© day. I would like to see the Legion take a firm stand for the ob servance of Remembrance Day on November 11, regardless of the day of the week it falls on. I am sure they would be sup ported by the majority of the citizens and surely no one in business here would Object to closing for a few hours to honor our heroic dead on the day that has been set apart for that purpose. -M. W. Steiner Are You Ruptured? Our Service Is Different We Sell You A Fit In Our Private Truss Room Trusses, Belts, Supports of All Kinds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Over 15 Years’ Experience Your Drugs At Robertson's Phone 50 Exeter Wherever modern farming is practiced, you will find quality John Deere Equipment . . . and enthusiastic John Deere boosters. These farmers, as their fathers before them, have found that the leaping deer trademark is the label of farming equipment correctly designed... properly built... to give them the maximum service, over the longest period of RESPECTED' jnmRYiiviflEftE KSZx ,-x;! **S time at the lowest possible cost. With today’s modern power- equipment doing increasingly more, of farming’s muscle work, quality of farm equipment—both in design and construction—has assumed a new and even greater importance. That’s why it pays to look for the John Deere trademark on the farm equipment you buy. W. G. Simmons & Sons Current low investment rates. Current high living costs. Change in nature of assets. Change in beneficiaries. If your Will requires reviewing, ct discussion with one of our Trust Officers can be of assist ance in considering any changes needed to bring it up to date before it is redrafted by your Solicitor. Branches in 6 Proyirices’ J. W. McLachlan, Trust Officer Dundas at Clarence « London, Ont. THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore and David visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist of Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde and Douglas visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross of London. Mrs. E. G. Lloyd and Sheila, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Forth©, Mrs. O’Neil, Mrs. Carter of Schom berg visited with Rev. and Mrs. Moir on Sunday, Miss Helen Passmore of Delhi spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pas smore. Miss Margaret Cann, Ruth Dawson of London, spent the week-end at their homes here. A.C.L Jack Cann, and A.C.I. Bob Graham of Clinton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann. A large crowd attended the Federation Banquet which was held at Thames Road United ( Church Thursday of last week, Mr. Percy Stone is sporting a new Dodge car, and Mr, Charles Allison a new Chevrolet car. Mrs. G. Wiseman is spending : this week in Toronto. A large crowd attended the reception held at Farquhar Hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Duncan newly married couple in this community. We are sorry to report that Miss Lois Alexander entered the Victoria Hospital for an appen- i dicitis operation one day last week. W® hope for a speedy recovery? Mrs. G. Wiseman, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Moir attended the Sun day School convention held at Centralia United Church on Wed. evening of last week. Mission Band will meet next Sunday during the Church hour. Mrs. Edwin Miller, Doris and Anne Elford attended the trous seau tea at the home of Mrs. Wellington Brock of Eion in honor of her daughter Irene. Sunday School will meet at the usual hour 10.15 a.m. and: 111,15 a.m. on Sunday, . constantly proving its ft The Value-Packed 1950 Plymouth gives you the values you Want in an automobile—-value in comfort, safety, performance, convenience—and, economy that pZeoses your pocket-book! Plymouth proves its worth to you with the speed and ease of Ignition-Key Starting . < . the economy and convenience of Automatic Choke «.. the smooth action of Safe-Guard Hydraulic Brakes.«* the extra protection of Safety-Rim Wheels » . . the comfort and quiet of Floating Power and the buoyant smoothness of Air Pillow Ride. These and many other Chrysler-Engineered features make Plymouth ride and handle like cars costing hundreds of dollars more! Ask Plymouth owners about Plymouth Value! Enthusiastically they’ll tell you that Plymouth is packed with talue^-and constantly proving it! ( SEE THE BEAUTIFUL CHRYSLER, THE BIG-VALUE PLYMOUTH AND THE MONEY-SAVING FARGO TRUCKS AT—